
Aack2001 | Joined since 2020-05-19 06:13:59

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2020-06-28 20:46 | Report Abuse

Hope good news soon!


2020-06-28 20:45 | Report Abuse

Now still can enter?


2020-06-21 08:38 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia cannot simply import ethanol as this is restricted chemical, hence ethanol price had been rising. Again, sales price for raw foodgrade ethanol for sanitiser increased by 50% in malaysia, and all booked for the rest of the year with no additional new customers added. I guess a bumper harvest for 2020 return on equity , will raise hexa roe to 15% from previous years 4% average. On top of that, if they diviest their overseas investment in stocks to increase capacity, there will be special bonus i guess, just by looking at their track record. We estimate price around 2.20 based on PE ratio 13-17.


2020-06-19 17:25 | Report Abuse

They wanna limit down to buy? Cannot be right.
Rto will happen with a certain price.


2020-06-19 16:29 | Report Abuse

relaks and wait, all of these change of must come with reduced liability.. need to exercise all of these warrants, and also change the ICPS to normal shares only can change hands.


2020-06-19 14:30 | Report Abuse

conversion of ICPS (divided paying shares) to normal shares ?


2020-06-19 14:13 | Report Abuse

means, on the reverse take over , share price can go up to minimum 1.20 at scenario 2


2020-06-19 12:29 | Report Abuse

Chances are they will announce after market close, so investors can take their time and digest actual value over weekend after RTO. Welcome. Close curtains.


2020-06-19 11:18 | Report Abuse

I think this is speculation overall tech sector. All tech counters went up. Even with small known county with takeover from S5. Very difficult to tell now.


2020-06-19 10:38 | Report Abuse

the price will only goes up, during announcement. In that case just sit and wait.


2020-06-19 08:54 | Report Abuse

so it hit the low already yesterday, and now is trending up.


2020-06-19 08:08 | Report Abuse

blue bird say, marriage certificate already signed. So will trend up only.
How to reach 0.20, i dont know. Also at same numbers of share, as per scenario 2.


2020-06-18 09:04 | Report Abuse

drop means buy!!!


2020-06-18 08:37 | Report Abuse

Friday comess info will be out


2020-06-17 18:25 | Report Abuse

End of june they have to open book. No more extention ah.


2020-06-17 18:21 | Report Abuse

Hexza lai lai lai.. chinese new year all over again


2020-06-17 12:19 | Report Abuse

Why will be adjusted to 0.20? The 90 million is a clear route la, they took the money to rto connect.


2020-06-17 11:05 | Report Abuse

sell sell, so they can buy buy to manifest RTO


2020-06-17 01:36 | Report Abuse

Basically if u have, and deals falls through, S5 new strong balance sheet and strong earning revenue will be reflected on the connect county share price. Meaning price will goes up. If it doesnt , kanasai lo. They already announce that they are in discussions, means they are already in serious negotiation talks. If this is a goreng move, they would not announce it at all. The announcement serve as to stabilise the share price, reduce movement, before they eventually lock it down pending actual RTO. S5 had been trying to list for several years, and by RTO this is the fastest. So i guess, its hold for now.


2020-06-16 21:37 | Report Abuse

Thanks JB, seems like connect will definately connect with S5


2020-06-16 19:11 | Report Abuse

Whey does myeg buy over 10% S5 when they also tendering the same project? Think about it man. Not because of NIIS, its because of another visa project


2020-06-16 18:26 | Report Abuse

Their 99 million equities havent include the share price increase when they bought it, another 10-15% increaae


2020-06-16 16:24 | Report Abuse

the one selling is the goreng group, take opportunity when got buyers


2020-06-16 16:23 | Report Abuse

it needs to be at a price where the RTO can happen, so its good to stock up at cheap


2020-06-16 15:45 | Report Abuse

For RTO they need certain ammount of shares. Fastest way to list for S5 within a month, compare to IPO. They tried listing but failed. So by doing a RTO, they can list even within a month without IPO.


2020-06-16 15:40 | Report Abuse

yes, sell so can buy....


2020-06-16 15:09 | Report Abuse

yah, news coming soon.


2020-06-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

yah, deal highly likely to go through,


2020-06-16 10:56 | Report Abuse

any news? i heard this week RTO will be announced,


2020-06-16 09:14 | Report Abuse

Datasonic too quiet... a huge contract coming. Best time to buy.


2020-06-16 08:38 | Report Abuse

wait for S5 or connect county to make announcement, normally they buy through proxy. So until they got enough stocks for reverse takeover, then only will announce. Meanwhile sit back relax and enjoy the show


2020-06-15 17:17 | Report Abuse

Where is S5 takeover coming, or all news only? News news news


2020-06-14 20:59 | Report Abuse

Basically Datasonic vs MyEg is ( U**o and Mu****din faction) in the end both will win. Myeg/S5 will get the overseas visa contract i guess. And Datasonic will get the IIS. Just a guess.


2020-06-13 11:15 | Report Abuse

I smell something fishy


2020-06-13 11:12 | Report Abuse

Edge came out news for NIIS contract, very dodgy for myeg. Partnered with S5 company with unknow owners based in BVI. Do you think malaysia will award NIIS contract to dodgy company with no clear ownership? So late in the tender only announce. Now June already. I guess this news is to up myeg shares? What do you think.


2020-06-11 16:45 | Report Abuse

sold myeg today, made 10% profit on announcement, Buy on news, sell when actual news or result out


2020-06-11 12:20 | Report Abuse


Big Cake, you won't be eating all by yourself .

Yes, just collect slowly @ result is either you profit more or less rather than you listen to others and got trap with your hard earn money. Worse scenario , fortune teller come in then trigger cut lost.

Just assume there no contract in between. and will be a bonus if happen to be.

kwsp and epf selling like mad <<--- this is very common behavior , spinning the wheel of fortune.
11/06/2020 11:34 AM

Actually dont think of it as behaviour, think of it as rational decision. Foreign visa System contract maybe take longer time, and maybe still in tender. so they walk out when MYEG say wanna buy S5 which have dubious background.


2020-06-11 12:12 | Report Abuse

on top of NIISE got so many other tenders.

" tenders for upcoming national security, border related and digitalisation solutions such as the Foreign Visa System or VLN, One-Stop Centre or OSC, Foreigner Identity Card or i-Kad, Electronic
Medical Records or EMR, and the National Digital ID " ,

probably MYEG targeting foreign visa system with S5. or VLN. NIISE is only awarded to single company.


2020-06-11 11:58 | Report Abuse

Ala, buy stocks need confident. Abit of analysing why. However its not just niise contract. So many other contracts coming out. So i guess myeg positioning themselves for the other contracts. I ask myself why myeg do this and do that, so i realised alot of other tenders in the pipeline. The S5 purchase abit too late in this stage for niise tendering wouldn it? In the end , for contract award, i look at best qualified. So i betting on data


2020-06-11 11:27 | Report Abuse

Actually think oppositely. Now is the best time to accumulate datasonic if people sell. In hindsight, I would tell people sell datasonic, and accumulate my own. Lol when one people spread news but not facts, no actual fact,take with pinch of salt. Again myeg and S5 is for visa issuance, thats the best synergy i felt. So now kwsp and epf selling like mad for myeg. So i think thats the end news. No more. Wait until new tender for visa come out, only myeg in very good position to bid. However due to that, myeg can make loads of money from overseas tourist.
For NIIS contract, i felt datasonic in better position , for myeg as a joint venture too many risk on security breaches. Which was the main reason the abandon old project and switch to NIIS. So when myeg goes up, i would buy datasonic when price goes down.


2020-06-11 11:20 | Report Abuse

EPF and KWSP keep selling means no more big news. That was the big news.


2020-06-11 10:21 | Report Abuse

asset value higher, ethanol price went up 30-40%. sales volume increase. Etahnol is food grade great for hand sanitiser use. Sales volume went up. Once annouce QR, ROE will tell if it will reach TP 2.00.. stock up now. I think accountant also taking their time to announce 1st and 2nd quarter. Too much sales and buying raw materials.


2020-06-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

Visa is the money making machine for S5 la. I dunno if they pass visa money back to government. Maybe thats why holding company in BVI. So the synergy for S5 and myeg platform to issue visa makes super good sense.


2020-06-11 10:03 | Report Abuse

I think acquire S5 for another tender. Not for NIISE. Probably for issuance of visa makes it a great match for myeg. Can issue visa through myeg application. U see S5 track record, they had been issueing visa for overseas tourist monopoly so long. So myeg is the best platform for visa now. Makes sense. For NIISE, seems like datasonic as a single bidder, compare with 3 companies consortorium for this business makes security risk a higher issue. Too many leakege path, and may have security breach.


2020-06-09 12:03 | Report Abuse

Question, did ethanol price increased over the past 4-5 months? If it did, hexza would have made a killing by increased volume and margin.


2020-06-09 10:06 | Report Abuse

1 ringgit asset for every share, and haven't release quarter 1 result, by 30th june release result will test 1.50, by 2nd quarter result will test 2 ringgit.


2020-06-08 00:27 | Report Abuse

Datasonic still ok, front line for iis and long term contract.

News & Blogs

2020-06-03 09:23 | Report Abuse

They dont want too much speculation derives by debt only, for example using contra and margins. Prices will go up eventually as they release next result.


2020-06-01 13:55 | Report Abuse

Drop collect more, wait pending IIS contract this week