
Good123 | Joined since 2019-01-23

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2024-03-21 09:16 | Report Abuse

Maybank investment bank punya forecast hahaha

Share Price MYR 0.57
12m Price Target MYR 0.40 (-27%)
Previous Price Target MYR 0.52


2024-03-21 09:16 | Report Abuse

Above 50sen till now. All analysts failed in forecasting hahaha

Share Price MYR 0.57
12m Price Target MYR 0.40 (-27%)
Previous Price Target MYR 0.52


2024-03-20 11:13 | Report Abuse

buy rate 90% memuaskan :)


2024-03-20 11:04 | Report Abuse

post pandemic , ramai yg kian susah...hanya mampu makan and masak kat rumah.. kawan mempunyai potensi tak terhingga bukan hanya di malaysia tapi global jugak.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$In 2022, according to the World Instant Noodles Association, humanity collectively bought a record 121 billion servings of instant noodles – some 17 per cent more than in 2018. In countries as diverse as Nigeria, Bangladesh and Turkey, the surge has been far more acute, with increases ranging from 53 per cent to 425 per cent.


2024-03-20 10:59 | Report Abuse

roger roger, investors dah mau attack ka? 29.5sen sekarang


2024-03-20 08:58 | Report Abuse

55sen seems to be the bottom out price now :)

2024-03-19 0.55 0.555 0.545 0.55 -0.005 (0.90%) 925,400
2024-03-18 0.555 0.56 0.55 0.555 0.00 (0.00%) 815,400
2024-03-15 0.55 0.555 0.545 0.555 0.00 (0.00%) 547,400
2024-03-14 0.55 0.555 0.55 0.555 +0.005 (0.909%) 344,700
2024-03-13 0.545 0.555 0.545 0.55 0.00 (0.00%) 487,300
2024-03-12 0.55 0.55 0.545 0.55 0.00 (0.00%) 593,000
2024-03-11 0.56 0.56 0.54 0.55 -0.01 (1.785%) 1,397,800


2024-03-20 08:56 | Report Abuse

USA & Israel combined, the no 1 & No 4 military power in the world, terrorists like hamas, etc better run fast fast hehe


2024-03-20 08:54 | Report Abuse

USA has given the blessing to Israel to fight hamas terrorists in Rafah... the surrender or defeat of hamas terrorrists is near. hehe....

boycott is useless at all... hehe


2024-03-20 08:48 | Report Abuse

semua syer senheng disapu bersih antara 29sen & 29.5sen selama beberapa hari dah, tunggu pembeli besar kata roger roger attack saja kini hehe

2024-03-19 0.29 0.295 0.285 0.29 0.00 (0.00%) 1,231,300
2024-03-18 0.29 0.295 0.285 0.29 0.00 (0.00%) 1,969,300
2024-03-15 0.295 0.295 0.29 0.29 -0.005 (1.694%) 3,673,000
2024-03-14 0.29 0.295 0.29 0.295 +0.005 (1.724%) 579,000
2024-03-13 0.30 0.30 0.285 0.29 -0.005 (1.694%) 2,074,900
2024-03-12 0.30 0.30 0.285 0.295 -0.005 (1.666%) 2,179,900


2024-03-20 08:43 | Report Abuse

good good USA supported Israel to fight hamas terrorists in rafah... approaching the end ... the winner is surely israel hehe

www.timesofisrael.comThe Times of Israel | News from Israel, the Middle East and the...
3:10 am. While opposing major Rafah op, Biden says he told Netanyahu 'Israel has a right to go after Hamas' 2:47 am. US says it destroyed Houthi anti-ship missiles, drones and weapons storage...


2024-03-19 23:31 | Report Abuse

Betapa bersemangat israel menentang pengganas2 hamas arab hehe

Netanyahu: 'I made it clear to Biden, we must enter Rafah'
Following Monday's phone call between the two leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized the strategic significance of entering Rafah.
MARCH 19, 2024 16:33
Updated: MARCH 19, 2024 16:39
The biblical Heartland of Israel 🇮🇱💗🇮🇱
Jam packed with Jewish history for thousands of years. 🇮🇱💪

News & Blogs

2024-03-19 23:10 | Report Abuse

Stokin berlabel Allah dari KK Mart sama seperti isu kasut Nike 1997 yang tiada niat menghina

Prof Tajuddin
28,826 views Mar 17, 2024
Tular di sosial media berkenaan stokin berlabel Allah. Terlalu cepat orang politik dan influencer mengambil kesempatan meraih populariti murahan dengan memanggil boikot kedai tersebut. Saya mengulas tiga kes kesilapan yang sama dalam kes kasut Nike, Syarikat Lego dan pengalaman peribadi. Janganlah kita menganiaya ramai pekerja anak-anak Malaysia seperti terjadi pada McDonald dan Starbuck. Bulan Ramadhan harus ada kesabaran dan kemaafan, bukan populariti murahan yang mungkin membawa dosa besar.


2024-03-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

Stokin berlabel Allah dari KK Mart sama seperti isu kasut Nike 1997 yang tiada niat menghina

Prof Tajuddin
28,826 views Mar 17, 2024
Tular di sosial media berkenaan stokin berlabel Allah. Terlalu cepat orang politik dan influencer mengambil kesempatan meraih populariti murahan dengan memanggil boikot kedai tersebut. Saya mengulas tiga kes kesilapan yang sama dalam kes kasut Nike, Syarikat Lego dan pengalaman peribadi. Janganlah kita menganiaya ramai pekerja anak-anak Malaysia seperti terjadi pada McDonald dan Starbuck. Bulan Ramadhan harus ada kesabaran dan kemaafan, bukan populariti murahan yang mungkin membawa dosa besar.


2024-03-19 15:34 | Report Abuse



2024-03-19 15:32 | Report Abuse

mereka beli syer senheng bukan kerana corak graf lawa/hodoh tetapi asasnya/fundamentalnya :)

CIMB Group Holdings Berhad, Asset Management Arm 20,000,000 RM5.9m 0% 0.45%
Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited 19,518,300 RM5.8m 0% 0.01%
Employees Provident Fund of Malaysia 16,567,600 RM4.9m 0% no data
Norges Bank Investment Management 11,148,800 RM3.3m 0% no data
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad, Insurance Investments 9,368,700 RM2.8m 0% 0.03%
Yayasan Islam Terengganu, Endowment arm 8,000,000 RM2.4m 0% 4.08%
PHEIM Asset Management Sdn Bhd 6,281,300 RM1.9m 0% 0.96%
Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan 5,000,000 RM1.5m 0% no data
Lembaga Tabung Haji, Endowment Arm 4,758,500 RM1.4m 0% 0.01%
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan 2,378,700 RM701.7k 0% no data
CVC Capital Partners Limited 1,934,500 RM570.7k 0% no data
Daiwa Asset Management Co., Ltd. 998,600 RM294.6k 0% no data


2024-03-19 15:31 | Report Abuse

28.5 to 29.5sen... 29sen akan diserap semua sebelum pukul 5pm. mark my words ya


2024-03-19 09:19 | Report Abuse

Sabar je. starbucks bakal pulih soon. hehe

yahudi tak pernah kalah dalam peperangan selepas kembali ke tanahair mereka. Mereka telah berperang dan menewaskan beberapa negara arab seperti syria, lubnan, mesir, dll. Kewibawaan, kebolehan dan kebijaksanaan yahudi/israel diketahui dunia. Orang2 arab bukan lawan yahudi/israel. hehe


2024-03-19 09:13 | Report Abuse

mereka ada masa dan wang untuk menunggu harga syer senheng pulih sementara menerima cash dividen senheng untuk pemegang unit trusts. anda? hahaha

CIMB Group Holdings Berhad, Asset Management Arm 20,000,000 RM5.9m 0% 0.45%
Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited 19,518,300 RM5.8m 0% 0.01%
Employees Provident Fund of Malaysia 16,567,600 RM4.9m 0% no data
Norges Bank Investment Management 11,148,800 RM3.3m 0% no data
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad, Insurance Investments 9,368,700 RM2.8m 0% 0.03%
Yayasan Islam Terengganu, Endowment arm 8,000,000 RM2.4m 0% 4.08%
PHEIM Asset Management Sdn Bhd 6,281,300 RM1.9m 0% 0.96%
Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan 5,000,000 RM1.5m 0% no data
Lembaga Tabung Haji, Endowment Arm 4,758,500 RM1.4m 0% 0.01%
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan 2,378,700 RM701.7k 0% no data
CVC Capital Partners Limited 1,934,500 RM570.7k 0% no data
Daiwa Asset Management Co., Ltd. 998,600 RM294.6k 0% no data


2024-03-19 09:10 | Report Abuse

good4those who nampak or sedar hehe

Senheng, a leading consumer electrical and electronics retailer in Malaysia, has shown significant potential for growth and expansion. Here are some reasons why Senheng is considered to have unlimited potentials:

IPO and Expansion Plans: Senheng raised RM267.5 million from its Initial Public Offering (IPO) to fund the next phase of its transformation. This includes setting up new stores and upgrading existing ones into enhanced concept stores, aiming to elevate the shopping experience for customers.
Digital Infrastructure: The company plans to strengthen its digital infrastructure, which is crucial in today’s rapidly digitalizing retail landscape. This includes developing new brand distribution business, expanding and upgrading the warehouse and logistics network, and boosting digital capabilities.
New Retail Model: Senheng has transitioned into a seamless New Retail Model, integrating physical stores and back-end functions with online platforms and the Senheng App1. This approach caters to the latest consumer trends, where customers enjoy the convenience of online shopping while still having experiential centers to interact with products.
Customer-Centric Services: Senheng offers various customer-centric services like flexible payment schemes, mobile protection plans, and a comprehensive e-warranty system, which enhance the overall customer experience.
These strategic initiatives position Senheng to capitalize on both the physical and digital retail fronts, potentially leading to sustained growth and a stronger market presence.



2024-03-19 09:05 | Report Abuse

macam ctos, kwap sapu banyak bila harga syer ctos bottom out. the same could happen to senheng as its share price dah bottom out jugak, jika bukan kwap maybe other fund houses or GLCs. good luck


2024-03-19 08:58 | Report Abuse

Tiada negara gaza ataupun palestin dalam sejarah.. sejarah israel adalah beribu-ribu tahun. agak mustahil israel setuju kecuali hamas dihapuskan, dll.


They established some conditions also, one of which was that they wanted Israel to recognize Gaza as a country

22 hours ago


Asal usul Yahudi tradisinya bertarikh sekitar alaf kedua SME kepada patriakh, Abraham, Isaac dan Jacob. Stala Merneptah, bertarikh 1200 SME, adalah salah satu dari rekod arkeologikan terawal dari orang Yahudi di Tanah Israel, dimana agama Yahudi, satu agama monotheisme dibangunkan. Menurut pada akaun Biblikal, orang Yahudi menikmati tempoh keazaman-sendiri pertama dibawah kehakiman Biblikal dari Othniel melalui Samson, kemudian pada (c. 1000an SME), Raja David mendirikan Baitulmaqdis sebagai ibu kota dari Negeri Kerajaan Kesatuan Israel dan Judah (Kesatuan Monarki) dan dari sana memerintahnya Duabelas Suku Israel.

Pembinaan semula perincian awal dari Kuil Sulaiman.
Pada 970 SME, anak lelaki David, Solomon menjadi raja Israel. [12] Kurang dari sedekad, Solomon mula membina Kuil Suci yang dikenali sebagai Kuil Pertama. Selepas kematian Solomon (c. 930 SME), sepuluh suku utara berpisah membentuk Kerajaan Israel. PAda 722 SME orang Assyria menakluk Kerajaan Israel dan mengusir Yahudinya yang bermulanya diaspora Yahudi.

Tempoh Kuil Pertama berakhir sekitar 586 SME setelah orang Babylonia menakluk Tanah Israel dan memusnahkan Kuil Yahudi. Pada 538 SME, selepas lima puluh tahun dari tawanan Babylonia, Raja Parsi Cyrus si Agung membenarkan orang Yahudi kembali membina semula Baitulmaqdis dan kuil suci. Pembinaan Kuil Kedua, telah siap pada 516 SME semasa pemerintahan Darius si Agung selama tujuh puluh tahun selepas kemusnahan Kuil Pertama. [13][14] Apabila Iskandar Agung menakluk Empayar Parsi, Tanah Israel jatuh dibawah kawalan Greek Hellenistik, akhirnya jatuh kepada dinasti Ptolemaik yang hilangnya kepada Seleucids. Cubaan Seleucid untuk tebar semula Baitulmaqdis sebagai polis dihelleniskan datang kepada utama pada 168 SME dengan kejayaan pemberontakan Maccabean dari Mattathias si Paderi Tinggi dan anak lelakinya terhadap Antiochus Epiphanes, dan pengasasan mereka dari Kerajaan Hasmonean pada 152 SME dengan Baitulmaqdis sekali lagi sebagai ibukotanya. [15] Kerajaan Hasmonean bertahan selama seratus tahun kemudian setelah Rom menjadi lebih kuat ia melantik Herod sebagai raja pelanggan Yahudi. Kerajaan Herod juga bertahan selama seratus tahun. Kekalahan oleh orang Yahudi pada pemberontakan Pertama pada 70 EL, yang pertama dari Perang Yahudi-Rom dan Pemberontakan Bar Kochba pada 135 EL yang penting menyumbang kepada bilangan dan geografi dan diaspora, laksana bilangan penting populasi Yahudi dari Tanah Israel telah diusir dan dijual kepada perhambaan sepanjang Empayar Rom. Sejak itu, orang Yahudi telah hidup di hampir setiap negara di dunia, terutamnya di Eropah dan Timur Tengah lebih unggul, terselamat dari diskriminasi, penindasan, kemiskinan, dan malah pembunuhan kaum (lihat:anti-Semitisme, Holokus), dengan tempoh kadangkala dari kebudayaan, ekonomik, dan kemajuan individu di berbagai lokasi (seperti Sepanyol, Portugal, Jerman, Poland dan Amerika Syarikat).

Hingga lewat abad ke-18, istilah Yahudi dan penganut Yahudi telah praktikalnya sinonim, dan agama Yahudi adalah ikatan prima dari orang Yahudi tanpa mengira darjat keanutan. Berikutan Zaman Enlightenment dan saudara Yahudinya Haskalah, satu transformasi beransur berlaku semasa dimana ramai Yahudi datang dilihat menjadi satu ahli dari bangsa Yahudi sebagaimana terpisah dari menganuti kepada keimanan Yahudi.

Kata nama Ibrani "Yehudi" (plural Yehudim) asalnya dirujuk kepada suku Judah. [16] Kemudian, apabila Kerajaan Israel Utara berpisah dari Kerajaan Israel Selatan, Kerajaan Israel Selatan mula merujuk dirinya dengan nama dari suku pradominannya, atau sebagai Kerajaan Judah. Istilah ini asalnya dirujuk kepada orang dari kerajaan selatan, walaupun istilah B'nei Yisrael (Bani Israel) telah masih digunakan untuk kedua-dua kumpulan. Selepas orang Assyria menakluk kerajaan utara meninggalkan kerajaan selatan sebagai satu-satunya negeri Bani Israel, kata Yehudim beransur datang merujuk pada orang dari keimanan Yahudi sebagai seluruh, berbanding dari yang spesifiknya dari suku atau Kerajaan Judah. Kata Inggeris Jew unggulnya dipemerolehan dari Yehudi. kegunaan pertamanya dalam Injil untuk merujuk kepada orang Yahudi sebagai seluruh berada dalam Kitab Esther.


2024-03-19 08:51 | Report Abuse

last day for dividend interim sebanyak 4.2sen .... grab yah!


2024-03-19 08:50 | Report Abuse

direct biz transactions tak pernah below 50sen since IPO... :)

Date Price Change Dir-Volume Day Volume Dir-Value Day Value Avg Price % of Total Share Remarks
14/10/2022 00:00:00 0.6400 - 204,400 204,400 130,816 130,816 0.6400 0.0136 -
13/10/2022 00:00:00 0.6450 - 476,900 476,900 307,601 307,601 0.6450 0.0318 -
30/08/2022 00:00:00 0.6900 -0.0300 800,000 800,000 552,000 552,000 0.6900 0.0533 -
28/07/2022 00:00:00 0.6200 0.0250 880,400 880,400 545,848 545,848 0.6200 0.0587 -
27/07/2022 00:00:00 0.6250 0.0400 860,000 860,000 537,500 537,500 0.6250 0.0573 -
25/07/2022 00:00:00 0.6300 0.0250 1.725m 1.725m 1.087m 1.087m 0.6300 0.1150 -
07/07/2022 00:00:00 0.5650 -0.0300 1.725m 1.725m 974,851 974,851 0.5650 0.1150 -
05/07/2022 00:00:00 0.5700 -0.0550 1.740m 1.740m 991,800 991,800 0.5700 0.1160 -
28/06/2022 00:00:00 0.6000 -0.0300 47,000 47,000 28,200 28,200 0.6000 0.0031 -
27/06/2022 00:00:00 0.6000 -0.0050 17,000 17,000 10,200 10,200 0.6000 0.0011 -
15/06/2022 00:00:00 0.5900 -0.0200 1.629m 1.629m 961,346 961,346 0.5900 0.1086 -
20/05/2022 00:00:00 0.8000 -0.0050 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 0.8000 0.0007 -
13/05/2022 00:00:00 0.8000 0.0050 10,000 10,000 8,000 8,000 0.8000 0.0007 -
27/04/2022 00:00:00 0.7000 -0.1450 111,000 111,000 77,700 77,700 0.7000 0.0074 -
26/04/2022 00:00:00 0.8000 -0.0500 145,800 145,800 116,640 116,640 0.8000 0.0097 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 45,800 1.602m 38,472 1.265m 0.7898 0.0031 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 151,400 1.602m 127,176 1.265m 0.7898 0.0101 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 66,200 1.602m 55,608 1.265m 0.7898 0.0044 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 50,000 1.602m 42,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0033 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 62,800 1.602m 52,752 1.265m 0.7898 0.0042 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 50,000 1.602m 42,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0033 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 62,300 1.602m 52,332 1.265m 0.7898 0.0042 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 40,000 1.602m 33,600 1.265m 0.7898 0.0027 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 50,000 1.602m 42,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0033 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 50,000 1.602m 42,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0033 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 50,000 1.602m 42,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0033 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 50,000 1.602m 42,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0033 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 50,000 1.602m 42,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0033 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 40,000 1.602m 33,600 1.265m 0.7898 0.0027 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 58,300 1.602m 48,972 1.265m 0.7898 0.0039 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.8400 -0.0100 150,000 1.602m 126,000 1.265m 0.7898 0.0100 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.7000 -0.1500 429,000 1.602m 300,300 1.265m 0.7898 0.0286 -
03/03/2022 00:00:00 0.7000 -0.1500 145,800 1.602m 102,060 1.265m 0.7898 0.0097 -
25/01/2022 00:00:00 0.9000 -0.1700 200,000 200,000 180,000 180,000 0.9000 0.0133 -
Summary from 25/01/2022 to 14/10/2022
Highest Price 0.9000 First Occurred on 25/01/2022
Lowest Price 0.5650 First Occurred on 07/07/2022
Highest Volume 1.740m First Occurred on 05/07/2022


2024-03-19 08:49 | Report Abuse

They might be grabbing more and more senheng shares at bottomed out price now. good rebound is expected... price was bottomed out at 29sen during the last 2 trading days. Be observant, yah! good luck$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

CIMB Group Holdings Berhad, Asset Management Arm 20,000,000 RM5.9m 0% 0.45%
Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited 19,518,300 RM5.8m 0% 0.01%
Employees Provident Fund of Malaysia 16,567,600 RM4.9m 0% no data
Norges Bank Investment Management 11,148,800 RM3.3m 0% no data
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad, Insurance Investments 9,368,700 RM2.8m 0% 0.03%
Yayasan Islam Terengganu, Endowment arm 8,000,000 RM2.4m 0% 4.08%
PHEIM Asset Management Sdn Bhd 6,281,300 RM1.9m 0% 0.96%
Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan 5,000,000 RM1.5m 0% no data
Lembaga Tabung Haji, Endowment Arm 4,758,500 RM1.4m 0% 0.01%
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan 2,378,700 RM701.7k 0% no data
CVC Capital Partners Limited 1,934,500 RM570.7k 0% no data
Daiwa Asset Management Co., Ltd. 998,600 RM294.6k 0% no data


2024-03-19 08:46 | Report Abuse

probably institutional investors or fund houses increase their stake in senheng, ringgit cost averaging method :)


2024-03-19 08:45 | Report Abuse

Bottomed out at 29sen... any quantity at 29sen during the last 2 days, disapu bersih...

2024-03-18 0.29 0.295 0.285 0.29 0.00 (0.00%) 1,969,300
2024-03-15 0.295 0.295 0.29 0.29 -0.005 (1.694%) 3,673,000
2024-03-14 0.29 0.295 0.29 0.295 +0.005 (1.724%) 579,000
2024-03-13 0.30 0.30 0.285 0.29 -0.005 (1.694%) 2,074,900
2024-03-12 0.30 0.30 0.285 0.295 -0.005 (1.666%) 2,179,900
2024-03-11 0.295 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.00 (0.00%) 1,405,800
2024-03-08 0.295 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.00 (0.00%) 1,453,100
2024-03-07 0.295 0.30 0.29 0.30 +0.005 (1.694%) 1,761,500


2024-03-18 09:05 | Report Abuse

Ex dividend date mar 20. Hurry up yah


2024-03-18 09:03 | Report Abuse

Fundamental analysis is key for senheng.

Time to rebound, greatly undervalued


2024-03-16 23:52 | Report Abuse

The top 25 shareholders own 82.76% of the company. Real free float is probably more like 17% or so, so when the buying confidence comes back, the share price should be relatively easy to increase significantly.


2024-03-16 23:49 | Report Abuse

Hopefully, some fund houses will increase their stakes in senheng to perform bottom fishing as the price has bottomed out :) IPO RM1.07 -> 28.5sen, now at 29-29.5sen

Top Shareholders
Top 25 shareholders own 82.76% of the company
Ownership Name Shares Current Value Change % Portfolio %
Sq Digital Sdn Bhd 869,600,000 RM256.5m 0% no data
Kim Heng Lim 85,155,600 RM25.1m 0% no data
Kim Chieng Lim 82,990,600 RM24.5m 0% no data
Kim Yew Lim 81,300,000 RM24.0m 0% no data
CIMB Group Holdings Berhad, Asset Management Arm 20,000,000 RM5.9m 0% 0.45%
Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited 19,518,300 RM5.8m 0% 0.01%
Employees Provident Fund of Malaysia 16,567,600 RM4.9m 0% no data
Norges Bank Investment Management 11,148,800 RM3.3m 0% no data
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad, Insurance Investments 9,368,700 RM2.8m 0% 0.03%
Yayasan Islam Terengganu, Endowment arm 8,000,000 RM2.4m 0% 4.08%
PHEIM Asset Management Sdn Bhd 6,281,300 RM1.9m 0% 0.96%
Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan 5,000,000 RM1.5m 0% no data
Lembaga Tabung Haji, Endowment Arm 4,758,500 RM1.4m 0% 0.01%
Kuan Weng Chin 3,002,100 RM885.6k 0% no data
Kam Sun Shin 3,000,000 RM885.0k 0% no data
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan 2,378,700 RM701.7k 0% no data
Wee Chai Lim 2,000,000 RM590.0k 0% no data
Seong Pow Chia 2,000,000 RM590.0k 0% no data
Choon Lian Kuan 2,000,000 RM590.0k 0% no data
Dzuhairi Bin Jaafar Thani 1,963,800 RM579.3k 0% no data
Mediliance (M) Sdn. Bhd. 1,940,000 RM572.3k 0% no data
CVC Capital Partners Limited 1,934,500 RM570.7k 0% no data
Daiwa Asset Management Co., Ltd. 998,600 RM294.6k 0% no data
Ler Tan 240,000 RM70.8k 0% no data
Kim Ho 240,000 RM70.8k 0% no data


2024-03-16 17:22 | Report Abuse

Malaysia market has been under-appreciated with the KLCI only recording 2 positive returns (in 2017 and 2020) over the past 10 years. This is mainly due to foreign fund selling, inconsistent policy follow-through, along with external forces such as the US sticking to higher rates for a longer period and a sluggish recovery in China.

However, things have improved since the 2H of last year and this strong momentum persists into 2024, with KLCI registering +6.7% gains YTD as of Feb 2024, indicating signs of renewed optimism towards the Malaysia market. Despite the recent rally, we hold a positive view on Malaysia market over the medium to long term. $$$$$$$$$$$$


2024-03-16 17:21 | Report Abuse


Malaysia market has been under-appreciated with the KLCI only recording 2 positive returns (in 2017 and 2020) over the past 10 years. This is mainly due to foreign fund selling, inconsistent policy follow-through, along with external forces such as the US sticking to higher rates for a longer period and a sluggish recovery in China.

However, things have improved since the 2H of last year and this strong momentum persists into 2024, with KLCI registering +6.7% gains YTD as of Feb 2024, indicating signs of renewed optimism towards the Malaysia market. Despite the recent rally, we hold a positive view on Malaysia market over the medium to long term. $$$$$$$$$$$$


2024-03-16 16:51 | Report Abuse

Hamas arab, bukan lawan israel, bodoh punya terrorists :) Dah mau mintak ceasefire dengan israel dan berdamai kononnya. dah kecut kini hahaha


With the latest nvidia tech called israel-1, all defense, locking target & attack are fully operated and controlled by AI

3 hours ago


2024-03-16 16:44 | Report Abuse

Bang, diff industries. Also unfair to evaluate senheng based on its performance during the pandemic and even 2023-24, consumers are adjusting spending due to change of econ policies, etc. Fairer to invest for 3-5 years from now. Assess senheng's performance from 2025 to 2027 hehe


Unique listed on 05-08-2022 PE @ 15

20-02-2024 1 warrant for every 2 existing ordinary shares of Unique

0.5 cent dividend on 12-07-2023

0.6 cent dividend on 23-01-2024

Senheng listed on 25-01-2022 PE @ 17

1.3 cent dividend on 11-04-2022

0.5 cent dividend on 26-09-2022

0.7 cent dividend on 26-05-2023

?? cent dividend on 2024 ??? April ? Or May ?

6 hours ago


2024-03-16 16:39 | Report Abuse

GRAB has acquired jaya grocer, maybe, at dirt cheap price now, GRAB might acquire senheng from the founder. GRAB & Senheng have synergy, grab has a digital bank to finance purchases and delivery / logistics means for all customers of senheng... wait n see.


2024-03-16 12:14 | Report Abuse

Israel menyerang hamas Arab dengan bersungguh-sungguh, betapa hebat Dan kuat. Hehe

Devastation in Gaza as Israel wages war on Hamas
By Kathleen Magramo, Sophie Tanno, Adrienne Vogt, Leinz Vales, Aditi Sangal, Tori B. Powell and Elise Hammond, CNN
Updated 9:54 PM ET, Fri March 15, 2024


2024-03-16 09:45 | Report Abuse

RSI(14) Neutral 35.6
Stochastic(14) Oversold 20.0
Average Volume (3M) 1,216,800
Relative Volume 3.0


2024-03-16 08:05 | Report Abuse

29sen cleared, back to above 30sen next week. Be patient ya!


2024-03-16 08:04 | Report Abuse

Don't think so. Rather use it to pay cash dividend as fund mgmt unit trusts companies are holding the shares. 1.5bil shares issued , enough for trading etc.


Very cheap price at 0.29 !

Can Senheng gives bonus issue with its available reserves ???

1 hour ago


2024-03-16 07:38 | Report Abuse

Bagus, Arab countries took action against hamas terrorists hehe

Qatar emir proposed expelling Hamas officials in meet with Blinken days after Oct. 7
US diplomat told Thani that Doha should use its sway with terror group to free hostages in short term, but it wouldn’t be ‘business as usual’ for Hamas after war, officials tell ToI
14 Mar 2024, 3:02 pm


2024-03-16 07:35 | Report Abuse

Yahudi the strongest & blessed hehe

Reports: Ministers told signs point to successful hit on Hamas number 3 Marwan Issa
Security cabinet informed evidence piling up that top commander is dead after Gaza strike, though terror group has yet to comment
16 Mar 2024, 12:01 am


2024-03-15 19:29 | Report Abuse

Dirt cheap price, maybe founder may take it private


2024-03-15 16:43 | Report Abuse

Name: Kawan Food Berhad
Ticker: KAWAN
Exchange: KLSE
Founded: 1960
Industry: Packaged Foods and Meats
Sector: Food, Beverage & Tobacco
Market Cap: RM633.172m
Shares Outstanding: 349.82m


2024-03-15 16:43 | Report Abuse

Top 24 shareholders own 80.57% of the company
Ownership Name Shares Current Value Change % Portfolio %
Gfg Foundation, Endowment Arm 126,257,402 RM228.5m 0% no data
Nareshchandra Nagrecha 62,001,200 RM112.2m -13.9% no data
Thiam Gan 25,472,799 RM46.1m 0% no data
Public Mutual Bhd. 19,454,899 RM35.2m 0% 0.22%
Hun Soon Lim 10,137,028 RM18.3m 32.7% no data
Poh Ying Kong 5,834,100 RM10.6m 0% no data
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan 4,707,933 RM8.5m 0% 0.02%
Chung-Chen Wu 4,626,000 RM8.4m 0% no data
Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited 3,667,400 RM6.6m 0% 0.01%
UBS Asset Management AG 3,262,500 RM5.9m 0% no data
Tsai-Tien Chen 2,792,466 RM5.1m 0% no data
Peter Chiang 2,604,000 RM4.7m 0% no data
Kamal Shah 2,168,382 RM3.9m 0% no data
Maybank Asset Management Group Bhd. 2,112,600 RM3.8m 0% 0.63%
Kah Yin Yoong 2,070,000 RM3.7m 0% no data
Chia-Lung Wu 2,051,682 RM3.7m 0% no data
PHEIM Asset Management Sdn Bhd 1,293,100 RM2.3m 0% 1.18%
RHB Asset Management Sdn Bhd 516,100 RM934.1k 0% 0.07%
BOS Wealth Management Malaysia Bhd. 230,700 RM417.6k 0% 0.26%
SEI Investments Company 166,200 RM300.8k 0% no data
Acadian Asset Management LLC 132,700 RM240.2k 0% no data
Ka Gan 121,220 RM219.4k 0% no data
Fidelity International Ltd 99,600 RM180.3k 0% no data
Amanah Raya Investment Management Sdn Bhd 78,000 RM141.2k 0% 0.05%


2024-03-15 16:42 | Report Abuse

Ownership Breakdown
General Public 19.4%
Individual Insiders 34.3%
Institutions 46.3%


2024-03-15 16:40 | Report Abuse

Adam Pandian

Mr. Adam Pandian is Group Chief Executive Officer of Kawan Food Berhad since January 1, 2024 and was its Executive Advisor to the Executive Chairman & Head of Transformation since joining in April 2023 until January 1, 2024. He has management experience in commercial, supply chain and corporate roles, developing and implementing transformation strategies across various industries and organizations with a foundation in fast-moving consumer goods. Starting his career in Procter & Gamble in brand management, he moved on to several senior positions including Account Director for Leo Burnett, Regional Account Director for Saatchi & Saatchi, General Manager and Commercial Director for Keebler, and as Managing Director for Greater China and Southeast Asia for Kellogg.
Prior to joining Kawan in April 2023, he held Chief Operating Officer roles in various divisions within the Hap Seng Group as well as corporate roles within the Group MD’s office where he served in change management, business turnarounds and driving group synergy across operating divisions. He finished Advanced Management Program by Prof. Peter Doyle, University of Warwick; Creating Competitive Advantage by Prof. Karl Moore, Oxford University; Strategic Management for HiPos, by Saatchi & Saatchi; Leaders developing Leaders Program, Kellogg Leadership Academy; Kellogg Leadership coaching; Howard Epstein (New York) and Graham Richardson (Sydney). He has Bachelor of Business Administration from National University of Singapore.


2024-03-15 16:39 | Report Abuse

Recent management updates

Kawan Food Berhad Appoints Adam Pandian as Group Chief Executive Officer, effective 01 January 2024
Dec 30


2024-03-15 16:39 | Report Abuse

Cash Flow Coverage: With its low cash payout ratio (24.5%), KAWAN's dividend payments are well covered by cash flows.


2024-03-15 16:39 | Report Abuse

Earnings Coverage: With its reasonably low payout ratio (43.1%), KAWAN's dividend payments are well covered by earnings.


2024-03-15 16:38 | Report Abuse

Stable Dividend: KAWAN's dividends per share have been stable in the past 10 years.

Growing Dividend: KAWAN's dividend payments have increased over the past 10 years.