
Azshah | Joined since 2021-03-09 06:56:19

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2021-12-28 19:44 | Report Abuse

Karim still in Malaysia la....Last chance for him to pull cable kuat kuat, sini bayar, sana bayar to get out of this pickle.


2021-05-21 16:48 | Report Abuse

let us all vote "No" to the exorbitant purchase price


2021-05-21 16:46 | Report Abuse

let's wait for today or early next week announcement on the purchase of reNikola....A lot of you guys will be dissapointed.


2021-05-20 10:41 | Report Abuse

the push up in price is to build momentum for the eventual purchase of reNikola by PEB which is coming soon.


2021-05-19 09:55 | Report Abuse

I'm selling all my PEB shares.


2021-05-19 09:55 | Report Abuse

The price of reNikola is outrageous. PEB shareholders beware, buying reNikola that is grossly overstated. Latest news.


2021-05-06 09:49 | Report Abuse

I would buy at RM1.50, I think is good value


2021-05-06 09:48 | Report Abuse

why so quiet this forum ?. Now PEB RM1.50, for those who are so bullish, talking as if reNikola is the next slice bread should buy more. But seems like no buying action.


2021-04-09 09:21 | Report Abuse

Thanks winetime for your comment. I really enjoy the comments that has a different vantage points. Understanding other people's point of view always expand my knowledge on investment matters. The more I understand, I hope the better my stock picking skills becomes.


2021-04-07 10:51 | Report Abuse

jazmaster said it right. If so easy, all of us very rich already.

As I write and read from the response to my comments, I am learning along the way to write in a more polite way as I now realise ppl don't like negative news as they have already invested into the stock.

Another risk I would like to point out is the following:

For those who have purchased property from the secondary market, you will realise that you can go for valuation shopping (i.e. there are always friendly valuer out there that can give a much higher value to the property, some to the extend of 50% above other valuers).

Likewise, the valuation of reNikola can also be pushed to a much higher value. Do remember that LBG is the founder of ZJ Advisory, he is a very astute corporate financier. Do you think he would sell reNikola at a low value to PEB ?

Just for clarity, assuming reNikola mean value ascribed by valuers is RM300 million. It is pushed to RM400 millon using a "friendly" valuer, an increase by RM100 million. The RM400 million will be approved by SC since its validated by the valuer.

Since LBG is an interested party, he can't vote for the acquisition. The fate of the acquisition will fall back to us minority shareholders.

Under normal circumstances, the minority won't vote for it as its RM100 million more than the mean. But do we have a choice in this case ?

I'm afraid we don't . Cause our cost is RM1.70. If we don't vote for, the deal collapses, the share price will fall back to its NA which is 0.96 sen. We will incur an immediate 70+% losess.

We are put in a position where our hands are tied under current market price. Even knowing reNikola is over valued, we will still vote for it cause the alternative is much worse.


2021-04-05 21:37 | Report Abuse

I really cannot see any other "value" remaining in reNikola not reflected in the current RM1.70 / share. Any other future expansion plans into areas of solar, just that. A plan.

And until such plans are executable, it is best not to impute too much value into them


2021-04-05 21:32 | Report Abuse

Very concise and articulate comments, Terence775. Appreciate them andd well noted. You correctly pointed out the speculative aspect which is crux of my discussion with all. Case in point, the value of reNikola will be revalued upwards in the acquisition by PEB.

LBG and friends will be rewarded handsomely from the sale to PEB even at RM1.07 / share as the profit from the sale of reNikola to PEB is about 1x asset value.

And considering the PEB shares they received is now valued at RM1.70, LBG and friends make another round of gain.

Effectively, just the sale of reNikola itself to PEB has netted them multiple baggers.

Consider our position on the flip side buying at RM1.70 per share. Even for any good company there is a limit on how high a purchase of its shares can go before it becomes a very expensive buy.


2021-04-03 18:57 | Report Abuse

The current price fixed for isssuance by PEB to buy reNikola is at RM1.07 per share similar to the MGO price.


2021-04-03 18:55 | Report Abuse

It's not for owners of reNikola to say what PEB share price they want it to be issued. It is based on the valuation of PEB. There are independent directors on board of PEB that will assess "fairness" of PEB share price


2021-04-03 17:21 | Report Abuse

I presume I will get a lot of hatred for the above comments, so I will not comment anymore from hereon till the new hundreds of million PEB shares are issued to reNikola owners.

Or till new information are available to better assess the value of PEB.


2021-04-03 17:08 | Report Abuse

Another way of looking at it, PEB buys reNikola for a "fair value" and issues shares at RM1.07 per share.

If it is already fully valued when PEB buys reNikola at RM1.07 per share, how do we explain for the difference between the current market price of RM1.75 and RM1.07 ?

The only answer is either of the two:

PEB gets a good bargain and buys into reNikola cheap, or we buy into PEB expensive.

Assume yourself the owner of reNikola. Would you sell your asset ("deemed hot sector" by everyone) cheap into PEB ?.

At what value would you sell ? .

In this case, the real owners of reNikola would only sell the asset for RM1.07 per PEB share and nothing more.

Going by the above, I would feel compelled to say that at RM1.75 we do buy into PEB expensive.


2021-04-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

It is just simple maths. The owners of reNikola will be getting hundreds of million of PEB shares at RM1.07 per share whilst we here are buying at RM1.75 per share, almost 70% more. Even if we have gotten the shares at RM1.50 when it dipped a bit recently, we are still paying way too much.

One simple question, if PEB is worth so much, why the issue price to reNikola is only at RM1.07 per share ?


2021-03-22 13:17 | Report Abuse

Can I ask what do you mean by risk ?. How do you know that the current price reflects the risk you have to take and as such by extension how do you value it relative to other equities ?

A generalized statement like "higher return for higher risk" does not impart any meaningful outcome.


2021-03-22 10:38 | Report Abuse

The following statement from techinvestormy is completely wrong and yet he is not aware of it and continue to peddle wrong info to the detriment of all those who read postings here....

"......Plus, we noticed that the new owners of PEB, a.k.a. the owners for the solar assets had acquired up to 38% of the company, which costs him or her approximately MYR 30 Million...."

Can anyone tell us what is wrong with the statement above ?


2021-03-22 09:19 | Report Abuse

Until today, none of these bullish supporters can give an actual figure for the valuation of PEB. i.e. what is the value of reNikola being injected into PEB. Without that figure, nobody, and I say it again, nobody can acurrately say its undervalued.


2021-03-22 09:15 | Report Abuse

Lots of comments here talk about how great the solar industry is and then just a pluck a figure from the air and used it as the value of PEB. All these bullish outlook is not supported by facts. Just some industry info and then they can magically come up with RM2+ per share. These are typical investors who already bought PEB now wants everyone to come in and support the price


2021-03-22 09:13 | Report Abuse

cg14134. I share your sentiment.


2021-03-15 19:12 | Report Abuse

thanks xetambaya. I'm just sharing the downside risk. being a commentator here obviously means I'm interested as well in PEB


2021-03-15 13:30 | Report Abuse

cypark overhyped, in fact all solar counters overvalued, better sell


2021-03-15 13:19 | Report Abuse

When the captain abandon ship, u still mau naik ?...better leave early than not...


2021-03-15 13:17 | Report Abuse

Supermax is done....No more going up. Whoever buys now will need to hold for a long time before seeing good results. Better buy AirAsia.


2021-03-15 13:13 | Report Abuse

seamaninvest...I learning. Not so smart like you.

I only understand that currently PEB has no business....Bursa will suspend no biz counters. If injection of nikola doesn't happen in time, suspension is very likely. Of course delisting is unlikely since PEB will appeal but suspension is very likely


2021-03-15 13:08 | Report Abuse

the offer at 1.30 is clearly undervalued. With the current CPO price at RM4,000, I won't accept the offer. will hold on to it. Felda unlikely to delist with just 77% shareholdings.


2021-03-15 11:11 | Report Abuse

Genting is back.....Gent SG also very strong price performance....Better Gent than Gent M


2021-03-15 11:10 | Report Abuse

for those who missed it...better not jump on board now. I feel price too high. But I been in since RM2 so I let it go on some more


2021-03-15 11:09 | Report Abuse

momentum bros....this will carry all the way to the stock of 2021


2021-03-15 08:48 | Report Abuse

As I have mentioned....PEB lost out in the LSS4 bidding and end up with no projects. With so much uncertainty ahead, the counter might even be suspended by Bursa.

Do remember that it is still an empty shell....The injection of solar assets have yet to commence and may face stumbling block.


2021-03-10 16:41 | Report Abuse

"PEB is currently trading at MYR 124.0 Million while outperforming the industrial leader CYPARK"....what metrics are you using to determine outperformance ?

"I believe a bare minimum of MYR 500.0 Million should be given to PEB" is the RM500 mn arrived at ?

and why would a company's market cap be tied to the number of shares held by minority of 60%. ???

By the way, if you read up the annoucement, the minority is less than 40%. Your figure of 60% is incorrect.


2021-03-10 15:29 | Report Abuse

If you can highlight to me why the economics of PEB is so different from that of a REITs, so much so that it deserves to be traded at such a significant premium relative to a REITs, it will truly be a learning experience for me.


2021-03-10 15:25 | Report Abuse

Sorry. I don't invest based on "luck". My investment methodology is based on superior insight, intellect and hours of info gathering, due diligence and industry knowledge. To be so cavalier so as to rely on "luck" for investment success is not for me.


2021-03-10 11:07 | Report Abuse

aim chun chun is "sniper" liao shot, one kill....hantam is like rambo with a machine gun.....


2021-03-10 11:00 | Report Abuse

ha ha....hantamking...ur name implies you bet all the time, otherwise won't call "hantam".....damn good name. ha ha


2021-03-10 10:14 | Report Abuse

I'm open to betting with those who think PEB will get LSS4 projects. Name your wager


2021-03-10 08:58 | Report Abuse

let you know another thing. PEB would not be getting any projects from the LSS4 tender by the government.


2021-03-09 19:30 | Report Abuse

Bingo......Now...cg14134 is someone who clearly identified the most important issue. What is the asset price used for injection ?. He/She is clearly someone who can distil the corporate exercise and analyse it carefully.


2021-03-09 18:00 | Report Abuse

Investing in companies like PEB is similar to investing in REITs. . A steady inflow of cash over a predetermined period of time in accordance with the contract. is worse than a REITs company ....because end of the contract, the assets of PEB is greatly marked down by obsolescence in technology, wear and tear of the solar panels, generators and all...whereas the properties in a REITs would be much valuable (under normal circumstances) than before....But then again...what am I....?..I'm only a "typical retailer" who is not smart enough....


2021-03-09 17:54 | Report Abuse

I not so smart like you...I only know concession companies, although can have a predictable stream of earnings over its concession period, it is again bound by the limits of the concessions which means it cannot have superb growth in revenue...Every parameter is fixed upfront...There can never be upside surprises as revenue is fixed , conversely there is only downside risk of cost overrun etc...

So your smart statement of "concession assets should be more valuable than EPCC companies" is so very "smart" statement.... I love investors like u...full of confidence in making wrong assumptions and yet still unaware of it.....With investors like you out there...easy money for me.


2021-03-09 17:48 | Report Abuse

as a "typical retailer", i only understand very shallow things, like I should compare in similar biz when evaluating investment opportunity and not other slightly related companies and try to bang on investors's sentiment to invest, talking about PE 100 times when it is non comparable

I'm also not smart because I don't look at LSS tarif and estimate potential earnings caused I already know exactly how much projects with a "FINITE" lifespan would be valued at...

Wouldn't you be happy if price is depressed ? ...or you are one of those few who jumped in at higher price and now trying to justify the impossible with 100 PE statements ?


2021-03-09 15:58 | Report Abuse

sugar is indeed sweet


2021-03-09 15:58 | Report Abuse

Insyah Allah.....100% up from below RM1


2021-03-09 15:46 | Report Abuse

Nikola not injected yet. Nobody knows what is buying price for Nikola. If Nikola sells for RM1 billion, PEB shares will be very expensive, not worth buying


2021-03-09 15:44 | Report Abuse

dont take current mkt value of PEB to compare with others. Current mkt value is overvalued for an empty company. Nothing inside. Those who buy at current price is paying so high a premium. Before annoucement, the company also empty shell, worth only 96 sen


2021-03-09 15:03 | Report Abuse

this HK investor is coming in big time... something is cooking


2021-03-09 15:02 | Report Abuse

no more momentum for glove counters...3 bn qtr profit also not enough to create buying interest. 25 sen dividend, so high. still don't move much. time to sell


2021-03-09 15:01 | Report Abuse

all genting counters moving up....time to load up more