Por Soon Keong

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2013-11-20 11:26 | Report Abuse

From the perspective of everyone's input and sharing. Confidence level of this stock is deeply down to drain. Even though how good the result coming out, it will stagnant for quite some time. But for now, and from the volume transaction, looks like it become worst and worst and why the director still not coming out to clarify??? If the director is concern about their company reputation, they should come out to public to clear the doubt. If today and tomorrow still no announcement from the director, the price will be collapsed to below RM0.20 very soon. At that time warrant will be 6 to 8 cents i guess.


2013-11-19 22:43 | Report Abuse

Ooi if based on chart, i had sold petra perdana and ramunia 2 years ago. But i hold and finally i turned my investment into double and triple. So for me, holding power is everything. But of course you must select right stock. If i go for short term, i will refer to chart. Thanks for your advice Ooi.


2013-11-19 22:27 | Report Abuse

Is true Chart never lie. But chart only applicable for short term trader. Can chart forcast next 3 months performance? If chart can make you wealth, nobody needs to work already.


2013-11-19 21:26 | Report Abuse

All i want to say is, if instacom is not located in Sarawak i will not touch.


2013-11-19 21:24 | Report Abuse

Rule of management, always trust your subordinate if you chosen them to lead the project. For me, i will judge the company again after i invested 1 year. So it is too early to make a judgement.


2013-11-19 21:19 | Report Abuse

Location, strategic, competitor, politician, next 5 years plan (what will happen next 5 year if i invest this stock), financial report. Not only analysis report you can refer to.


2013-11-19 20:56 | Report Abuse

First, why the analysis set the TP at 51cent at the first place? When they need ticket from open market, they will do what ever it takes to get the ticket. Did you buy a share based on analysis report? That's why i emphasize before, technology really killing us. BTW, Mr Ngu start to disposed his stake when RHB publish the report on September. Don't you think is correlated? When both of the directors finish disposed their warrant, that's the time negative report coming out. So coincidence???


2013-11-19 20:49 | Report Abuse

From my point of view, U-turn not gonna happen soon. The pan still hot coz still under fried. If year end can stay at .30 will be great for this company. I prefer it grow slowly so the price can grow steadily like Iris. Don't forget, this is Sarawak company and back by Sarawak SME firm.


2013-11-19 20:38 | Report Abuse

When queing volume less than 15K for buying and selling, it is the signal to rebound. Which investor firm is not greedy. Instacom is just a weapon for RHB firm. Do your own judgement. Like today, the transaction from .285 to .260, someone at behind is keep on accumulating without interupt the transaction. But when it hit .260, why a sudden push up to .270. Those ppl accumulate at the back, they don't rush to sell. Why such negative news only drop 1cent (closing price). BTW, recent price goes up because of budget 2014. What i am try to say is, time will tell. Look at American playing fool on the market by distributing uncertain QE tapering date. How much they have earned from the market and how many round they played. If you have holding power, will you lose money when they announced the false alarm again?


2013-11-19 12:02 | Report Abuse

I guess RHB belongs to "White Hair" if you check the stocks RHB set for "White Hair" family business are damn high. Bare in mind, the report is factor out 205M and 25M jobs of fibre optic. So, if you add in those project and set PE to 13x. It is still RM0.51 as previously. Nothing need to panic.


2013-11-18 19:34 | Report Abuse

Did Sersol execute via marriage deal? bornloser?


2013-11-18 19:32 | Report Abuse

Clc6152. 4 directors with around 70% of total share. And all of them are Chinese. Staff of instaco >90% are Chinese. If added up top 30 shareholders =88.2% before director Ngu disposed his 7% stakes. So, you think floating share in the market is enough or healthy? RTO within a year Awarded 205M project do you think is easy? Think deepy.


2013-11-18 19:09 | Report Abuse

Bornloser. The director dumping their share must have their reason. Better than Sersol and Sumatec from highest 1.xx and 0.8x respectively drop to 0.3x and 0.3x respectively. Do you think the director not involved at all?? Don't be naive. Always remember, first rule of stock market is to make money from short term investor.


2013-11-18 19:03 | Report Abuse

Stock market is a brutal game that is often rigged in favor of the house, you guys should be quite sure you know what you're up against before you invest your first dime. Unfortunately, you cant win unless you know how to play. Copied from book name understanding stocks by Michael Sincere


2013-11-18 18:47 | Report Abuse

Yistock you should emphasize more and more "young ppl" bankrupt coz of greedy and lazy. Always looking for fast money. Hardly to find young ppl with persistent character.


2013-11-18 18:39 | Report Abuse

Like Einstein said, technologies getting advanced will causing ppl lazy to think and analyze. Its too dependency on technologies.


2013-11-18 18:23 | Report Abuse

Anyway, ppl tend to forget when instaco become bull in the near future just like Sersol and sumatec up down up down with fluctuating of 30-50% of the highest price and still selling like hot cake.


2013-11-18 17:24 | Report Abuse

oskfans, do you think want to gain back confident of small fish investor like us is easy. Can gain within few hours??? Those contra player bought at 30c of coz will sell at 28c today coz panic. That's why i always do, buy on fear sell on greedy!!!


2013-11-18 15:52 | Report Abuse

Q4 will on come out at March of 2014. You mean Q3 is it Stevecheahsw?? BTW, i'm Que at 28c but couldn't get. So, need you guys to throw your share to me PLS!!!


2013-11-18 15:40 | Report Abuse

FortuneBull, have you cut loss?? thought you bought at 30c.


2013-11-18 14:04 | Report Abuse

Right time to accumulate again coming soon!!! With awarded year’s Sarawak Entrepreneur of the Year Award winners.


2013-11-15 17:25 | Report Abuse

Everybody turned greedy when KL index hit 1800 few months ago. I love to trade when KL index below 1400 at the previous. At least can find a true investor during that moment. Right now every one seems to look for fast money. Hope can make few K or hundred on few hours. My advice, if you so worried you stock you bought and close follow up everyday, you might be sick one day. Esily fall into the trap when ppl getting greedy. Those sharks are a bunch of ppl. They analyse market and human behaviour to make money. Always remember, stock market is the place who wants to make money from greedy ppl. If you dont greedy and have analysis skill and persistent you can make money in the stock market.


2013-11-14 00:14 | Report Abuse

I remembered few years back. When ramunia fall into PN17 (8cents) due to sold off their off shore business. That time I average like there is no tomorrow coz after they sold the business they have 500M cash. Look at THheavy current price.

When Petra Perdana fall to 55cents I also average again again and again and holding till this year sold at 1.87.

Whay u guys worried if you feel that the company is potential. If you guys want to make fast money should go to casino or buy lottery.


2013-11-13 16:19 | Report Abuse

200M share capital already scared you guys. Can't imagine when additional 2 over Billion share capital....and market keep on negative. This will be another PMcorp. Good luck guys. Always remember, never be greedy. Don't lose your hard earned money.


2013-11-12 16:40 | Report Abuse

Yistock If you don't get now it could be too late. Look the 0.155 and 0.15 Q at warrant. Funny thing is both Q at the same amount. Haha!!! Any hint???


2013-11-12 16:07 | Report Abuse

Ha!! It seems purposely push down the price!! This will be another IRCB. When ppl fear, that's the time the share goes up. until now IRCB volume still low coz getting less contra player but the price grow up gradually which is in healthy trend!!


2013-11-12 09:39 | Report Abuse

Seems today push out all contra player. 2nd wave of uptrend will begin very fast!!!!


2013-11-12 00:07 | Report Abuse

I knew Fortunebull. But today disposal only will announce on the next day right. But I really wish she dispose all of her warrant as soon as possible. So can resume uptrend.


2013-11-11 23:51 | Report Abuse

From the transaction i guess she disposed all of her warrant at 0.167 average coz there is heavy volume at 0.17 and 0.165 today.


2013-11-11 23:43 | Report Abuse

I will dump all in the earlier stage If the budget announcement is not involve in tower development in rural area especially Sarawak and With the disposal of the director so routine. Unless they are too eager to achieve their target in this year. Be positive.


2013-11-11 23:38 | Report Abuse

I dont think Ngu will leave. He is the technical guy. Without him, this company is nothing unless there is somebody more technical than him which can run the company on technical area.


2013-11-11 23:35 | Report Abuse

Why dont he dump at 43cent? Why he dump after warrant? And why both of the director dump at the same time? There must be something happen inside the company or their main purpose is to transfer to main board? Getting interesting.


2013-11-11 23:30 | Report Abuse

Back to the question. Who will be Mr Ngu sucessor? Or what will be the story behind? Only time will tell.


2013-11-11 22:02 | Report Abuse

I forecast eps for this year will be more than 5cents and IF with the exponential of 5% of profit increment every year . I will set the my target price at 70cents after transfer to main board. If LTE is mature second target will be at RM1.20. Wish will reach 2nd target within 2 years.


2013-11-11 21:26 | Report Abuse

4u2c Asiabio also having the same pattern with instaco before they change management (to politician) their share fluctuate at 12cent with +- 1 cent. currently the price movement like changing shareholder if you closely monitor the transaction.


2013-11-11 21:20 | Report Abuse

actually i am not worried. coz i bought at low price before announcement of issue free warrant and still holding tight and i know this is the potential company. but keep on accumulating each time when the director disposed the share. from the business perspective, i know what is their company intention to do next.

as i mentioned, we can discuss and make an assumption who swallow all the warrants from both directors?? who will be the next substantial share holder?? do you have any idea Fortunebull?? and why each time the director disposed the share it only fluctuate +- 1 cent??


2013-11-11 20:52 | Report Abuse

i bought instaco after i disposed Naim, perdana, Dayang, CMSB and HSL which i bought at very low price. and all the profit i put into one basket although i know is not healthy and dump to be doing that. but i believe this will be the next hiddengem.

fortunebull, how about it can't drop to 30cents?? for me is not important coz i will keep for long term until achieved the target i set. but of course is a bonus if it can drop to 30cents or below so i can accumulate more.


2013-11-11 20:44 | Report Abuse

this is the main subject we should start to discuss. let me begin with the assumption.

if i were "white hair" family, i will SAPU all shares disposed by the director (or they already have an agreement at behind, who knows).

since they already have O&G, construction, steel, energy, cement, cable business but they yet to involve in network infrastructure. i still remember "white hair" said before OVER 30 YEARS ANYBODY CAN GET RICH IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING INSIDE "while his finger pointing to his head".


2013-11-11 20:18 | Report Abuse

if the management wants the price to further up, they have to inject Bumi share holder. from the Annual report 2012, 95% of the substantial share holders are Chinese. so, i doubt who is the guy keep on buying directors share??

LLoydlim, what is the point if let you Sapu all but the price doesn't up ;)


2013-11-11 19:13 | Report Abuse

i wish "white hair" family will grab their share since the company so potential!!! and Sarawak is in accelerating development stage.


2013-11-11 19:11 | Report Abuse

at least give a chance to the management to prove that the company is potential. example, how much were Dayang and Naim and Perdana 1 year ago? and how much today? imagine every tower and Telco business and services at sarawak will be goes to Instacom when they transfer to main board? what would be the price? buy when ppl fear, sell when ppl greed. like what happen to KNM today? these 5 years Sarawak will be the golden egg state to focus on. please study Sarawak share such as Pmetal, Scable, CMSB, Naim, Dayang and so on. if 2 years back, who will think these are the potential stocks??

if you dont have holding power for at least 6 months, i suggest you better sell your share so i can get at lower price again!!

will grab again if it below 32cents!!


2013-11-11 18:09 | Report Abuse

On september mr ngu disposed 4% at 26 to 28 cents if not mistaken. After he disposed the price never touch down below disposable price. And he also disposed all warrant since that the price never go down after his disposal on sep as well. This round ms anne disposed all warrant at average price of 17cent if she today disposed as well (from the transaction i think she disposed the balance warrant at 0.167). I guess their intention is to transfer to main board coz if you read the financial report the total floating share is 12% before any of the director dispose their share. In order to transfer to main board floating share must be 25%. Mr ngu has disposed 6% roughly and rhb has dispose or not im not sure. But i guess next round will be rhb and ms anne turn to dispose. I think they will dispose after the 3rd quater report when the share spike again if the report is good in order to fulfill the requirement to transfer to main board.

What do u guys think? I might be wrong.


2013-11-11 17:33 | Report Abuse

agreed with you Wong. is great the price can sustain.


2013-11-09 11:47 | Report Abuse

You are right. Those company have their own patent. And they are main con. Like globtronic has their own patent. So making hugh profit. What does Mpi and Unisem has? They just ordinary subcon has to compete with world no1 subcon ASE to fight for lower price to get the business.


2013-11-09 00:23 | Report Abuse

Samsung, ASM, globalfoundries, ASE and etc


2013-11-08 23:35 | Report Abuse

MPi has strong foundation support sure their dept is the lowest. okay, what is your Target price kakashi?? for me i will not touch semicon share, it is too uncertainty. any bad results from global semicon sale will push down the price.


2013-11-08 23:27 | Report Abuse

you are right Fortunebull if she dont dispose today. what about she dispose today? if i were her, i will dispose at the peak time coz the warrant already increase 50% within 10 days. from the volume, next week still peak time. for me, she should earn the credit coz she contributed a lot to the company. be positive my friend. by the way, price goes up not because of share capital. is the future potential of the company. look at SKpetro, DAYA, Iris and Digi. these companies are on uptrend mode. next week will be in the correction mode. if the price can maintain at today closing price, then green light for uptrend is on the way. i believe within 3 months it can achieve 0.40.

Stevecheahsw- Yes you are right. for me this company has few opportunities to spike. first 3rd Quarter result will be release soon (last year release on 29 Nov if not mistaken), 2nd transfer to main board. 3rd awarded contract. but this counter is not for contra ppl.


2013-11-08 22:25 | Report Abuse

Nope. but i work in semicon industry for many years. current hot business is RF device which drive Inari to higher profit coz Avago is their prime customer. but RF devices can survive for how long? the smart phone technology advance too fast and if you compare 1st smart phone(6 years back) how many integrated circuit in the phone and current smart phone. i can tell you the chip is reduce by 50% coz of the Nano technology. the profit margin for subcon getting less coz Copper price keep on increasing causing the lead frame too expensive and RF reject rate is high. if you study the profit for local semicon industry is only 2% over revenue (if the borrowing is less) but if you look at Unisem borrowing (which is 500M+) imagine how much you have to pay interest PA?? and their revenue keep on decreasing. please go to study their operating cost VS revenue and predict for upcoming quarter profit or loss if the revenue keep on decreasing. by the way, is your choice to make decision coz is your money. i am not asking you to dump or stop you to buying this share. i just telling the truth what happen in semicon industry now.


2013-11-08 22:06 | Report Abuse

i looked at the volume on 6 and 7 Nov. the director disposed the warrant at 9.5M and 14M which equal to 40% of total volume. and today volume, i think she disposed 15M at average 0.17 (if you monitor the transaction closely). If you study the chart, previous director disposed all warrant the price only fluctuated 2cents (from 11 to 9 cents). so i believe this round also will be the same. She disposed 9.5M at 0.182 and 14M at 0.172 and i think today is 0.17 as well. based on today closing, if she dispose again on next Monday, it will be at 0.17 as well if the volume is >30M.

Total warrant = 350M. if none of the director dispose the warrant, the floating warrant will be less than 100M (35% floating share on the market). this will create volatile of the share price if the liquidity is too less. so i believe once she disposed all warrant, the price will continue goes up with provided 3rd Q result is promising.