
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-09-15 04:42 | Report Abuse

Stay inspired. Stay motivated. Stay invested.


2014-09-15 03:51 | Report Abuse

Gua biasa la, ini macam, klu malam Isnin. Petang Ahad bantai tido kaw kaw, so malamnya sampai pagi Isni tak yah tido lagi.

Klu ada pun, sejam dua ja, curi-curi.


2014-09-15 03:02 | Report Abuse

'Stuck there' is a common, ordinary experience in serious, long term stock investing.

If one can't handle 'stuck there', then one will never ever be a successful, serious, long term stock investor.


2014-09-15 02:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-15 02:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by SK_LOON > Sep 14, 2014 09:02 AM | Report Abuse

Hello Sumatec Investors/Traders/Punters/shortist/swingers and Tan Sri Halim Saad (if you are reading this forum)

I have been reading almost every line posted by bloggers in Sumatec Forum since 0.25 and also start buying since 0.28 and I am still holding Sumatec until this very moment.

Being a passive investor, I think I have make a very good investment decision to invest in Sumatec shares. What more do I want with an average price 0.28 versus current price of 0.445 and the price is still climbing up.How high Sumatec price will climb only Halim Saad and his trusted General and Shareholders knows.I don't think he will sabotage his own investment.Do you?

With the current scenario, my guess is Sumatec price will move up but on a cruising mode reason being of the following factors.

1) Right Issue proposal-yes or no is still a question.Punters and traders will chicken out.Serious Investors that stay invested since 0.28 some sell...some stay invested..some sell certain percentage or hold certain percentage..some buy back..some uncertain 50-50.

2) In the event, if Right Issue plus free warrant is a choice, I predict Halim Saad and his compatriot will push Sumatec price sky high and being a passive investor I will still WIN BIG simply because I have the best of both world either to sell or to subscribe the Right Issue plus free Warrant.

3) In the event if Right Issue is Not a choice, being a passive investor, I will still WIN very BIG reason being, Sumatec shares is almost cornered by Halim Saad (soon to hold 32% on paper) and his compatriot and not to mention his proxies (GOD KNOWS the amount).Sumatec price will move up by leaps and bounce.

I am dead sure Halim Saad has an ace card under his sleeves.

4) Petronas is in Azerbaijan to start a brown field project and is following Sumatec's footstep in Kazakstan. I have to salute Tan Sri Halim Saad for his intelligence and his far sighted. I can't imagine Petronas following Halim Saad's business model. PM Najib is/was in Azerbaijan with Petronas team. Fundamentally, This is a VERY BIG WIN for Halim Saad.

5) There have been all kind of debates in Sumatec Forum.Some good , some neutral, some bad, some vulgar, some technical, some not so fundamental etc. It is for you to judge..As a passive investor, I don't really care because I have won and a matter of time will win very BIG.

6) Tan Sri Halim Saad is business man. He has to do what he has to do but he doesn't want to fail and do you think that he will be that stupid to sabotage his own business and investment? Give me a break.

Bravo, dude. You are a fine example of that rare-and-becoming-rarer specimen in the Bursa. The true investment warrior. Keep up da good work.


2014-09-15 02:09 | Report Abuse

One can just imagine it. If Suma at 44 sen is already bigger than Deleum by market cap, then one can just wonder what what is it gonna be like when Suma hits RM7.50 in 2018.

Yup. It would be in the absolute stratosphere of Malaysian O&G firms.


2014-09-15 02:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Sep 15, 2014 12:50 AM | Report Abuse

AT.....buang sarong .....hi hi hi

Ai, klu dibuang sarungnya, kut lari pulak burungnya kang. Kecoh nak mengejarnya nanti.


2014-09-15 01:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytradingz > Sep 14, 2014 01:21 PM | Report Abuse

I am no sure why people agree so simply - I am looking at who can tell me what is the real fair value of SUMATEC - I also checked other companies to compare. Yesterday Star paper show SUMATEC market capitalisation higher that Alam Maritime. Is this possible with current business. If yes, can you or the owners show is how?

I also read others making comparison about SUMATEC and Hibiscus - I read this - can anyone based on the reserves and market capitalisation of Hibiscus share and SUMATEC oil reserve versus Hibiscus reserve, tell me whether the price can reach RM1 or above?

Posted by happytradingz > Sep 14, 2014 02:00 PM | Report Abuse

Yk John - can you tell me what is fair price of SUMATEC. Do you know? If we put in more money in this coming week, will we make money or lose in 6 months time?

You must compare with other stock to make sure you pricing is correct. Otherwise what basis you use? Otherwise, why some counters in bursa are RM20, RM10, RM5, RM1 and still people buy and some at RM 0.05 also people don't buy!

I was carrying that Saturday StarBiz copy, which contained that article listing Malaysian O&G firms by market by capitalisation. I was quite surprised actually, pleasantly surprised mind you, when I saw Suma's ranking (based on recent price of 44 sen) higher than THHeavy, Deleum, Hibiscus, Scomi and some others that I always thought would hv been bigger than Suma. I was going to reproduce that table in here, but I left that bloomin thing in the taxi or somewhere. I also looked for SONA in that list, but it was not there.

You can ask and analyse all you want, but at the end of the day, noone in the whole wide world would be able to give you the kind of iron-clad guarantee answer that you're looking for. Not even Warren Buffet. You hv to make your own final judgement and decision.

Who in this universe can say with absolute certainty what the correct pricing is for any stock? It's all a lot of guess-timation, some more inspired, some less so, than others. If YK can answer for certain whether you'll be in profit or in loss in 6 months' time, buying Suma at 45 tomorrow, then he would also be a multi-billionaire in 3 months time. Right YK?


2014-09-14 02:45 | Report Abuse

'Paul Dinleter' = 'Paul Dinletir'



2014-09-14 02:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-14 00:50 | Report Abuse

It's also a symptom of deep seated insecurity. With the owner of the problem (i.e. the person afflicted) always trying hard to hide or disguise his real problem, by adopting an air of superiority, frequently displaying a condescending attitude towards others, constantly trying to put down others, etc. etc.


2014-09-14 00:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by Nancy Tang > Sep 13, 2014 11:04 PM | Report Abuse

That optimus seems to be jumping from forum to forum making more enemies along the way ! At 1.29 pm today he was making a nusiance of himself in another forum ( fortunebullz ). Poor chap seems to be having a serious social problem !

He has trouble focusing his perpetually distracted mind too. It's a frequent symptom displayed by someone with Attention Deficit Disorder. Worse still when it's combined with Atention Seeking Syndrome.


2014-09-14 00:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by OptimusX > Sep 14, 2014 12:23 AM | Report Abuse

Dreamhunter your suggestion that sumatec may resort to share buyback as a way to raise fund to acquire oilfield already show u r 100% zero knowledge in stock market
you r 100% hot air only.

Now it's clear. You must have some trouble reading and understanding, plain simple English. It was not me who suggested that. It was DickyMe who first posted it at 7.47 pm. And my reply to him was posted at 7.56 pm.

Just roll back to the 3rd and 5th posts on the page, and read them both again. 20 more times, so that you don't get things confusing your murky mind again.


2014-09-14 00:26 | Report Abuse

When the market is not so good for me, I just ignore it. I don't care what value it puts on my invested stock. Even less what value the average Nay Sayer or Doubting Thomas puts on it. I will stick to my own value for it. And I won't even think about selling.

But when the market is good for me, then only I might consider the market value. But that is only if I am ready to sell at the time.

If not, I will keep even for longer, and wait around for an even beter price. Maybe something closer to my TP.

Way to go.


2014-09-14 00:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by ericB6B > Sep 13, 2014 08:27 PM | Report Abuse

There's better way. Just put cats in the ship. Cat will eat all the rats. Environment friendly and low cost + high efficiency

With one condition. The cats must be famished, starving stray cats. Becoz, in case you hv not noticed, the average well-fed house cat, even those resident around the bawah-pokok mamak stalls, are just not bothered to chase a rat anymore. Maybe the rats don't look too appetising to them anymore.

Using barn owls, like those used by Western farmers, would prolly be a better idea.


2014-09-14 00:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by OptimusX > Sep 13, 2014 09:21 PM | Report Abuse

The more dreamhunter write. The more he expose his ignorance in the financial market.

Really? Well, let's just see how it goes.


2014-09-13 20:26 | Report Abuse

Then clean off all that rat crap with some heavy duty detergent.


2014-09-13 20:25 | Report Abuse

Can just spray the rats off with some good old rodenticide.


2014-09-13 20:22 | Report Abuse

Maybe use some PDZ-owned tongkang.


2014-09-13 20:20 | Report Abuse

SaadHalim, you could hv been a bit more specific, you know. Instead of casting such a vast net.


2014-09-13 19:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by komnas > Sep 13, 2014 07:39 PM | Report Abuse

Moga Tan sri panjang umur dan murah rezeki



2014-09-13 19:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 13, 2014 07:47 PM | Report Abuse

How about share buy-back instead of RI? ....kekekekeke

What a non-sensical proposal, one bordering between the ludicrous and the absurd.


2014-09-13 19:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 13, 2014 05:36 PM | Report Abuse

DH stop envying my calibre, concentrate on improving yourself ..kekekekek

What calibre? I wish I can see any, let alone envy.


2014-09-13 17:06 | Report Abuse

Jangan la pulak baru rasa profit 20k, tu pun kerana nasib baik aja, dan nak canang satu dunia, macam la dia tu pandai sangat, hebat sangat.


2014-09-13 17:01 | Report Abuse

So, DickyMe, sudah berapa ratus k lu punya profit sejak lu main canggih keluar masuk, keluar masuk kat Suma. Kasi la tau, lu kan orang pandai, baru la ada orang lain minat nak belajar sama lu.


2014-09-13 16:55 | Report Abuse

Tak pa la. Orang yg dakwa dia pandai main kluar masuk, keluar masuk tu, biar aja lah dia main cam tu.

Setakat yng gua tau, cuma ada dua tiga orang di kalangan forum regulars yg tul-tul skilful main cam tu, cam Nooraini, LooiKS antaranya.

Yg lain tu, kebanyakannya, klentong lebih aja. Tiap kali dia beli, memang lowest price punya, tiap kali dia jual, memang highest price punya. Tapi yg hairannya, dah berapa lama dia main canggih cam tu, tak dapat-dapat jadi multi-billionaire lagi.

Klu cam Nooraini, memang gua admire & respect. Drpd modal 500k, dia sekarang sudah hit 10M. Memang power dia punya swing. Klu boleh, gua pun nak belajar sampai boleh buat macam dia.


2014-09-13 16:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by Nancy Tang > Sep 13, 2014 04:34 PM | Report Abuse

DH was out of circulation for a short period of time . Finally he's back and you can judge for youself the welcoming mat laid out for him ! I am just wondering if that ' dickyme ' is out of obit & then later reappear again ...... will he receive the same treatment or will he'll be kick back into obit again , ha! ha!

They say behind every cloud there's a;ways a silver lining. So I used my outage time to groom for myself a deputy and probable successor. He's done a reasonable job then, I hope.


2014-09-13 16:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by iPlay > Sep 13, 2014 04:28 PM | Report Abuse


Welcome Back, Welcome back

Cheers, dude.


2014-09-13 16:35 | Report Abuse

Masa brother gua yg kija geologist PETRONAS (dia baru naik GM lebih kurang sekitar bulan puasa baru ni) mula-mula promote Suma kat gua, lebih kurang 25 la masa tu.

Tapi guat tak tau apa cita itu jam, memang gua takut sebab PN17, company terbeban hunatng dsb. Jadi gua tak peduli sama dia, itu jam, sampai dia naik 50, pas tu 80, baru gua datang minat. Pas study sikit lebih kurang, baru gua beranikan diri beli 70 lot besar @75, pas tu 30 bj besar lagi @70, so mulanya cuma 100 lot besar at average about 73 sen.

Bila RI offer dtg @17.5, berasap kepala juga gua duk pikir, nak lari 'cut losses' ka, nak pegang saja at average 73 ka, atau nak accept RI dgn beli tambah 410 lot besar yg gua layak itu jam.

Remisier gua pun tak tau cam na nak advise itu jam, cuma dia dapat explain the approximate calculations aja kat gua.


2014-09-13 16:12 | Report Abuse

Klu yg dia cakap, semuanya 'truth'. Klu yg lain orang cakap, semuanya 'falsehood'. Ni la yg orang panggil 'self-appointed prophet', kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?


2014-09-13 16:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ambz > Sep 13, 2014 03:48 PM | Report Abuse

Aku dah agak dah dia mesti cakap itu price DH, smlm dia kata beli 43.5. Dia punya price must be the lowest of the day and nearly the highest of the range. Mana mau kalah. Sure win none.

Tu la yg gua hairan nar tu. Ngapa agaknya dia lum jadi multi-billionaire lagi tu.


2014-09-13 15:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 13, 2014 03:47 PM | Report Abuse

Dei itu bukan counter..la..that is warrant la..itu pun tak tahu..cetts

Mother ka, Warrants ka, sama aja. Dua-dua pun, duit juga. Itu pun tak tau ka. Cett.


2014-09-13 15:53 | Report Abuse

Yang banyak nar kutuk orang, sambil banyak nar puji diri dia sendiri, ada satu orang ja kat sini. Kita semua pun tau siapa itu orang, kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?


2014-09-13 15:50 | Report Abuse

As long as it can give me good time, it's good enough for me. And now that I can get good time from my h/p, I rarely go around wearing a watch now.


2014-09-13 15:43 | Report Abuse

It takes plenty of skill to succeed as a swinger. Otherwise, one might just end up actually losing out on maximum profit. Like I did, when I tried it on 2 past occasions, making me go down to 1,010 big lots of WB, from the initially 1,250 big lots which I first had.

With something like Suma, there is no firm timeline. One just goes by feel, basically. Someone like Nooraini might be able to judge with better accuracy when something is overbought or oversold, but for the great majority of us, it's not much different from diving in murky waters or trekking in deep jungle on a dark night.

Although there're always plenty of pathological pranksters and after-the-event smart alecs who would be claiming that they saw something coming, AFTER it has already come.


2014-09-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

If you wanna be a swinger, be a proper, dignified, professional swinger like Nooraini la. Don't be a shameless, cheapskate chameleon la.


2014-09-13 15:29 | Report Abuse

Tied- or no tied-up is only a matter of subjectivity or relativity. Better hv one's cash 'tied up' in a good, under-rated stock that will eventually fly sky high, than hv it swinging and oscillating between several mediocre counters giving mediocre net ROI over the long term.


2014-09-13 15:23 | Report Abuse

And can tell you tell us how many billions you hv made from all that monkey swingin of yours, DickyMe. Just as a matter of curiosity, you know.

Tell you what, dude. Real, honest, professional swingers - our own Nooraini being a fine example - do not need to hit on or badmouth any stock to make it fall. They just keep part of their cash ready to exploit any opportunity made available by a downtrend, pullback or correction.


2014-09-13 15:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Sep 13, 2014 02:08 PM | Report Abuse

It's been a while, DH. Hope all's good. Cheers.

Posted by Ambz > Sep 13, 2014 03:10 PM | Report Abuse

Glad to hear u back DH!

Cheers all, bros-in-arms.


2014-09-13 15:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 13, 2014 03:00 PM | Report Abuse

Yes, Karma is double edged sword..it works both ways..kekekek

Only, you in particular never seem to grow up or learn. You were putting up such a big brouhaha about Suma being a hopeless company with no future, with PN17 and all kinds of what-nots hanging around its neck (all according to you), etc. etc. when Suma was languishing around 26.5 - 28.5 sen.

But when Suma jumped up to 35, you suddenly switched allegiance. Now when Suma is experiencing some temporary setback, you're back to your old chameleon ways. Once a chameleon, always a chameleon.

And you know what a general does when he discovers a chameleon among his ranks.


2014-09-13 15:05 | Report Abuse

The production increases, and thereby revenue increases, will come. Only a turning-around process cannot always be as smooth as desired or predicted. There will be hiccups every now and again.

Oil prices, just for instance, cannot stay at peak all the time.

The main thing is that, in the LONG term, they come.


2014-09-13 14:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 13, 2014 02:56 PM | Report Abuse

Wrong..The first three yes, the rest are the pest from your side which cloned my id.

That is just your bad karma coming back at you.


2014-09-13 14:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 13, 2014 02:48 PM | Report Abuse

Both DH and DC are the same clown
Like DickyMe1, DickyMe2, DickyMe3, DickyMe4, Dicky_Me1, Dicky_Me1, Dicky_Me2, Dicky_Me3, Dicky_Me4, DickyMe_Amma, DickyMe_Appa, etc. etc. etc. are the same one UNFUNNY joker cum clone-of-a-clone, right?


2014-09-13 14:47 | Report Abuse

DH was away on vacation, Victor. But DC is still strutting his stuff around, somewhere. Hix hix hix. Haka haka haka.


2014-09-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Sep 13, 2014 02:09 PM | Report Abuse

Hi Connie .....agree with you about Geneva......I had to go to Geneva every year attending a conference......last year thought of buying Rolex watch for my hubby as our 20th anniversary.... aiyo price double from price in Malaysia........sight seeing oso nothing much....

Celebrating only your 20th anniversary, and you already hv a grand daughter. Wow. That's fast.

BTW, I do do some window shopping for Rolex, Seiko and Omega, every once in a while. In Bukit Bintang area, Jalan Petaling or Chow Kit. So, I can change 'expensive brands' quite regularly.

Dropped an Omega in some hotel toilet some years some back. One that I should hv given away to an elder brother earli3er, coz he really liked it. But just took that happily in my stride. Coz it only cost me RM80 at some small shop near Bangunan UMNO Lama.

I once saw an Omega strikingly similar to one I bought somewhere for RM90. It was being hawked by some watch sales promoter at a temporary stall on the ground floor of Wisma Cosway. And so, just out of curiosity, I asked how much it cost. RM3,000, I was told. So I just walked slowly away, smiling to myself all the way.


2014-09-13 14:22 | Report Abuse

Senang ja, SJ. Hutang fitnah dibayar fitnah.

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Limb for limb. Blood for blood. Life for life.


2014-09-13 14:19 | Report Abuse

'Katerins Shereen' = 'Katerina Shereen'



2014-09-13 14:18 | Report Abuse

Smokin hot Turkish ladies. Whoa! Of course, Nooraini. You know, no female in the whole world can beat Hazal Kaya, that gorgeous girl from Gaziantep. Well, maybe Anusch Alawerdian will be a worthy rival, them two will make hot rivals for my money. And my love. Christina Grebenschikova or Katerins Shereen can put up a decent challenge too.

I'll get there some time. Well, either me or my deputy. Or both of us.


2014-09-13 14:10 | Report Abuse

All fine. And my deputy has been doin a reasonable job in my stead too, I hope.


2014-09-13 14:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by komnas > Sep 13, 2014 01:07 PM | Report Abuse

Welcome back chief DH!

Cheers, mate.