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2023-04-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

CCP cant give good life to their citizens housing loans, high jobless, cant withdraw his money from banks rtc.


2023-04-02 09:36 | Report Abuse

Without visiting and discussing peace agreement with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Xi came out his proposal with his own imagination. CCP hegemony.


2023-04-02 09:33 | Report Abuse

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit his nation following Xi’s recent visit to Russia, which invaded Ukraine last year.

“I want to speak with him,” Zelenskyy said in an AP interview, noting that the two leaders haven’t been in contact since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year.

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The Ukrainian leader has previously extended Xi invitations, but this latest one comes just days after Xi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Russia.

It’s unknown whether Xi will accept Zelenskyy’s offer.

When asked about the invitation, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning told reporters she had no information to give but did say that the country maintains “communication with all parties concerned, including Ukraine,” according to the AP.


2023-04-02 09:27 | Report Abuse

Go China and look at it with your eyes and not from your imagination. Remember learn Chinese and never use evil 26 alphabets anymore.


2023-04-02 09:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq47660 > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse

ccp is confucian/ buddhist................don't like to tell lies.

no common sense at all, communist believe in no God.


2023-04-02 09:24 | Report Abuse

it seems like u never been to china, all come out from imagination.


2023-04-02 00:04 | Report Abuse

Hope that u stay together with CCP no FB, Youtube with only one voice, it is best suit you.


2023-04-02 00:03 | Report Abuse

when CCP banned FB, Google etc. there is no point talk about media freedom unless CCP willing to open up.


2023-04-01 22:30 | Report Abuse

CCP's cheats not Chips cant only good for TV, aircon ...


2023-04-01 22:29 | Report Abuse

America knows the true color of CCP, cant hide the truth from them


2023-04-01 22:28 | Report Abuse

Ban Tik Tok is ok , full of fake news.


2023-04-01 22:27 | Report Abuse

Chinese is very smart, they will the truth. Cant hide the truth from them


2023-04-01 21:56 | Report Abuse

Local Chinese know the truth, they know.


2023-04-01 15:41 | Report Abuse

WASHINGTON, March 31 (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund said on Friday its executive board approved a four-year $15.6 billion loan program for Ukraine, part of a global $115 billion package to support the country's economy as it battles Russia's 13-month-old invasion.


2023-04-01 15:30 | Report Abuse

Plummeting energy revenues thanks to the G7 oil price cap and Putin’s punctured natural gas gambit
The Russian economy has long been dominated by oil and gas, which accounts for over 50% of the government’s revenue, over 50% of export earnings, and nearly 20% of GDP every year.

In the initial months following the invasion, Putin’s energy earnings soared. Now, according to Deutsche Bank economists, Putin has lost $500 million a day of oil and gas export earnings relative to last year’s highs, rapidly spiraling downward.


2023-04-01 15:30 | Report Abuse

Russia’s permanent loss of 1,000+ global multinational businesses coupled with escalating economic sanctions
The 1,000+ global companies who voluntarily chose to exit Russia in an unprecedented, historic mass exodus in the weeks after February 2022, as we’ve faithfully chronicled and updated to this day, have largely held true to their pledges and have either fully divested or are in the process of fully separating from Russia with no plans to return.

These voluntary business exits of companies with in-country revenues equivalent to 35% of Russia’s GDP that employ 12% of the country’s workforce were coupled with the imposition of enduring international government sanctions unparalleled in their scale and scope, including export controls on sensitive technologies, restrictions on Russian elites and asset seizures, financial sanctions, immobilizing Russia’s central bank assets, and removing key Russian banks from SWIFT, with even more sanctions planned.


2023-04-01 15:26 | Report Abuse

CCP banned FB, Twitter and Youtube just to hidden the truth of oversea from own citizens. But most of the Chinese know the truth they have software to overcome and have access to FB, Twitter and Youtube


2023-04-01 15:24 | Report Abuse

All CCP issues hindden by its party media , thought that can be hidden their evil doing ?


2023-04-01 15:22 | Report Abuse

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP are prctising International Human Rights and not the funny funny twisted human rights.


2023-04-01 12:16 | Report Abuse

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP provide full solutions to end evil axis.


2023-04-01 11:25 | Report Abuse

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP form an alliance working very well to develop democratic countries and security against evil axis.


2023-04-01 10:07 | Report Abuse

only happen in Dynasty Xi


2023-04-01 10:07 | Report Abuse

"The bank said it would wait 82 years". A woman in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China, put 10 million yuan (about 6.42 million ringgit) into the bank fixed deposit, thinking that she could save some interest, but did not expect to withdraw it a year later, but was told that the money was frozen because of the pledge, and if she wanted to receive the money, she had to wait until 82 years later, leaving her dumbfounded on the spot.

Comprehensive Chinese media reports, a woman surnamed Gao in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China, earned more than 10 million yuan by doing business, she thought that this money was also put, she wanted to say that she wanted to save a fixed deposit to earn interest, compared the interest rates of many banks, and finally chose the Dalian branch of the Bank of Jilin, because their interest rate of 4.25% is the best, and you can save money for a year to earn 100,000 yuan. After a year, the woman surnamed Gao thought that the fixed deposit was almost due, and wanted to take the money out, but found that the money was frozen as early as the 3rd day of depositing in the bank, and found the banker who handled the business for her to ask, only to learn that the deposit was frozen because of "pledge", and according to the content of the agreement, the money could not be withdrawn until 82 years later, which made her unacceptable.


2023-04-01 10:01 | Report Abuse

All power crazy dictators will be punished by their citizens


2023-04-01 10:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by brightsmart > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Emperor Xi....China loves their emperor who are powerful and can last a long long time

Then change its name to Dynasty Xi.


2023-04-01 09:51 | Report Abuse

CCP calls themselves full process democrazy.. Entire CCP democraXi ... Xi alone is the King


2023-04-01 09:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by brandon99 > 23 minutes ago | Report Abuse

A few years before WWII, Germany's economy overtook UK and became world 2nd largest economy after US. Hxler then stirred up the mood for extreme nationalism like what is happening in China and Russia now.

You are right. CCP GDP per capital only higher than Malaysia US 1000+, so soon want to lead countries like Iran, Russia, North Korean etc. to confront the whole world and everyday chanting US dollar collapsing and US bankrupcy. There is a lot of problem in own country eg. property sector collapsing, house owner refuse to pay housing instalment, ban of chips technology, lost of the most favor nation, military conflict Taiwan, India, South China Sea etc,.


2023-04-01 08:08 | Report Abuse

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP provide security and fair trades between democratic countries. A veryt stong and united alliance.


2023-04-01 00:10 | Report Abuse

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP future of the world.


2023-03-31 23:31 | Report Abuse

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP strong alliance. CCP & Russia evil axis.


2023-03-31 23:31 | Report Abuse

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP rescue Ukraine from Russia killing


2023-03-31 23:29 | Report Abuse

if u r bully by gangster and unarmed, any problem if your friend supply u the weapon ?


2023-03-31 23:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq47660 > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

China wants peace....not send weapons that kill people.

fake news.


2023-03-31 23:18 | Report Abuse

Compare to UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP.... BRICS is peanuts. CCP having war with India. South Africa & Brazil very high inflation and jobless rate very high. Russia is half dead, 50 % budget deficit.


2023-03-31 23:16 | Report Abuse

What 100 years ? Putin want tanks and weapons, xi said no. Putin want to give natural gas pipeline 2, Xi said no.

UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP give everything to Ukraine.


2023-03-31 23:13 | Report Abuse

World military industry for the coming 10 years


2023-03-31 22:59 | Report Abuse

This is CCP choice dont blame anyone. Putin and Xi united UN, EU, NATO, AUKUS, INDO-Pacific, Chips 4, CPTTP etc. a very great contributions.


2023-03-31 22:57 | Report Abuse

Ahead of next week's visit to China with French President Emmanuel Macron, von der Leyen delivered a sober assessment of Chinese policies, acknowledging that relations with Beijing have become "more distant and more difficult" in the last few years.

Given China's economic size and global influence, the European Union's management of this relationship would be a determining factor for EU economic prosperity and security, she said.

Von der Leyen said China, whose President Xi Jinping pledged closer ties with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin last week, bore responsibility for advancing a "just peace" to end the war in Ukraine that required the withdrawal of invading Russian forces.

"How China continues to interact with Putin's war will be a determining factor for EU-China relations going forward," von der Leyen said in a speech in Brussels.

China, she said, was becoming more repressive at home and more assertive abroad, replacing an era of reform and opening with one of security and control, where companies in China were required to assist state intelligence-gathering operations.

Von der Leyen said it was not viable to decouple from China, but it was vital to focus on reducing the risks posed to Europe.

On the diplomatic front, this meant working with partners on global issues and reinforcing the existing international order and institutions rather than rival Chinese ones.

At the same time, Europe need to continue dialogue with China to raise difficult issue, but also to see how to cooperate in fields such as climate change and nature protection.

"This is part of the reason why I will be visiting Beijing together with President Macron," she said.

Economically, the European Union needed to "rebalance" the relationship and reduce its reliance on China for key inputs, such as lithium and other critical minerals.

The EU, von der Leyen said, already had a range of measures to counter economic distortions and protect its security interests, but the bloc should also look at the high-tech it shared with a changing China.

The European Commission, she said, would present ideas later this year on measures to control outbound investments in certain sensitive technologies to ensure they do not enhance the military or intelligence capabilities of a systemic rival.

Since 2019, the European Union has officially regarded China as a partner, economic competitor and systemic rival.


2023-03-31 22:55 | Report Abuse

EU should de-risk, not decouple, from 'hardening' China: Von der Leyen
- How Beijing deals with Putin's war will 'determining factor' in relations

BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- A hardening of China's position from an era of reform and opening to one of security and control requires Europe to "de-risk" diplomatically and economically, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Thursday.

This is CCP choice dont blame anyone.


2023-03-31 22:07 | Report Abuse

CCP lost their The Favor Nation status in the world, their trading revenue will be dropped and supply chain realigment Asean & India will take over as world factory status.


2023-03-31 21:58 | Report Abuse

If Ukraine is a waste land then russia will be.


2023-03-31 21:16 | Report Abuse

Ukraine will capture back Kremlin. end of story


2023-03-31 21:12 | Report Abuse

Putin is crying father crying mother now.


2023-03-31 21:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by brightsmart > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

there is no yellow men wars because Chinese do not want to kill Chinese. ........

OMG, u have totally no knowledge of ancient chinese history.


2023-03-31 21:03 | Report Abuse

very soon there will be yellow man war.


2023-03-31 21:03 | Report Abuse

u may think US dollar is collapsing later will be priceless like toilet paper, u may also think that US economy is dead end or country going bankcrupcy. If so, please refer to other country economy indicators for your investment reference. For me it is useful gor global economy indicators.


2023-03-31 20:59 | Report Abuse

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Reserve's favored inflation gauge slowed sharply last month, an encouraging sign in the Fed's yearlong effort to cool price pressures through steadily higher interest rates.

Friday’s report from the Commerce Department showed that consumer prices rose 0.3% from January to February, down from a 0.6% increase from December to January. Measured year-over-year, prices rose 5%, slower than the 5.3% annual increase in January.


2023-03-31 20:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by brightsmart > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

we know who attacked Gadafi, saddam hussein, assad, many many more....illegally.

those who killed by Gadafi, saddam hussein, assad, many many more were legal ?


2023-03-31 20:09 | Report Abuse

991–1992 South Ossetian War, 1992–1993 War in Abkhazia, 1992 Transnistria War, 1992 East Prigorodny Conflict, 1992–1997 Tajikistani Civil War, 1994–1996 First Chechen War, 1999 War of Dagestan, 1999–2009 Second Chechen War, 2008 Russo-Georgian War, 2009–2017 Insurgency in the North Caucasus, 2014–present Russo-Ukrainian War, 2015–present Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War, 2018–present Central African Republic Civil War

Communists/Russia's ideology: from the past 20 years I bully u, u must learn how to stay peace with me. Anybody provide u the weapon is anti peace if u resist it is your fault. u dont fight back u suffer less pain. so u learn ?

This is the real evils.