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2023-03-23 09:23 | Report Abuse

nevermind China still can draw boundary to include Taiwan.


2023-03-23 09:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq47660 > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse

China one world one dream is about solving problems, practical problems, livelihood problems, hunger, housing, education, infrastructure, .not submarime.

President Xi, all your machai ask u to forget Taiwan so that China one world one dream is about solving problems, practical problems, livelihood problems, hunger, housing, education, infrastructure, .not submarines. China wants to make everybody to share the world resources…make money, be happy,enjoy life, healthy living etc


2023-03-23 08:41 | Report Abuse

The government – and the chief of its nuclear-powered submarine taskforce – have been unequivocal that Australian submarines will be under Australian command and control. But critics such as the former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull have questioned whether this control will, in practice, be tempered by the need to continue to rely on US and UK personnel for technical and other support. V Adm Jonathan Mead acknowledged last week that Australia “will have assistance” and he likened this to other major defence programs, but added that the level of this assistance could reduce over time “as we develop more and more understanding of the technology”. Keep an eye out for what the government says on this point once the details are released.


2023-03-23 08:40 | Report Abuse

How will we build up the nuclear expertise and other associated jobs to make this project work? Will the Royal Australian Navy recruit the crews needed to operate these larger submarines?

The government estimates that Aukus will support some 20,000 jobs – including in the Australian Defence Force, the public service and private industry – over 30 years. This is meant to sound like a big win for Australia, but it also underlines the huge challenge looming to educate, train and recruit the specialists needed to make the plan a success. The Royal Australian Navy is expected to launch a recruitment drive soon, but it comes against a backdrop of pre-existing challenges. In a briefing to Marles last year, obtained under freedom of information laws, Defence warned: “The last year has seen lower recruiting achievement and higher separation rates, which have resulted in the ADF and [Department of Defence] workforce size being below approved levels.”


2023-03-23 07:50 | Report Abuse

UN, NATO. Indo-Pacific & AUKUS will advance a free and open region, including by:

1.Investing in democratic institutions, a free press, and a vibrant civil society
2.Improving fiscal transparency in the Indo-Pacific to expose corruption and drive reform
3.Ensuring the region’s seas and skies are governed and used according to international law
4.Advancing common approaches to critical and emerging technologies, the internet, and cyber space


2023-03-23 05:59 | Report Abuse

The resolution, which comes following the biggest clash between the Republic of India and China in the Eastern Sector along the Line of Actual Control in six years. reaffirms that the United States recognises the McMahon Line as the international boundary between China and India.


2023-03-23 05:54 | Report Abuse

Will China use its military force to defence this 3 times as large as Taiwan land ?


2023-03-22 18:36 | Report Abuse

Speaking in front of the Philippine military, Marcos Jr. told them to be vigilant because external threats to Philippine security are becoming increasingly "complex" and "unpredictable."

"Be vigilant against factors that undermine our hard-won peace, our hard-won stability, and continue to improve relations with overseas countries," he said. ”

Marcos Jr., who did not give specifics, said he was aware of a "new threat" to his national territory, which he said required "adjusting our strategy."

"The external security environment is becoming more and more complex," he said. It is becoming increasingly unpredictable. ”


2023-03-22 18:35 | Report Abuse

Manila, Jan. 22 -- Philippine President Marcos Jr. said on Wednesday that four new military bases will be located across the Philippines, including a province facing the South China Sea, in accordance with the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) signed with the United States. Some local government leaders at the potential site opposed the president's decision, fearing they would be caught up in the conflict between the United States and China over Taiwan.

In addition to the five existing EDCA sites in 2014, Marcos Jr. allowed the U.S. four new bases last month, Reuters reported. The agreement allows the U.S. to enter Philippine bases for joint training, equipment prepositioning and construction of facilities such as runways, fuel storage and military housing, but it is not permanent.

Marcos Jr. told reporters during the Philippine Army's anniversary: "There are four additional locations around the Philippines — some in the north, some near Palawan, and some further south." ”

Marcos Jr. said the Philippines and the United States would soon announce the locations of the bases, adding that the locations would improve the country's ability to defend the "east side" of its largest island, Luzon. Luzon is the closest Philippine island to Taiwan.


2023-03-22 18:21 | Report Abuse

The most anti-China force is the Chinese Communist Party, because the CCP killed tens of millions of Chinese and launched the Cultural Revolution, which destroyed Chinese culture for thousands of years. Although the CCP does not allow Chinese to use the Western social media platform Twitter, it uses Twitter to spread lies, such as slandering the United States as a racist country.


2023-03-22 14:59 | Report Abuse

Affected by the bankruptcy of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in the United States, there was a "balloon demonstration" in China. More recently, residents of Henan Province, who suffered losses after small rural banks stopped withdrawing cash last April, launched advertising balloons with banners in urban areas to denounce the government. Demonstrators denounced that US President Joe Biden developed deposit protection measures three days after the SVB bankruptcy, while the Chinese government ignored the victims for a year. In November last year, Chinese youth held a blank white paper "white paper demonstration" to demand the lifting of epidemic prevention policies, last month, the elderly who opposed pension reform held a "white hair demonstration", and this time local demonstrations, and discontent from all walks of life is emerging. Some analysts believe that the primary issue of Xi Jinping's third term of rule, "social stability", is facing severe challenges.

The people participating in the demonstration were depositors at four small rural banks. These banks, which attract deposits across China at relatively high interest rates, suspended withdrawals to 400,000 depositors from April last year after experiencing financial pressures. As the scale of the damage to funds expanded, a mass demonstration of 3,000 people broke out in Zhengzhou last July. The Chinese government only compensates for deposits under 50,000 yuan (about 9.5 million won), but there is still no way to withdraw 13 billion yuan (about 2.5 trillion won) of deposits.


2023-03-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

No lah. It can't be criminal it must be CIA faults.


2023-03-22 14:24 | Report Abuse

Bravo, China Chips. How much money this guy deposited oversea ?


2023-03-22 14:22 | Report Abuse

The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and China's State Supervision Commission issued a report on the afternoon of the 20th, pointing out that Zhao Weiguo was previously placed on file for investigation on suspicion of job-related crimes. After investigation, it was pointed out that Zhao Weiguo, after investigation, had "become obsessed with lust for profit, acted recklessly, abandoned his duties and missions, used public instruments for private purposes, and turned public into private interests", regarded the state-owned enterprises under his management as private territory, deliberately planned to seize state-owned assets, handed over the profitable business of his unit to relatives and friends for operation in violation of regulations, purchased goods from the units operated and managed by relatives and friends at prices significantly higher than the market, and instructed the directors of listed companies to carry out acts that harmed the interests of listed companies, causing particularly serious losses to the interests of the state.

When Unigroup took over the chairmanship of Unigroup in 2009, Unigroup was struggling to operate at that time, with assets of only 1.3 billion yuan, but in 2019, Unigroup's asset scale expanded to 197.8 billion yuan, and it became the leader of China's chip industry, and Zhao Weiguo was also known as the "chip maniac" by the industry.

During his tenure at the helm of Unigroup, he made a high-profile visit to Taiwan in 2015, not only publicly criticizing Taiwan's semiconductor's failure to open up investment to China as a "dead end", but also begging to "buy TSMC and merge with MediaTek", which caused discussion and fears that Taiwan's high-tech advantage would be replaced.

However, under the disorderly expansion in recent years, Unigroup defaulted on its debt in November 2020, triggering a series of financial crises and declaring bankruptcy restructuring in 2021. Zhao Weiguo was taken away for investigation by relevant departments in mid-July last year, and after eight months of missing contact, news spread that he had been transferred for prosecution.


2023-03-22 13:45 | Report Abuse

CCP is very rich hope that Malaysian red army cina man will get more RMB from them. By the way, why those communists like to deposit their under table money oversea ?


2023-03-22 13:42 | Report Abuse

The CCP issued an internal directive prohibiting the spouses and children of ministerial-level officials from directly or indirectly holding shares in any overseas real estate or entities registered overseas. The directive was issued in March, and officials must sign a pledge to comply with the new rules.

Senior officials and their immediate family members will also be barred from opening accounts at overseas financial institutions unless they have a valid reason, such as for study or work, the people said.

The directive comes as Xi seeks to minimize geopolitical risks to the Communist Party, fearing that if the United States and other Western powers impose sanctions on CCP leaders and their relatives, officials with overseas financial risks could become a burden, similar to sanctions against CCP leaders and their relatives.


2023-03-22 12:50 | Report Abuse

In 2018, Xi abolished the two-term, 10-year limit on presidential terms by amending China's constitution. A key factor in Xi's rule is his sweeping anti-corruption campaign.

The campaign, initially aimed at tackling longstanding corruption within the party, initially helped Xi win support among the Chinese public.

But this was later seen as a campaign to sweep away dissent within the party.

As Xi's anti-corruption campaign continues and more than 100,000 party officials have been charged, a broader view is that Xi must remain in power to prevent him from being retaliated against by rivals he defeated if he steps down.

While China is shaping its image as the world's superpower, its most powerful leaders have shown a fear of their own people.

They continue to restrict information through censorship and invest heavily in stability maintenance resources to quell domestic dissent.


2023-03-22 12:40 | Report Abuse

About the reasons why the CCP is anti-American, because the old United States, especially since Trump was elected, has changed the previous style of George W. Bush and Obama against the Communist Party, aggressively taxed the CCP, played real with the CCP in all aspects, and even directly named the CCP as a tyranny and infiltrated the world as a rogue scoundrel. The spearhead is directly pointed at Xi Jinping and the Communist Party. This is equivalent to asking for the life of the CCP's. When the CCP is authorized, it is ordered, otherwise it will be liquidated by the people, you know. So he wants to mold the United States into an enemy, and smear it fiercely, without mercy! Let a flock of pigs inside the wall together treat the United States as an enemy, many of his words are addressed to the pigs, and have no effect on the United States! ”


2023-03-22 12:19 | Report Abuse

The values advocated and promoted by the United States (democracy, freedom, equality) are undoubtedly a 21st-century abolitionist movement for the Party's maintenance of rule (autocracy, social control, inequality inside and outside the system). For the Communist Party, it is really a disagreement. ”

"There is another key point that I don't think everyone has been thinking about. If the fools are made hostile to the United States, then they will definitely preconceive that the United States is not good, that it is inferior to China in all aspects, and that the places that are better than China are plundered by unjust means, then it is natural to be hostile to their system, democracy is garbage, freedom is garbage. Naturally, the people do not feel that there is anything wrong with China, and the Communist Party will naturally be able to stay in power forever. ”

"Because the children and wives are all in the United States, but they don't want the slaves to send their families to the United States like themselves, they can only be anti-American."


2023-03-22 12:04 | Report Abuse

"Create an enemy for the people, then the people will not treat the Communist Party as an enemy." This applies to any communist country except present-day Vietnam. ”

"The CCP's words and deeds should be looked at in reverse, the more anti-American it is, the more it loves the United States, the more it yearns for the United States, only to see the second and third generations of the CCP running to the United States, showing off their luxury cars in the United States, and almost no will show off in North Korea and Russia." Throw the pot. Everything is the idea of foreign forces. All mistakes are the fault of foreign anti-China forces. ”


2023-03-22 10:38 | Report Abuse

It is not only the United States that has been used to deflect contradictions by CCP, but also in Japan, South Korea, France, Canada and other countries in recent years, and whenever there is anything that disagrees with China, the rogue Communist Party calls on red army cina man to attack the other side. ”

"Because only US has the ability to take the pot. US is a perfect enemy, can catch any pot, and can catch everything. In other words, such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, you say that he can develop deadly viruses, develop advanced weapons, and become the mastermind behind the independence of Hong Kong and Taiwan, and even red army cina man IQ's cannot be trusted. ”


2023-03-22 10:07 | Report Abuse

Chinese mainland favorite place for wealthy immigrants?

Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York are among the top three favored by China's richest people, and the United States occupies half of the top 10 list.

The status of the world's largest financial center has also made the UK a leading position in many countries with open immigration policies, and the high-quality education system and rich social welfare have made many rich people around the world flock to immigrate to the UK.


2023-03-22 10:03 | Report Abuse

The latest statistics show that the number of Chinese immigrants in the United States who have been naturalized or obtained green cards has reached nearly 5.08 million, and incomplete statistics say that there are still a large number of Chinese who have not obtained legal status, and the number of these people is conservatively estimated at more than 10 million.

Of the more than 3.12 million Chinese mainland immigrants of pure Chinese descent in the United States, more than 1.69 million are first-generation immigrants, accounting for 54.2 percent of the total number of Chinese immigrants, many of whom still live in more traditional ways.

The number of 1.5th-generation immigrants is more than 510,000, accounting for 16.4% of the total number of Chinese immigrants. The number of second-generation immigrants and above is more than 910,000, accounting for 29.4% of the total number of Chinese immigrants.

The second-generation Chinese lifestyle is more American, using English to communicate and socialize, and has more contact with mainstream society. About 45.8% of the Chinese family members living with the first and second generations are more mixed.

Why do Chinese mainland rich people want to emigrate?

Hurun Report cooperated with Huijia Consulting Group last year to conduct research on Chinese investment immigration. According to the survey, wealthy respondents who have migrated said that the quality of education, environmental pollution and food safety are the three main reasons for their immigration. According to the white paper, more than eighty percent of respondents have plans to send their children to study abroad.

Proportion of reasons for immigration

Quality of education 22%

Environmental pollution 20%

Food safety 18%

Medical level 10%

Social welfare 9%

Asset Security 6%

Social Security 4%

Other 9%


2023-03-22 09:59 | Report Abuse

According to a new study by wealth research firm New World Wealth, China has become the country with the world's worst loss of wealth. In 2017, about 10,000 of China's billionaires (net worth of more than $1 million) emigrated overseas. In addition to the good quality of education and low competitive pressure, the United States also has a very big attraction for Chinese students: compared with other countries, the United States has huge excellent educational resources.


2023-03-22 09:50 | Report Abuse

"First of all, human beings are the most likely to cede their rights and give up their freedoms because of security threats, so creating fear and hatred is the best way for authoritarian regimes to fool people into giving up their rights and freedoms.

There are two aspects to making enemies:

1. The stronger the enemy established, the more fear and hatred will arise.

2. The enemies set up must be very different from their own values and ideologies, otherwise the people 'hate the house and the wu' and hate themselves to the end.

The values and ideology of China (communist) are authoritarian dictatorship, so the biggest difference with it is of course democracy and freedom, and although the United States is not the country with the highest degree of democracy and freedom, it must be the strongest and strongest country in the democratic and free countries. ”

"In order to cover up the facts of deception, such as the US election, bitterly criticize democracy and freedom is not good, and then use illogical language to prove to the people that their dictatorship is good, oppose democracy and freedom in the United States, and then argue for their lies, turn around and start corruption at all levels, and then send their children to the United States to go to university, if the United States is not good, why do you still go?"


2023-03-22 09:45 | Report Abuse

Over the past 20 years, China's real estate industry has developed rapidly and has become one of the main engines of economic growth. Housing prices in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai in China are among the most expensive in the world, and the ratio of housing prices to residents' income is far higher than that of major cities in the world such as New York, Paris, Tokyo and London.

So, how big is the share of real estate in the Chinese economy?

The World Bank's China Economic Brief, released in June, concluded that real estate investment in China accounted for 13% of GDP at the end of 2021, compared with just 5% in OECD countries; "If you consider supply chain inputs, the real estate sector accounts for about 30% of China's GDP."

"Therefore, the disorderly adjustment of the real estate industry will have significant economic consequences."

The World Bank's solution to China's current real estate problem is that in the short term, the goal of policy should be to stabilize the market and create conditions for the orderly restructuring of the market.

Even before the issue of owners of "unfinished buildings" cut off mortgages attracted widespread attention, the protest by depositors in Henan village and town banks was another major event that made the outside world worry about China's financial stability.


2023-03-22 09:32 | Report Abuse

CCP state media have generally exploited the failures of democracies abroad while promoting a positive image of the Chinese Communist Party. The Xinhua article, titled "Chinese Democracy Lets Western Fantasies Fall into the Dust," explains how "Chinese democracy" is superior to Western democracy. Ironically, this comes from a country with a high degree of one-party rule, little or no media freedom, and no citizens being able to elect leaders.


2023-03-22 09:27 | Report Abuse

To win hearts and minds at home and abroad, the CCP employs a variety of tools, such as state media, foreign complicity media, American culture of self-criticism, and foreign self-censorship. Through these powerful tools, fueled by social media, the CCP is able to exploit the real or imagined shortcomings of Western powers, especially the United States, to convince both Americans and Chinese citizens that Western democracy is failing and that the CCP's system is superior.

The purpose of CCP propaganda is to publicize the benefits of the CCP system and that it is best to live under the CCP's protection. Chinese citizens do not have to aspire to Western freedom or democracy, because they already enjoy a better life than the rest of the world. Left-leaning Westerners believe that the West should learn from the CCP and adopt the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to provide a better and more equal life for all citizens.


2023-03-22 09:10 | Report Abuse

Chinese Malaysians who do not agree with the above concepts are advocating that "born in Local and grew up in Local", believing that Chinese Malaysians are no longer overseas Chinese, Malaysia is their own motherland, China is their ancestral home, and identification with Malaysia should be given priority, but the Malaysian Chinese who advocate this often face the pressure of being accused of "forgetting their ancestors", and even more extreme cases will even be labeled as "traitors".


2023-03-22 09:06 | Report Abuse

For many pro-Chinese Malaysians, although they have taken root here for generations, because their ancestors came from China, in their values, the Malaysian Chinese, as descendants of the Yellow Dynasty, are also part of the "Chinese nation" and must identify with China as the "motherland". As for their association with racial discrimination, it is generally observed that the reason why some Chinese identify with China more than Malaysia is because they suffer racial discrimination in the country, which creates the expectation and imagination that China will be strong and rising to further enhance the status of Chinese Malaysians in the world, so they have a sense of racial superiority as "Han Chinese".


2023-03-22 09:02 | Report Abuse

"CCP glue" is a "political" ideology, both Greater China ultra-nationalism (that is, fascism), based on the mood of national oppression, emphasizing the unity of the Chinese, the racial superiority of the Chinese, and hatred of Western Taiwan independence and Hong Kong independence as a means of uniting the Chinese.


2023-03-22 09:00 | Report Abuse

The rhetoric of China Glue is mainly pro-or pro-China rhetoric of all phenomena. Pretending to be a neutral person deliberately confuses the facts and distorts the reasons and ways in which people use the term 'glue' to describe CCP supporters, such as the target of accusing CCP glue is the entire Chinese. In a democratic country, it is right to enjoy the freedom of speech that democracy provides (but to support China's lack of freedom of speech) and even the system promoted by the CCP. Emphasizing that his motherland is China, he deliberately confuses the concept of ancestral home with the motherland, and believes that the Chinese outside China are second-class citizens, so he believes that only China (CCP) is strong, and the Chinese people around the world will follow suit. Emphasizing the sense of self-superiority, China does not need Western democracy. China Clue also has a strong unification plot, and they generally adopt an attitude of opposition and even hatred towards national independence movements such as the Taiwan independence movement, the Xinjiang independence movement, and the Hong Kong independence movement.


2023-03-22 08:48 | Report Abuse

In the face of many racial inequalities and discrimination, some Malaysian Chinese have developed a mentality of relying on an external and powerful China to protect themselves, and in recent years, the rise of China and the spread of its influence to the outside world have generated a sense of national pride, also known as the "Greater China complex".

With the advent of the Internet era and globalization, online information has been influenced by various united front propaganda, which makes it easy for netizens to absorb their ideological thinking (see China-Hong Kong contradiction), blindly exaggerate the benefits of China (CCP) and escort their speech.


2023-03-22 08:45 | Report Abuse

Great China Glue, also known as Chinese Glue or CCP Glue, refers to overseas Chinese netizens who spontaneously support Greater China Glue or the Chinese Communist Party. The term has a pejorative connotation and is widely used in the Chinese communities in Malaysia and Singapore. Among them, glue refers to speech that violates logical common sense, tends to force others to think of themselves as Chinese or the Chinese nation, has a strong desire for possessiveness, and confuses people of different nationalities and even nationalities into a cage, collectively known as the Chinese nation. Representative remarks such as "Which nationality you change can't change the blood of Chinese in your body" and "As a Chinese, you must support China", etc., are active in online comment areas in various regions of the world.


2023-03-22 06:20 | Report Abuse

In addition to the resistance from within the party, another important reason for the reversal of the overall anti-corruption situation is the overall economic decline, the real economy is in a depression, the long-accumulated housing bubble, the local debt bubble, and the false exchange rate of internal depreciation and external rise are approaching the critical point of simultaneous outbreak, and the economy has become an overriding problem.


2023-03-22 06:19 | Report Abuse

From its time in power in 1949 to today, there is not a day when the CCP is not anti-American, and the difference is only that the tone is sometimes high and sometimes low. Since the beginning of this year, in the face of waves of US blows, the CCP has not lost its softness on the one hand, and on the other hand, it still insists on continuing to smear and attack the United States. "It is just to stir up nationalist sentiments, confuse the public and divert contradictions." If you don't stigmatize the United States, don't stigmatize universal values, and everyone learns American freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, then what? Only to establish such a point of view: the reason why the United States is strong is not their bullshit democracy, freedom and rule of law, but their most rogue, shameless and fond of war; The United States is so developed that it is achieved by plundering and oppressing other countries. This would allow for a shift in focus in order to consolidate rule.


2023-03-22 06:17 | Report Abuse



2023-03-22 00:20 | Report Abuse



2023-03-22 00:03 | Report Abuse

Conclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy. CCP is the running dog of Russia. Both evil axis and will be destroyed by NATO just like world war 2.


2023-03-21 22:29 | Report Abuse

Conclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy. CCP is the running dog of Russia. This is not multi polar world. This is called Great Russia Empire world. US & western no need to divide China because CCP surrender it to Russia.


2023-03-21 19:46 | Report Abuse

onclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy. CCP is the running dog of Russia. This is not multi polar world. This is called Great Russia Empire world.


2023-03-21 17:48 | Report Abuse

Conclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy. CCP is the running dog of Russia. It becomes of evil axis will be defected by UN, NATO & AUKUS


2023-03-21 17:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by xiaoeh > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

osted by qqq47660 > 20 seconds ago | Report Abuse
America is nothing but trouble

But sad that CCP is like heading the same way,
the worst is that CCP don't talk to you in universal logic but their own logic.

QQQ is the failure Malaysian CCP secret agent debate with his own statement without facts.


2023-03-21 17:04 | Report Abuse

For the sake of people what is the problem for Eastern Europes to join EU & NATO. Just because of Bullshit Great Russia Empire ???


2023-03-21 17:01 | Report Abuse

Maciej Grabski looks out over a panoramic view of the Baltic Sea, from the 32nd floor of the Olivia Star tower in Gdańsk, Poland.

“My children never saw the dark, devastated atmosphere that I remember from the 1980s,” he says. “Many people take things for granted now.”

The tower, built by Grabski’s construction company, is the centrepiece of a new business development on the outskirts of Gdańsk, and filled with the offices of multinational companies. It is next door to the squat, concrete Olivia sports hall, where the Solidarity trade union movement held its first congress in 1981, heralding the beginning of the end for communism in the region.

The economic demands of Solidarity, which had sprung up at the huge Gdańsk shipyard and was led by Lech Wałęsa, rippled through Poland and then the rest of central and eastern Europe during the 1980s. By the end of the decade, borders were open, regimes collapsed and the Berlin Wall, concrete symbol of 45 years of European division, was being pulled down.

What happened next was extraordinary, painful and unpredictable, as an entire region lurched into uncharted territory. Progress was fitful, messy and often unevenly distributed, sowing the seeds in some countries for the recent rise of populism.

But 30 years on from the heady days of autumn 1989, a range of metrics demonstrate that the transition from communism to capitalism has been a remarkable success.

Central and eastern Europe over the past 30 years has witnessed one of the most dramatic economic spurts of growth that any region of the world has ever experienced. People live longer, healthier lives. Air quality is better, and individuals are on average twice as wealthy.

“This is the golden age for the region,” says Marcin Piatkowski, a Polish economist who recently authored a book called Europe’s Growth Champion, about the meteoric rise of Poland’s economy over the past three decades. “The whole region has been successful, as reflected in the fact that on average, no Bulgarian, or Romanian or Pole has ever lived better than they do now, both in absolute terms and in relative terms compared to the west.”

Such optimism often feels misplaced, given that many people in the region still feel left behind. But the statistics show that since 1990, the Polish and Slovak economies have grown more than sevenfold, and those of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and the Czech Republic more than fivefold.
Life under capitalism

Fifteen years after the transition, Poland and seven other former communist east European countries joined the EU. With much of eastern Europe becoming part of the single market, it could be integrated into western European supply chains. For smaller businesses, it also meant operating in an improved institutional setting and convergence with EU standards. “Joining the EU was the key moment, not because of subsidies, but because of frameworks: anti-monopoly rules, environmental protection and so on,” says Grabski.


2023-03-21 16:01 | Report Abuse

China's Xi blames US for 'containment and suppression' amid tensions
The president's remarks came during the annual National People's Congress.
ByKarson Yiu March 7, 2023, 7:56 PM

Conclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy.


2023-03-21 15:57 | Report Abuse

Conclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy. What a shame not talking square feet land. Before China GDP 2x America, China already surrender to Empire Russia.


2023-03-21 15:54 | Report Abuse

QQQ is a very bad example to repeat his own statement and debate without any facts. Agreed that let Taiwanese to decide and most Taiwanese dont trust 1 country 2 systems anymore.


2023-03-21 15:31 | Report Abuse

Biden-Xi talks: China warns US about 'playing with fire' on Taiwan
Published 16 November 2021

Conclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy. What a shame not talking square feet land.


2023-03-21 14:05 | Report Abuse

Russia shoots down China's peace plan for the Ukraine war as Beijing becomes more entangled in the conflict a year into the fighting John Haltiwanger Feb 28, 2023, 4:27 AM

The Kremlin said the conditions are not right to pursue China's plan for peace in Ukraine.

The Kremlin on Monday threw cold water on China's peace plan for the Ukraine war, suggesting now is not the time to pursue such a proposal.

"We paid a lot of attention to our Chinese friends' plan," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Monday, per the Moscow Times. "For now, we don't see any of the conditions that are needed to bring this whole story towards peace," he added.

This development came after the Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday thanked Beijing for the new proposal but underscored that any peace deal would need to recognize "new territorial realities" in Ukraine.

Conclusion: CCP betrayed Chinese by surrendering ancient land 100 times as large as Taiwan to his communist daddy.