
BullRun_93 | Joined since 2019-08-26

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2020-03-17 11:35 | Report Abuse

[yorkyork] i just answer ur question. Asal I untung, who’s care.
16/03/2020 5:43 PM

==>> if everyone in the world is as selfish as you then the world wouldn't be a better place to live in, i better go die faster. Imagine nobody help anybody everyone only care about themself. If you drop dead in the middle of the street you'll be left to rot at the exact spot. Luckily bright side is not everyone is like you my goodness sake.....LOL

BTW no investor would switch from fundamental investor at market BOTTOM and suddenly switch to short term trader at market TOP......you are only TCSS......LOL


2020-03-16 17:01 | Report Abuse

[Kevinpua88] bought at 3.2 :(
16/03/2020 4:43 PM

==>> what!! that is highest.....who got you into buying it at such a high price??


2020-03-16 15:35 | Report Abuse

[yorkyork] investor in the bull market, trader when the bull market start going down. ezpz theory.
16/03/2020 2:50 PM

==>> that's a perfect world.....in reality trader and long term investor are never agree with each other.....during bull market they long term investor say they're right but trader can still make money uptrend.........when bull market crashes most long term holder see they paper gain evaporated but trader can also make money or worse case lose a little not as much


2020-03-16 14:34 | Report Abuse

those who hold from IPO $1.00 until ex bonus at $4.00 who made 400% profit but did not sell now profit only left 100% so 300% of profit evaporated......trader on the other hand could still be making money altho smaller margin.....so which is better trader or long term investor?? you decide


2020-03-15 14:48 | Report Abuse

I'm not disagreeing with you Mr.[patrick8] on company dividend and NTA of company. But if you expect this Dato going make you big money maybe you should think twice. Don't get me wrong I like this company but it seems to be controlled by syndicate.(yes I have no evidence just my gut feeling so don't quote me)
Watch this ==>> https://youtu.be/6ImBm0q0ZaM and this https://youtu.be/FBH5-JVkPRU
Maybe you should investigate more way back year 2000

And also this guy been selling all the way to $2.77 in last 4 transaction :
DATO' SERI KHOR TENG TONG 22-Jan-2020 Disposed 150,000 2.770
DATO' SERI KHOR TENG TONG 29-Nov-2019 Disposed 50,400 2.380
DATO' SERI KHOR TENG TONG 25-Nov-2019 Disposed 49,600 2.380
DATO' SERI KHOR TENG TONG 17-Oct-2019 Disposed 100,000 1.600

and also don't forget those who lost money in Hunza Properties Berhad which was delisted in 2016 so what makes you think he this will not happen again?? i always believe the saying "Old habit die hard" just don't be overly confident my friend......you can proof me wrong i accept criticism with facts and common sense of course.....:))


2020-03-14 15:26 | Report Abuse

Anyone made profit from yesterday afternoon session spike from 1.54 to 1.92 ?? what about you Mr. [hng33] the trader guy?? I took a small 12.5% profit sold at 4.00pm


2020-03-13 10:14 | Report Abuse

[Wing Tai] Die
13/03/2020 9:46 AM

market won't die wan.....blood on the street now......you don't buy you are not warren buffet's smartest student......LOL


2020-03-12 20:25 | Report Abuse

Mr [apolloang] is right......DAYANG will die tomorrow.....DIEYOUNG !! LOL


2020-03-12 16:53 | Report Abuse

[jasonor] why sell so low? i sell at 3.12 leh..
12/03/2020 3:42 PM

==>> btw when i sell i told everyone but you secretly sold at $3.12 never tell us......very selfish leh....after sell you come and laugh at my low selling price.....what proof you have that you really did sold at $3.12 leh........HAHAHA (i have proof with time stamped post)


2020-03-12 16:23 | Report Abuse

[Penergy] Add more 78 sen. 2 sen dividend coming is sure money.
10/03/2020 11:09 AM

==>> add more at 0.78? now 0.60 lose 0.12 sen get back 0.02 sen still lose 0.10 sen.....LOL :))


2020-03-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

[jasonor] why sell so low? i sell at 3.12 leh.. after saw gt 2 up down hammer and doji on 3rd day. then got black candle somemore still no run kah? haha
12/03/2020 3:42 PM

==>> sell low? that is because you are smarter than me......i'm not knowledgeable in TA :))


2020-03-12 15:31 | Report Abuse

[julian1981] cash is king.stay away from Covid-19!
12/03/2020 3:28 PM

==>> cash deployed is KING.....not before it is deployed.....LOL


2020-03-12 15:29 | Report Abuse

cash is not king......cash is 2.65% FD......LOL


2020-03-12 15:27 | Report Abuse

$1.83!! :D


2020-03-12 15:27 | Report Abuse

$1.84 !! holy macaroni and cheese!! LOL


2020-03-12 15:19 | Report Abuse

[Yu_and_Mee] All in? This is the price make me to get in. ALL IN ok?
12/03/2020 11:58 AM

==>> sure boh......really that brave meh......i also watching only.....me takut already.....if lower maybe can consider........anyway will see how it goes


2020-03-12 14:05 | Report Abuse

[newkid] us market is getting worst, they lockdown them self from whole europe ! tonight all airline,travel, transport ,cargo shares will nose dive !!! all my holding paper loss from 20 to 55 %
12/03/2020 1:56 PM

==>> now you understand why Mr. [hng33] trading in & out not investing long term......sometimes holding paper losses can be painful for many years. You just never know how long once you're trapped. If you're loaded and patience then ok if not better cut loss early


2020-03-12 10:52 | Report Abuse

UWC now $1.91??!! Am I dreaming? that's 30% off my selling price $2.76.....walao!! sibeh soong ahh.....LOL


2020-03-12 09:49 | Report Abuse

[KAQ4468] calling for Hng33 .... are u ok this morning ?? need ambulance ??
12/03/2020 9:45 AM

==>> he ok wan lah......day trader won't kena teruk snagat.....worse case is not just stop trading after a few losses......he CL very fast wan.......only long term investor kena kaw-kaw


2020-03-12 09:42 | Report Abuse

[KLSTK1234] big players not shorting...good luck to small time shorties !
12/03/2020 9:35 AM

==>> i strongly agree with you. I think uncle almost done force selling already. Strong rebound could be coming very soon. You really know something......LOL :))


2020-03-11 22:08 | Report Abuse

i think today last minute uncle use another margin account to gobble up 1 million shares to close at $1.33.....scared trigger more margin call tomorrow......no wonder he say margin can do magic.....use a margin to cover another margin account......uncle really like David Copperfield.........LOL


2020-03-11 21:57 | Report Abuse

uncle say margin can do magic......really make me LMAO :D


2020-03-11 21:56 | Report Abuse

[Robinson] please dont mention oil price, kyy said dayang not affected by oil price
11/03/2020 5:33 PM

==>> if doesn't affect by oil price then why oil price comes down DAYANG also tumble.......uncle abit nyanyuk IMO............LOL


2020-03-11 16:54 | Report Abuse

uncle cannot let it close at $1.30 so he is forced to book all seller and closes it at $1.33.......NICE TRY UNCLE close 3 sen higher using almost 1 million shares


2020-03-11 16:50 | Report Abuse

whoever chase from $1.36 to $1.45 this morning.....uncle KYY say thank you for taking up my shares if it wasn't for you guys i might have to sell all the way down to yesterday's low $1.14......uncle cannot find other counter to diversify so end up losing all his profit.....everything back to square one.....LOL


2020-03-11 15:57 | Report Abuse

[rr88] Buyers at 1.43 this morning were stupid buyers. Buyers at 1.33 now are even more stupid than this morning buyers. Because this morning it was suspect of a dead cat bounce but now it is confirmed.
11/03/2020 3:42 PM

yeah.....you are the smartest nobody can be smarter than you......wah! dah kembang sekarang.....LOL


2020-03-11 15:51 | Report Abuse

[KAQ4468] aku tak beli pun ...aku B40 ...duit budget 40 cents jer untuk beli Dayang ni nanti ...
"bilik yang sama , mengapa bayar lebih" ... kah kah kah !!!!
steady la BullRun ...
11/03/2020 3:29 PM

bro....saya memang steady tak ada masalah dgn you.....yg kena marah pun bukan saya.....awak B40?? jgn tipu lah.......kalau you B40 you tengah kerja GRAB mana ada masa borak kat sini.....HAHAHA :D


2020-03-11 15:23 | Report Abuse

dah $1.31......[KAQ4468] mesti happy lah......you happy KYY rugi wang ataupun semua yg beli counter ni.....nak tanya aje :D


2020-03-11 15:21 | Report Abuse

[gemfinder] Buy sell buy sell a few rounds, cover my loss n gain oredi kikikikk
10/03/2020 1:00 PM

==>> pandai!..........you can follow [hng33] buy sell call lah......quite profitable i think.....LOL


2020-03-11 14:56 | Report Abuse

[KAQ4468] wakakakakakakak....huyooooooo
year 93 ... 27 years old ????
kah kah kah kah .... hello kiddo
11/03/2020 1:57 PM

==>> apa masalah dgn umur 27 tahun? i cakap pasal kelakuan. umur 27 tak boleh nasihat orang tua ke? LOL


2020-03-11 14:54 | Report Abuse

[hng33] cut all at 1.38-1.39
11/03/2020 2:51 PM

==>> see....i told you already....anyway it's smart to cut loss or else might kena more :))


2020-03-11 13:15 | Report Abuse

[KAQ4468] don't worry
dedicated special ambulance for Ah Heng Ah Kong ... direct deliver to Nilai Memorial Park ...
or he preferred Bentong Memorial Park ?
kah kah kah
11/03/2020 12:28 PM

[Gtrade] IDSS fella will be carried bY special ambulance to Nilai Memorial Park this afternoon. Saudi and Russia to joint announcement
11/03/2020 12:48 PM

although i also don't like KYY boasting,bragging style but i never go to the extend of saying extreme words like ambulance, nilai memorial, bentong memorial, etc......just wonder you guys [KAQ4468] & [Gtrade] in real life "off keyboard" talk in such manner??.....when you don't like a person you ask them to "indirectly" go die?? i'm not here to prevent you from saying whatever you like just my opinion that's all......LOL


2020-03-11 12:27 | Report Abuse

[hng33] bought back dayang at 1.43-1.44
11/03/2020 10:55 AM
[hng33] add more dayang at 1.40
11/03/2020 11:38 AM

==>> i think this round at this price you might not make money....we'll see :))


2020-03-11 09:43 | Report Abuse

[hng33] sold back master at 1.14-1.15
10/03/2020 9:22 AM

when do you normally buy back? you use TA charting right??


2020-03-10 16:42 | Report Abuse

$1.23 now :)) tomorrow $1.50


2020-03-10 13:23 | Report Abuse

[TheGardener] What!? Serious I'm the one will sell all the way! Am I dumb please!? Investment counter will not earn 20 cents give you 2 cents! This is purely Vincent way! For me this is insult to all minority shareholder! Excellent & integrity investment counter always come with owner = superb majority n high dividend! This kind of counter only for ride on trend or short term play! Please dont mislead!
10/03/2020 11:09 AM

Errrr.......boss who are you talking to? Mr. [Primeinvestor]?? actually not bad lah this counter better than those bunch of gambling OAG stocks :))


2020-03-10 09:31 | Report Abuse

[hng33] sold back master at 1.14-1.15
10/03/2020 9:22 AM

fuhyoh! super trader.......thumbs up for you.....LOL


2020-03-09 22:54 | Report Abuse

[hng33] bought back master pack at 1.11
09/03/2020 4:58 PM

wah! not bad smart move.....can sell trading tips already :)


2020-03-09 15:48 | Report Abuse

[gggSTOC'K KYY will throw more?
09/03/2020 3:29 PM

the bank will throw not KYY......he rather hold but no way he can hold......the bank will CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!


2020-03-09 15:33 | Report Abuse

[apolloang] master from highest 3.20 now 1.20, dayang from highest 3.01 tomoro tak boleh kah 1.07?
09/03/2020 3:24 PM

lower than $1.00 also no problem.......margin call no need fundamental as long got buyer and not finish selling it will continue go down.....LOL


2020-03-09 15:16 | Report Abuse

[flexibt] MASTER v2
09/03/2020 3:14 PM

MASTER at least got dividend coming soon


2020-03-09 15:14 | Report Abuse

i think ppl gonna commit suicide end of this week after everything settled


2020-03-09 15:10 | Report Abuse

if DAYANG not blocked at $1.52 it would have touch $1.00.........whoever kena this round really kena badly


2020-03-09 15:08 | Report Abuse

PERDANA down 53%......like a mad mad world now


2020-03-09 15:07 | Report Abuse

VELESTO down 50% my goodness sake


2020-03-09 15:05 | Report Abuse

even if KYY stop buying but for sure he will hold on all his shares as long as possible


2020-03-09 12:19 | Report Abuse

11 million seller now good luck uncle KYY the bank won't give you face no mercy will force you to chop they don't care.....you should tembak the bank not your remisier


2020-03-09 11:47 | Report Abuse

whew! what a close call. if didn't sell at $2.76 i think would have lost 20%


2020-03-09 10:26 | Report Abuse

[apolloang] cannot trust the words of the manipulator. I already warned when dayang was trading at 2.80++. I escape the crash again.cash is king.tonight dow jones gonna crash
09/03/2020 10:17 AM

yes never trust manipulator......and yes cash is king but if you don't deploy them it's just a 2.65% FD.....LOL


2020-03-09 10:01 | Report Abuse

[Henry8833] limit down again. KYY kena margin call again
09/03/2020 9:55 AM

he cannot die wan.....don't worry......he got load of cash at home.....margin is stil a good way to become rich......just wait for his positive post.....LOL