
Dorian | Joined since 2015-07-06

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2017-05-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

Its odd that a term sheet should be made into an announcement. From my understanding a TS is just a prerequisite leading into a possible drawing up of a MOU (Yes those famous MOU's) between the 2 parties. Why such haste, ?


2017-05-04 10:16 | Report Abuse

perhaps to bolster its IT arm which used to be called Malay Sino Technologies (Not sure if still is). Cigar chomping Siew Ka Wei is the son of Siew Nim Chee (Former Bank Negara somebody , think he is deceased). Thats all i know.


2017-05-03 19:36 | Report Abuse

so they are going to wave this term sheet around during the agm to placate shareholders ? again another piece of paper.... like the lapsed mou.


2017-04-20 11:43 | Report Abuse

@ Elvis ...dont leave the building. ! Hold at least one share so that can attend their AGM.... and watch the board squirm in their seats. will be worth it. Same old same old story. They did promise a few things last year but i really doubt they want to remember.


2017-04-13 10:00 | Report Abuse

hahaha.... i suppose they feel there is money to be made in getting licenses, MOU's and approvals like badges of achievement. Basically techies which has no biz acumen ..


2017-04-05 11:24 | Report Abuse

sarisatriya. I haven't seen anything of substance from their P2P nor of all their MOU's . a lot of insinuations here and there and vapourware. unless u are a badminton player. Mpay could be one of those that could have been but did not bcos of mgmt issues or just too in love with an iT company that did not focus on the market. They really need to make the jump to transform .... soon.


2017-04-02 17:29 | Report Abuse

... and no business means the board and management are not doing what they are paid for.


2017-03-30 15:16 | Report Abuse

fact that it hasn't gone up after lunch today means its a good bye. unload ... unload ... unload. !!! .... but the support at 24 seems suspiciously resilient. Those who loves gambling will like this now. OOmmmmmmmm...


2017-03-27 20:11 | Report Abuse

next few days should be interesting..... 31st March deadline for the MOU. !


2017-03-22 08:12 | Report Abuse

today kena hantam back to 24 liaoooo ... lets wait n c esp when dow closing more than 1% down.


2017-03-21 19:44 | Report Abuse

hahaha ... after 31st change nic to elvis the eunuch.


2017-03-21 14:16 | Report Abuse

arnabputih ... read the ann carefully. the MOU was announced last year with 31st march as deadline. they released statement today saying no decision has been made. So ...


2017-02-13 09:31 | Report Abuse

Kelvinfixx ps request on our behalf too as its going to be the same story i bet. hurt ar.!


2017-02-08 19:16 | Report Abuse

Hi Sarisatriya. You sound like somebody that came on a radio talk show before like BFM or something. I could almost place you . Lol. were u with pemandu ?

Anyway I believe when the sandbox thingy conducted by SC was concluded , one of the main messages was this possible requirement to be working hand in glove with banks. Yes ?

My main message is that we just don't have the necessary key building blocks / environment in place that will drive fintech companies healthily.


2017-02-07 17:06 | Report Abuse

BTW these P2P will have to work with the banks ... just wait and see.


2017-02-07 16:55 | Report Abuse

with due respect saristriya, we have been jumping from one industry keyword to another in the past with nothing substancial to show for it.... even after spending millions to support "key" players. Biotech, big data, now fintech ... blockchain ...


2017-02-06 17:00 | Report Abuse

oh puleeezzz. ask mdec, on the quiet, if my economy is ready for dig economy n the answer will be a resounding No. we don't have the size, even the basic infrastructure .... it will take another 2 years minimum to be of any consequence. a look at history will tell you. when we launched MSC ... korea and taiwan etc was no where. we had the foresight , we had the will n push but sadly when politicians businessman got involved ... when glc's and certain race extracted their requirements , it was a goner.

so what is so different now ? same shit. same arseholes at the top. same old game, only by another name.


2017-01-09 13:24 | Report Abuse

If one have been watching this counter then one would have deduced long ago that this counter can only move if there is a corporate exercise. Nothing else.! Current Management is bullshit , current Board is bullshit, lots of air and MOU's. Nothings else. When AGM comes again. its going to be same ol same ol.


2016-09-01 15:18 | Report Abuse

Oh goodness. I start to worry when comments are bordering on wishful thinking . Damn ! The CEO better have iron man suit next time i see him. What a wanker. !!


2016-07-27 23:57 | Report Abuse

Huh ? activity on counter because of the announcement ? Just too much "vapourware" past few months to be hyper about. Its like vendors trying to sell their products through white papers but no hard numbers nor history. Couple with what was demonstrated last AGM ... I will thread with caution mind you. Just don't think there is any significant value nor the people execution in the company right now. Ain't "No right stuff" and aint believing....


2016-05-30 23:39 | Report Abuse

Looks like the board esp chairman and ceo lacks character, and integrity is called into question. They have the guts to proposed esos even when the company is making losses but don't dare release the q results before the agm. what will the reporters call that ? Lol.


2016-05-30 17:17 | Report Abuse

celaka mpay. another q of losses making it over 12 million accumulated. what are they doing. ? all talk and hot air. what really irks me is that their agm was fixed to be held in the morning and the q results was conveniently released later that evening..... no balls. Does not augur well for the integrity of the current BOD. esos for the ceo bro in law was carried through despite strong protest. No integrity at all. At this rate the entire bod are suspect and taking us for a ride.


2015-10-15 13:28 | Report Abuse

@annetan. Monthly chart ? I can't see anything there. sorry. On a weekly then it is beautifully poised for a major breakout if it maintains at current rate though daily charts shows a need for a pause before another major move. MACD looks good, momentum is gaining . Chart formation looks like a major breakout too.


2015-10-15 10:35 | Report Abuse

It would be interesting IF Madiba decides to stop giving his/her views as a result of the "antics" of a few forumers here. Then perhaps we can see what stuff some of us are made of. huhuhu ..

Apa macam Madiba ?


2015-10-02 13:14 | Report Abuse

Hmmmm …. chart wise this looks like a decisive break. If it maintain above 26 or even better hit above 28 will be confirmation. Something big seems to be on the way. how long ago was it last at 18 … 25th Aug. Impressive :)


2015-09-03 15:28 | Report Abuse

Opppsss …. looks like somebody gonna have eggs on their face.


2015-08-24 17:13 | Report Abuse

20 is a good buy.? Thats what I thought when it was at 23.5. hahaha. In retrospect thats always the case. I'm not going in again until it touches 17.5. period.


2015-08-14 11:19 | Report Abuse

Madiba is a female ? The way she expresses her opinion sure doesn't seem like it … not that I'm putting her into a box / stereotyping. just saying . No offense meant Madiba. I takut angry woman punya ….(there I go again.)


2015-08-14 09:23 | Report Abuse

Temporary reprieve for the moment. 25 kaput. 235 also does not seem to be able to hold. Next stop will be wayyyyy at 17. With current political scenario condition still to be played out I really doubt anything will hold for now. I wonder is there anyway to find out if the private placement takers has sold ?


2015-08-06 17:16 | Report Abuse

Anyway I don't think 26 is going to hold. Chart wise it is very weak in line with general mkt sentiments. 25 should be firm though.


2015-08-06 17:04 | Report Abuse

Oh Brother…. going to test 26 tomorrow though with light volume. KL Grand pri ck pulak tomorrow … vroom vroommm .. Guess will have to wait slightly longer to accumulate further.


2015-07-24 14:54 | Report Abuse

Friday la with no major mkt moving news. Moreover no consistent 100 share pokes.. Looks like we are trained by Pavlov to respond to certain stimuli. food for thought through the weekend. enjoy yourselves boys and girls.


2015-07-22 17:07 | Report Abuse

Kelvinfixx … Bless you boy.! Hope the supermodel looks like ygritte of GOT.


2015-07-22 12:32 | Report Abuse

Kelvin Fixx, you know nothing !…. but who cares as long as money is to be made…. but then hope no arrow through the heart.


2015-07-20 22:20 | Report Abuse

.. such an easy entry at 26.5 and looking at a paper profit of 3.5 sens with todays closing. My bet is it will def be above 30 come early august…. dare say 7.5 sens. wooo weeeee..


2015-07-20 15:37 | Report Abuse

… and guess what the comments will be when the price goes above 30. ? then 33 ? then 35.5 ? then 40 ? Stuff on some lemang and cry .


2015-07-10 09:56 | Report Abuse

Oh well. The weekend is near. Market gonna be dull today as we await the unfolding in greece and of course jibkor. Parting words from me for now. Warning : If you are easily offended by colorful language STOP reading now. ! I bear no responsibility for mental anguish / angst.

Mpay to me is like a fine lady / gentlemen (Up to your pref). After awhile it gets kind of boring unless you are into some mental masturbation of doing research on each and every bit of detail and key it onto a "investometric model" and voila a magic number - chart appears to signal buy / sell. / hold. . Once in awhile it would be good to be able to chase and hunt, get the adrenalin going and score a quickie or two.….

Happy hunting boys and girls . !!


2015-07-09 10:52 | Report Abuse

@hsaa. Cant see anything as it is locked. Buy signal ??? yeah. ?


2015-07-08 16:24 | Report Abuse

Ive been reading the comments here with a fair bit interest and amusement. Safe to say it certainly does represent a wee bit of bursa investor demographics. I've got a question for those who would care to answer …. which is, It would seem that Mpay looks like intent on having a slow and solid trajectory. One can easily see that it has solid support but at the same time upswings are constrained and managed. Is it the intent of Mpay to weed out the frivolous wild swings and hence the short term players and educate us whilst at it. You could say I'm neither technical nor value research based.