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2017-08-09 11:13 | Report Abuse

You mentioned Financial still generating quite a big income for OSK... I am just wondering do you know what is the Financial about? Income from RHB profit? Or the OSK Capital (which is also Financing)? Income booked from RHB profit does not go into OSK as cash. Those (RHB profits) are just profit that cannot be cash out while profits from OSK Capital are more real income.

Do you know OSK borrowed much $$ from RHB for the RHB RI previously? That cost of borrowing is higher than RHB dividends. If RHB prices unable to increase much, OSK will be losing money from the investments. Unless OSK able to sell at high price for RHB shares. Hence, there is nothing wrong if OSK capable to sell RHB at reasonable price to repay the loan and rewards the shareholder.

Regarding 900m ringgit profit. Please refer to this link news http://www.reuters.com/article/malaysia-rhb-osk-idUSL4E8E235J20120528
I did not see 900m ringgit cash in it. "Keep lot of cash"?


2017-08-09 10:14 | Report Abuse

I think AdCool is quite bullshiting on the writing...


2017-08-01 17:25 | Report Abuse

bought 2.81


2017-06-07 10:42 | Report Abuse

what hit?


2017-03-30 17:29 | Report Abuse

The Board of Directors (“Board”) of IGB wishes to announce that IGB has on 30 March 2017 written to Goldis requesting extension of time up to 5.00 p.m. on 28 April 2017 to evaluate the Proposed Scheme (“Extension of Time”).

The Board of Directors of Goldis has on 30 March 2017 agreed to the Extension of Time.

This announcement is dated 30 March 2017


2017-03-24 07:48 | Report Abuse

to Khoo Peng Soon...
u wanna buy but there are many people who queued at limit up price too... u have to wait for seller to sell to you then only u can buy


2017-03-21 10:21 | Report Abuse


The Board of Directors of OSKH had resolved to recommend a single-tier final dividend of 5.0 sen per share for the financial year ended 31 December 2016, subject to the Shareholders' approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company.

The date of entitlement and date of payment in respect of the aforesaid proposed final dividend will be determined and announced in due course.

This announcement is dated 21 February 2017.


2017-03-16 14:24 | Report Abuse

Then it means that there is opportunity to buy Goldis, where Goldis is severely undervalued. Am i right?


2017-03-14 15:55 | Report Abuse

to be frank, i think RM3 is a good sell... If wanna continue invest in the company, can buy goldis easily


2017-03-13 15:16 | Report Abuse

technically looks bad with the adjustment of ex-dividends... but that is not a valid reason


2017-03-10 08:31 | Report Abuse

Noted. just keep on let us updated with the progress :D... would be interested to know how it goes


2017-02-27 08:29 | Report Abuse

However, the shareholders of Reach Energy feel that their interest has to be protected because it is no longer a SPAC, having completed the acquisition of a qualifying asset.
“Azmil is seen as having taken the lead among a group of investors who have put their money to support Shahul. These investors need to have their interest taken care of and ensure that overall operations are run well,” said an investment banker.
While it may sound like Azmil’s appointment is contentious, the investment banker felt that Reach Energy was no longer a SPAC and the redesignation was in line with taking care of the interest of shareholders.

Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/business/business-news/2017/02/27/reach-board-changes-test-spac-rules/#ykPvmCdmRpURwh4Y.99


2017-02-25 18:10 | Report Abuse

last day for what? i just came here to have a look


2017-02-24 15:50 | Report Abuse

yes. supposed to be so


2017-02-24 11:32 | Report Abuse

IGB obviously worth more than RM3 but Goldis already holding quite high % of IGB. Seems quite easy to privatise IGB for Goldis


2017-02-24 10:10 | Report Abuse

Goldis offers to buy rest of IGB for RM3 a share
Posted on 24 February 2017 - 05:38am
PETALING JAYA: Private equity investment house Goldis Bhd yesterday offered to pay IGB Corp Bhd shareholders RM3 a share, in either cash or a combination of cash and shares in Goldis, in a bid to delist IGB and make it a wholly owned subsidiary.

The offer is a 19% premium to IGB’s share price which last traded at RM2.52 yesterday, while Goldis’ illiquid shares closed unchanged at RM2.50 apiece.

Goldis said the move is to eliminate its holding company discount on IGB.
IGB is currently a 73.43%-owned subsidiary of Goldis.

Goldis explained the strategic initiative will provide it with greater liberty to plan and decide on the strategic and business directions of IGB, and therefore increase its investments in a profitable group.

Moreover, both Goldis and IGB are currently required to comply with the listing obligations prescribed by Bursa Malaysia Securities for listed issuers, representing an overlap of administrative efforts and costs.

The proposed delisting of IGB arising from the proposed scheme is expected to eliminate such overlap, dispense with expenses in maintaining the listing status of IGB and redivert resources towards its core business.

Goldis detailed three options available to shareholders of IGB – cash; 30% cash + 70% Goldis shares; or 20% cash + 80% new redeemable convertible preference shares of Goldis. Shareholders with less than 100 IGB shares will be offered cash only.

Goldis plans to rename itself IGB Bhd, which stands for Ipoh Goldis Bersatu, should the scheme go through.

Goldis made a fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2016 net profit attributable to owners of the parent of RM16.289 million compared with RM28.23 million for the corresponding quarter in 2015 on higher administrative expenses. This was on lower revenue of RM312.19 million, for the quarter compared with RM314.76 million previously.

Net profit attributable to owners of the parent for the full year ended Dec 31, 2016, however, was higher at RM165.03 million, compared with RM109.11 million for the same period in 2015. This was despite revenue for the period being lower at RM1.26 billion, compared with RM1.28 billion for the same period in the year before.


2017-02-24 09:28 | Report Abuse

you sold too early wor


2017-02-15 16:19 | Report Abuse

Actually REACH only started to report the revenue from somewhere around Oct 2016. Should be not the 1st Oct 2016 onwards. Furthermore, the full production during year 2016 daily is only maybe 3000 barrel (and REACH owning only 60%). There are still cost to count. So seems no need to hope much on Q4 2016 result. Can only look forward on the result when production increase soon.


2017-02-07 14:04 | Report Abuse

actually OSK is not holding any share options..
I know the situation about the RHB dividends. RHB dividends were given options to do dividends reinvestments into RHB Shares. OSK chose to reinvest the dividends but not taking the cash


2017-02-07 10:54 | Report Abuse

i see... I have been focusing on the idea that OSK owning about 10.13% of RHB shares and according to i3investor app, RHB share base is 3.075b shares... My RHB shares base should be wrong then.

Just checked on Bloomberg website that RHB share base should be 4.01b shares. So 0.29 is correct.



2017-01-24 16:53 | Report Abuse

sorry la... I do not think that you were polite since the beginning. Its okay. Just don't say any 0.29 anymore.


2017-01-24 10:32 | Report Abuse

If you think you are correct, just disclose your calculation. Else it will be irresponsible to trying to mislead people. Did u think that OSK has bought much RHB shares recently?


2017-01-24 07:48 | Report Abuse

I am just trying to be honest at here. OSK of course is undervalued but I think it is better to tell fact rather than misleading people


2017-01-23 17:08 | Report Abuse

how did u calculate 0.29?


2017-01-21 20:12 | Report Abuse

probably 0.29 was derived before the OSK shares base increased long time ago?


2017-01-21 20:07 | Report Abuse

Actually OSK holding only 10.1x% of RHB shares.. Means each OSK shares holding 0.22xx RHB shares. I do not understand how the 0.29 number being derived.


2016-12-07 08:13 | Report Abuse

there are many jokers in i3investor like "cheated" who don't understand anything at all


2016-11-29 07:52 | Report Abuse

pjdev profit has been quite bad quarter on quarter in recent 1 year. I am not sure if OLH purposely did it so that people sell it cheap to OSK then only OSK boost the business. If that is the case, then OSK profit maybe better in future.


2016-11-27 19:29 | Report Abuse

Need to use Net Profit attributable to parent after deducted tax
Net profit means deducted tax. Not sure what do u mean by include tax
If u use OSK last quarter 43,650,000 net profit and divide by 1,385,000,000, then u will get 3.15sen.
If u unable to reconcile the number that u want to ask, u should give the actual example of numbers instead of asking like this


2016-11-27 17:00 | Report Abuse

To clarify Joker Chan statement.. I mentioned above that "I was once a CFA Charterholder". I meant it as I passed all 3 levels exam with more than required number of years in related industry n work experiences. Then I paid annual fee to be CFA member to receive the CFA Charterholder title.
I am not holding the title now as I am in commodities trading industry. The title isn't useful in my job title so I did not continue paying for annual membership. I can only claim that I am CFA Charterholder if I continue paying annual membership again
I still do not understand why u said u bully me to kill time. I only understand that many statements regarding me or OSK or Pjdev that u said are misleading


2016-11-27 16:52 | Report Abuse

EPS use Net Profit (not profit before tax)


2016-11-25 08:54 | Report Abuse

associates for equity method usually for holding shares 20 to below 50% shares.. for those that claims to have significant control on the company but not major shareholder.. OSK used equity method on RHB although holding only 10% shares because OSK said they have director in RHB and do have people in RHB Investment Bank management level position.

subsidiary that use consolidation method usually hold majority shares in the company (i.e. >50%) and can control the company operation (obviously OSK is fully controlling PJDEV operation since few quarters ago... Or such as Genting Malaysia and Genting Singapore in Genting)


2016-11-25 06:38 | Report Abuse

By the way, assets are all consolidated too in consolidation method


2016-11-25 06:28 | Report Abuse

If JJchan claims that OSK did not consolidate pjdev earnings and revenue on previous few quarters, please ignore him. OSK already did it when they owns about 89% of pjdev since maybe 3 quarters ago


2016-11-24 20:46 | Report Abuse

90% is the number to be confirmation on delisting. The company has to be delisted if reached 90% while the person still dreaming that OSK unable to delist it with 90%


2016-11-24 20:44 | Report Abuse

I was not asking any people to answer me. I was telling the person that he/she is wrong.
By the way, please study what is consolidation accounting before come here to blow water. I have said few times that OSK has used consolidation accounting method since few quarters ago on pjdev revenues and earnings


2016-11-24 13:25 | Report Abuse

Previously i clearly mentioned about OSK can delist PJDEV after having 90% of PJDEV shares too but JJchan kept on opposing me by saying i was wrong too... Now what did you all see? OSK is delisting PJDEV next week while OSK shareholding in PJDEV has only been almost stagnant at 95% in past 1 month.
JJchan claimed his English is better than mine and what is happening now?


2016-11-24 13:16 | Report Abuse

Hi Joker Chan,

3Q result is reported until 30 Sep 2016 only. OSK do not own 95% of PJDEV as of that time (i am not sure how many %.. Maybe 89.xx%?).. Anyway, OSK has been reporting fully consolidatedPJDEV earnings since few quarters ago. The remaining of about 10% minority shareholder was counted as "Profit attributed to Non-Controlling Interest". I have already mentioned this clearly previously but you still keep on confusing yourselves and others.


2016-11-17 06:52 | Report Abuse

Management is the ultimate winner as they bought the company shares at cheap prices and they enjoying high salary


2016-10-20 11:20 | Report Abuse

Do u think OSK need to have PJDEV to be delisted to recognise PJDEV profits? In fact, OSK already included PJDEV profits since few quarters ago when OSK acquired the shares from pjdev and owning about 89% shares in PJDEV. The remaining 11% is just consider as minority shareholder part of profit.

Having doubt on my education? Sorry la... I was once a CFA charterholder.


2016-10-20 10:32 | Report Abuse

past few Q already included PJD profit la... JJchan is always a joker


2016-10-17 08:07 | Report Abuse

my dad hold some shares that has been delisted from Bursa... No people called him... No dividends or anything received in the past many years...


2016-09-28 16:20 | Report Abuse

how to delist if owning 10% shares only?


2016-09-28 07:55 | Report Abuse

to be frank... it is obvious that the announcement mentioned OSK bought more than 90% PJDEV shares.. I am not sure why you still say not yet 90%


2016-09-21 14:43 | Report Abuse

It is not a listed company... bursa will not protect u


2016-09-21 08:24 | Report Abuse

RVI123... What did u mean u dun think they can achieve 90%? OSK already got 90% of PJDEV shares since many days ago and already clearly stated PJDEV will be delisted as according to bursa rules, >90% means delist