
Hangseng | Joined since 2019-05-31

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2019-08-29 12:46 | Report Abuse

Might not be pretty but they still have Q3 and Q4 to fix the crap


2019-08-29 12:30 | Report Abuse

I very much doubt the QR will paint a true picture. The finance team is probably scrambling now to come up with some figures that the company wants the public to see. Thus the delay in release.


2019-08-28 22:50 | Report Abuse

Not a huge fan of the russian conspiracy theory, is it possible that to get a stronger foothold in the russian and cis market, knm has to give up some to get some?


2019-08-28 21:32 | Report Abuse

Masterkevin, you have lost our respect when you boldly claim a week ago that was your last and final post and you have nothing to do with this forum. So what are you still doing here? Please safe yourself some embarrasment by not showing up here anymore


2019-08-23 23:52 | Report Abuse

If ever theres a takeover battle, it will sure win the 2020 Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Screenplay!


2019-08-23 18:44 | Report Abuse

The 15% is just part of the show they want us to see. Remember this is a very closely family run business with both husband and wife together with all relatives holding top most positions. If they can put up legally huge book losses in the past few years and still survive, what else cant they do.


2019-08-23 18:12 | Report Abuse

Takeover is not quite possible as KNM is a very solid tightly family run business and everything is already well planned ahead among the directors. We are just here to watch whatever show they want to act out....with pop corns of course


2019-08-23 18:06 | Report Abuse

Back in 2008, 1Euro = Rm5, now is Rm4.50 so is it true to say that Lee's investment has gone down by 10%


2019-08-23 17:35 | Report Abuse

What a shame it has to end up in Malaysian hand and after 20 years still be that dirt cheap


2019-08-23 17:23 | Report Abuse



2019-08-23 17:21 | Report Abuse

Is there a possibility that Borsig be listed in the DAX since it is such a treasure to them?


2019-08-21 10:00 | Report Abuse

Masterkevin, your advice is undoubtedly the best we ever had in this forum. But is just your drama saying that was your last post that took the shine away from you. How could you gain respect if you keep going back and forth on your words within just a few days


2019-08-21 08:32 | Report Abuse

Lol kevinmaster has always been a drama queen here in knm forum for a long long time. As the saying goes, a slut can never stay as a widow


2019-08-15 21:14 | Report Abuse

They just say 'brewing'. But look at the huge volume last month follow by a few insignificant announcements, you know very well this is out of the norm and its like choreographed. Something huge is behind and ordinary people like us will just see whats on the surface now, like the tip of an iceberg.


2019-08-15 20:37 | Report Abuse

Just spoken to someone in kpmg, something is brewing and everyone is tightlipped. I bought in the range of 0.12-0.35 with average 0.20 and intend to hold irregardless of the ups and downs these days coz I could not bare the Risk of selling and get caught in the dust and watch it drove off. Correction now is normal and the fluctuations now is normally choreographed so that it can catch the public by surprise one day when its announced. Remember when it was ups and downs during 0.18 for more than a month and it suddenly shot up and everyone starts to panic. The same thing could be happening now. Dow has plummeted several times but this share has bounced back effortlessly and has not gone back to 0.18 due to major profit taking as some 'people' know of the happenings and it still has room to grow. But then rumour is till rumour until it materialised. What i know is buy on rumour, sell on news. So set your own target and buy/sell at your own risk appetite.


2019-08-01 17:41 | Report Abuse

Does anyone know why we never see announcement of contracts awarded to Borsig, is that not required under Malaysia regulation?


2019-07-22 22:06 | Report Abuse

Jamesyy where did you get the figure of 57M shares at 0.385?


2019-07-20 16:32 | Report Abuse

Why all the while we do not see any announcement of contract being awarded to Borsig?


2019-07-19 12:14 | Report Abuse

Sardin, can you enlighten us whats the meaning of share purchase by directors, we always see Lee, wife and intermerger. Do each of them buy 5mil thats a total of 15mil? Or simply just intermerger thats only 5mil. And also how about those proxy purchase that you mention, how does that work? Until when then they have to surface to the public?


2019-07-19 12:08 | Report Abuse

Sardin, everything theres pros and cons, if theres only pros, like i said when we ordinary small fishes gets to know it, it would been digested long ago within the company insiders and i dont think we can out smart them. Maybe out last them is a possobility. So we like to hear also about their past mistakes and how they manage to overcome it and turnaround if theres anything that happened. We dont regret the past, but it helps us to move forward in a brighter future if theres one there.


2019-07-19 12:00 | Report Abuse

We appreciate the valuable insight and info sardin has provided here with his time. But also i emphathise riko's feeling when someone simply shout out huat heng ong prices, as a supporter of KNM i also go bonkers


2019-07-19 11:51 | Report Abuse

Sardin81 and supporters, im in the same boat as you guys coz my average is 18.5c and intend to go medium to long run. But sometimes you attract haters is because you just emphasis on the pros of KNM, we only hear about assets and revenue. It was kinda bias. The same goes for haters who 100% bad mouthed the company, the supporters would not like that as well. We like to hear also about liabilities and costs. And how the company progress to make sustainable profit. A balanced evaluation is what makes a good investment case. Yes we understand the marvelous german technology but if theres anything thats happening within the company or the rise and fall of share price, by the time we come to know about it or have suspected it before, the management or so call insiders would have been miles ahead of us. I hope this forum will be more mature in their feedback rather than some child's play simply shouting out tp, cursing and swearing which is extremely annoying.


2019-07-18 08:56 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, do you know why always during share purchase announcenents, all three names: Lee, Wife and Intermerger appears. Did only 5M being bought? Or 15M by 3 of them?


2019-07-17 18:59 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, something just doesnt add up. if the company try to suppress the price to 7 cent, a lot of investors might have fled and the directors would have collected a lot of shares at that low price. But then why now the directors only hold around 10% and has to fight for control now?


2019-07-16 19:13 | Report Abuse

Tkl88, in the past history, has General Lee n family ever held over 50.1% of KNM shares?


2019-07-10 11:20 | Report Abuse

Have a pet cat that will chew up a sardine? This forum is getting hilarious. We need a laugh once in a while to ease the tension of a rollercoaster ride here.


2019-06-29 11:21 | Report Abuse

Its quite possible that to finance current and secure future projects, a rights issue is the way to go. Anyway, its a win win situation for all.


2019-06-19 05:43 | Report Abuse

Sardin, while you at AGM, can you please update on the Peterborough project. Thanks.


2019-06-18 18:30 | Report Abuse

Quietly helping others? Why is the secrecy?


2019-06-18 12:38 | Report Abuse

Everybody understands the vast benefit of WTE for the future. There are already a lot of them operating in UK and Europe. However, KNM has been stuck with no action and progress for almost 10 years, so that tells you why the share price aint moving north. Investors need to see real contract and real progress before plowing into this share. To regain the confidence is crucial here not just boast and talk.


2019-06-15 13:17 | Report Abuse

Why forget about Peterborough, isnt it a huge catalyst that will lift the share price once operating?


2019-06-15 09:35 | Report Abuse

If only the mega peterborough project finally lifts off, it has been delayed for many years dampening investors confidence i suppose.


2019-06-14 16:21 | Report Abuse

Does anyone know any update on the Peterborough project in UK?


2019-06-12 00:20 | Report Abuse

Masterkevin, Why you want to test a crazy bitch asian? You want the shit hit the fan again?


2019-06-11 18:15 | Report Abuse

Masterkevin, arent you the one suppose to be very positive in your analysis and comments in the past few weeks? Any reason why only a week later theres a hint of despair?


2019-06-01 12:47 | Report Abuse

Again, these people are simply barking and giving analysis without fully understanding whats going on. It is very clear that it is the same PP. Common, our fellow Malaysian investors, please talk with your brain and not with your cxxk.


2019-05-31 22:52 | Report Abuse

I just dont understand whats so complicated about this warrant thing. There are simply just 2 scenarios.

Will it hit Rm1 in a years time. No one can tell you for sure whether it will. Even if they do, dont just believe it. Use your own judgement and analysis. Also the risk involved in such a short period, taking into account the warrant premium gets lesser as the maturiry date nears.

1) If you think price WILL NOT hit Rm1 on maturity date, then your warrant will be worthless irregardless of what price you buy your warrant. You will be an idiot to exercise the warrant and pay Rm1 + your warrant cost to get a share that is worth less than Rm1. If you dont exercise, your loss will just be your warrant cost.

2) if you think price WILL hit above Rm1 + the warrant cost, on maturity date, then your warrant is worth something. You may exercise the warrant or sell off the warrant to others to exercise. If you exercise, you will be paying less to acquire a share thats worth more.

And please dont just throw out whatever percentages you can earn here or there. That is just not relevant and purely speculation or counting your chickens before they hatch.


2019-05-31 21:57 | Report Abuse

Thanks Greenland and Infinite for such constructive input, positive or negative. This is what this forum needs. Rather than some idiots here that keep shouting up and condemning down without any real knowledge.


2019-05-31 19:15 | Report Abuse

Carilembu, totally agreed with your remark 'dont talk cxxk'. And i think thats about the most sensible remark here so far. Feel sorry for this forum, it only goes to show outsiders that we are a bunch of idiots and immature group of investors that are boasting and whining relentlessly at both ends.