
Edwini3 | Joined since 2020-05-26

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2020-08-07 10:43 | Report Abuse

I have had genting from RM3 all the way to RM 4.9 now back to RM3.7. The way i see it,best case scenario, genting can only break even for now. Price will continue drop. New normal might sound stupid, but it is real. Government is out of money. They cant afford to deal with increasing cases again. The way i see it, they rather sacrifice international tourism rather then dealing with the pandemic again. Don't talk about vaccine. You dont know a thing about it. 95% chance of vaccine not work. and it takes many years. not months. also, look at USA...dollar keep falling. And cases back to peak. So their US property also will keep dropping income. And singapore...Its a small country. can't do much with local tourism. RM3 again is possible. bottom? no one know. what if entire 2021 also pandemic dont go away? We dont know. Dont try to predict the pandamic. Modern day stock market have NEVER seen this before. Play it safe.


2020-08-07 09:51 | Report Abuse

If any of you want to lick Looiks ass, get his private number or DM him. Keep on Looiks this Looiks that. If you want to discuss about other counter, go somewhere else


2020-07-15 18:09 | Report Abuse

Does the announcement today mean that the remaining 27mil private placement from last week will be paid with a new average price? which should be around 0.315?


2020-07-08 12:20 | Report Abuse

Wah..rapid jump. Me like


2020-07-08 08:51 | Report Abuse

GooShenNo1Fan His lifestyle is so prudent, every sen is calculated. He is like old school Chinese with Malay name. Won’t even buy single digit number for his cars. He is buying at RM1.75-RM1.8. If you think you know more than the serbadk management team, I’m sure you are a multibillionaire too.
On point! buys a bunch of shares and come here start talking like the CEO. Talk shit about Karim's management skill. Like they're a billionaire.


2020-07-02 11:23 | Report Abuse

Please update on the AGM if anyone attended. Thanks in advance =)


2020-06-30 18:30 | Report Abuse

Haha..won't drop that much la. I think the management will counter with project announcement and internal buy share to push price up. PP at 235 sen. Not possible to drop below that


2020-06-30 18:10 | Report Abuse

Anyways..this is different management team. this QR belong to 10sen share. we all buy at this price because of dato. not because of this company is good lol. need to wait 3rd QR if wanna see positive QR


2020-06-30 18:07 | Report Abuse

Where is that Looiks lying piece of shit hahaha...hiding ka


2020-06-26 17:49 | Report Abuse

Kazakhkastan have oil onshore. operating cost is super cheap. 45-50 dolar crude also can earn a fortune. MOU done, Next is PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT!...looking forward to it. Let's see how market responds on monday.


2020-06-25 15:34 | Report Abuse

This is not a usual economic downturn. It's a pandemic. So the recovery pattern will be different. Everyone knows this, yet many behave like they're entitled for fast money (fast recovery). This ain't skim cepat kaya. This is stock market. It's takes time to recover.


2020-06-22 18:56 | Report Abuse

Anyone have updates on the AGM. Their plans for the rest of the year?


2020-06-22 09:34 | Report Abuse

AGM today. Lim family, they are legendary. But they need a reality check. I hope the shareholders fuck them real good today.


2020-06-19 18:26 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHA..by far the stupidest shit i have heard. haiyoo. really made me laugh.
8dragon 1 reason for sure, multi-billions projects delayed, directors don't dare to announce now to prevent panic sell, meanwhile they r selling first so that they can buy at lower price after announcement made.


2020-06-19 15:32 | Report Abuse

Awang wants out. Karim buying over Awang share. Literally this is the only problem. When they're done, Karim will do the necessary to move the company forward. All karim's baby company depends on Serbadk for big projects. If SCIB is above 2, Serbadk will be even more. Let awang out. He is almost done. Don't give up when you're almost going to win.


2020-06-17 14:06 | Report Abuse

Awang buy almost 4mil share at almost 30sen. if this share worth 20 sen, he must be stupid to buy at 30sen. Hold and enjoy the benefit.


2020-06-13 14:38 | Report Abuse

Relax. It's normal. The sohai will hilang when price go up.


2020-06-13 12:38 | Report Abuse

AGM on 22nd. they will open before that (or at least announce open date). Which will push price to above RM5. That way, they dont get fucked by their long loyal share holders.


2020-06-13 11:01 | Report Abuse

Also the new yard they purchased (from Petronas) is about 30min from Pengerang RAPID. There might be a deal going on for operation maintenance of RAPID. (just a guess)


2020-06-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

Repair and maintenance of existing equipment is a common practice during economic down turn. (rather than buying new ones) Serbadk will have full advantage of this. With the added point that they are a top pick for Petronas in maintenance job.


2020-06-12 14:28 | Report Abuse

Serbadk is one counter that just refuses to go down. Kena belasah over night, next day still try to climb. Keep fighting baby. I will keep collect when you go down


2020-06-10 18:22 | Report Abuse

Don't worry folks, this was a spike due to false info that genting will open. That's why quickly drop after they found out close. we have a net gain from this fake spike anyways(compare to last week end).


2020-06-10 18:19 | Report Abuse

OracleOfOmaha..when first commented, sounded like a very rational person with good analysis about Genting. Now open mouth come out shit only. Another one to join the sohai gang.


2020-06-09 17:59 | Report Abuse

Hotel open, price will spike. Casino open, price will spike. Theme park open, price will spike. Many many spike awaits. but for now. Remain closed is the best option. Cut on operation cost. Demand is low anyways. AGM will probaby announce their plan. We wait.


2020-06-09 14:05 | Report Abuse

Next year is a big big year for them and the year after if beyond that...right now is the best time to enter. no more Rm4 after this.


2020-06-09 11:20 | Report Abuse

JayC88...airasia i think is insider push above RM1 for 10% sale to some private company. I doubt will hold price above 1 for long


2020-06-09 11:04 | Report Abuse

Not yet even open. imagine the rocket when actually open. ahhh..life is indeed good.


2020-06-08 21:02 | Report Abuse

shareinvestor88...thats why i say. sell your share so you can sleep well.

aliyusof...better for the compamy if stay close. no doubt share price will jump if open, but operating cost will be higher than profit right now due to low demand. Perhaps july open is lagi baik i think.


2020-06-08 17:53 | Report Abuse

shareinvestor88...you sell. I'm tired of your negative ass. You can sleep well after this. No need come here every day and be sohai. Just sell since you so worried.


2020-06-06 10:34 | Report Abuse

MajuGenting...sweet talker la you. As much as that sounds impossible, I'll still give you my thumbs up. May your words come true. Half true also, life will be great.


2020-06-05 17:42 | Report Abuse

10th open! See ya'll at 4.80 (easy).


2020-06-05 17:38 | Report Abuse

Nathan..stfu. Bising too much. His share, he's selling. He has his plans. Relax.


2020-06-05 11:17 | Report Abuse

Online casino my ass. You can buy beer at 7E, but ppl will always prefer a pint at the bar. Keep gambling boys. We love you.


2020-06-04 18:14 | Report Abuse

Dompeilee...If you talk any further, I might actually be motivated enough to even climb Mount Everest. Damn..Good Talk. Good information.


2020-05-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

We are so lucky because we're on an investment website and there are so many ppl who want to save someone else's money instead of theirs. I'll repeat. on an investment site. Such a blessing.


2020-05-29 08:30 | Report Abuse

Karim would know his company better. And clearly he is buying more. His millions are in line and he didn't buy cheap. he buy at 1.7+. Means he knows what his company is capable of earning and what it's worth.


2020-05-27 20:46 | Report Abuse

6 sen dividend..shows how much money they have hmm. If 9 June can open genting already, withing 1-2 months, they should be on track for recovery. Ofc recovery will take longer. but clearly they have the money for that.


2020-05-27 20:42 | Report Abuse

RedEagle special kinda sohai. Take O&G article title from TheEdge and add "and Genting" hahaha WTF


2020-05-27 20:28 | Report Abuse

Dick move from awang, but that was cushioned by Karim. Awang probaby want to give face to his new position in minetech. So, understood. And it looks planned and handled it well to make sure shareholders are not hit hard.


2020-05-27 20:20 | Report Abuse

Taken from your "Petronas' capex cut another shock to local O&G companies"

"Top picks among research firms favour midstream companies such as Dialog Group Bhd and Serba Dinamik Holdings Bhd"

Midstream not much effect



2020-05-27 10:19 | Report Abuse

Q2 report come in august only. By that time, no more this price dy. If you stand aside, forever you stand aside lol


2020-05-26 18:41 | Report Abuse

Genting if can survive this pandemic well, they will go to great great height. Very high potential. Only 2 issue, political issue, management issue. If this can be handled, then genting will become unstoppable. as for the share price, previously hit RM2.90. It's never going there again. But right now, maybe will drop to 3.9 or 3.8(worst case). If you think 2nd QR report will make it drop hard, very unlikely. Because 2nd QR report will come out around august. Which I believe genting will be back in business already. So even if bad, ppl will not sell because the rough water is already over. So...in my opinion. 3.9 or 3.8 might be the best you can get rn. But, lets say 2nd QR is almost out, but genting is not yet back in business, then they are truly in deep manure. We will know on 9th June I guess.


2020-05-26 17:36 | Report Abuse

Shernlee..Your article is referring to everyday business like the one that depends on everyday sales. This is construction. Construction is like the future of a country. If you stop construction now, it wont effect your 2020. It will effect your future growth. So, in order to make sure their future growth is good, they will continue work. They would only stop if really no money. Which is very unlikely in the middle east. Like Serbadk boss said, this pandemic (or oil price, can't remember lol) has very minor to no effect on the company work and income.