
Huangbk72 | Joined since 2013-11-21

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2022-05-06 19:01 | Report Abuse

No one is more attached to SD than the shareholders.

All emotions and greed based. Investment logic thrown away.

How can investors hold on to SD ? look at EPF and KWAP. All logic.

Dumbest things is promoters still defending SD after:
1) confirmed audit fraud
2) liquidation by banks
3) default bonds

Tick anyone of the boxes above, investment logic will tell you to sell.


2022-05-06 18:44 | Report Abuse

To the bruised and battered SD shareholders, this is a public forum.

Don’t like it, make own forum..

You guys really got things all wrong. We have been advising not to hold SD shares since last year.. 5 months for you guys to escape.

Your anger should be directed to the perpetrator of this mess… the BOD and the half baked promoters like ConMabel.

You are stuck, we get it.

Not trying to save your money, trying to save others people money.


2022-05-06 16:51 | Report Abuse

No Worries

Fraud Accounting will be cleared by KPMG and EY.... cos SD will takeover these audit firms.

Liquidation by creditors will be cleared... SD will takeover the 6 banks.

Bonds will not have to be paid... SD will takeover Goberment.

Nice and happy ending for everyone.

The end.


2022-05-06 13:58 | Report Abuse

These Malaysian SD main shareholders are too cruel, too bad.. never take care of bumi

In times like this, they jump ship.

Vanguard, Blackrock and others see this, confirm already submitted sell orders.

How can local retailers absorb over 2B shares ?? Mcm mana ni???

U jump, I jump?


2022-05-06 13:51 | Report Abuse

Looks like Awang also joined in the fun.. can’t let Karim and Kadier run alone..



2022-05-06 13:03 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. this Investor Kosong in scared mode...

Coldeye, 99 and KYY told you can short this stock???

One simple question, why buy 0.35 when you can buy 0.10?


2022-05-06 10:32 | Report Abuse

Now armadaSUAY comes out to rant..

No worries... your raya money kaput for next 10 years..

Nice feeling right.. Shiok right... LOL


2022-05-06 10:18 | Report Abuse

Your broker allow you to short SD stock come Monday?


In actual fact, more shortists are expected to join the fun in addition to those shortists who are still holding at 0.32 on average, ready to turn it into a killing field . All these are harbingers of plummeting of share price to abyss......


2022-05-06 09:47 | Report Abuse

All empty talk with no idea how short works..


Ask your brokers or experts before you post..


2022-05-05 21:12 | Report Abuse

Allright Bob.. Nothing can be done.. Die is cast, mould is set.

Hopefully we managed to save as many people we could since last year.

Gotta go.. tomorrow big day in NYSE.. LNG. either liquidate or add holdings..


2022-05-05 20:56 | Report Abuse

SD slipped into PN17 on 7th Jan

So this announcement probably travelled round the world before arriving today..


2022-05-05 20:52 | Report Abuse

You sounded very new in investing..

Wait for further announcement from Bursa and your brokers on SD trading rules when it reopens.


this short sellers like hyenas in the jungle,......when they see you traped in the desert,.......they will come to disturb you day & night,.......they are waiting for the right time to attack you,.......don`t worry,.......we pray for you,.........pray for somebody will come to save you, calm,.........


2022-05-05 20:50 | Report Abuse

right Bob..

Thats why I said.. chances are there but very slim.


2022-05-05 20:41 | Report Abuse

This white knight must be a conglomerate of strong backing from banks.

They can negotiate with banks to restructure SD debts... and backed by corp guarantee.

Either dismantle SD structure or pump in new business.

Its fairly common and it works..

But as I said... chances are there.. but very very slim.


2022-05-05 20:31 | Report Abuse


Actually possible though chances are minute... a white knight will emerge to save the minorities.

I hope it happens.. problem is not SD.. its the BOD. They are driving SD to the ground. Changing them is for the better.


2022-05-05 20:12 | Report Abuse

I think maybe name is ORR-LAN-DIU... kena until seeing stars..

I really think people like him should invest more.. so easier for others to make money.



Mr Huang, Ore-lan-doe thinks the EXACT quantity announced is a target BUY? Would you believe how these people live day-to-day????


2022-05-05 20:10 | Report Abuse

This Orlando must have lost his head..

I dont delete my posting.. pls share my post about me getting the lifting of suspension wrong.

Gila tahap dewa oredi..


2022-05-05 20:08 | Report Abuse


Unlike you, i dont promote stocks..

Karma must be jumping in joy seeing you like this..



2022-05-05 20:06 | Report Abuse


This is an investor?? can ask this question?? OMGoodness


Intention to deal includes intention TO BUY?


2022-05-05 20:04 | Report Abuse


No one cares you prepared for LU or LD.. thats your own business.

If you are not qualified to study and promote stocks, stop pulling innocent to drown with you.

After all that is happening.. now tok kok.. washing away his responsibilities to forum members..


2022-05-05 20:01 | Report Abuse

Orlando is correct...

Today 5th have big announcement - done
Wait 6th
Wait 7th.

Though the announcement is not what promoters like him expected.. LOL


2022-05-05 19:18 | Report Abuse

Pls dont forget 350m shares from trust/pension/la la la funds..


Wow!'s out of the bag now.........1.393 Billions shares raining down on those poor unsuspecting, lambs lured by Mabel from piss-pot.


2022-05-05 19:17 | Report Abuse

LOL.. where is that ConMabel?

Answer this pls..

Wait 2, 3, 4, 5 years?


2022-05-05 12:19 | Report Abuse

Poor KonMabel..

Unfortunately Im correct in predicting SD trajectory since last June..

You on the other hand... failed 100%

My mummy also says.. dont take money from Conman like Mabel... confirm suay 3 generations.. lol.
Really stinky tofu mabel hitting a wall of bricks..


2022-05-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

No worries.

KonMabel asking you to buy and keep 2-3 years.. Actually his maths bad.. should be 4-5 years including buy call since last year.

Put money and get it back 4-5 years later? LOL.. got guaranteed return? I think FD will perform better than SD over 4-5 years.

KonMabel expects money drop out of sky... cos he will do money-dance nightly bare to skin..

Money drop from sky to pay off:
1) Bank debts ( to stop liquidation)
2) Bond holders
3) Cash flow for operations
4) Money to pay compound fine

You think got white knight coming in shining armor? LOL


2022-05-05 10:34 | Report Abuse

Yes.. this is possible and best for SD.

Top needs to go. Toxic to SD


2022-05-05 08:34 | Report Abuse

LOL to this ConMabel

All copy and paste profits derived from historical data.

I can copy and paste too.

When SD goes downhill and you prepare to exit, that when heavy promotion comes from you. Same with other stocks.

Everyone but Mabel can see this.


2022-05-05 06:37 | Report Abuse

Conman Mabel

I don’t need to collect your cheap tickets…

I don’t even have to do anything and get tickets that will be cheaper than yours till JULY..

LOL.. kononnya dia expert…


2022-05-04 22:57 | Report Abuse

Recipe for disaster in SD.

Pure greed overcomes logic and gamblers trying to act like investors.

Half certified cooks promoting this stock. These people have no moral compass. Making money from others loss. Lowest level of scums. Promotion based on emotions and grandeurs, not facts.

In stock trading, decision to buy or sell must be immediate. SD has been kind, window to escape lasted more than 5 months. Yet people still stuck. No excuse actually. No need to blame SC, Bursa, Auditors, Banks, Courts.

Now all we can do is seeing how low it will go till July.

So beware of promoters like Mabel. Constantly shifting goalposts, all glamor stories but empty at the core, totally no financial knowledge and success are all plucked from thin air. Scammers always tell you what you want to hear, so they can succeed.


2022-05-04 17:05 | Report Abuse

No worries..

We have sifu and experts like Mabel and Michael Kwok, still encouraging buy SD.

20c..and rebound.. LOL

Liquidation and Fraud coupled with PN17... like nothing serious happened to SD.


2022-05-04 16:29 | Report Abuse

How to classify SD as innocent?

KPMG detected fraud.
EY confirmed fraud.
SD tried to bury report.

This is not a simple matter as you tried to paint it.. no matter how you write.. Black is black... white is white..

Adding conspiracy theories to the equation, doesnt solve investors confidence in SD.

We as investors need hard facts.. clear the accounting issue, then we are satisfied.

For your info.. audit firm are not authorities. Audit firm exists to verify accounts.


2022-05-04 16:16 | Report Abuse

I wonder if anyone will allow your banker to sue you for bankruptcy for loans, then back to negotiate for restructuring..


Think really kacang putih to appoint liquidator and file writ .. then backtrack.


2022-05-04 16:13 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. this Kacang Putih can simply shoot rubbish out of his mouth.

Liquidation is final step after all negotiation fails.

Really madness... never recover till today. Blatant lies


2022-05-04 16:11 | Report Abuse

Great advice by Elon Musk.

Holders of SD must take heed of advice No#2

Principle No. 2: Only sell if your original premise changes
Musk advised to only sell stocks when the products and services of the companies that you invest in "are trending worse." My interpretation of this is that he thinks the time to sell stocks is when your original premise for buying the stocks changes. In other words, if the point comes where you no longer believe in a company's products and services, sell the stock.


2022-05-04 15:54 | Report Abuse

Dumbest comparison..

CapA not fraud company and in process of liquidation.

Try find a better example.



2022-05-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

Accounts are verified fraudulent.

Assets only worth 157M by the banks..
Last Q report had SD assets worth 7.4B...

Where to find missing RM7B assets to sell? LOL

Simple paper calculation of NTA... actually no need to calculate.. already negative.

Debts are real.. Assets are fake.


2022-05-04 15:37 | Report Abuse

Takeover KPMG and EY... then change the audit report.

Pray and money falls from sky... pay off creditors and bondholders.

Pray for more money to keep operations running.

Pray for RM3.0B only to fall from sky.

Cant see a way out.

Essentially SD committed the 2 most cardinal sins in corporate governance.



2022-05-04 13:43 | Report Abuse

Its not wolves..

First wave will be the small whales leaving....

Suiyee Bilis seeing the whales sell order.. will have herd mentality... Follow the light...

See.. no wolves..



2022-05-04 11:40 | Report Abuse

No worries..

Plenty of shares to buy...

Big Whales like EPF and KWAP already gone 1st batch...

We will see the next batch of smaller whales.. 10% held by foreign shareholders. These trust funds are NOT allowed to invest in companies with confirmed fraud and liquidation in progress.

Sap Sap 350m shares for everyone that wants to buy.


2022-05-04 10:48 | Report Abuse

Smart sotong..

Promoters like to jumble up...

Liquidation is filed.... means restructuring, negotiation is over.

Anyone buying into this stock.. which is a confirmed
1) Fraud company
2) Liquidation in process.

are gamblers.. hoping for a miracle.. see Perisai, Sona, Sumatec... people still buying at 1c.. LOL


2022-05-04 10:41 | Report Abuse

New Kids on the Block making a comeback?


2022-05-04 10:24 | Report Abuse

That KonMabel wont dare....

His main purpose is to lure Suiyee to buy SD... so he can escape..

Holding too much penthouse tickets..



2022-05-04 06:17 | Report Abuse

Used to be only 1 choice.

Now have a better more scenic Penang 2nd Bridge. Can jump in and become fish food.



2022-05-04 06:03 | Report Abuse

Lest people forget.

TH Heavy

Promoters will promote till these counters die.

These unscrupulous promoters wants to offload their tickets to unsuspecting investors.

SD is in a worse position than all the above. Fraud accounting confirmed and liquidation in process.


2022-05-04 05:29 | Report Abuse

This is a political forum??

We have SD confirmed to have:

1) committed fraud
2) liquidation in process

Promoters should talk how SD will solve “real” problems.

What the promoters will use nowadays? Hahhaa