
GoldenHarvest1 | Joined since 2018-09-15

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2019-03-29 22:04 | Report Abuse

We are all kind of like Yew Yin in the way we play. We see potential, we go in. Sometimes slow & steady, sometimes helluva fast.

Either way, we hold for long. We might do the occasional in & out when it suits us. But by & large, our time frame is not days, but months. The time tested, time honoured way.


2019-03-29 21:52 | Report Abuse

We will always play the way intelligent, experienced adults play. No glamour, no thunder, no frills, no big kiddy thrills & spills. But just plain cold effective as heck.


2019-03-28 07:41 | Report Abuse

Brent still holding firm


News & Blogs

2019-03-28 06:40 | Report Abuse

It is you who is being the drama queen.

News & Blogs

2019-03-28 06:40 | Report Abuse

How do you know that it is only Yew Yin who is buying in big volume? There are thousands of guys who have bought maybe one twentieth the amount that Yew Tin has bought, or one tenth, or one fifth, or more. You are just assuming something which you cannot verify, and then talking like you are dead correct.


2019-03-28 05:12 | Report Abuse

Those guys deserve to be investigated, charged & convicted.


2019-03-27 05:26 | Report Abuse

Well, let's just see what happens today then. Long holders win, or shorting dikkhedds lose. Shall we?


2019-03-23 19:03 | Report Abuse

I'm game too, Yew Yin, if you want to organise a proper coordinated fight for justice.

It is MY fukkin money on the block, man. Not any fukkin bittch IB money.


2019-03-23 18:59 | Report Abuse

Definitely a collusion between 3 bittch IBs

Absolute certainty

No fukkin doubts about it


2019-03-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

The fate of Dayang depends on Dayang's business performance, not on downgraded TP given by any bittch IB. And Dayang's business performance has been good, and will continue to be good.

The fate of other O&G companies, that is their own fukkin business, and none of Dayang's business.


2019-03-16 21:41 | Report Abuse

I would not be surprised also, to see some players who have struck it big at Perdana, to start shifting their gaze Dayang's way again. Especially considering that Dayang has kind of shifted into low gear for a while.

So, in a relatively speaking kind of way, it is actually Dayang who has in a way become the new 'laggard' in O&G.


2019-03-16 21:30 | Report Abuse

Well, since TP is now upgraded, perhaps it is now high time for the old 18-sen step-up to also be upgraded.

Hey, I would not say 'No' to a new 28-sen step-up, for sure. Tell me who does not want money. But I don't know if the market is ready for that yet though.

So, I was kind of like thinking, how about we have us a 23-sen step-up to begin with, see how it goes for a few rounds or something.


2019-03-14 04:02 | Report Abuse

Whoa! Brent 67.68 now


2019-03-14 03:47 | Report Abuse

Hey, guys. I had a really amazing experience yesterday morning. I have already shared it with the afternoon crowd, but just for others who might have missed. Mainly just for some chill, BTW.

I bought a pair of shoes in Berjaya Times Square KL. Was not a proper permanent shop, but more like a temporary one set up on the ground floor concourse area. I like to buy stuff from those places becos they're cheap, like a clearing sale kind of thing.

Anyways, paid for it by credit card. And then, when I was seated hvg my lunch in the food court below I noticed the card payment receipt slip. The address of their warehouse or perhaps permanent shop is ... jeng jeng jeng ... here comes the stunning part ... No. 3 Jalan Dayang 1/8, Sect something (can't read that part), Bdr Mahkota, Cheras.

Now, what is really exceptional is the string of auspicious numbers & names involved, i. e. the numbers 3 & 8, and the names Berjaya (i. e. successful), Dayang (name of our stock, also happens to mean maiden and/or princess in Sarawakian Malay) & Mahkota (i. e. crown).

Think I made this story up? Nope. You can come to the place tomorrow or soon this week, check it out for yourself. The shoe brand is D' Barry, very cheap (RM75) but very attractive design & also helluva comfortable. I hv bought the same exact make & design like four or five times already. The stall location is ground floor, close to Tower A (serviced apartment) side. If you buy it by credit card, then you will get the same receipt as I did, I suppose.

Now, I'm not such a big believer in feng shui or such stuff, but my feng shui master friend is now saying that all these things combined could be interpreted to mean I could soon be walking tall with my Dayang, so to speak LOL.

Well, that could indeed happen if Dayang hits RM3, and I would be the last to complain, for sure.

Anyways, looks like I shall be keeping this little piece of paper for quite a while yet I reckon LOL.


2019-03-13 16:50 | Report Abuse

LOL. Hey guys, you're not going to believe this. I just bought a pair of shoes in Berjaya Times Square KL. Paid for it by credit card.

And you know what? The warehouse address that came out on the credit card receipt slip is No. 3 Jalan Dayang 1/8 Bandar Mahkota. The string of auspicious numbers & names are absolutely unbelievable, man.

I mean, the numbers 3 & 8, snd the names Dayang, Mahkota & Berjaya. My fung shui master friend is now saying that all these combined means that I could soon be walking tall with my Dayang.

OMG. I'm definitely keeping this little piece of paper until RM3. At the very least.


2019-03-12 19:32 | Report Abuse

I have some friendly, comradely advice for StockRaider. We investors do not need to keep any unstinting loyalty to any stock. We just study & analyse the prettiest looking ones on our radar, we pick a few, perhaps even just one in certain situations, and we just roll with them.

Our loyalty should be to ouselves only, not to any company in particular. It is not like being loyal to our favourite football club. That one is only for fun & entertainment. Whereas with a stock, our own money is at stake. So, we simply owe it to ourselves to play the best & the most viable one available at the current time.


2019-03-12 00:06 | Report Abuse

Every decent O&G or O&G-related business - provided that they're competently run - is going to do much better in Q1FY19 than they did in Q4FY18, simply becos average oil prices for Q1FY19 are much stronger.


2019-03-12 00:00 | Report Abuse

Read the numbers, SMFTT. The numbers.


2019-03-11 23:54 | Report Abuse

Simple. Becos they're not as pretty nor as attractive as Dayang. There are certain basic criteria for beauty, you know.


2019-03-11 23:43 | Report Abuse

Which is really a quite reasonable projection considering current much better oil prices


2019-03-11 23:41 | Report Abuse

Come on. Let's just look at recent Dayang QR. Net profits for Q3FY18 & Q4FY18 were about roughly 49 mil & 98 mil respectively, i. e. a jump of about double. If same doubling occurs for next QR, then we're going to get about 200 mil for Q1FY19.


2019-03-11 23:25 | Report Abuse

RM17 for HY is obvioysly a crazy price. But RM3 - RM4 for Dayang is certainly within the realm of the possible. That level is not even in the same class as Dayang's own previous price achieved during the previous O&G superbull.


2019-03-11 10:29 | Report Abuse

LOL. All them naysayers & doubting Thomases must be banging their heads against the wall now. Poor dudes. Too stubborn & completely rejective of market reality.

Sorry, guys. But this is no David Coperfield or David Blaines illusion. It is completely, totally, absolutely real!!!


2019-03-10 05:52 | Report Abuse

Of course, money in your pocket is safer than money in the market, becos anything can happen anytime. OTOH, money in the market can expand, again especially in a bull phase. While money in your pocket can only remain the same. There you go. The blade cuts both ways.


2019-03-10 05:36 | Report Abuse

Taking out profit is good, provided you can get back in at a lower price. But especially during a bull phase, there is the risk of slipping down the slope, i. e. the price moving up when you're out. So you might end up chasing back at a higher price then when you sold.

So you actually lose something there, even though having the feel of 'money in your pocket' for a few days might have given you some feelgood illusion. Unless youre exiting for good, then that is of course something completely different.

OTOH, if you hit lucky & get to buy back at a lower price, then you have made some extra gain.


2019-03-08 12:04 | Report Abuse

Shorting every two minutes, then claim they just made 100k, ten times a day. If that were really true, then each one of them is going to be wealthier than Warren Buffet in three months. Could even be just one dikkhedd masquerading as four.


2019-03-06 12:14 | Report Abuse

RR88 investing style is inefficient. Lots & lots of frantic activity but eventually earning only chicken feed profit.

And he only screams his occassional profits for all the world to hear. While going completely silent about the losses parts. Fukkin boolshhitter extraordinaire, if you ask me.


2019-03-04 15:22 | Report Abuse

Shorters, day traders & contra players can have their fill of heart busting thrill & spill. But we long holders will just be laying back shaking legs, waiting in good chill to reap our big golden harvest.

We do not need to be incessantly running around helter skelter, screaming & shouting like a mad hatter, left, right & centre, here, there & everywhere.


2019-03-04 15:07 | Report Abuse

Sour grape boat misser talk from Mamatede


2019-03-04 14:58 | Report Abuse

Cabut what. Cabut your lanjcheow ah.


2019-03-03 15:06 | Report Abuse

You need to relax a little, kid. Not be overly excited by & carried away too much with your frenzied passion for your Dayang.


2019-03-03 14:51 | Report Abuse

Kid. TP 40 for Perdana? You gotta be kidding, dude. It already hit intraday 34.5 last Monday. Maybe you were too busy thinking too hard to realise that.


2019-03-03 14:42 | Report Abuse

Aaaah. You do not even dare to disclose your so called 'five years continuous earnings' now, my friend. You were simply boolshhitting. Right?


2019-03-03 14:34 | Report Abuse

Good God! Now, we see the lows that these boolshhitting American anal-likks can sink down to, just to try to press oil down. Ha ha. They're even praying hard for US$40 WTI now. OMG, these guys are amazing. Simply unbelievable, man.


2019-03-03 14:20 | Report Abuse

Okay, share with us then. Tell us, how much you have earned.


2019-03-03 14:09 | Report Abuse

Might be something hard to swallow for some, but that is the cold hard reality of it.


2019-03-03 14:07 | Report Abuse

No hard feelings, but the biggest factor influencing & deciding buying is not PER, but PER-CEPTION. Many guys still make the mistake of believing that it's all about fundamentals. But in reality, the market is at least 75% about perception.


2019-03-01 14:03 | Report Abuse

If Dayang flies to RM3, Perdana wud hv hit RM1. So, about similar ROI, in percentage terms. Mayybe in fact Perdana wud hv touched 1.50, becos when related stocks fly at the same time, the cheaper priced one tends to fly faster, becos it is lighter & more agile. Just a basic principle of nature, as well as normal investor behaviour.


2019-03-01 13:56 | Report Abuse

If jump onto Penergy now, jumping in at high. Putiing you in grave danger of falling off a cliff.


2019-02-27 07:10 | Report Abuse

You're OOT, Ronny boy. As usual. The profit burgeoning has already begun. And that URL has been posted by someone already, just a few posts up.


2019-02-27 07:04 | Report Abuse

Mr. Short and Tweet is a fukkin bittch. I was on course for my first round of rich harvest, and he just had to turn up & mess things up. The bastarrd sonofagun.


2019-02-26 04:30 | Report Abuse

I believe we're really looking at 50 maybe around next QR time, i. e. late May, if not earlier. Then, if break 50 decisively, next target 80.


2019-02-25 11:46 | Report Abuse

Getting closer & closer to my big, rich, golden harvest festival. Depending on how far it's going to run. 40? 50? 60? 70? Who knows.


2019-02-23 12:34 | Report Abuse

Hence, the adventure continues ... for those wise enough to want to continue


2019-02-21 08:53 | Report Abuse

1 March comes, 1 March goes. No big deal.


2019-02-21 08:46 | Report Abuse

Not everybody plays the same way. Some like to rush around every time he sees small profit. Some like to play a more relaxed, laid back & patient bigger picture game, aiming for a bigger score & better efficiency of play. To each his own.