
FundaStronk | Joined since 2020-09-08 07:53:17

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2021-09-17 13:26 | Report Abuse

the powerofglove

exactly this is what we hope for

thanks for the sux QR now we can short more

what's more is that not many know, but now i let u know cuz see u kesian

RSS volume that u see in the trading platform, includes BOTH BUY AND SELL

if u noticed, on 13-15th sept, RSS vol got more than half is buy back ready to dump more

give u free tips, now u can pay tuition fee


2021-09-17 13:20 | Report Abuse

Cheoki still dreaming RSS hahahahah that's sad


2021-09-17 13:19 | Report Abuse

hahahaha RIP topglov rm2.5 incoming


2021-09-14 23:40 | Report Abuse

and foggyt and lianjang, as much as i am happy to see u support, but u are a clear dupe acc lol


2021-09-14 23:39 | Report Abuse

remomama94 AGM already say they didn't participate in rasau water project.


2021-09-14 23:37 | Report Abuse

Minimum I'll let it go to RM2.6 before I'll consider buying in.


2021-09-13 00:07 | Report Abuse

Looking at their transition I don't think Danco will be looked as the 'Pump supplier' company anymore. It should be variable.

If that is the case, then the margin expectation should be adjusted as well.


2021-09-10 20:02 | Report Abuse

the shorties theory say will buy back will blow up and push price to top since may 2021 say until now hahahaha admit la pent house = pent house dy

wanna comfort urself losing hard earned money like this?

amc? gme? hahahahh dreamers

slowly wait la soha!s


2021-09-10 15:40 | Report Abuse

rubber sap sellers grow orders from china, local asp drops


2021-09-10 15:24 | Report Abuse

hahahahah so now all those kena trap will kena trap again

false hope

go back to tg group to sulk


2021-09-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

gg kena trap hahahaa morning buy one, penthouse ppl say thank you


2021-09-08 23:14 | Report Abuse

fly kite lah proven im excellent again hahahah


2021-09-07 16:09 | Report Abuse

many previous penthouse owner tryna leave


2021-09-06 17:48 | Report Abuse

pang72 is here too just like in scope hehehe looks liek will fly soon


2021-09-06 17:46 | Report Abuse

well said winsen..

ranhill is not big today blow up tmr..

they are in utilities..

power and water on top of sewerage..

now add in capabilities to tender for larger projects..

i think ranhill will be biggest its in field soon..


2021-09-06 17:44 | Report Abuse

good prospects.. sonos will be launching more and more wireless home products come q4 in preparation for boxing day shopping.. nice


2021-09-06 17:43 | Report Abuse

looks like a good acquisition incoming...


2021-07-25 19:15 | Report Abuse

what year liao still use covid positive as benchmark.. huhuhu should use cat3/4/5 or use death.. last time india 400k per day also no see limit up diu


2021-07-15 19:43 | Report Abuse

so... no more sinovac... but must saport dage.. if not dage no giv msia $$$ nxt time ...

so how? approve anhui zhifei?

MYEG time to limit up?


2021-07-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

after all the TECH goes up, next is all the MECH ( "_ ) \/

go see all their accummulation hahaha


2021-07-08 00:19 | Report Abuse

what the heck hahahaha thats the most funny thing ive heard in this forum today


2021-07-07 13:34 | Report Abuse

hahaha keep talk more, MCMC and police watching u ~


2021-06-17 17:14 | Report Abuse

buy the stock, keep the stock, uninstall trading app, come back 3 years later then hahahahaha


2021-06-17 17:14 | Report Abuse

eh why engine stop before 2 ?? 19 sen to go ma


2021-06-17 17:13 | Report Abuse

BBB UUU! Willing seller willing buyer! BBB UUU!

If turns out KPMG unable to pin Serbadk to the ground, Serbadk flies back to RM1.7
If turns out KPMG pins Serbadk to the ground, habislah our EPF next quarter reduce abit ahahaha.


2021-06-15 09:57 | Report Abuse

i dunno shit but i wonder which soh3i would ask another auditor to check another auditor, not scare backfire meh ==" this time if backfire the company may as well go bust liao lo like this.. if they guilty also wouldnt dare to hire EY should go for BDO or smth..

my 1cents..


2021-06-03 14:35 | Report Abuse

my bad on the typo .. is EGM.. would we know whether bi is approved by today?

anyone attended the egm to know the result?


2021-06-03 13:03 | Report Abuse

so today will announce bonus issue? since agm is today


2021-05-05 17:49 | Report Abuse

The biggest 2 problem:

1. Supermx admit ASP drop. If no ASP drop people panic sell like crazy, what now more if say ASP drop?

2. Expansion wanna outpace other competitors. Topglov already no follow book expand like crazy, now Supermx also wanna join the fray, gonna end up in price war on top of falling ASP.



2021-04-20 21:45 | Report Abuse

meanwhile delusional say slay shortie say from 2020 > 2021 .. pls la .. invest then hold long let it be .. dun every day lie to urself and others ..

cheers to all the long term investors may u earn big.. all these gamblers accidentally check in penthouse then say long term investor = fakers, pls burn all ur cash and dun step into casino de bursa again puizzz


2021-04-20 21:41 | Report Abuse

Kesian Tropicana corp scape goat to suppork topglov

News & Blogs

2021-04-20 21:34 | Report Abuse

Solar (LSS4)
Power plant in kedah sell power to thailand
Water - Rasau, Indonesia; Water tariff raise in 2022
Sewage - Thailand, China


2021-04-20 21:33 | Report Abuse

maybe nt tmr ler ... the day after .. thursday heuheuheu


2021-04-20 20:46 | Report Abuse

lol emil never read book or smth is it hahahha

1. "Pursuant to the irrevocable Personal Guarantee given by the vendor to absorb any potential
liabilities arising from the said claim, there is no financial and operational impact to the Group
arising from the said litigation", above already said no impact. Sue ur m0m?

2. Director just bought shares on the day the news came up? Sue what 7?


2021-04-20 17:13 | Report Abuse

got news coming soon lelel, load up first tomorrow another 15%


2021-03-13 14:12 | Report Abuse

yea man lefthand i really despise those wannabes then go other page spam like no tomorrow, these ppl can go fuk themselves being a double standard hypocrite

only when they luckily win then say their "analysis'' is godly etc when lose go hide in cave

lam3 sh!t analysis wanna come here talk sh!t what BSS what ECRL when we are here talking bout utilities and LSS4

truly lam3 sh!t begging to get fuked

bear yes boss, agree with u johor future star, pls ignore those lam3 as$ sh!t guru wannabe here


2021-03-13 13:44 | Report Abuse

somemore u say

Mikecyc Yes , totally agree ..

Jeff7 As an investor, just do own study, before invest, listen to others and invest, u only can earn little, cause other people already goreng and u follow
13/03/2021 10:01 AM
13/03/2021 11:24 AM

wot the fuk??? agree?? dun double standard la.. if u agree to this why post all these irrelevant sh!t about other counters in ranhill page? go back to ur PA INSAS JKGLAND u can talk whatever u want about those company there

dun come ranhill page spam those lam3 a$s evaluation of urs which provides 0, yes 0 insights.. ptuiii only level 1 analysis wanna claim credit do what 7 live case study

like i said if u so godly, use ur action to prove, show ur full name, open fb live, tell ppl buy sell, no need to hide behind keyboard and spam useless sh!t


2021-03-13 13:41 | Report Abuse

fuk off la talk c0ck king u wanna talk about PA INSAS JKGLAND then u can pls fuk off to those page dun come here talk sh!t

ranhill is close to 1 year low, multiple contracts overseas and looking for more, johor pioneer for utilities even invited to review IWK, other state got company like ranhill? this company every well informed investor would know its not a "one day rome" stock no need u to share ur lam3 as$ evaluation.. if u look at debt and cash ratio.. all those o&g companies, plantation, telco companies all can go close shop

dun share those "live case study" with all the data everyone can read and do a level 1 analysis as if u pro

and u here talk about sh!t live case study all?

u so pandai? reveal ur full name, open facebook live, tell ppl to buy or sell PA INSAS JKGLAND la if u got balls dun come here talk c0ck and spam



2021-02-24 22:33 | Report Abuse

AWC big QR and contract inkambing. Director also on collection. It's time.


2021-02-09 09:55 | Report Abuse

yes or not one ohhh jonathan keung u macam talk cock wo... short and long term borrowing based on latest QR is around 10m, cash at hand 30+m, what debt? dont simply talk cock wo


2021-01-19 15:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-06 11:20 | Report Abuse

bruh virus mutates in every stages of reproduction bruh.. from the mRNA recombination to your so called spike protein aka hemagglutinin and also neuraminidase.. so from what you are saying.. all normal flu is game changer bruh..

basic science? i graduated from molecular biology as one of my major subject dont get me started bruh ==


2021-01-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

@Geek2020 the articles you provided clearly states that "In other words, vaccines might become gradually less effective over time, rather than suddenly not working."

your comment: "Geek2020 Game changer. Antibodies doesnt seem to work against this new strain.."

this is clearly your own interpretation, "doesnt seem to work" is not the same as "less effective".. Mate.

i am a topglov shareholder like many of us here, we are all investors and traders, but lets not forget that we are humans first, dont share information tweaked to ur own liking for ur own benefit while misinforming others


2021-01-06 11:00 | Report Abuse

as much as I support glove counters.. Geek2020's comments are very well misinformed, this is a bad practice, should support with actual research, not just simply say whichsoever professor say ==

stockhunter88 u do know RSS is different from IDSS right? == dun simply say smth u dun understand well

topglov BBB UUU !!! AGM well prepared!! TSLWC full confidence!


2020-12-31 00:04 | Report Abuse

hibernate >36 days, its already the time to move, put on seatbelt guys