
Farge168 | Joined since 2014-10-11

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2014-11-12 17:37 | Report Abuse

First,have to figure out who are the culprits who keep disposing these few days & from the volume they sold,they are not nobody,could be either fund or major shareholders thru third party (major shareholder give money,shares parked at third party's name).So,until the tide subsided,we don't know what is happening,but obviously certain party is supporting the price & on the other hand,someone are disposing like crazy.Strangely,the sellers do not want to sell higher (actually they can judging from the trend),but their motive are more likely to block the price movement.Giving so many uncertainty,it's better to stay sideway & don't buy above 3.00 to prevent possible collapse of price & I can tell you,if the price support gone,we will be seeing a drop of more than 10cts a day,that's if you're lucky.......


2014-11-12 12:25 | Report Abuse

If you notice,price was being supported,even today,guess it's because of right issue drawing near.But,you can see,they only support,not pushing up the price.Also,sell Q is so heavy these few days,wonder what will happen if price support goes off after right..........??


2014-11-12 12:12 | Report Abuse

Judging from the sell Q,price will hover around 2.80 to 3.00 until right,if DJ down heavily,will drop back to 2.70 range as all short term players lost hope & cabut.Inari's usual movement,up few cts,down more than 10 cts,watch out!


2014-11-11 12:01 | Report Abuse

If price continues to rise,I congratulate you guys,but it's still too early to celebrate.Watch out for the sell Q!


2014-11-10 12:52 | Report Abuse

Like what I have predicted,price is blocked after reaching certain level,then start selling & push down the price.They won't push the price too low as distribution is in progress & right issue around the corner.This happened many times before indicating Inari is a highly manipulated counter & is good for short term punters,long term players sure vomit blood,.


2014-11-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

Same method,lift up price,when people buy in,start to throw,price drop back.


2014-11-06 16:54 | Report Abuse

Friday is traditionally bad day for Inari,if you really want to buy,wait till tomorrow to buy cheaper.


2014-11-06 16:51 | Report Abuse

From what I observed,the max value for Inari is around 3.30,it won't go any higher,so don't buy if above 3.00,you'll get slaughter by the manipulator.


2014-11-06 16:42 | Report Abuse

Exactly like what happened before the crash down to 2.04.Price was controlled then until it finally crashed due to fear of bearish market.To be on the safe side,wait tillprice drop to 2.70 range to enter,not 100%,but winning chances is higher.Price will gradually drop back to 2.70 range,just be patient,wait.I already eyeing this stock for long & already made few rounds profit before this.


2014-11-06 14:51 | Report Abuse

That means this is a high beta gambling stock,CA,CB,CC,CD all are for gambling purposes.


2014-11-06 10:38 | Report Abuse

Blocking in place to push back to 2.80 range.


2014-11-04 23:53 | Report Abuse

You wait for yr feast,I wait for my prey.You want the price to go up,I want it to go down so that I can buy cheap.Everyone have their own objective.I post to support my objective & if you think the price will go above 3.40,then state yr point as to how price will go up?I won't stop you,I won't despise yr view.I'm not 100% sure & similarly,you are also not 100% sure that price will go up,that's why you're making noise about my posts.


2014-11-04 22:58 | Report Abuse

I have been monitoring this counter since June this year,price moved up to 3.00 something & dropped back to 2.70/2.80 at least six times before it finally crashed in early/Mid Oct.What I'm telling you guys is the same scenario is happening these few days,whenever price moving,someone will block its advancement & start selling,but later lift a bit & continue to sell down as time goes by.I'm just merely pointing out what I observe,not act like pro.This is an open forum & everyone is free to voice their view.If anything that appeared in this forum will come true,then everyone can become warren buffet.Saving my post?Want to sue me?Grow up,please!


2014-11-04 16:32 | Report Abuse

Those who already bought higher than 3.00,need not worry,it will definitely rebound after dip to 2.70 range provided before right issue.After right issue,sydicate will say bye bye,so do I.


2014-11-04 16:28 | Report Abuse

I strongly believe sydicate have the same mindset like mine.They capitalize on the right issue & already made few rounds profibefore this.I managed to make 2 rounds only before the crash recently & one round after crash.


2014-11-04 16:23 | Report Abuse

I continue to like Inari because it's so predictable & can make money easily after the right issue announcement.Just spend some time observing the price movement,you'll notice that every time price above 3.10 or so,it will retreat to around 2.70 range & rebounce to above 3.00.I just wish that right issue can be delayed for me to profit few more round.


2014-11-04 16:07 | Report Abuse

buy Q all illusion only,if they want to buy,bought already!


2014-11-04 16:05 | Report Abuse

I don't think so,based on my observation,price will continue to drop until below 2.80,not today,but within this week.today price close@2.88.Will recover from 2.70 range,short term punters,get ready!


2014-11-04 15:50 | Report Abuse

Today price will be supported @2.88 & closed@2.88.If DJ drop a lot tonight,tomorrow will touch 2.80.Once reach 2.75,will rebounce.So,let's wait until price reaches 2.75 or lower to enter,should be quite safe before right issue.


2014-11-04 11:03 | Report Abuse

Walao!I can become a fortune teller already.Wait,price will continue to drop this week,when it reaches 2.70,time to enter,sure make money.


2014-11-03 22:36 | Report Abuse

I would predict Inari to dip below 2.90 & close@2.88 by tomorrow,let's see if my prediction is right?


2014-11-03 11:46 | Report Abuse

Wait till it drop to 2.70,if in an unlikely case that price shoot up,worst case is don't make money,play safe.Imagine dow jones shot up so high this few days,price also not miving,can't imagine if DJ drop 200 points tonight............


2014-11-03 11:41 | Report Abuse

hat's why I said wait until around 2.70 or may be lower to enter,sure make money provided before right.After right issue,better run as fast as you can,to breakout above 3.34 is an uphill task & unlikely in 2014.


2014-10-31 16:49 | Report Abuse

Lee,I'm just expressing my view,it may be wrong,you have a nice weekend.


2014-10-31 16:17 | Report Abuse

Told you guys is distribution in progress,modus operandi : lift & throw,price cap at certain level.


2014-10-31 14:57 | Report Abuse

Supporting price now,if still no big buying,big selling in due course.


2014-10-31 14:33 | Report Abuse

Furthermore,now is distribution stage for those who lifted up the price during recent drastic fall,price won't fall much as to enable them to distribute at higher price,but it will be capped around 3.00.


2014-10-31 14:27 | Report Abuse

Simple logic,you buy now@2.99,hoping for another 10% gain (everytime touch 3.30,sure retreat).That is if price really goes up & you still have to fork out additional fund to buy right to prevent dilution.Now everybody is banging on the right issue excitement,but it didn't push price up as expected & from my experience,after the hype,thing will cool off & price starts to drop.So,isn't it better to play short term than long term?


2014-10-31 10:06 | Report Abuse

May be directors thought with the right issue is good enough to push up the price,but share market is abt TREND,up or now.Imagine if DJ up 200,price is not moving,what if DJ drop 200?Think abt it.I will buy if drop to around 2.70 as I believe management will lift up the price before right.Tech stock is risky especially smart phone,consumers'taste change rapidly.To keep for long term is not very secure,I would suggest play short term capitalizing on the TREND.


2014-10-31 09:45 | Report Abuse

QE over,foreign fund mostly went back to US already.Local retailers are supporting this counter .Recovered from 2.04 to 3.10 within few days time,too fast too soon,confidence level is fragile.From what I observe,Inari's highest up to around max 3.20 only,To go up another level is an uphill task.All we need is a big sudden sell down,confidence will be broken & price melt down.Do not touch if above 2.80 unless you go for long term,I mean long long term, wait till it drop to around 2.70 to enter,play safe.Price will be capped below 3.00 from now until right.After right,will drop sharply & requires some time to recover as those (mostly management) who lifted up the price during recent free fall need to recover their capital.


2014-10-30 16:55 | Report Abuse

Agree with Koay,strong selling towards the end trading indicates further sell down tomorrow,let's see who is right?


2014-10-30 16:36 | Report Abuse

Obvious distribution,support the price by strong buy queue but keep dsiposing,


2014-10-30 16:22 | Report Abuse

Buy quece is a disguise,distribution at this level,price will not be pushed up,but lock in the range of 2.90-3.00,let's see if this is the case.


2014-10-30 13:36 | Report Abuse

Just treat them like mad dog barking,they think they can utter vulgar word & other don't,we don't do this because we are educated & civilized.Everyone also can express their view here be it good or bad,positive or negative,but to use bad word & disrespect others'parent,this is low class people,hokkien says "boh kasi",malay says "kurang ajar",tamil,sorry I don't know.


2014-10-30 12:12 | Report Abuse

smartanddecent,be polite or next time won't bring you out.......good boy.....


2014-10-30 12:02 | Report Abuse

OK,I'm happy be it up or down from now.If price shoot up,I'm happy for you guys,but if price melt down,I will be more than happy to enter again to make quick buck.Anyway,I already have profit in hand.


2014-10-30 11:48 | Report Abuse

Alex,remember price recover from 2.04 within short time,many holders are anxiously wait & see,confidence level is not high due to recent free fall (didn't look like good fundamental counter at time).What it needs is another big sudden sell down,confidence will break & price will melt down.


2014-10-30 11:37 | Report Abuse

Last round,I made 15K in 2 days.Now waiting for price to dip to around 2.70 to enter again.Won't touch this stock if not around 2.70.Dicipline & patience is key to play this goreng counter.


2014-10-30 11:29 | Report Abuse

From now on,price will be capped below 3.00 as further push up by sydicate will make it difficult to accumulate.


2014-10-30 11:27 | Report Abuse

Don't think it's time to buy now,believe price will be push down further if PDT is at work.Good time to enter is around 2.70.It's better safe than taking risk.Opportunity is always there before right issue.


2014-10-30 11:01 | Report Abuse

For this type of goreng counter with good fundamental,hold long term won't lose money,make little money only,but as sydicate capitalize on its good fundamental to goreng up & dowm,in & out,sure make more money.Even if trapped,just hold for people to gorent up again before right,sure win.


2014-10-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

I'm sure those holding Inari started to shiver already,another big sudden selling,price will collapse without fail,wait tilll right time to enter cheap & manegement will push up before right.That's how to play this counter.


2014-10-30 10:33 | Report Abuse

Yes,this is high beta stock,suitable to goreng, sydicate like it as easier to goreng back up after push down,people think good fundamental.Don't hold long term,play up & down,sure make money.


2014-10-30 10:26 | Report Abuse

Panic selling started already,wait for another wave of down force.


2014-10-30 10:24 | Report Abuse

This is apparently a goreng counter,wait below 2.70 to enter again as management will goreng back to 3.00 before right.


2014-10-23 16:50 | Report Abuse

Sold all @2.95,made 15K within 2 days,see you guys again when next correction coming.


2014-10-22 13:51 | Report Abuse

Wangge,I also see you no up,讲一套,做一套!


2014-10-22 13:49 | Report Abuse

Wangge,70,000 unit is nothing to shout about,so it's not consider "tian",you always show off that you have 4M copies & RM3.5 Million is sap sap sui,who is more "tian",you tell me.


2014-10-22 12:44 | Report Abuse

I'm not "tian",but merely show my support & confidence in Inari although price has gone up quite high for last couple of days.At least,I'm honest,not like someone who already exit,buy back at lower price & continue to "blow water" pretending that he is loyal supporter who never abandon Inari & its supporters,ha...ha...ha,you know who you are??


2014-10-21 23:56 | Report Abuse

Bought 70,000 unit@2.71 today,hopefully can make some profit,wish me luck.