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2017-05-24 11:39 | Report Abuse

Yes Evergreen is so special. It is so special that it is the ONLY exporter listed on Bursa to have its own profits HALVED when the super weak Ringgit is suppose to boost earnings! Profits cut half that is. What about its Sky High Borrowings? Debts not reduced but increased RM 1,812,000 more! totaling RM 207,069,000 now

How about cash as Dolly boasted before? flopped from RM 160,308,000 to current RM 136,870,000 that is -ve 15% reduction!

So what about profits? It's collapsed and halved from RM 17,483,000 to current RM 10,539,000 (-39.72%) while its Y-o-Y collapsed (-48.89%) !!!


2017-05-24 11:11 | Report Abuse

Dolly_chai's own kindergarten analysis, suits best for losers like himself better go balik kampong idiot


2017-05-24 11:05 | Report Abuse

Stop ur laosai analysis, all of it are misleading and so are you


2017-05-24 11:02 | Report Abuse

This idiot named Dolly_Chai is the biggest shameless idiot in i3 forum. This idiot shamelessly denied every wrong things he said before. Just look at how he comment and it's obvious.

What happened to the latest debts, profits, capex now? Didn't I said so in the past? Look at real FACTS lah idiot!


2017-05-24 07:56 | Report Abuse

Debts upped, Cash down, Capex persists! Profit halved & dropped already but More capex lagi? This is bad news for shareholders. Abandon loh!


2017-05-24 07:53 | Report Abuse

Isn't the stupid Dolly said & shouted Evergreen will not be spending any more CAPEX this year? Evergreen just announced on (Page 4):

Approved and contracted for: RM 29,193,000.00 (go to page 4)

Who's the liar all the time??? Still not facts?

Previous qtr total debts: RM 205,257,000
Current qtr total debts RM 207,069,000

Previous qtr cash: RM 160,308,000
Current qtr cash: RM 136,870,000 (-14.62%)

Previous qtr Net profit: RM 17,483,000
Current qtr Net profit: RM 10,539,000 (-39.72%)

Evergreen's Net profit "COLLAPSED" (-48.89%) Y-o-Y !!!

Total debts increased and Cash balance dropped so much -14.62%. Worst of all is the Net profit collapsed almost 40% !!!

Where are losers stockraider, jackng? lol


2017-05-24 06:41 | Report Abuse

Now whole world knows that Dolly is the biggest idiot now lol

Evergreen's profit is HALVED! This is worst case scenario and what happened to counters with halved profit? Their stock prices COLLAPSED and go DOWNTREND WAY BELOW. Better sell before u stuck and cry

Today u can see how it collapse. Where is those losers stockraider, jackng? Long term their asses


2017-05-23 09:59 | Report Abuse

2 cts is nothing compared to ppl losing. Now it slide down faster than u think, still don't believe what i said? jackng can kiss his backside goodbye. Where are Dolly and stockraider? Sure lost until no voice


2017-05-22 12:32 | Report Abuse

So predictable, back to downtrend again! Now u see they stuck again, better run.


2017-05-18 16:24 | Report Abuse

I see there is only always 2 idiot ID defending Evergreen. Could be same retarded dude


2017-05-17 07:06 | Report Abuse

Thkent91 said what? Too bad, in that case it will collapse to new low. Stop dreaming and hallucinating


2017-05-09 09:04 | Report Abuse

Sometimes can't blame the idiot because when he barks & at the same time eyes shut. That is why he can't see things that are already being facts in reality. Price collapsed from 1.68 to 0.90 but the....blind-barking creature is too handicapped to see it lol


2017-05-08 14:29 | Report Abuse

Your haywire logic? If follow your logic then Evergreen following the downtrend since last year January 2016 is justified? From 1.68 to 0.90 lol no wonder!


2017-05-08 12:37 | Report Abuse

What are its peers PE ratio numbers now? lol


2017-05-08 12:37 | Report Abuse

PE 10.8 is cheap for a company that suffers declining profits for multiple quarters in a row? If this coming quarter profit drops further, the PE should be higher meaning share price more expensive. Isn't some IB even mentioned the coming result is expected to be weaker and lower on q-o-q and y-o-y basis? lol


2017-05-08 12:02 | Report Abuse

Why u suffer loss in the first place? lol

If someone makes lots of money in first place and right now makes even more, can u declare that person a genius biggest winner of all? But one thing I know for sure is u are not that person because u just said u making loss in first place. lmao


2017-05-08 11:26 | Report Abuse

If u claim yourself is so genius then could u honestly answer to the public what was the share price of Evergreen in January 2016?

High 1.68
Opened 1.56
Closed 1.22
Low 1.19

Entire month of January 2016 marked the beginning of Evergreen's share price collapse. Is this not a FACT ?

I will be speechless if this idiot Dolly still said otherwise.


2017-05-08 11:19 | Report Abuse

Sadistic idiot just like this Dolly will never admit the obvious facts presented in front of the eyes! Poor thing this stubborn idiot doesn't know how to differentiate a CORRECTION and DOWNTREND. Don't preach the wrong ideas and illustration to the masses.


2017-05-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

The only reason these supporters defending Evergreen is because they are deeply stuck in it cannot sell yet.

Just remember that a good and strong company's share price will not trend down. This reflects on its weak fundamentals.

Do u not see the OBVIOUS picture that its share price is TRENDING DOWN since the start of last year? Still stubborn to admit?


2017-05-05 11:08 | Report Abuse

Ooops its market cap dropped again from 761m to 749m now. Why is that?

It was revealed in the latest qtr report that Evergreen still amassed a MASSIVE DEBTS amount RM 205,257,000 !

It has 846,423,985 shares X RM 0.885 a piece = RM 749,085,226 market cap

(205,257,000 / 749,085,226) x 100 = 27.4%

To put it into perspective, the MASSIVE DEBTS is 27.4% of its current market cap!


2017-05-05 11:04 | Report Abuse

Even more amusing is the retard idiot doesn't realize he's at it again. Seek medical help real quick before too late lol


2017-05-05 08:54 | Report Abuse

So easy to say wrong but truth & facts have been showing it is famous to be 1 day show. Mostly some deeply stuck ppl tried to pump & dump.


2017-05-05 08:30 | Report Abuse

Still drowning in Evergreen? It's famous for 1 day show. Don't trust IB because they have vested interest and got paid to do it.


2017-05-04 10:57 | Report Abuse

Seriously speaking, the debts are already at 26.94% out of the total market cap of Evergreen now when it is priced at RM 0.900 a piece.

If that share price falls further, u will see how the ratio percentage of the debts against its market cap ballooning up further!

Let's say if share price falls to RM 0.800 a piece, the ratio of debts-to-market cap can reach 30% just instantly! That is ALARMING !


2017-05-04 09:18 | Report Abuse

Spent so much on CAPEX for years BUT profit margins so low under 8% all the time. Still need more evidence to convince? Now risk is higher than reward. No wonder the share price trending downwards haha!


2017-05-04 09:14 | Report Abuse

It was revealed in the latest qtr report that Evergreen still amassed a MASSIVE DEBTS amount RM 205,257,000 !

It has 846,423,985 shares X RM 0.900 a piece = RM 761,781,586.50 market cap

(205,257,000 / 761,781,586) x 100 = 26.94%

To put it into perspective, the MASSIVE DEBTS is 26.94% of its current market cap!


2017-05-03 16:00 | Report Abuse

Needless to teach or tell also the public can see its trending downwards along with its MASSIVE DEBTS


2017-04-28 15:40 | Report Abuse

This stock price always down from 1.68 to now. Good stock or company won't be like this shit-like. Public better not be conned by snakes oil salesmen lol


2017-04-27 10:44 | Report Abuse

Hollandchai, that idiot didn't realize he took wrong plane to holland lol

As long he sees free tickets he will take it. In fact, he was sold to Nigeria to be slave haha!


2017-04-27 08:53 | Report Abuse

Dolly/jackng or whatever stupid accounts u register...u are an idiot riding into Holland. Do u know where is Holland? Hollandchai and Mags said it right...u are just damn stubborn and telling whole world that it's ok to go Holland. Your own self stuck don't tell stupid theories to mislead. Use business sense!


2017-04-26 16:36 | Report Abuse

Hollandchai, most people can guess something bad is brewing in this economy and country. They are not paying attention and too short sighted.


2017-04-26 15:57 | Report Abuse

Some people talk wonderfully like a salesman but never brings great or even good results/returns. I do not wish to boast anything about myself but one thing I know is too many failed salesman here.


2017-04-26 15:56 | Report Abuse

Let's talk about some business sense logic.

Evergreen earns averagely RM 18m per quarter. This figure is based on the last 4 quarters 2016. For 2015, it earns above RM20m per qtr and that year alone was the peak due to global favourable factors.

This year its profit margins will get squeezed further because input costs increase upwards. Do u not think the inflation in M'sia is going up? It's obvious and everybody is feeling the heat. BNM will increase interest rates and the costs of borrowings will go up. That is why almost all major companies listed in Bursa are rushing to reduce their gearings and especially debts. Still think what I said not true or incorrect? Go use google to dig news at every major companies are reducing their debts and u know already.

After 2sen dividend, so what's next? How better looking will be the balance sheet after giving div? Most likely u can guess already. If u focus on the fundamentals at right path, then dive into the accounting side to predict the future of the company.


2017-04-26 15:47 | Report Abuse

Mistake? Check back when u kept barking during peak price and now is how much?? Need more introduction of your famous Holland trips as said by HollandChai? Not only me thinks u are idiot to talk nonsense with NON-PERFORMING share price.

Once u made mistake to be idiot is okay but twice or more, u have to realize u are already the most stubborn idiot. Still bring ppl to Holland?

Hollandchai, u don't want your name to be associated with this Dolly idiot.


2017-04-26 15:37 | Report Abuse

So a 2sen div? Use some logic calc:

846,423,985 issued shares x 2 sen div = RM 16,928,478.70 will be paid out!

Where does the money comes from? Weighing in more of that MASSIVE DEBTS?


2017-04-26 15:32 | Report Abuse

What's the use? Share price keeps falling like no one interested. Better call it a LELONG or AUCTION now.


2017-04-26 15:31 | Report Abuse

HollandChai, the Dolly is ur sibling? lol


2017-04-26 15:31 | Report Abuse

Dolly considers himself a genius but brings people to Holland trips everyday. He's a tour guide specializes only to Holland.


2017-04-26 15:27 | Report Abuse

This dolly is an idiot. If it's so great why is share price keep falling trending downwards? So many great companies out there but none are like this one keep going down.


2017-04-26 13:33 | Report Abuse



2017-04-26 12:12 | Report Abuse

How many more times it can give out candies to those who are stuck? That is why this is not suitable to hold long term sure will be disappointing. Those stuck long time already don't bother to check much


2017-04-26 09:43 | Report Abuse

They r stuck for a long time and easiest way to calm them is to give them some div candies. See how obedient & quiet they are now lol


2017-04-26 08:47 | Report Abuse

2sen div? Use some logic calc:

846,423,985 issued shares x 2 sen div = RM 16,928,478.70 will be paid out!

Where does the money comes from? Weighing in more of that MASSIVE DEBTS?

How much is the debts? RM 205,257,000 and counting..... why I said counting? The company needs more money to be spent on CAPEX and repayments. Use some business sense than entirely on accounting.

Does the quarter profit increases? As reported last few quarters are still weaker all reported to be lower than previous years. Is this not a descending trend? That explains why profit margins are SQUEEZED look here:

2012: 3.2%
2013: -4.5%
2014: 0%
2015: 9.1%
2016: 7.3%

From 9.1% it decreased to 7.3%. Isn't CAPEX spent for years already and it should be better? What else catalyst is there?



2017-04-26 08:37 | Report Abuse

HollandChai, u said it right! This one still not performing that is why it goes straight to Holland still.


2017-04-25 21:46 | Report Abuse

Get ready RM 16.928m siphoned out of the balance sheet, this is weighing on the already MASSIVE DEBTS it currently has.


2017-04-25 15:15 | Report Abuse

Some idiot enjoy switching accounts continue talk nonsense. Be careful i3 admin will ban these idiots


2017-04-25 15:12 | Report Abuse

He thinks bluechips are family controlled lol


2017-04-25 11:47 | Report Abuse

I pity these conmen for defending based on the fact they are stuck in here. Be careful it has trend lower and it's still following the BIG DOWNTREND. Why do u choose to tell lies when the real fact that everyone can see it's trending lower?

This is supported by the deteriorating business of Evergreen because it is not diversified relying 95% of revenues from MDF alone. This is not fact? U want to accuse me again?

How does the ROE, profit margins performing for the past many quarters? Still choose to ignore what I've warned u? How much is its MASSIVE DEBTS now?


2017-04-25 11:43 | Report Abuse

Conmen no more using your other accounts? Probably barred by i3 admin temporarily that's why they have to switch back to original conmen accounts to continue talk nonsense.

How can u compare it with other heavyweight BLUE CHIPS? U are really idiot by saying that.


2017-04-25 11:17 | Report Abuse

Now the conman is accusing others or conning. This type of conman is very dangerous and should be banned completely for defending something that is not what it is.