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3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
nvm, I sold all already, too tired to hold anymore at least earn some angpau money.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
TimCoke- Don't worry too much, everyone have their own strategy to invest, so when reach their target price then will automatically sell off.
Refer to your question - run right?
I think you have to set up two type of targets which is stop loss target and target price, this will be very useful for you.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
@nikicheong- May I know how you to get the information? Did Bumi Armada tendered another project?
2 months ago | Report Abuse
use Chatgpt :
1.When a major shareholder of a company passes away, the company will not stop working. The death of a shareholder may have legal and financial implications, but it does not automatically cause the company to cease operations. Here's a breakdown of what happens:
Ownership Transfer: The deceased shareholder's shares will typically pass to their heirs or beneficiaries, as outlined in their will or according to the laws of inheritance. The new shareholders will inherit the rights to the shares, including voting rights and a share of any dividends.
Continuity of Business: The company will continue to operate as usual. The death of a shareholder does not impact the day-to-day management of the business, unless the shareholder held a key executive role (e.g., CEO, CFO). In such cases, the company may need to appoint a successor to manage the business operations.
2) The death of a large stakeholder in a company does not automatically stop a merger, but it can have implications depending on several factors, including the shareholder's role, the structure of the merger, and the shareholder's estate plans. Here's an outline of possible scenarios:
Impact on Voting and Approval
If the deceased shareholder held significant voting power essential for approving the merger, the shares would transfer to their estate (or heirs) as per the shareholder's will or local inheritance laws.
The executor of the estate or the heirs may need to decide whether to support or oppose the merger. This could delay the process, especially if legal disputes arise over ownership or intentions regarding the shares.
(The non-binding memorandum of understanding with MISC Berhad regarding a potential merger between us and their Offshore Business Unit is an exciting development) take from Qtr.
If the plan of merger is from big shareholder and CEO, it should not be a problem. Plus, this type of merger is win win situation.
2024-09-25 17:25 | Report Abuse
The Chinese government has set a goal of building the first industrial prototype fusion reactor, which it has dubbed an “artificial sun,” by 2035, with officials hoping to begin large-scale commercial production of fusion energy by 2050. Nuclear fusion has become a national priority for China. They set a goal 2035, large scale is 2050. This is January 2024 news.
Oil price fall from 86 to 69 start from July not January, oil price drop because of economic data from China, Opec supply problem and economic worries. Now oil price going up from 69 to 75 because of US cut their interest rate.
2024-09-25 11:54 | Report Abuse
That is normal for current oil stock, dayxng from 2.8 to 2.230, Perdxna from 0.5 to 0.33, velxsto 0.28 to 0.205, now is just depend which stock is undervalue and have the potential to going up.
2024-09-08 21:50 | Report Abuse
Impossible back to 0.25 because that time covid-19 + brent oil price 33.
Currently, brent oil 71 same price as during 31,may,2021, armxdx price is 0.430 then the next day is 0.455 if get average will be 0.442 + on that time their averages qtr only have 120m+ and above.
Compare to current situation, same oil price but their average profit is 150m+ and above, + middle east war.
Current oil price drop because of (economic data from China and the U.S. revealed weaknesses in their manufacturing sectors, raising fears of declining demand. Additionally, potential increases in oil supply from Libya, due to political factions nearing an agreement, added downward pressure) take from Trading Economics website.
The most important thing is the next Fed interest rate decision, if interest rate is drop then will be good for economic. When all the money back to the market, everyone start working then oil demand going to increase, but have to depend on OPEC if they keep increasing production then oil price will maintain on same price if not mistaken.
Above comment that is not a suggestion for call buy or sell, if want to buy or sell please contact your own financial advisor.
2024-09-08 09:08 | Report Abuse
0.38? you think this is goreng stock meh
2024-08-23 19:26 | Report Abuse
Big shareholder also didn't worry so much hahaha. Go start a business create your own future, don't hope on other that is not the right decision. When your company get listed please share here, if interested I will buy some share to support you. All the best in future.💪
2024-08-20 15:17 | Report Abuse
I'm not supporting armadx, but have some question that is not clear
If the management got problem why shareholder didn't pull down greedy Gary?
Why they still able to borrow money since no new project for 10 years? Lender didn't scare their money unable to receive?
If so disappointed on this stock why don't leave it alone and looking for a potential stock. Don't fall in love with stock.
USD400 million -USD135 million conventional syndicated term loan - USD265 million Islamic syndicated commodity Murabahah facility (collectively, "Facilities"), the proceeds of which are to be applied inter alia, towards the full redemption of the Sukuk and its related cross currency and interest rate hedge liabilities.
135+265 = 400, they didn't mention use for day to day operation.
Normal to borrow because they didn't have high profit from 2014 to 2023 except 2021 and 2022. Impossible they used up 2021 and 2022 profit to pay off the debt then there will be a high risk of facing cash flow problem, maintain high cash flow is good for a company.
2024-08-19 19:39 | Report Abuse
That is normal to borrow, who run a business doesn't need to borrow money? Moreover, Armada only have high profit on 2021 and 2022, you ask them to reduce their cash to pay sukuk? Do you know what happen if a company lack of cash?
2024-07-17 20:04 | Report Abuse
Some people keep throwing and some people keep collecting the ticket
2024-07-11 20:57 | Report Abuse
Normal lah, they always not so positive.
2024-07-10 23:02 | Report Abuse
I will just hold for one more month see how going
2024-07-10 20:55 | Report Abuse
At least they did clarification of news. Better than nothing
2024-07-04 21:53 | Report Abuse
Everyday green meh? impossible lah, this not goreng stock also.
2024-06-24 21:32 | Report Abuse
Gary not greedy enough. He should boost the share price up since got 40m of share. hahaha
2024-06-04 10:40 | Report Abuse
Good question, but you ask the wrong person. You should join the agm ask them to answer your question, because I'm not the one who set the prospect which is (Building our energy transition pathway towards achieving net zero goal by 2050 or earlier, by focusing on carbon emission reduction and carbon injection technologies and solutions including the Bluestreak joint venture; ) all is take from qtr.
2024-06-04 08:52 | Report Abuse
Is quite funny to read this kind of report, what kind of future prospects must armada must have? They already mentioned their prospect (Building our energy transition pathway towards achieving net zero goal by 2050 or earlier, by focusing on carbon emission reduction and carbon injection technologies and solutions including the Bluestreak joint venture;) take from qtr. 2050 is not future then is what?
One of their prospect is (secure new projects in core regions and with our preferred partners;) take from qtr.
The most common thing, as a good company is seeking for a quality contract not a quantity contract because getting a new contract doesn't means you earn money there is a certain risk might be happen and need more capital to run for the new contract, if a company facing high debt situation they must more carefully get into new contract.
If company in high debt position is better to stable or increase their profit and try to reduce more debt, only think about new project.
2024-05-30 12:24 | Report Abuse
Why normal profit should be 220 mil to 260 mil? From 2021 to 2023 Their qtr profit range is around 150m to 210mil only, even before covid-19 their most of the qtr is below 160m. Think the positive way, these few years they reduced their debt a lot, can be considered a good starting.
2024-05-28 10:41 | Report Abuse
I will just wait for the AGM normally their qtr will release on that day
2023-11-23 10:38 | Report Abuse
LOL , why don't you say this stock price dropped from 1.9 to 0.080 ? is there still got 200% profit for them that who bought at 1.9?
2023-05-29 13:52 | Report Abuse
The problem is when Dayang going up but perdana still at sleeping mode
2023-04-28 16:26 | Report Abuse
The problem is they just used a little money to invest if lose also no feeling.
2023-02-22 17:46 | Report Abuse
Micheal Kwok do you have license to call buy or sell?
2023-01-30 17:21 | Report Abuse
gogogo back to pre covid price
2020-12-30 11:12 | Report Abuse
Calvinharris may i know which year are you at 2016 or 2020?
2020-12-10 19:36 | Report Abuse
hello,wood please look at the date??? you able to predict the step that going to be happen?
2020-12-10 15:39 | Report Abuse
company making profit run for fun?
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
thank you haha