
ChinaDragon | Joined since 2020-04-10

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2020-04-22 12:12 | Report Abuse

yes, Even an iota of shame in them?

The pits of it while screaming supremacy race, religion!!! .
Betul betul Maruah, means, you will not want the rest of your fraternity tarnished by your acts, acts out of your arrogance or out of your stupidity.


2020-04-21 10:57 | Report Abuse

Happy Birthday Datuk DG. May god bless you.This country needs more people like you

And this country need more company like arbb, good.


2020-04-20 11:02 | Report Abuse

500 nations? including those from mars and jupiter!


2020-04-20 11:02 | Report Abuse

QuellingBlaster ,This country is all about politics and religion. No one talks about progress and development. In short, this is a nation where a minister believes there are 500 nations and the former DPM believed that. Demi agama, bangsa dan negara.


2020-04-20 10:10 | Report Abuse

This is great news and recognition for the good doctor and our country.

We salute Health Ministry director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah for his focused daily update, done in an assuring and unassuming manner.

Even on a day when there is a surge in the number of sick cases, he is very obliging by informing viewers what has caused the surge and how and what the Health Department is doing to contain it.

He is never in the habit of making accusatory or defensive comments or overreacting or over-promising anything. He starts calmly and ends his update calmly.

Even when attacked by other private doctors, he has professionally avoided discussing those complaints during his updates. He is truly a gentleman doctor. A gift to Malaysians during this challenging time.


2020-04-17 13:39 | Report Abuse

QuellingBlaster, The application website is not available in KPDNHEP is no more available, how to apply?? So stupid this government creating more confusion even after clarification. Why so many ministries are involved to ask business to apply for restart of business. So messy instruction among ministers . Stupid government


2020-04-17 13:26 | Report Abuse

Yeah guys, They never get it right the first time do they?. There's always the "clarification" or "I was misquoted" after they get whacked for making boo-boos. The next fiasco to happen would be seeing them overwhelmed with applications that they cannot handle and then seeing them making another u-turn.


2020-04-17 12:42 | Report Abuse

SweetMemoryLane and zillionaire, these bugger really so good ar?

nah take this!

1. The fact that we have a dearth of talent in Malaysia is only true to the extent that the system does not allow them to be indiscriminately identified, nurtured and acknowledged
2. With a lack of meritocracy, sycophancy holds court. A credibility and integrity gap appears as a result
3. Most of our politicians rise based on this system
4. Former DCA top civil servant Azharuddin Abdul Rahman known around the world for his laughable Balotelli analogy is also a product of this system
5. Noor Hisham Abdullah is a outlier to the system, not to the nation. I do not intend to put a racial spin on him but it is the elephant in the room
6. Take note that Noor Hisham Abdullah only came to prominence during recent change to the PN regime. During the PH regime, Dr Wan Azizah, Dr Dzul and Dr Lee Boon Chye were doing just fine. This does not portend well for this PN government. Post Covid 19, if the politicians recover their normal mode, Malaysia will be in more grave problems
7. In short, Noor Hisham Abdullah arises only out of necessity and circumstance. Good for Malaysia but does not reflect anything positive in the long term for us.


2020-04-16 12:25 | Report Abuse

Guys, today Arbb still on the bull raging mode! 兴旺发 啊!


2020-04-16 11:55 | Report Abuse

Except for stealing and plundering whatever come into hands, this moron have no idea what their ministry do. Well stealing of PH initiative are also part of the package.


2020-04-16 11:55 | Report Abuse

Too bad PN politicians can't grow brains. They are really in need of fresh "brain matter". A lot of brain matter I must say.


2020-04-15 13:44 | Report Abuse

The projection based on 2020 versus 2021 may even be 10 percent or 20 percent growth depending on the lockdown if it extends into June.
Comparison to 2019 GDP it may be a minus 2.0 or more percent . IMF praising so as loan sharks will be soliciting to lend money .


2020-04-14 14:50 | Report Abuse

Everybody let's 兴旺发 in Arbb! Don't say bojio! buy call buy call!


2020-04-14 13:43 | Report Abuse

wellington sky, If PN collapses let it be.Let the nation go for fresh elections...TUN can say anything but remember he is the one who created this shit...As long as Tun is a live, Malaysian politics will always been in turmoil...TUN will pit one person against another...he started with using Tun Razak and the ultra Malays to get rid of Tengku...then he got rid of Hussien Onn then he use Musa Hitam to get rid of Tengku Razaliegh....then he used Anwar to get rid of Gafar baba, then he Badawi to get rid of Anwar... then he use Najib to get rid of Badawi ...then he used Muhuyddin and DAP ( his arch enemy ) to get rid of Najib...then He used Azmin Ali to get rid of Anwar... (THIS HAS BEEN MALAYSIAN POLITICS WITH DR MAHATHIR).So what are you talking back door back door ....nonsense... do you all know who is the real enemy...


2020-04-14 13:29 | Report Abuse

Just a few weeks ago I thought maybe we should give this PN a chance despite the several displays of idiocy by some of their leaders. But, now I know how to vote come GE15. It's quite obvious now that this unelected PM and his government coalition is just an evolved strain of the UMNO virus with some PAS DNA. The very same party that closed an eye, rationalized and protected the corruption by their own members will now hold leadership and influential positions of fiduciary duty in GLCs that has commercial and economic ties with the government's financial health.

We should all practice social distancing from them and get over the 5 year incubation period before next election and use the most powerful vaccine we have against them - our votes.


2020-04-14 13:28 | Report Abuse

Back door government doing back door tricks. The country is plunged in a pandemic and this traitor goes around dismissing and then putting his cronies in GLCs!! God help Malaysia!!


2020-04-14 13:28 | Report Abuse

quellingblaster, The lack of talent is obvious in the current regime. Cannot wait for another change of government. Moo must not squander our resources and destroy what is left of our country. Vote PH 2.0 at the next election.


2020-04-14 13:28 | Report Abuse

yala quellingblaster, BN under Najib is likened to be under the SARS virus, PN is the virus variant evolved from SARS to become Covid-19

Vaccine to deal with this political Covid-19 is GE15, maybe?


2020-04-14 13:13 | Report Abuse

Govt appointments taken over by Politicians. This is clear ROBBING.

OH! GOD SAVE THIS NATION. There is nothing the righteous can do but prayer for a change.


2020-04-10 15:16 | Report Abuse



2020-04-10 15:14 | Report Abuse

ARBB7181 兴 旺 发 啊!


2020-04-10 15:13 | Report Abuse

Hey guys, we just come in and enjoy the wave of prosperity! 好事好事


2020-04-10 13:51 | Report Abuse

Agree tripleX, The Chief Secretary, at the meeting with chief secretaries and heads of service, should have strongly sought their cooperation to forego their entertainment allowance not just a meager 10% as well as other savings in terms if petrol allowance. At the meeting they should be clearly told that there will be no entertainment under the MCO and following the noble acts of the King and other Royals, they should sacrifice something for the nation. After all they are paid full salary even during the MCO. As Govt servants they should set exemplary actions for the rakyat. It all boils down to leadership. Whoever chaired the meeting was not dynamic enough to make the giant step of asking for more from them. If one is getting RM1000, 10% translates to RM100. Imagine out of an entertainment allowance, which is spent on dining, they can only part with 10%. What about their savings on petrol and others? Can't they part with it?
Don't expect the rakyat to congratulate and thank you for this. When you give, please give wholeheartedly and generously, not a token amount just for the sake of contributing. Meaningless.
This should also apply to all MPs, they too should contribute from their allowances.


2020-04-10 13:50 | Report Abuse

What entertainment are you going to have during the MCO? Just take off the whole thing. They will be receiving other allowances like housing, cola, driver, petrol etc. That is good enough!