
AliceTey | Joined since 2014-11-22

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2016-02-24 14:26 | Report Abuse

被控诈骗8500万 董事不认罪


被告所面对的第1项控状,是被控刻意隱瞒本身与印尼PT Anglo Slavic Utama公司有利益关係,欺骗富达有限公司董事局以及职员,导致富达与PT Anglo Slavic Utama合作投资石油及天然气业务,並以2200万美元(6839万3170令吉)收购PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia公司63%股权。

控状指出,若富达有限公司不是受到被告所欺骗,绝对不会同意这一项合作协议,而分期將有关款额,匯入PT Anglo Slavic Utama的两个联昌国际银行户头。




第二项控状则指被告于2014年1月2日,向宣誓官发假誓,宣称本身与PT Anglo Slavic Utama或其董事及股东有关係,事实上,他与PT Anglo Slavic Utama有利益关係。


他也被控涉及PT Anglo Slavic Utama產业的刑事失信案,涉及款额高达1625万令吉。





2016-02-24 13:52 | Report Abuse

Someone got crazy LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-24 12:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-02-24 12:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-02-24 12:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-02-24 11:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-02-24 09:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-02-24 09:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-02-24 08:45 | Report Abuse


Great analysis...couldn't say it better myself...


2016-02-24 08:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-02-24 07:48 | Report Abuse

"Jack of all trades, master of none" is a figure of speech used in reference to a person that is competent with many skills, but spends so much time learning each new skill that they can not become an expert in any particular one.,_master_of_none


2016-02-24 07:46 | Report Abuse

Jobs' word is similar the advise given by li shu wen, a ba gua zhang master who can kill his opponent in one strike. He said: don't be afraid of enemy who know many kungfu style, instead you should be afraid to enemy who only know one kungfu but he practice it to perfection.

In short, nexgram is jack of all trade but a master of none. And this is one of the reasons why nexgram will ultimately kapoot. Well, that and the fact nexgram was used by it founders to defraud everyone and it got no assets also play a role in it demise LOL LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-24 07:04 | Report Abuse

Ejsaham, why did you cry? LOL LOL

Here, I give you two example: google and apple.

Google products includes: gmail; google plus, google map, youtube, android, search engine, etc. What does all this product have in common? These products serves as a way for data collection of the users which then google will formulate specific advertisements to be presented to the users. Google or now known as alphabet main product is advertising.

Apple products includes: ipod, itunes, iphone, ipad, imac, macbook, etc. These products while closed end to end from the software to hardware are integrated and each product is adding value to the other.

Now let see nexgram, quoted below nexgram's business taken from it website:

"Nexgram Holdings Berhad (“Nexgram Group”) is a public listed multinational conglomerate corporation based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As of to date, we operates through the following segments: Telecommunication, Security & Surveillance, Software Development, Property Development, Industries, Business Advisories and Investment activities."

What the hell telco have to do with security and surveilance? What is software development have to with property development? How industries related to business advisories and investment??? And now nexgram adding logistic and shipping company as well???

Here, consider the advise from Steve Jobs to Larry Page:

“Figure out what Google wants to be when it grows up. It’s now all over the map,” read the biography of Jobs’ interaction with Page. Later Jobs came to Page with a sharp advising tongue warning Google was making products, “that are adequate but not great. They’re turning you into Microsoft.”

Sound advice, to be sure, and focusing intensely on a few great products has been a consistent theme of Apple’s ever since Jobs returned in the late 90s. You might also remember that Jobs dispensed similar advice to Nike CEO Mark Parker after he assumed control of the shoe giant.
“Nike makes some of the best product in the world,” Jobs told Parker. “Products that you lust after, absolutely beautiful stunning products. But you also make a lot of crap. Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff.”

I am sure Jobs is right then and now. And you should heed to his words. Jobs after all was the one who make Apple from the brink of bankrupty to the most valuable company in the world in just ten years. He was also the advisor of facebook, google, nike etc


2016-02-23 23:10 | Report Abuse


Any acquisition or investment by a company should serve one purpose and that is enhancing or giving added value to it core business or product. This is the first and only rule.

So, answer this, how a shipping company like transway can adding value to nexgram's core business?


2016-02-23 22:21 | Report Abuse

Well, no...

It means nexgram failed to understand it core value. And a company who don't understand it own core value is doomed to fails because it will never make a sound business plan.

Inovisi for example. It business model exactly mirrored nexgram as it sister company. When it was active, inovisi is an IT company that enter into forray of industries which do not in any way related to in core business, i.e. IT. Just take a look at it subsidiaries' business: PT Star and PT Fame were in the business of music; PT Goldchild is in mining industry; PT QDC Technologies is in the business of power plant and electricity; PT Nusantara Rising Rich is in service office business which held stakes in hytex, a now defunct textile company; acclaim and code wireless are setup as a scammer company; it parent company Green Pine Group supposedly in clean energy business.

So we have it, an IT company owned by a clean energy company with business ranging from music to mining to textile. Hence we should return to my initial question, what the hell an IT company doing in acquiring a shipping company?

In summary: nexgram is an empy shell company which fundamentally weak that failed to understand it owned core value and has been using by it founders to scam other companies


2016-02-23 21:13 | Report Abuse

Now, what the hell an IT company acquiring a shipping company?


2016-02-23 14:47 | Report Abuse

Exactly like nexgram, inovisi's auditor also quit LOL LOL

All signs towards nexgram's demise is there my friend. It depend on you to trust me or not when I say that all of you should cut loss now LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-23 14:41 | Report Abuse

Just like nexgram, prior to it management went hiding and closed down inovisi, the company made many announcement that it have this and that project. Here, for example, just two month before the counter is suspended or one year before inovisi went kappoot, it announced plan to spend IDR 1,2 trillion equivalent to USD 99million at the time:

Yeah, the company can't even pay rent for it office and they have the gut to claim that inovisi have a project worth USD 99million? LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-23 14:32 | Report Abuse

Yeah, good idea, but most of the time you don't really know what you think you know, understand what I mean?

It just like when you went hiking and the local warned you the road ahead is leading to a cliff. Will you heed to his warning or will you rely on your GPS and keep walking? LOL LOL


2016-02-23 13:42 | Report Abuse


I never invite them here and I don't know them...but as fate and karma put it, the victim of tey and ooi came to this site because they want to know what happen to their money. I did told you that the management of inovisi went hiding and closed down the company without so much a notice right? Well, granted inovisi got evicted by the building management because it failed to pay rent, but still, leaving without saying good bye is just rude LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-23 12:26 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 3 — A former director of Protasco Bhd was charged in the Ampang Sessions Court here today with cheating, perjury and criminal breach of trust, involving nearly RM85 million.

Datuk Ooi Kock Aun, 49, pleaded not guilty and claimed trial to all the charges before judge Suraiya Mustafa Kamal.

On the first charge, Ooi was alleged to have cheated the board of directors and officers of Protasco Bhd by purposely hiding the information that he had interest in an Indonesian-based company, PT Anglo Slavic Utama.

This prompted Protasco Bhd to enter into an agreement with PT Anglo Slavic Utama to invest in an oil and gas business in Indonesia through an acquisition of 63 per cent shares of PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia, worth USD22 million (RM68,393,170).

The payment for the acquisition of the shares was made in stages in two CIMB PT ASU accounts, whereby Protasco Bhd would not have entered into the agreement if it had not been deceived by the accused.

Ooi was charged with committing the offence at the Protasco Bhd office, Level 2, Corporate Building Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang, here between November 2012 and Jan 30, 2014.

The charge, under Section 420 of the Penal Code, carries an imprisonment for up to 10 years and with whipping, and is liable to fine, if found guilty.

On the second charge, Ooi was accused of making a false declaration to the Commissioner of Oath that he had no link with PT Anglo Slavic Utama or with any of its directors and shareholders, when he very well knew that he had interests in the company.

The offence was committed at the office of the Commissioner of Oath Wern Li Morsingh, Fraser Business Park, 50-3A, Jalan Metro Pudu, Off Jalan Yew here on July 25, 2014.

The charge, under Section 181 of the Penal Code, provides a maximum imprisonment for three years and is liable to fine.

Ooi was also charged with committing criminal breach of trust of property belonging to PT Anglo Slavic Indonesia, worth RM16,250,000, at CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad, Menara Southern Bank, No 83 Medan Setia 1, Plaza Damansara, Bukit Damansara here on Feb 4, 2014.

The charge, under Section 409 of the Penal Code, provides an imprisonment for up to 20 years and with whipping, and is liable to fine, if found guilty.

Deputy public prosecutor Datin Nurshuhaida Zainal Azahar, who prosecuted, offered bail of RM1 million for all charges in one surety.

Ooi’s lawyer, Edmund Bon Tai Soon, requested the court to fix a reasonable amount for bail on grounds that there was no possibility of his client absconding as his family was in Malaysia and that the accused had also cooperated with the authorities during investigation.

Suraiya set bail at RM1 million on all charges and also ordered Ooi to surrender his passport to the court and to not intimidate witnesses in the case.

The court set Feb 26 for mention. — Bernama

- See more at:

Two days after tey's big day, ooi will take his turn LOL LOL LOL....

Ciaooo for now..... I'm heading to Lot #10, anyone want to meet me can go there LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-23 12:18 | Report Abuse

Some of you may have read one or two blogs set up by tey or ooi which basically tried to disgrace dato chong by saying that dato chong is a slipper holder or merely a staff for tun daim, the de facto leader in protasco.

But, tey and ooi actually been hiding the fact that they are just nominees for Per Ecker and Roar Ostbo, two norwagians businessman who acted as financiers for all of tey and ooi ventures, including nexgram. At least dato chong is a nominee for a malay politician, but tey and ooi are slaves for two white slavers LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-23 10:47 | Report Abuse

Please share the information to the other victims. You have to work in group and give pressure to Jan by spamming his inbox with email on Inovisi's fate until he respond.

Best of luck. Hope you will have your money back, be it partially or in full.

If all else fails, you should consider to lodge criminal complaint against Inovisi's personnel or file class action on behalf of inovisi's investors:


2016-02-23 10:40 | Report Abuse

Aaa...apparently we have guest from of inovisi's investors I presumed?

I have a gift for you in case you want to know the fate of inovisi, you know, a gesture of good faith....

The real email address of Jan Adam Tangkilisan:

You may want cc'ed the email to the following people:,,, (adrian ooi kock aun's email), (Lim Chye Guan's email, one of to tey and ooi's honcho), (larry tey por yee), (inovisi's director), (kong chin lam's email; chief financier tey and ooi's group), (adolf lim's email; top honcho in inovisi), (tey and ooi's right hand man in Indonesia. Jerry, Jan etc take order from him.)

Let me know if Jan don't response, I will give you his cell number and home address, and more LOL LOL LOL LOL

Good luck.



2016-02-23 10:06 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 15 — A former director of Protasco Bhd was charged in the Ampang Sessions Court today with fraud involving RM68 million, and making a false declaration, four years ago.

Datuk Tey Por Yee, 40, claimed trial to both charges. On the first charge, he is accused of concealing information from the company’s board of directors and officers that he had a vested interest in a company, PT Anglo Slavic Utama in Indonesia.

In so doing, he allegedly misled the victims into entering into an oil and gas investment agreement with PT Anglo Slavic Utama through the purchase of 63 per cent of PT Anglo Slavic’s shares in Indonesia worth US$22 million (RM68,393,170).

The payment for the shares was allegedly channelled in stages to two CIMB PT ASU accounts.

Tey is accused of committing the offence at Protasco Bhd’s office at Corporate Building Unipark Suria, Jalan Ikram-Uniten, Kajang here, between November 2012 and January30, 2014.

On the second charge, he allegedly made a sworn false statement before Wern Li Morsingh, a Commissioner of Oaths that he did not have any vested interests in PT Anglo Slavic Utama, whether as a director or shareholder. He is accused of committing the offence in the company’s conference room at the same place on July 25, 2014.

Judge Rushan Lutfi Mohamed set bail at RM1 million with one surety and February24 for re-mention.

Tey was also ordered to surrender his passport to the court and to refrain from harassing the prosecution’s witnesses.

Deputy public prosecutor Datin Nurshuhaida Zainal Azahar acted for the prosecution while counsel Datuk K.Kumaraendran and Mak Lin Kum represented the accused. — Bernama

- See more at:


Tomorrow a big day for Dato Larry Tey Por Yee...hope he already prepared himself LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-22 17:47 | Report Abuse

Actually many potential suitors have been lining up and showing interest to buy tpy and oka's stakes in protasco but they refused to sell.

That because tey and ooi fully understand that when nexgram collapsed, following inovisi, hytex, mp corp, etc, their only salvation is shares in protasco. Well, until the courts confiscated the shares as a repayment for the money embezzled by tey and ooi LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-22 17:31 | Report Abuse

Want to mess protasco's counter?

Go nuts and good luck LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

Wrong guess...i don't hold any it nexgram or protasco LOL LOL....

I am a detective not an investor, remember? LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-22 16:53 | Report Abuse

Oo and my intention is saving all of you from nexgram, tey and ooi in the hope this would put a lot of deposit in my karmic account LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-22 12:34 | Report Abuse

I only posted in nexgram because I love nexgram? LOL LOL LOL LOL



2016-02-22 10:48 | Report Abuse


Thanks for the support. However, this is a particularly special case. A case of two men obsessed with image and with no moral foundation. Two men who pushed fake press releases to create a grandiose image, who spent money they didn't have to maintain this image, who made terrible decisions and lost a ton of money, then lied, deceived, and commited fraudulent activities to maintain their image, while driving their affiliate network into the ground. Tey and Ooi have been sued multiple times, and even brag about some of their scams, saying how they made more money than they were sued for. They were even quoted to say they're not making money unless they're being sued. One word: karma.

I have no interest in fully exposing these two clowns, but if that's what has to be done for us to receive my money, so be it. Let them deal with the consequences of screwing over thousands of affiliates for millions of dollars.




2016-02-22 10:47 | Report Abuse


This year Tatto Media manage to cheat my company out of a very large sum of money, and after being promised my money countless times I was never paid a dime. It wasn't just me who was cheated out of money, however; for a period of months, nearly all their affiliates had their payments withheld for absolutely no apparent reason, under orders by Larry Tey and Adrian Ooi, Tatto's founders.

I've gathered a lot of very incriminating information concerning Tatto, Tey, and Ooi from a variety of sources, outlining illegal and deceptive practices related to things from payment practices all the way to their fake acquisition by Ozura World. If you are owed money from Tatto Media, do not bother trying to contact them for your payment, it's a lost cause. Do not try to threaten them or take legal action alone, as they have created fake "evidence" apparently showing (fake) illegal placements for affiliates who threatened them, and fabricated other excuses for non-payment. The best way to get your money back is in a group.

Instead, PM me here and I'll come into contact with you. I am gathering a group of people who have been cheated by Tatto, so we can take legal action as a group and have more power and leverage. They may be able to create false excuses for non-payment for a single affiliate who sues them, but when they have 100 affiliate knocking on their door requesting their money, and inside information detailing the fact that they instructed their employees not to pay their affiliates and instead to lie to them, they're not going to lie their way out of that one.




2016-02-22 10:37 | Report Abuse

Sell now before nexgram's counter is suspended.


2016-02-22 10:16 | Report Abuse

Well, you should be scared and sell your nexgram's shares, that for sure.


2016-02-22 09:53 | Report Abuse

Time for the answer.

Tey and ooi spent usd 90million to acquire scammer company is because ozura and tatto are actually tey and ooi's company, and it founder including andrew bachman is tey and ooi's nominee. And he is horrified to know what tey and ooi been doing with tatto:

"That was December. To say he was freaking out would be an understatement. “I was sitting in my office one day. A guy showed up with a big box of papers and dropped it in my lap,” said Bachman. “I opened it, and first words that hit my eyes were asset freeze and Tatto Media.”

Bachman tried making a couple of phone calls to people he had been associated with back then to no avail. “It was a major shit show,” he told me. “You do something to get on their radar, they will kick your ass, and that’s it. End of story.”

But that’s not the end of this story. It’s really just the beginning… So, what do you do in this situation? Andrew Bachman didn’t know either.

“It was a business that I was years removed from, and it was on the other side of the country. I was reading through the merits of the case, and they weren’t even facts that I could accept,” said Bachman. “The position I was painted in, there’s almost nothing you can really do.” "

Therefore, the acquisition is actually tey and ooi's way to siphon money from inovisi's bank account. It is the same moda operandi when inovisi acquired 10% stakes in nextnation in 2012.



2016-02-22 07:14 | Report Abuse

Here is another kicker...

Inovisi, and by extension, tey and ooi acquired ozura world for usd 30million then went on to buy tatto media for usd 60million.

Now, tatto media has been charged by US FTC for scam advertisement and often inducing it victims to subscribe it service for usd 9,99/month. Andrew Bachman, tatto's founder was held personally liable for usd 98million and tatto was fined for usd 150million by the FTC.

It thus begs the questions.

Why tey and ooi pay usd 90million to acquire a scammer company?

You tell me LOL LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-22 06:22 | Report Abuse

You sure have a weird definition of "old story" LOL LOL

At this very moment, the investors of tey and ooi's company are crying over their life saving.

Here if anyone want to read their plight.

Their suffering will be yours if you don't cut loss, you know? LOL LOL


2016-02-21 22:07 | Report Abuse

Ejsaham said that they would be happy if tey and ooi goreng nexgram's counter to 30 cents.

Really? Are you sure?

In 2013, inovisi was traded at idr 800. Then tey and ooi goreng the counter to idr 1700,- then dropped to idr 700,- and goreng again at idr 2,700. In a blink of an eye, the shares suddenly dropped until idr 117,- that when the sc decided to suspend the trading.

That a fate you can all avoided if you cut loss now.


2016-02-21 20:28 | Report Abuse

alicetey Let me tell you a tale of woe and misfortune from tey and ooi's investors.

So, in Feb 2012, Inovisi's counter is trading at IDR 5,800.-

When the indonesian sc decided to suspend inovisi's counter in feb 2014, the counter last trading at IDR 117.- and in the end, inovisi failed to pay their office rent and evicted by the building management, then their directors and commisioners went into hiding.

Imagine the horror of inovisi's investors if you can. Their investment, their life saving, their blood and sweat disappeared just like that.

You think nexgram's investors will not suffered the same fate? In your dream brothers and sisters :)


2016-02-21 19:31 | Report Abuse

Yeah, don't care about protasco...though protasco will remains standing tall when nexgram meet it demise LOL LOL LOL

Speaking of indo pussy, ooi kock aun really loves his indon pussy LOL LOL


2016-02-21 13:12 | Report Abuse

Sure, goreng to 30 cent. Then you all got greedy and keep buying in the hope it will reach 40 or 50 cents. After that the price start dropping like crazy and nexgram is foreclosed by it investors or creditors. Now, only then all of you will start crying.

Why i know? It is exactly what happened to inovisi and hytex LOL LOL


2016-02-21 10:15 | Report Abuse


Poor and silly think by spamming this board then people would not be able to read my post? I simply copy-paste lohr LOL LOL LOL

But this is a long term game, so i don't want you to die that easy LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-20 22:34 | Report Abuse

I am sure that you will agree with me that tey and ooi are two stupid people.

- they signed sds which denied their ownership to pt asu etc, but years before, tey signed an agreement which acknowledged such ownership.

- they used protasco's money to repay half of a loan to dato chong by concealing it in various money movement between companies owned by tey and ooi. Then they publicly announced that the said these companies were circulating money to pay kick back to dato chong for smoothing the oil and gas deal.


2016-02-20 19:57 | Report Abuse

Let's recap shall we:

- the owners of pt haseba are herman koswara and benny tjokro. Both signed agreements with tey por yee and the transaction were secured with inovisi's shares where ooi kock aun sits as finance director and actually is inovisi's ultimate shareholders.

- pt asu and pt asi are the owners of pt haseba. The director and commisioner of pt asu and pt asi, i.e. Tjoe Yudhis, Dedi Francis and Edward Farolan are nominees of tey and ooi.

- the transaction between protasco and pt asu to buy pt asi's stakes in pt fas was secured with inovisi's shares. The shares were deposited to acclaim, a company established by tey and ooi.

- the website of pt asu is registered under a company which shares the same address as nexgram. Which company is a subsidiary of inovisi.

- tey and ooi have the power over pt gold child, pt nusantara rising rich, fast global, pt asu as evident from the fact that they are able to move around the money paid from protasco to pt asu and gold child which ended up in rs mahaniaga, dato chong's company as a repayment for the loan provided by dato chong so tey and ooi could finalize the deal to buy stakes in protasco.

Everything linked up to tey and ooi LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-20 19:34 | Report Abuse

Edward Farolan, the assistant to director at nusantara rising rich, is also the sole director at pt anglo slavic indonesia (the subsidiary of pt asu and the shareholder of pt fas which is the shareholder of pt haseba) LOL LOL LOL



2016-02-20 19:28 | Report Abuse

Nusantara rising rich is related to inovisi, a company where many people from nexgram from ooi kock aun to lim chee guan sits in the management LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-20 19:24 | Report Abuse

That is another evidence which proof that in the past nusantara rising rich working closely with nexgram LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-20 19:22 | Report Abuse

I am sure that some or all of you already seen the chart from tey por yee that supposedly shown money trails from protasco to pt asu to rs mahaniaga sdn bhd, which according to tey proof that dato chong got kick back from the o n g deals.

However, as proven above, pt asu, nusantara rising rich and fast global, three of the companies involved in the money trails are all companies owned, controlled and managed by tey por yee and ooi kock aun. Futhermore, dedi francis, the well known nominee of tey and ooi is director of nusantara rising rich and commisioner at pt asu.



2016-02-20 18:50 | Report Abuse

Could it be that the requisition has to do with recent shareholding changes?

Soo and Saw, along with other family members, used to be longtime majority shareholders of Hytex, mainly via Precious Continent Sdn Bhd. Soo is the founder of the business. The family ceased to be substantial shareholders when Precious Continent disposed of all its Hytex shares in two transactions in January and February this year.

It appears that a large chunk of these shares were picked up by the requisitionists (Nutox and Rising Rich).

> Who’s behind the requisitionists?

Nutox was incorporated in the tax haven of British Virgin Islands. Its registered address is a post-office box in a building there. A Google search shows that dozens of other companies shares that exact address. Rising Rich is based in an office block in Jakarta.

When the two companies separately emerged as substantial shareholders of Hytex, filings with Bursa Malaysia revealed that each was controlled by an Indonesian man – Adolf Chien Fay Lim at Nutox and Dedi Francis at Rising Rich. However, these names didn’t figure in the requisition for the EGM and the subsequent withdrawal.

It’s not known how Nutox and Rising Rich got together, but both have also been substantial shareholders of Nextnation Communication Bhd, an ICT company listed on the ACE Market. According to Nextnation’s annual report 2012, Nutox and Rising Rich were the largest and third largest warrantholders as at Sept 7 last year.

The connection between Hytex and Nextnation extends beyond the requisitionists. Information on the Bursa website indicates that Hytex now has three substantial shareholders – Nutox, Rising Rich and Tey Por Yee, who bought a 13% stake in Hytex in February. Tey is CEO and MD of Nextnation.

One more thing Hytex and Nextnation have in common is that they both had Fast Global Investments Ltd, which is registered in the Caribbean tax haven of Anguilla, as a substantial shareholder.