
Chadoe | Joined since 2016-03-11

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2017-09-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

Apparently got another unconfirmed report of change in top leadership again. Dunno how far its true but seems likely. We shall see. The old management seems to be puppets.


2017-08-30 20:32 | Report Abuse

It seems that they are trying to move as much money out as possible, approval of directors fee, share consolidation. Those two items were the top priorities at the AGM. The former MD left for a reason followed by the retirement of the other two directors . A change of company auditors then followed. I am just very surprised that they do a consolidation so soon after RI . Either they know they have little time left and have no choice or the SC is sleeping. The QR results also not looking good. I hope for the sake of all I am wrong for if I am right, the end is near for this counter. But if you already have money inside just hold, I wouldn't advise going in now though. During the AGM not much was said also by the new MD, seems like no plan has been devised to turn the company around. Good luck to all.


2017-08-24 17:31 | Report Abuse

AGM tomorrow is to ask for approval to approve directors fees . Hahaha. Duit masuk dulu. Consolidation is to squeeze more money . See what the new MD says about the plans. He was appointed as they needed one before the AGM. I hope for the sake of everyone , it doesn't get delisted. So far the counter has been riding on "akan datang" news and not results. Still got some money stuck inside. Question the new MD muda in the AGM tomorrow on his plans and see if his reply got substance or not. If not also can tapau already. Good luck all!


2017-08-22 21:21 | Report Abuse

One simple question which is the most basic of questions. Why did Dato Goh resign as MD if he knew the future plans , acquisitions and had confidence in seeing the price go up? He would have had access to all plans and financial forecasts and results.


2017-08-15 18:01 | Report Abuse

I will attend the AGM and I will vote against the share consolidation. It is merely another round of taking our money and keeping it in their pockets. The new MD most probably won't stay long. They just needed an MD in time for the AGM. If the shares stay as they are, they will have to fight for their survival more and really work harder, and that is better to all the shareholders. Consolidation gives more room to manipulation and also more room for prices to drop further. There have been so many similiar cases in the past. But I'm sure they have already arranged for the numbers to be there on that day to vote the resolution through. Its really quite predictable if you study what they are doing. Right now , the thing thats killing them should be the loan repayments and meeting their commitments. Just hoping it doesn't get delisted. If it does then all can tapau back already including this chat. There will be so many question for the board on the AGM.


2017-08-13 14:11 | Report Abuse

Betul Sasisegaran. Dah sangkut, tak yah nangis. Biarkan ia dijadikan satu pelajaran. Mata kabur jangan dibiarkan . Bursa memang dipenuhi dengan kecerianan dan kepahitan seakan-akan lyrik lagu "Madu dan Racun" . Yang mana dipilih? Semuanya terpulang kepada kecerdikan diri sendiri.

"Kuman di seberang lautan nampak, gajah di pelupuk mata tak nampak" .


2017-08-13 12:48 | Report Abuse

My learned friend Flying Kite, if you understand my post ,you would have noticed that I mentioned those burnt, inclusive of myself. I am merely stating the facts to as how the directors are playing the game. It is not in support of nor admiration for the done deeds and in any way . There is clearly a manipulation in prices by certain quarters. Many follow blindly with little or no homework done at all before investing. When they announced a possible JV involving Alibaba, the masses just jumped on the bandwagon to head for doom and gloom. The management probably spent 10% to gain 90%. That to me is smart albeit not very ethical . If your a big boy living in a grown up world you would know that the business arena is not exactly a heavenly place full of righteousness. , I hope for your sake that you do due diligence before investing my friend. The results show it all. Many of my personal friends have money stuck in this counter. Learn from this and move on and be more weary in future investments. No point crying over spilt milk. I have..

"To err once is humane, but to repeat an error is sheer stupidity"- Clyde V. Balmsmore


2017-08-13 07:43 | Report Abuse

AGM will be interesting. Goh is smart to exit. Makes explanation of dismal show of company results by other directors to shareholders much easier. If you study what has been happening with the counter, its price fluctuations , announcements and timing, it tells a story. Its really not rocket science, announcement of possible deals related to Alibaba = price UP right when rights issue were about to be issued . Brilliantly played by directors. I hope those burnt will be able to recover a bit, myself included.


2017-08-11 05:26 | Report Abuse

I sense that bursa will step in soon to probe this counter and its recent activities. These guys are playing a very risky game. Suspension perhaps? Interesting counter to observe . Directors must be sweating now.


2017-08-06 07:00 | Report Abuse

Issue more shares then consolidate. Directors laughing to the bank. Well planned move and this time the short surge in price did not warrant a UMA query from Bursa because the groundwork was done. Alibaba news and acquisition of related company . They gained way more than what they spent for that news when the price hit 0.09 cents recently. Even If nothing materializes from the alibaba news, they bought themselves some time and obviously got some much needed funds. It would be interesting to monitor this counter. Tread cautiously is my advice.


2017-08-01 05:08 | Report Abuse

Buy at 0.02 cents. Throw one side and keep till 2018. Long term counter, Weighted by bank borrowings. Audited reports just came out and don't look too rosy. This counter is like going to the casino, high risk.


2017-07-12 05:54 | Report Abuse

Wonder what happened to the construction project? No funds to kick off or scrapped project? This company seems to adopt the say first do later policy causing investors to invest blindly. Smart management though, take public funds first then decide if to go ahead with projects. They spent small money acquiring companies supposedly related to the Alibaba but raised much needed funds via public to survive even before any deal was set in concrete. Amazing how many buyers buy on hear say. Stocks, you win some you lose some. Use your own judgement as see clearly. Look at reports and not listen to rumours before putting in your hard earned money.


2017-06-29 05:08 | Report Abuse

Mid 2018 will go up. Long term counter. For now sleep. Buy with extra money to burn and throw aside for a year. It will take long to recover from years of losses and poor management. Worth buying if you have a little extra money in the pocket, otherwise don't bother. Directors are all happy though.


2017-06-15 05:50 | Report Abuse

Directors are very happy, They say thank you. 9 month to 1 year plan if all goes well. Win some lose some. Thats the harsh reality of the share market. Sometimes you ride and sometimes you are taken for a ride. Good luck all. Use your own judgement and invest wisely. Its always a gamble. I personally went in quite big and cashed out a bit. Still holding on to some and waiting for 0.06 to throw again. Happy Selling all!


2017-06-06 19:41 | Report Abuse

Best counter, 9 year plan counter.


2017-05-04 13:42 | Report Abuse

I'm waiting at 0.02. Got some news. Use your own judgement people. This is a long term game. The directors have already made their kill. Now its time to wait.


2017-05-02 22:51 | Report Abuse

Dinner with the bosses, Will pick up more when it hits 0.02 . Buy buy buy! Use your own judgement . Win or lose on your own free will.


2017-04-14 05:39 | Report Abuse

Just like any investment, look at company reports and fundamentals. The ones laughing, the directors.


2017-03-25 19:56 | Report Abuse

Sold everything when it went up 0.055. Loss making counter.


2017-02-27 20:46 | Report Abuse

Project doesn't seem to be moving ahead and no news. Not so good signs.I think even getting some funds to start seems tough.


2017-01-18 17:17 | Report Abuse

Up one cent , down one cent. Directors trying to keep share at .05 cents. Company still recording losses monthly. Dunno how long they can last.


2016-12-07 19:11 | Report Abuse

I think the construction plans also all gone already. Still stuck with some shares. Go up a bit I throw fast fast.


2016-10-27 20:35 | Report Abuse

Looks like the end might be near. Sold off more, run first.


2016-10-04 12:02 | Report Abuse

Anything happening to this counter?


2016-09-05 19:32 | Report Abuse

Look like project side also quiet already. Possibly looking for another construction company to sub to. Not so easy for IT company to venture in to construction without proper people. Looks tough for this counter. Been suffering losses way too long.


2016-08-24 13:01 | Report Abuse

I think went up max already, loss making companies with no real results , hard to recover .The company been bleeding far too long. Just got distributorship for some brand from Slovenia. Bottomline is its still a loss, dunno how long they can tahan. Small investment to play though,
dirt cheap company to play.


2016-08-11 16:39 | Report Abuse

Lets see, I predict go up to 0.080 then next few days back to 0.040 again. Someone out to make a quick buck. They are careful this time, not to get UMA query again. Low price makes it easy to play.


2016-07-23 11:28 | Report Abuse

Probably because no one went, unless they served food , then maybe a few might turn up. Anyway, target price is still 0.02 cents but I wouldn't really put a buy on this counter, all loss making companies.


2016-07-05 07:30 | Report Abuse

Price target of 0.02 sen coming ? Maybe can make some small money on this counter. 2 cent boleh cuba kot.


2016-06-26 20:33 | Report Abuse

Company seems to be changing core business to construction. Cannot survive in original business I think. Trying very hard to raise funds . Wait to drop further then maybe go in a bit again. Drop to 0.02 cents perhaps?


2016-06-04 15:55 | Report Abuse

Most if not all of their subsidiary companies loss making. Not a good sign for the group. Luckily early early I sold all. Now in some legal case with health ministry.


2016-05-31 16:51 | Report Abuse

Basically the company just needs funds to survive I think. Losses accumulated over the years and bank interests might be quite substantial. And the low share prices are not really helping if they have facilities from the banks. Its a cheap counter to play though.


2016-05-27 14:07 | Report Abuse

Yes , going down. Not good even after announcement of letter of award for project. Can play?


2016-05-17 15:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah , read that. They are trying to raise a loan for that 30 month job.


2016-05-17 04:34 | Report Abuse

If the banks support then ok. If banks recall loans or ask for top up, then end of story. Can try a bit though as cheap counter to play.


2016-05-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

Don't think so, its bleeding yearly according to reports. If goreng also risky in these market conditions. Loss making counter but if you willing to gamble then can try.


2016-05-09 12:47 | Report Abuse

0.06 or 0.60? When ?


2016-04-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

All quiet already. Lucky I ran first. looks like it will be around the 5-6 cent range, company reports losses . Hit and run case this counter.


2016-03-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

Yah, I think so, Need to hold long time. Only risk is delisting as they have been making losses year after year. Dunno if they can tahan the banks.. if not ,cheap to play.


2016-03-11 17:54 | Report Abuse

Don't think so. Goreng pun dah kena UMA query . Tak berani kut. Memang loss making company, dah lama loss but dunno la. Kalau ada bullet ok la. Ada pun yg ckp nk delist. Gamble.


2016-03-11 16:50 | Report Abuse

Tahan, hari nie tahan kubu. Hahaha! Siap dgn announcement baru. Cover line baeek.


2016-03-11 06:32 | Report Abuse

last last ada org ckp nak delist ni. Betul ke x? Baik cuci dlu.


2016-03-11 00:21 | Report Abuse

nie boleh naik lg ker? dah kena UMA query kat Bursa , nasib ku lari . huhuhu
