
Beginner777 | Joined since 2022-05-25 07:54:14

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2022-06-14 16:35 | Report Abuse

I heard alfred oredi fedup in australia , now he is in cambodia. Wait4him mkt baru boleh panas sikit! I know alfred is reading this? What wave now?


2022-06-14 15:51 | Report Abuse

@sunnyspoon , itulah1 jangan senyap2 je, boleh bagi h/p


2022-06-14 15:49 | Report Abuse

Goldman n morgan stanley hv issued warning : depressed consumer n equity valuations r far from depressed


2022-06-14 15:32 | Report Abuse

tolong tunjuk ajar cara u!


2022-06-14 15:30 | Report Abuse

Kenanga research at least they hv disclaimer n laid down the risk factors .This is professional!


2022-06-14 15:23 | Report Abuse

Banyak cerita drama di sini, lebih menghiburkan daripada Drama Astro. Cukup lah sampai di sini! tunggulah sampai akhirat baru dapat kesimpulan! Doa semua di sini jadi jutawan secepat mungkin!


2022-06-14 15:16 | Report Abuse



2022-06-13 17:13 | Report Abuse

@AdCool *Poor shorties. too aggresive and sold down to 1.13....
I saw only 74 lots done @1.13 n 550 lot IDSS avg 1.18 . The RSS remain constant @ 2 million shares for d last 2 weeks ,hopefully will reduce in d coming days suggesting maybe bottoming up. The last one hr buying could be genuine maybe someone here come in with big truck!


2022-06-13 16:15 | Report Abuse

@Vtrade If esok hitam then kena call ambulance kasi hantar keluar ..... haha!
Minta2 semuanya didalam sihat sejahtera! Doa panjang umur kita akan berjumpa n berhujah2!


2022-06-13 11:24 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-06-13 10:42 | Report Abuse

Not productive to engage in a game of semantics. ppl will know which methods suit them best. I wan to pose a Q what would happen to our mkt n in particular TSH if Japanese Yen depreciate to 150-180 to one US $ ?

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 03:10 | Report Abuse

Spot on ! a leap of faith in investment is a sure thing of putting your head on a chopping board (Chinese proverb). Try to get the msg instead of this intentions. Essentially he is telling to let the profit run n cut the losses short . Ur advice is appreciated . Maybe u can be generous enuf to share how u overcome personal psychology n diffuculty in execution.
@Skoh888 No risk management or no caveat emptor is like a man jumping into the sea with no life jacket on


2022-06-02 17:02 | Report Abuse

How much do we know about the actual methods of Warrent buffet, templeton. Is their methods stereotyped fixed or dynamic in response to market sentiments? Warrent Buffet has NOT written anybook himself n pls listen between the line the only rare interview over CNBC in 2003 regarding those books about his methods. As far as I know on an yrly average basis he bought 7 counters n sold 6 counters ,oso practise 'Curi Ayam". What happen to the investment on PARKSON by The self-proclaimed msian Warrent Buffet of icapital Tan ? Dun equate Msian Counters n mkts with overseas blindly. Ppl here talked abt Neoh n Cold eyes, Neoh is born with a golden Spoon but many of his counters r stucked whereas Cold eyes left Nanyang but work as "fund Mgr" for BCorp from 2000-2007 without telling the outside world(dun ask me how i know but u can ask him if u meet him) so Q marks when did he actually made his money with his methods or with some privileged info. The point I m trying to drive home is u need to internalize what u read or come across any news ,not cynical but with a pinch of salt. I used to chase after so many investment gurus n read hundreds of books but most of them u can throw into bins. I was very impressed at one time by economists,financial accountant ,auditors ,analysts, investment gurus ...then subsequently I realised if these experts r so good then they shd be making money for themselves n become the richest men in the world! Why the trouble to charge pittance 10K to sell u the secrets. All news u got r definitely second hand. All news regarding a particular stock in mass media r paid to be written . They r not neutral but u still can benefit if u hv the right methods 水清没有鱼


2022-06-02 16:14 | Report Abuse

My hat off to Skoh888 when he said he wan to keep it simple KISS! He had succeesfully overcome the biggest obstacles to investment FEAR, HOPE,GREED. The biggest destroyer is HOPE (when u only read all the good news until u r trapped). I still find it difficult to unteach my bad habits n execute decisively whereas skoh888 can do it habitually. Skoh888 has achieved the highest level of d art of investment.


2022-06-02 16:03 | Report Abuse

I m surprised so many ppl here except SKoh888 practise "curi Ayam " tactic as emplyed by many seasoned players n syndnicate. I collected my block from RM1 to RM 1.08 as it price goes up higher high , i trade the stock intraday, short term , sometimes sell first n buy back the next instant to reduce my holding costs or for pocket money. I sold one third when price hit 1.79 on 4/3/22 averaging 1.75 slowly buy back when price hit below 1.6(Curi ayam tactic ,very difficult to execute when u only hv hope or dream). My holding is very much below RM 1. I believe the game is not over yet but u must hv strategy to benefit from the volatility. Buy n hold n DCA until u hv no money or too fearful to average down . Dun forget the company can easily bring out contigent liabilities to time it when price is the the lowest to shake u off or trigger margin call. My holding cost of the same shares is actually getting cheaper n hv spare for real bargain. Commentors here, ones r more interested to prove they r right, few r trying to share their money making tactics.


2022-06-02 15:33 | Report Abuse

Beware of companies selling assets to cook up the P&L. There is nothing to stop them to divert the the sale to purchase inferior assets or siphong the money legally!


2022-06-02 15:31 | Report Abuse

those who invest long term n use DCA, beware of warm water boiling the frogs
温水煮青蛙. One misjudgement will lose ur whole life savings or in debts. I have known many family broken up n suicides cos of losses!


2022-06-02 15:24 | Report Abuse

@ JJPTR director non-stop buying?
what you see MAY NOT be what you think.

I refer to the above


2022-06-02 15:21 | Report Abuse

SPOT on JJPTR! 水清无鱼! Those who hv dabbled in d mkt since 70 like I do will know long time ago! What happened to those who bought shares owned by Gold fingers, financial genius of MCA, Robert Tan, Vincent Tan, Halim*, Syed*, William Cheng, Khoo kay peng n those Chinamen owned companies from East Malaysia eg Rsawit n Jtiasa (both r children of SinChew Jit Poh) , Ting,...........U can hold the shares for 30 yrs n still lose money. The owners made more money dabbling in shares than from ownership of the companies. They have many avenues to skim money off u ,some above the belts, some underbelts. Above belts tactics:
a)Companies Earnings n assets
b) Coporate actions
c)Spread of News (fake or otherwise)
The above r timed to market sentiments to maximize benefits for them!
Below tactics like mkt rigging,.... r not to be told even our GLC funds r technically controversial as they can get away by claiming their funds r farmed out to various IBs even there is no no change of beneficiary. Most IBs will not act alone without instructions or tacit agreements from substantial SH. Dun compare Msian market n overseas mkts one is dead pond ,the others r dead blue seas. Certainly msian mkt is definitely less efficient!
SORI for my poor english as i m educated in Chinese school n less qualified academically.


2022-05-26 17:13 | Report Abuse

Not necessary usually IB will hv some mother shares @ low price n push up @high price to time at IPO. In short IB hv their posn hedged . However IB cant control the overall mkt conditions presenting windows of opportunities. This explains why orthodox investment advice dont work so well due to investment ecosystem change like too many derivatives becoming dominant position n mother share becoming secondary posn.
IBs are afraid that share price of tsh will go up so they pressed down as long as possible


2022-05-26 16:53 | Report Abuse

It is true that retailer do buy n sell call warrants. For myself if my sell my mother share @high price n worry it will shoot up further , I usually use small portion to buy call warrant treating as call options certainly not 50 million shares(in jest)


2022-05-26 15:35 | Report Abuse

Harapkan pagar pagar makan padi ! u bought @1.86 n @1.37 to average down n still hv +ve mind. The biggest danger in investment is HOPE n FEAR . Dun get stucked n fooled by the terms , intraday,short terms, medium term ,long term n no term Without really internalising them. Investing with naked position is akin to a leap of faith without any strategy. U need to learn how to adopt and adapt "let the profit run n cut the loss short". Read posting by Skoh888 a few times to understand what he is trying to say, it will help u to maximise gain or minimise loss especially in Bursa where the market depth is very shallow. His good intention n warning is misunderstood . Hope Skoh888 can share more. Calvin has done extensive research n oso frank in declaring he entered at low price. He can not be accused as front runner, invest at ur own risk! Cheers!


2022-05-25 16:05 | Report Abuse

TSH all time high was on 30 may 2014 RM 2.62 (after adjustment)
Outstanding RSS about 2 million shares as on 24/5/2022 not cover yet!
Current share holdings Retail % ? substantial sh %?
Does anyone hv the latest share holding %?
I noticed if any counter where retail sh > 45% , the price is very difficult to go up cos the buaya is not going to put money in my pocket. Even the counter is sure buy ,the buaya hv to shake u out b4 going up! TSh still got some overhang to clear!