
EncikTan | Joined since 2014-09-11

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2014-09-22 09:37 | Report Abuse

5c0160 if want to gain from this counter, unless all the minority shareholder keep cooperation , otherwise if ONLY base on Mr Koh , He will NEVER share the CAKE with all of yours.... ALL the best


2014-09-20 17:05 | Report Abuse

Calvin,,,, c this few years Mr Koh always bought shares ... it doesnt mean will bring good news to others... n doesnt means the share price will increase.. he more interest in control KPSCB, rather than to share the cake for others ... so please don simply make assumptions that the share price will increase jus because KPS top boss bought the share... so many years already... KPSCB "CAKE" never share with others... KPSCB shareholder please wake up and do something...

Double A- A4 paper ,, do you think KPSCB the ONLY distributor for DOuble AA paper? n previously u mentioned on GST is coming than the demand of Double AA will increase as well. I think all the company now a day want to save cost rather than to spend more,,, in market alot of others brand A4 is cheaper than DOuble AA.....Ie IK


Saying on KPSCB business , can you please do more survey not only in Johor , Johor is not the main branch .... I hve called up the person in charge in Johor , now no one in charge in JOhor ,,, only One clerk ,,, one store man no marketing ppl, no manager ...the whole management and the system of KPSCB really "teruk" no eye c....

N Calvin you are so interested in KPSCB, please do survey on this , is it KPSCB want to do some business related in night Club.. (refer to the property description announcement dated 11 April 2014") , KPSCB announced on claim on Specific Performance for the property " BINTANG PALACE" which this is what KPSCB already PAID RM15million plus plus and now what happen... Bintang palace is the famous night Club in KL... so I think may be KPSCB wanna to change their business to night CLub... cos so many years no dividen declare , profit semakin teruk.. so better change to other sector to make more money.. dont you think so...


2014-09-17 16:08 | Report Abuse

Kenapa hutang bank semakin tinggi........ profit semakin teruk... something wrong with this KPSCB!!!!


2014-09-17 16:06 | Report Abuse

Tunggu durian jatuhlah ,,,,,


2014-09-17 15:40 | Report Abuse

This counter definetely cannot invest unless there is changes in Management staff or Board of director and not ctrl by Mr Koh Poh Seng, otherwise all your guys (all KPSCB's shareholder) invest for nothing ,,,,, wei.... wake up lah all KPSCB shareholder .... invest for charity...ha..ha..ha, "never declare dividen counter" outside market got a lot of good counter.....


2014-09-12 14:54 | Report Abuse

CALVINTANENG: u also notice that total borrowings of KPSCB was highest compare to previous , why there was increasing of borrowings rate with no expansion of the business and the profit of the company was reduce..... If you r in plywood line or u know anyone or friends from plywood business , u jus ask what the main business of Mr KPS personally? He likes to do "AH LONG" business , any related to the KPSCB borrowings ratio, I DON KNOW,,,,,

To reply on the Johor Business , i also called to JOHOR branch and notice that the Branch Manager workings with KPS for almost 20years plus also resigned , what happen ?

U mentioned, one big lorry sent from KL to Johor , shown that a very good business from Johor -but why the property going to dispose off ????U can check from Johor property Agent or you may call to HQ-Puchong for the confirmation. They want to dispose on RM4.5million but until now still no buyer. Cos I have ask one of the Agent to check on the selling price.

So Calvin, you mentioned on RM7million on the Masai Property, if you got any buyer or urself are interested you can jus invest and immediately u can earn almost RM2.5million. Good proposal to you is it???Please share with me you good news on this....

On MUDA holdings berhad issue, have you thoroughly check on KPSCB paper mill and MUda. IN description , Yes both are Paper Mill but in Description on type of business, Please don do comparison between APPLE with DURIAN misleading people....

Regarding Dominat and KPSCB also, U mentioned that , KPSCB got extra business ie Paper Mill and converting paper BUt why Dominat profit MUCH MORE HIGHER than KPSCB while KPSCB got extra business... DON BRING PPL TO "HOLAND"

How do you know that the TOP boss now is concentrating on the share price???? How do you know ne is not dishonest..... ???? Please do more research on practical not only based on PAPER -----U knew Mr Kho very well ..........?

Now the founder MR KPS was resigned as MD and Chairman , why never appoint new MD or Chairman, who will direct the company ???? R u interested???? and since ur JOHOR SIFU said the pay to all director is low , why paid low,? Such a "lousy company" shall appoint "Lousy ppl" shall paid low....Yes with all KPSCB supporter ,sure.... KPSCB can give good pay to KPSCB director , but why they still remain on the low pay with so many years???

Look at KPSCB paid up capital at 147,827,158, so many years already the market cap still at 81,304,936.90...... Calvin.... ppl hard earn money , don bluffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff lead ppl to "Holand" pity themlah , invest without return invest for what??????

and for you comments on all the Paper Mill industries.. ie, Nibong Tebal... I think everyone know this paper Mill , they got own brand which is so famous ..ieCutie Compact,, u can easily found their brand in any supermarket........I think Nibong Tebal really put effort to do the best for the company ,,, KPSCB ,,,,, in market never heard on their own brand so this means KPSCB never put effort to do best for the company, the best for the shareholder , yes , u keep on saying the company is good but with lousy leader and (now no more leader )and never take k of the shareholder benefit... why still lead ppl go to "Holand"....


2014-09-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

Hi, calvintaneng, you have very good analysis on this "kepala Pushing" counter, jus wondering r u working with one of the KPS group of companies??
Since u r r so expert on this "can i check with regarding all the announcement from KPSCB dated following:-

a) Announcement dated 6.7.2012- acquisition of 5 properties , SPA 1-total purchase price RM23,788,880 SPA Dated 6.7.2012, SPA 2,3,4,5 -total purchase price of RM4,640,000.00 (never state the SPA dated but if refer to the announcement dated 7.2.2013 the 4 properties SPA dated 1.8.2011) which after one year only announce to the public for the acquisition of these 4 properties..... Please explain WHY? and the acquisition of the SPA,2,3,4,5 funded by 100% internally generated funds???? why using internally fund? why don apply from term loan (corporate loan is highest than term loan) .

b) Announcement dated 7.2.2013- SPA 2, 3, 4, 5 entered revocation agreement dated 7.2.2013 which almost one and half year from SPA date then all these agreement was revocated....yes with 10% liquidated damages !!!!!! But for is it enough to cover our corporate loan interest??? If you r intelligence YOU WILL KNOW THE ANSWER...... UNLESS KPSCB's finance ppl is not intelligence or not good enough in mathematics. what happen to these finance ppl???????
PLease don "PLAY" with shareholder $$$$$$$$$...... Please explain why? after one and half year only revocated all the SPA and during this period KPSCB-KPS PLYWOOD SND BHD still enter the SPA with shanghai City Sdn Bhd dated 6.7.2012
which the previous 4 SPA, the properties have not transfer to KPSCB's subsidiaries

c)Announcement dated 29.11.2013- Deed of Settlement , recission, revocation agreeement for SPA 1 (PURCHASE PRICE PRICE: RM23,788,880.00) and settlement amount of RM17,885,776.00 and KPS Plywood SDN BHD have already paid RM15,547,888.00 GENERATED from internal fund,,, Yes KPSCB is a very good counter to invest BUT with all his MANAGEMENT SKILL and decission is really bad and poor , always use internal fund for doing nothing???????? CALVINTANENG--you analysis a big poor ---Please check with this couter 7169-KL DOminant Enterprise Bhd doing almost same business with KPSCB but please refer to their REVENUE RM139,068,000.00 with quarterly profit of RM5,092,000
share price RM1.27 with dividen 3.13%.... KPSCB always not declare dividen what for shareholder to invest in this counter,, with inefficient management skill and decision of KPSCB. CALVINTANENG please check on KPSCB's quarterly result..... ?????? LOW,LOW,LOW May be MR Kho is sick and nobody manage well of this company ,,,,,,

d)Announcement dated 11.4.2014- Claim for specific Performance of SPA dated 6 JULY 2012.... WHY I SAY KPSCB's management staff is not efficient .... U c executed SPA then Revoke ..... then go for settlement still cannot solve this n need to go for litigation for specific performance ,,,, then what happen after from 11.4.2014 until now no announcement on the progress of this..... hi, "brother" internal fund paid to purchase this property already paid RM15,547,888.00.....???? If go for this stage i doon know how much KPSCB need to pay for all legal fees and others???? U C , KPSCB management ppl always do wrong decision .... and no much development on the business.. almost to end...
