
CleverBoy | Joined since 2014-09-05

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2014-11-07 12:50 | Report Abuse

Hi myoswee, anymore thoughts about this counter. How have been your investing. Any counter you have been investing in. Please tell me why you invest in these counters.


2014-11-07 12:30 | Report Abuse

Calvin, looks like someone has studied this counter and is positive on it!! Todays buying looks good.


2014-11-05 10:26 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin, why so much selling this counter. Seems never ending, Calvin. Sorry just to ask and we discuss, no finger pointing at you. We always think when we buy any stock, it must straightaway rock up to the moon. Patience. The selling is bugging me, Calvin. How are you by the way?


2014-11-04 15:21 | Report Abuse

Yes please have respect for others. Perhaps he has had good experiences on choice of stocks. Calvin is truly excite about BjCorp. SO, read it but do not attack him. Decide to buy or not is in your hands. Those who buy take the risk. Those who do not buy, is also ok, There are so amny stock broking analysts recommending this or that stock, but it is up to you to read an dfind out about that stock and whether you want to take the risk. Have a nice day everyone.


2014-11-04 01:45 | Report Abuse

Calvin, how long to hold this one? Patience i know is best. Buy when cheap!


2014-10-18 01:33 | Report Abuse

Ichits, you held for so long. Calvin says hang on. I concur with him. You near the finish line, hang on till you cross over with price increases that will come. Dont throw the towel in when you are just a few meters from the finish line. Hang on. Regret if you do not hang on. If price increase, sell slowly and pace out your profits. Good night Ichits and talk to you again. Patience wins the game!!


2014-10-18 01:28 | Report Abuse

Ah Ok Calvin, thanks for timely information. Good night Calvin and to all in our forum.


2014-10-17 20:35 | Report Abuse

Good to hear from you myoswee. The thing is they announce and can we believe them as they hold all the real information close top their chest. Thats why when they announced the deal the share went limit up and they all probably sold all their shares. WE all read with glee the price they will sell on the assumed price and not read the full report properly. I think "they" made money on the selldown when they first announced the deal. Lot of us find it hard to read their minds and by then it is too late for many small investors, left with the crumbs.


2014-10-17 20:28 | Report Abuse

Calvin, will company continue to buy back more more shares. 2m share buyback, not much wor!
Hope they buy back more. Will they continue to buy more? have a great night and weekedn Calvin and to all our regulars.


2014-10-17 14:47 | Report Abuse

sale of Rev shares if depend on market price of Icar, bit hard to get the price they assumed in calculations. On the other hand, the question is can management manage to get higher price than current market values of Icar price???


2014-10-17 14:27 | Report Abuse

Lets all hope surely but slowly from now on. All be patient and be cool. If you come to a point beh tahan, just cut some losses. We are all still friends. Do with what you can cope with. Dont over commit. Take care everyone.


2014-10-17 14:24 | Report Abuse

Better stay away. If things turn positive, good for those that spend nights of worry. Yes agree with methodmann and myoswee. These counters dangerous. Buy maybank, get dividends and capital gain. Maybk of course slow but secure. Expanding into other Asean countries too. Look at Public Bank shooting up. Maybank will give you dividends but capital gains will depend on managementsd abilities to execute more profits and better manage all their exposures.


2014-10-17 00:04 | Report Abuse

myoswee, If you have rev, just hope that the management know what they are doing. Hope that they have in mind the minority shareholders. Crecimiento, where are you? Would love to hear your comments now!!


2014-10-16 15:32 | Report Abuse

Agree with you 8set88. Syabas. Maybank is buy and lock up and for dividends.


2014-10-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

Ayoo yoh, wah. public bank 20$$ already ajh!! It means public bank can make money from China. Huge population there. Man, if Public bank open branches there, multiply their earnings .


2014-10-16 15:29 | Report Abuse

Yes next time you come here we should meet up and have the expensive teh tarik or latte or flat white coffee. Of course, Calvin you who made lots you can belanja me or else I can also foot out.
Others too coming here for holiday, please we can meet and say hello and bandage each others wounds. hahaha. IN these kinds of forums we learn from each other.


2014-10-16 15:06 | Report Abuse

I send messages to you email Calvin. Please read my boring stuff and just say hello to me.


2014-10-16 15:04 | Report Abuse

Calvin, you can buy property here and commute up and down. Trust you have made lots. Good for you. Lasst few years no make much. Impatience , caused lost profits. Made kucing kurap.
Hoping God will reward us and for those who due due diligence. God help those who help themselves too. But God can give us wisdom in choices we make. And the right shares to buy and sell at right times.


2014-10-16 15:01 | Report Abuse

Eh Calvin, yes I have to make own teh tarik most times. Only when out, have sometimes. I feel the ppinch!! Stay in iskandar better calvin. What you make if convert here, spend very expensive. But if you already make lots, can retire here. You can take me teh tarik. Cars and Mushroom, vitamins cheap here. If you live here over time you can know th edearer expenses like Electricity and Council rates etc. Mosrt Aus retired people struggle those at llower end. Msian lifestyle better Calvin. NO Cgain tax too in msia. Here got CGT on shares!!


2014-10-16 14:45 | Report Abuse

Got 39c, buy more lah!! Nothing to be afraid, few cents loss.


2014-10-16 14:44 | Report Abuse

Sorry Leno, to hear you lai see ah!! 10k paper loss nothing to worry. When invest take risk. Hold. If cut loss, then you have to buy lower. Hope the lower can come to you. LOOSEN UP everybody!!Haha.


2014-10-16 14:41 | Report Abuse

HI did you all see Dow action last night. Buying by funds from just before 2pm US time. So don pangsai everybody OK. Just loosen up and take easy. Sure got ups and downs.Go teh tarik and roti canai. Think market will be good till first quarter next year. Lets keep fingers crossed.


2014-10-16 00:11 | Report Abuse

Anybody got news from Rev meeting tonight? Please advise. Thank you.


2014-10-15 16:46 | Report Abuse

I dont think so, that size matters. What matters is its earnings and what are its future plans. If maybk has good earnings, its share price will be good and hope do better. Look at HLFG and HLBank. Their prices better than Maybk, Depends on who manages the bank, Maybk can do better. Maybk already got is clients, you think all clients will run to a bigger bank for no reason. People want best rates for their banks, and good customer relationships. Lets hope Maybank management will do better in the years to come. Their price is lagging too, but can do better. They also have a enlarged share capital in view of dividend reinvestments. Quite a huge number of shares too.

Below 9.50 hope to buy!!


2014-10-15 16:34 | Report Abuse

Hey everybody how about we all go to see VT and tell him to do more to create value to shareholders. Since he is doing buy back and he holds substantial shares in company, all he needs to do is to sell his company name more and more. VERY good for him an ddefinitely good for us, small timers. Any thoughts. No negatives ok. WE can write to him or get audience with him, but the latter is not easy matter, especially to see him.


2014-10-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

Wait and see lar. Dont kancheong mar. Sure got forced selling. If we make we all make. If we loose
this one we all in it together. Investing is risk. If you want it to be 20c before you buy also ok, Wait then. The co will not bankrupt, but the split up value will be tremendous. Land bank not revalues not taking into account the other companies within the group. Patience. If drop few cents no need to pang sai ok. HLcap went down to 70c, and then slowly all the way up. Quek and VT both smart business people, can count on them for chickens to hatch.


2014-10-15 12:32 | Report Abuse

Pity I did not buy HLC when it dropped to 0.70. Funny when it falls low, all takut. When reach 10$ , everybody thinhk it will go to $20??? arent we all funny. Cheap time dont want to buy. Expensive we chase!


2014-10-15 12:31 | Report Abuse

Yes, BJcorp is for keeps man. Everybody, listen I tell you a story. Look at Hlcap, today it is 13.92. About less than 2 years ago, was below 2. HL group are good companies. PATIENCE is the name of the game. When you have a good stock, HANG on to it. Dont be short termers, ok, all of us. Pity i did not buy this when it dropped to 0.70. I only saw it going up everyday!! BJCorp soso undervalued. WE just wait. No need to look at it everyday. Go out and have coffee and roti bakar with kaya. One day, who knows not long more, I like Calvins term, KABOOM. I add, may KKAAAABOOOMMM!! Then all happy. We meet at Calvins Iskandar big house to have kenduri. I will fly back and meet all of you guys, those who favour this VT counter and those that think this VT counter is useless. Then chitrchat mah, we are not enemies ok. Haha. real fun.


2014-10-15 12:07 | Report Abuse

Hi, nitestayer, good luck you que at 0.20. If u get it, best to you. Nibble some along the way.


2014-10-15 12:06 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin, sorry went to bed already, at 1.49am. Cool but not as cold when you were here a few weeks ago. Today is 30 odd. Then next few days will be back down to day averages 25 or so. Nights will be around 15degrees.


2014-10-15 02:09 | Report Abuse

laughdieme77, if you hold some bcorp, just lock it up and look at bcorp agaiin another day. That time will surely make you laughdieme, hahaha as you will surely be sitting on some of Vt profits!!!1


2014-10-15 02:06 | Report Abuse

hahaha. WE will make profits on Bcorp for sure. Do not be afraid holders of Bcorp!! Too low a price for the assets it owns. Upwards for sure. Right Calvin.


2014-10-15 01:43 | Report Abuse

Hey Calvin, got some at 25c.


2014-10-14 23:54 | Report Abuse

Yes I am with you ganasia. And so does Calvin.


2014-10-14 22:57 | Report Abuse

Joey Lee, I not make fun of you. If you believe in what you say. To have your own peace of mind, do what you need to do!!


2014-10-14 22:55 | Report Abuse

Joey Lee, u so yoyo. Why? One day positive, next day very gloomy? Better don invest. If you fell marker so bearish. Sell all and stay sidelines!!


2014-10-14 22:52 | Report Abuse

Why zhiqui?? Why u saqy this zhiqui?


2014-10-14 22:29 | Report Abuse

Hello Fishmonger, can trust your statistics ah? OK< all waych December ok!


2014-10-14 22:29 | Report Abuse

Who is selling? Selling nearly 50m shares!! Why selling, when the stock is known by us to be good. Maybe Scared people and contra people want out. Dont want to hold!

News & Blogs

2014-10-14 22:23 | Report Abuse

Lets hope it performs soon enough!!


2014-10-14 22:11 | Report Abuse

What goes up must come down. X-date means adjustment downwards. Play over lar. If u holding HLI plus Narra at 3. Sell both u have MR8 at todays closing prices!!


2014-10-14 21:53 | Report Abuse

eh 5 percent, if you patient, below 9.50 can get also. I am waiting also like you. Dividend reinvestment last was 9.30 I think. Some in panic may sell!! But after a while if cannot get 9.50, will have to be higher. What u think 5percent.?


2014-10-13 21:37 | Report Abuse

Calvin.,wah looking at price movement last few days and today--looks like h
koyak man short term!! How now??!!


2014-10-13 21:34 | Report Abuse

Naturally looking at current prices, looks like habis lah!!?? ::: ((


2014-10-13 14:03 | Report Abuse

If Icar trading around 1.15A$ now. Not much hope unless Varsales buy with a slight premium, say A$1.20. Very far from Icars high of aroung 1.80, unless markets turn and Rev could sell them over time as they have 1 year!! Also Icar has released 70.5m shares from escrow on 11/9/14.
Must be a very brave investor to buy a huge chunk of Icar stake of Rev, unless they see huge potential in th eyears to come in Icar.
Good luck folks.


2014-10-13 13:46 | Report Abuse

Yes, agreed with you Calvin. Those who play contra short term---careful, white hairs on head, will turn yellow and then disappear altogether. Haha. I buy more Digistar, Calvin. So cheap!!


2014-10-13 13:23 | Report Abuse

Yup cfoong. You are right. Mr10k-on 100k holdings-paperloss---no big deal!! look at big picture!! Sitting on a big conglomorate. Pity people still view VT as no touch!! Perhaps VT must change that perception. He will do it only after he has amassed huge amounts of BJCorps shares. But I hope he has minority investors in mind too. Also lets hope bigger investment community view BjCorp as a favoured stock on in days to come.


2014-10-13 12:22 | Report Abuse

What man folks. Drop 5 to 8 cents, IS REALLY NOTHING lah! Look at big picture. Got more money buy more and invest. Small drop, nothing to be scarted off. I you sold at 0.58, very good on you. Lets wait for the bigger runup. PATIENCE everybody!!


2014-10-13 12:18 | Report Abuse

5pervcent, what is your entry pointr this one??