
GGecko | Joined since 2012-08-24

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2016-01-13 16:57 | Report Abuse

i believe i can fly; oops, i believe DPS can fly -- tomoro!


2016-01-13 16:49 | Report Abuse

tomoro lor...


2016-01-13 15:38 | Report Abuse

if this afternoon, then it will be matinee show; otherwise it will be primetime tomorrow..


2016-01-13 15:30 | Report Abuse

kalau kaki saham punya kereta sudah manyak vroooom, ini sure race sudah mahu start lor


2016-01-13 14:47 | Report Abuse

this is just forceselling, flusing out contras T+4, i m accumulating again at 12.5 sen


2016-01-13 11:35 | Report Abuse

me too rmkfac


2016-01-13 11:28 | Report Abuse

yes laotze; i've shifted my fund from other portfolios to buy DPS & WB. let's pray it'll move drastically asap..


2016-01-13 11:23 | Report Abuse

ok, no prob laotze, understood.. but i know what u ve been saying is, stay with DPS, +ve trend is in the making very2 soon


2016-01-13 11:12 | Report Abuse

i m using a very simple trading system, not the sophisticated one; so, laotze, for the benefit of me and other DPS followers, perhaps, if u may, please kindly elaborate so that we all r in the know; tq in advance


2016-01-13 11:09 | Report Abuse

yes, i've invested quite a bit in WB, shud there be further weaknesses in price, i'll go in again.. this 'lull & so-called in-active' period of trading this morning shud be used as an opportunity to go in; gud luck u all


2016-01-13 11:06 | Report Abuse

yes.. laotze. go DPS go; so many DPS fans r waiting..


2016-01-13 11:05 | Report Abuse

WB will be an attractive option to buy bcos u'll get almost twice in terms of quantity in comparison to say, if u were to buy the mother share of the same amount of price. some more WB is hovering around 7 sen now. so, if u buy in large quantities, any 1/2 a sen price movement will rake in thousands of RM in profits already; what if it's a sudden jump of 2 - 3 sen: it will be 5 figures profits already.


2016-01-13 10:39 | Report Abuse

it's a question of timing, ie when the bigboys want to push and goreng. in a way, today & tomoro is ripe to do so in view of the impending court's outcome. it will defy logic if super good news is looming but the price is coming down


2016-01-13 10:25 | Report Abuse

not holland la, but north pole! it's just a matter of time, very2 soon


2016-01-12 16:59 | Report Abuse

i admire your enthusiasm richkid. yea, go for it, today's closing not bad: 13 sen; i recollected at 12.5 sen. WB's closing also not bad: 7.5 sen; i re-entered at 7 sen.. see how it goes tomoro


2016-01-12 16:51 | Report Abuse

richkid, i m all for DPS; i m in again this afternoon: both mothershare and WB..


2016-01-12 16:49 | Report Abuse

yeap it's true; but a couple of years back from 11 sen it shot up; now volume is picking up again in the last couple of days; anyway, this is DPS thread/forum; i wont comment anymore on tiger here


2016-01-12 16:47 | Report Abuse

richkid, u keep saying DPS is now cheapest property counter on the main board; how about tiger (minply)? if i m not mistaken it's also a property counter, now only 8.5 or 9 sen..


2016-01-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

try asiabio, but now in cold storage; may be a few more weeks/months it will wake up from hybernation


2016-01-12 16:41 | Report Abuse

smallpotato, today is just not a good day for DPS, that's all; look forward to tomoro, thurs, and fri la..


2016-01-12 16:38 | Report Abuse

if u r a newbie or rookie, best if u dont touch a counter like DPS which is highly speculative; u shud go for a more 'stable' counter..


2016-01-12 16:33 | Report Abuse

for RM5000; if i were u, i will buy DPS mother share or WB. enough to make a few hundred profits if sell in a day or 2 by this coming friday.


2016-01-12 16:27 | Report Abuse

yes u can, but not as good prospect compared to mother share or WB


2016-01-12 16:22 | Report Abuse

may not wait 10 years for the price to be 60 sen; future looks good for DPS


2016-01-12 15:29 | Report Abuse

dreammaster, i just read your query since i just came out from a meeting; u r indeed correct, it may not be the same pattern, ie. high in the morning and low in the afternoon; but today it is the same pattern: high in the morning and low in the afternoon; i've been making money a few rounds trading DPS based on this so-called pattern; anyhow, let's look at it this way, there's no harm picking up DPS shares this evening at 12 sen or 12.5 sen bcos by Fri, news will come out. so what's the worst case scenario?: price somehow still goes down. well, if that happens, then pick up la, wait for the next round of upswing. the best case scenario, u'll make tones of money and will be laughing all the way to the back. also remember, buy on rumours, sell on news


2016-01-12 15:23 | Report Abuse

laotze & richkid1, oh i c..


2016-01-12 15:18 | Report Abuse

richkid vs richkid1? r u the same person? richkid is promoting DPS; richkid1 is questioning directors' moves in selling


2016-01-12 10:31 | Report Abuse

newbie, this is what i normally do.. always check price movement. for instance yesterday there's forceselling at 12.5 sen at around 3 pm; so i accummulated during that period and i could sell at 13 sen this morning (could have also sold it yesterday evening at 4 - 5 pm when they're selling at 13 sen). so what i m trying to tell u, normally i buy when price goes down in the afternoon and sell at 9 or 9 something when price is high. but this is me, u can have your own trading pattern, just monitor the price movement. u could earn pretty good money trading this way


2016-01-12 10:17 | Report Abuse

newbie, anytime my cyberfriend, i just wish everyone makes money; it would be best if u monitor the price movement all the time, buy and sell, buy and sell, u surely make money one; sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit lor


2016-01-12 10:14 | Report Abuse

newbie, i just posted earlier in the case of postponement, pls refer to my earlier posting about 15 min ago; in any case, even if there's postponement, price eventually will be moving higher; u just study the price trend since the last 5 years; this is a highly speculative stock..


2016-01-12 10:12 | Report Abuse

newbie, u got it right.


2016-01-12 10:11 | Report Abuse

see.. our shifu laotze has spoken, so what r we waiting for guys? he said: quote unquote "big boys are going to whack 0.135". i m going to collect further for my CNY angpows so i can give good angpows to my children and grandchildren


2016-01-12 10:08 | Report Abuse

i think we shud stop this janet's bashing, instead, we shud all look forward to DPS price being pushed higher and higher soon


2016-01-12 10:06 | Report Abuse

it went up during the hype of impending court's announcement then; many bought at high range of 13 - 14 sen; after the postponement was announced, DPS dropped all the way to 9 - 9.5 sen; then it climbed up again to where it is today


2016-01-12 10:02 | Report Abuse

as long as there is no official announcement of postponement of court's decision, DPS price will remain intact. if there's a postponement, then we shall see a repeat of nov - dec 15 to jan 16's pattern of price swing..


2016-01-11 16:58 | Report Abuse

as i posted earlier, it's closing at 13 sen. it could have been better if not bcos of the market condition today, nevertheless, there'll always be tomoro..


2016-01-11 15:50 | Report Abuse

well, one shud use his/her wisdom when reading comments in this forum; no one is an angel in this forum so does speak bcos he/she will have his/her own motive. the best is trust your own self, go for it if u think it's the right way. but must have cut loss strategy/the ability to pick up shares if things go awry or haywire. if u believe in everything that is written in here, you'll get your fingers burnt and you will not have anything left except shirt on your back


2016-01-11 15:23 | Report Abuse

everyone, LaoTze has spoken: "just relax, is intact".. i believe him. buy on dip; u'll be rewarded..


2016-01-11 15:08 | Report Abuse

yes, georgelucas; i m one of them who'll buy back, I queue WA-B at 7 sen; yea the empire strikes back..


2016-01-11 15:06 | Report Abuse

it's flushing the contra players now: T+4; i m in again at 12.5 sen


2016-01-11 14:46 | Report Abuse

i dont think so, 13 sen more likely today, and that's what I did, in and out; in and out, but must be glued to the screen all day long


2016-01-11 14:29 | Report Abuse

newbiebie man man buy ok, today the market sentiment is affecting almost every counter, DPS included..


2016-01-11 14:27 | Report Abuse

well, dreammaster, if that's the case, it is more reason for us to buy ma.. in my humble opinion, based on the declarations made by DPS to the bursa m'sia; all hearings/submission/etc "point towards the case to be won by DPS"..


2016-01-11 14:23 | Report Abuse

buying rate was kind of good last friday throughout the day


2016-01-11 13:58 | Report Abuse

no la, it's rather the millions of RM to be derived from the outcome. this will boost DPS's coffer and will contribute towards its bottom line. nevertheless, as u pointed out correctly it's not DPS's main income. rather, this is used as a catalyst for the upcoming rally, if there's going to be one..


2016-01-11 13:37 | Report Abuse

court postponement can be due to a lot of factors, the judge himself/herself, lawyers of both sides (DPS/the insurer), case readiness, + other foreseeable/unforeseeable reasons. court postponement is normal in many circumstances/cases, not an exception. if it is indeed postponed, i sure will accumulate more..


2016-01-11 12:36 | Report Abuse

it will all boil down to the court decision on fri, just like another forumer earlier analysed it. if it's confirmed towards DPS favour, then DPS will indeed 'fly'.. if it's postponed, then it will be another round of waiting


2016-01-11 12:12 | Report Abuse

richkid -- very well said


2016-01-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

yes iamtheboss, i like this 'bossy' statement..