
Ambz | Joined since 2014-02-05

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2014-09-16 16:08 | Report Abuse

C4 thamby...sudah lupa ka? Thanny banyak manyak ka thamby?


2014-09-16 16:07 | Report Abuse

Sudah lupa ka thamby? Thats why u use many id so people cant relate u wth yr previous stmt but smart people like me not easy to be tricked by people like u thamby.


2014-09-16 16:03 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo yoo thamby, answer my question thamby.

1. Why so called smart inteligent people like u can be stuck at AA-C4 warrant until all yr money there burnt? What make you invest to that lousy counter? Fell on tony's trap? He used yr money to buy his toy caterham until position last in F1...wakaka


2014-09-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

Thamby dont run thamby, tell us abt yr bitter experience thamby.
Last year you said suma:
1. Negative nta.
2. HS tipu investor to collect money to buy oil reserved that only got air karat.
3. No profit revenue until forever.
4. Dont buy this BS counter. Price wl drop to 20 cents.

But now HS proved u wrong and we loyal investor making money. You pochik, yeelek being left rotten near toilet at station 25 after losing yr bet wth capt looiks. Where to hide yr face mr. Sundarjie. Now changed id intil 3 times per day. Why not using yr original id i.e Sundarjie/DickyMe? Malu kah?


2014-09-16 15:41 | Report Abuse

Thamby, Sini orang cakap facts, not yeelek yeelek like u.

1. Tell us here how much u make from AA-C4 that u promote last year. I know u stick heavily there. Yeelek profit and money burnt until expired with no buyer. Tell yr bitter experience here thamby. Dont be shy.

2. How much revenue yr hibiskus last Q? Any profit? Why price slide from RM2++ to RM1 now?
Sudah Habiskut?

Yannadei, Telll Me!! Thamby


2014-09-16 15:30 | Report Abuse

Kah..kah still got another 25% i.e 5000k at 28 cent thamby. Yr C4 you hold until expired nobody wanted to buy and you stuck holding until expired !! So bitter experience ya thamby? Yeelek profit all money burnt. Try to be smart bot in at 0.005 - 0.01 hoping to go to 0.05 at least. Not even more than 1 cent until expired. Bitter..bitter experience hv to crawl while watching suma gain frm 28-60+ . Very painful looking at other people making money. SURE WIN NONE!!!


2014-09-16 15:23 | Report Abuse

lu punya hibiskus turun harga? Brapa profit last Q thamby? Yeelek?


2014-09-16 15:21 | Report Abuse

Yk, tmrw still like yesterday. They just collect low if we ikan bilis sell.


2014-09-16 15:17 | Report Abuse

Itu thamby ada 3 shift cuci toilet. 7-12pm Surewinnone 12-6pm Happytradingz 6-12am DickyMe/Laughnonstop 12- 7am no broadcast wife pull off router plug.


2014-09-16 15:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-16 10:23 | Report Abuse

What la you DH, telling this Suma 'Best kept secret'. Itu capt sudah hint that announcement coming and no worries yesterday. Now they wl comeback to buy the shares. So I cant bot in low anymore tmrw..


2014-09-16 10:20 | Report Abuse

DH, Itu thamby mana ada sekolah hari-hari minum toddy itu sana pokok. Itu Hisbiscus every quarter rugi dia punya share pon dia punya kawan beli. Minyak korek air lumpur kasi keluar. Dia punya nama pon sudah cakap SURE WIN NONE, mana ada menang? Dia apa tau itu 2P ka, 1P ka? Dia tau itu 2P stand for ........Pegidahhhh and Pooodah!


2014-09-15 23:59 | Report Abuse

Ok so I wl keep suma for until nxt year at least. Like last year which suma gv me good return by less than a year. Tq for yr reply DH


2014-09-15 23:47 | Report Abuse

Yeah DH, enough job to to keep suma busy for another 25 years. If RM1 bil profit wth 5 bil shares. How much should be the price then?


2014-09-15 23:39 | Report Abuse

DH, I think nxt Q without BE revenue, it wl still add another 3-4 mil profit. 1st Q 4 mil, 2nd Q 7 mil and 3rd Q 10-11 mil at least. Not so bad profit increase quarter by quarter. If BE add in that wl be another 3-4 mil USD (12m rgt) for 3rd Q


2014-09-15 23:24 | Report Abuse

Not petronas but maybe vertigo.


2014-09-15 23:22 | Report Abuse

Ring, I dont think HS wl sell his mother shares as Suma is the only vehicle for him to make a comeback to corporate scene.


2014-09-15 23:15 | Report Abuse

Tq ling. then the oil revenue wl be reflected on 3rd quarter as said by CD. Meaning they walk the talk.


2014-09-15 23:04 | Report Abuse

Dont think he wl RTO suma. Only keep that 32 to safeguard his interest there in case some hostile party want to grab suma like scomi.


2014-09-15 23:00 | Report Abuse

Any stmt or facts ling?


2014-09-15 22:58 | Report Abuse

Suma now debt free, maybe he could take that route without RI. BE already producing oil. If that materialised, oil revenue wl be reflected on the 4th Q.


2014-09-15 22:53 | Report Abuse

Maybe canx but DH why suddently HS issue stmt that he is going to get more shares up to 32%? He saw something good coming? Same like us, if we know the shares got good news, we added up our holding.


2014-09-15 22:43 | Report Abuse

SJ, on my opinion that RI wl be executed by looking at latest warrant conversion.


2014-09-15 22:35 | Report Abuse

Aku dah kata DH, lepas logoff id td dia tukar id lain utk tunjuk sokongan. Tapi sebenarnya org sama cuma topeng lain. Lepas dia kena nanti dia tukar id lg. Mcm ni punya thamby pon ada DH


2014-09-15 21:28 | Report Abuse

Dia dah kalah dgn capt tu dulu sbb tu pissed off sgt. Biasalah kalau thamby pokai mesti nak one up by stepping on other people head to look taller.


2014-09-15 21:24 | Report Abuse

No problem got money to buy cash, thamby, envy my R8? Only loser wl be talking abt his suffering. Those winner always happy abt his winning. So today n mxt few days SURE WIN NONE la thamby if price stay like this, So another loses on yr record. Like DH said, wrong swing wl eaten up yr capital. Stay cool thamby, dont borrow money again frm yr relative. Can borrow frm me. Be happy!


2014-09-15 21:17 | Report Abuse

Orang tukar anak ke mak sbb nak RI tu. kalau tak, baik dia jual je dari nak topup lg 17 sen to convert.


2014-09-15 21:14 | Report Abuse

DH, itu thamby ada kalah byk la. now if present price maint. Dia kena byr brokerage la at least. Sbb tu dia marah sgt.


2014-09-15 20:12 | Report Abuse

Dont worry woman_x, that man always cool as I hd been following him in this forum since last year.


2014-09-15 19:53 | Report Abuse

komnas Should i hold or sell my WA and WB. Loosing a lot now if sell
15/09/2014 19:32

@komnas, sell yr warrant n convert to mother. U wl get the RI to cover yr loses.


2014-09-15 07:50 | Report Abuse

Need to clean up my RO oppss R8, RO is only for loser


2014-09-15 07:49 | Report Abuse

wan2bsuper Sumatec is meant for long term investments not for short term as contra players. Loosing money as contra players is total lost, keep on chasing other counters moving actively and repeat same procedures until money exhausted plan for a break. In the long run contra players is definitely on the weaker side unless as passive investors with strong determination and set your target. What goes down shall rebound a matter of timing and fundamentally focused
15/09/2014 07:13

Definately like I hv said, everyday SURE WIN NONE !!


2014-09-15 00:06 | Report Abuse

Happytradingz, you jealous that I got an Audi R8 while u got RO (Requisition Order)?......wakaka


2014-09-15 00:00 | Report Abuse

Who want to follow SUREWINONE should hv to see CLEARLY where your future wll be ....SURE WIN NONE !!!!


2014-09-14 15:02 | Report Abuse

SC ask somemore 'How many million RM u lose frm Suma?'....'errr... 200'..
SC- 'Whattt!! 200 mil?'...., 'errr no sir, RM200 brokerage fee from contra trading'


2014-09-14 14:56 | Report Abuse

How to report to SC? When reported to SC then SC ask, wtf u r complaining? Frm our record, U yrself buying the shares!! Kantoi bro


2014-09-14 14:52 | Report Abuse

4 type of people that wl hv negative comment on Suma:

1. Those who hd sold their position and hoping to buy low.
2. Those who are contra for easy money and yet being force sell by broker house wth loses.
3. Those contra that enter and T4 coming nxt week.
4. Those who liquid their position and hop to other counter that promised gain. hoping suma price wl go down to justify their decision.

Wise decision, be like SK_Loon and others. Be wth HS, Nothing to be worried!!


2014-09-14 14:41 | Report Abuse

May I know who is Suma's Chairman? I like sumatec!


2014-09-14 14:39 | Report Abuse

Lose money report SC, gain money just keep quite. Thats why SC issue UMA. Once answered considered kawtim. If u think u wl lose money so dont invest in this counter. Suma hd gv me the Audi R8 and I'm happy to trade again with suma.


2014-09-13 20:28 | Report Abuse

Komnas, I'm more incline to EOR portion that petronas wl embark to. Today's NST where petronas enter EOR in Central Asia starting frm Azerbaijan old oil field. Same on what Sumatec hd done in Kazaks.


2014-09-13 18:20 | Report Abuse

Owh ok noted, Dont worry we suma forumers wl buy that 'tekseng ter' kaunter on monday.


2014-09-13 18:09 | Report Abuse

Story la supaya kita boleh jadikan pedoman masa depan. Cerita sumatec semua org dah tau.


2014-09-13 18:06 | Report Abuse

Cite la apa jadi kat C4 investment tu. Jangan malu jangan segan. Forumers suma dah tunggu ni


2014-09-13 18:04 | Report Abuse

Emmmphh... Semua tokan suma dah lama pakai audi R8 sejak suma hit our double investment last 2 mth. tinggal masing2 nak oder kereta baru tak lama lg.


2014-09-13 17:56 | Report Abuse

Btul ni cite lar. Story me..story me so we can verify yr facts here.


2014-09-13 17:44 | Report Abuse

Wahhh!!! Caya...caya.. Wa caya sama lu... Lagi-lagi. Cuba cite C4 pulak brapa ribu swing sampai dia expire? Cercite cercite thamby. Mest nak dekat 1 mil tu. Calibre swing player cam lu mesti boleh punye. Sure win none! Cercite kita kongsi satu forum supaya semua forumers asa respek cam noraini n looiks.


2014-09-13 16:36 | Report Abuse

Semua org kat sini dah cukup masak dgn perangai org mabuk mcm ni. Mula2 dia cerita pasal suma lepas tu dia bukak cerita pasal track record dia yg teror gila tu. last2 takde siapa pon take pot. Kat sini thamby orang cerita mcm bila nak hujan, brapa lebat hujan bukan bila dah banjir baru dtg bagitau 'Ini banjir sbb td hujan lebat'. Itu stmt org mabuk bro


2014-09-13 16:24 | Report Abuse

DH u caya kalau aku cakap aku beli 25 then aku jual ngam-ngam 62 sebelum jatuh?..plse-plse believe me! Plse..aku beli sampai kurang 1 lot dari HS. Cam on la percaya la.


2014-09-13 16:17 | Report Abuse

Btul DH, siapa pon boleh ckap. Tapi aku respek you sbb cerita u mmg consistent dr dulu. Tak mcm separuh orang boleh tukar2 cam apa binatang tu camelion?..


2014-09-13 15:48 | Report Abuse

Aku dah agak dah dia mesti cakap itu price DH, smlm dia kata beli 43.5. Dia punya price must be the lowest of the day and nearly the highest of the range. Mana mau kalah. Sure win none.