
GothicRock | Joined since 2020-05-29

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile High

'Goth music', aka 'gothic rock' - is dirge-like style of rock music featuring scything gutars, high pitched basslines, and deadpan vocals. The confusion arises from the fact the goth label has been hijacked by just about every other subculture movement since the 90s.





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2020-06-05 15:04 | Report Abuse

They are telling us the real happening, i think not!


2020-06-05 10:03 | Report Abuse

SweetMemoryLane ....The West is Not losing the game. The West now sees the game for what it is and is radically adjusting its responses.


2020-06-05 10:02 | Report Abuse

- The most effective financial weapon that the USA can employ against the PRC is to cut it out of the Western banking system. The EU may bicker bitterly but they would not want to lose their access to the US banking network.
- Such a move by the USA would cripple the Chinese economy and make the Yuan largely worthless. The PRC would have other options but they would be marginal at best.


2020-06-04 11:47 | Report Abuse

I was in the UK from 8 to 22 February this year. Not even temperature checks at Heathrow on arrival. I felt that at times we'd like to have worn a mask but there was an appalling inner sense that to do so would have attracted hostility from Brits. Instead of seeing masks as evidence of being careful, they'd see it as evidence of disease. I despair at them because if stupidity was a crime, the UK wouldn't have enough prisons. The British sleepwalked into their Covid-19 disaster. Utter incompetence and arrogance and again, lots and lots of stupidity. Oh, and by the way, I support BREXIT and I abhor racism and I don't like the subtle suggestion that all supporters of Brexit are racists. There are plenty of stupid, uneducated idiots among Brexiteers just as there are among supporters of the un-elected and unassailable EU behemoth. Racism is dead wrong and it results from stupidity, a lack of education and a lack of worldly experience.


2020-06-04 11:14 | Report Abuse

Although yes there are non-racist people in the UK. If you work in finance right away it is a boys club. The name Randall Cunningham the 3rd will get you a job way faster than RAMPAGE GODLIKE !. Just calling a spade a spade.


2020-06-04 10:57 | Report Abuse

There's probably more racism in China towards Africans and in hk towards Africans and Indians. UK is a much better place than hk even before China tried to make it one system and it's still a better place now than hk even with Brexit.


2020-06-04 10:57 | Report Abuse

Your dead Wrong QueenElizebeth IV! I was born and grew up in the UK's and it's a brilliant place to grow up even if you're not white. 99 per cent of people are not racist.


2020-06-03 12:03 | Report Abuse

QueenElizebeth IV , Quite a few German government departments still require applications by Fax in order to protect personal data and follow existing privacy laws ......


2020-06-02 17:24 | Report Abuse

Who are the owners of this Edgenta UEMS? Another crony reaping millions of tax payers money?


2020-06-02 13:15 | Report Abuse

Who is the US? You speak of every single 'American' company as if they are one entity - only Chinese SOEs have that 'one mind, one movement' privilege. The US is not as evolved; as such, each company will go/stay where it is the most beneficial for that specific company - unless of course, Trumptard signs yet another un-democratic bill forcing companies to relocate their capital.


2020-06-02 12:59 | Report Abuse

There is no talking to these people. Their hatred of the mainland and the CCP is beyond all logic and any love they might profess towards Hong Kong. A bit like the democrat and MSM hatred of Trump really - the destruction of the US economy and people's livelihoods is well worth getting rid of him.


2020-06-02 12:51 | Report Abuse

Happiness is the way of life, it does not need to know what kind of system that imply.
Asian peoples are majority living in good life and happier then the west.


2020-06-01 14:55 | Report Abuse

now sanction Americans abusing Native Americans from entering Hong Kong
little reminder: Dakota Access Pipelines


2020-05-29 15:10 | Report Abuse

Not subscribing. Outsourcing. They can't even be bothered to develop their own spying device and depend on the Jewish company!

Win-win for both. No wonder Mossad has never tried to 'ahem' any Malaysian Taliban leaders.


2020-05-29 15:02 | Report Abuse

This is why we Rakyat must not blindly follow politicians and must fight the rights of everybody and prevent politicians from going power crazy. Mohdin has shown himself susceptible to power-craziness and we need to fire up the citizenry to oppose this "Clear Skies" attitude. We also need to guard against a resurgent PH and prevent them from overreaching themselves. Using Israeli cyber companies to spy on own citizens for legitimate political activities is a betrayal of our Constitution. Betray the law and go to jail or get hanged. Betray Constitution no penalty?


2020-05-29 14:21 | Report Abuse

The question is how did they enter and how did they remain here?


2020-05-29 13:59 | Report Abuse

Foreigners should stay out of China and Hong Kong affairs? Like I should stay out in the case of domestic abusive and violent action in my neighbour’s house.
To categorise the other foreigners alienate humanity into us versus them categories - sure formula for division, enmity and stereotyping.