
Iamxuewen | Joined since 2017-03-10

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2018-08-27 09:46 | Report Abuse

Where you follow uncle or follow yourself
As long as you can win, you are a good investor

This is the latest version of Teng-xiao-ping said


godhand even if u win. its because koon let u win. u have 0 control


2018-08-27 09:30 | Report Abuse

I go pangsai first, later will come back here helping uncle to guide you trade right


2018-08-27 09:29 | Report Abuse

Sometimes it is just because we are thi king too much
Thinking too much is not wrong
Thinking too much without focus is no different from a gila man
Can a gila man successful in his doing?


2018-08-27 09:25 | Report Abuse


Do not make you investment so difficult

Make it simple

And it is actual very simple


2018-08-27 09:24 | Report Abuse

You must first choose to believe before you disbelieve

Because we have a pure heart,

Never see anybody a thieve unless proven


2018-08-27 09:23 | Report Abuse

I choose to believe him

So that

I have a good reason to not to believe him blindly


2018-08-27 09:22 | Report Abuse

Now is the time you choose to believe uncle or the many half-baked sifu here


2018-08-27 09:20 | Report Abuse

If you think lionind is hopeless, run now, before it is too late
But i can assure you
Uncle will not run
He will buy more


2018-08-27 09:18 | Report Abuse

You must know how to read the message in between of uncle comment

He is telling you, to win big, you must have the guts to lose first.


2018-08-27 09:16 | Report Abuse

Why run here and there if you think here is the best


2018-08-27 09:15 | Report Abuse

My good friend stockraider is right
When we are doing investment we are not looking at 1 or 2 quarter result, you need to analyse long term earning sustainability


2018-08-27 09:12 | Report Abuse

If you believe uncle koon is sincere to guide you making a right trading decision, then you should hold or buy more when the price is depress

If you do not trust, then trade in you own way or ignore him or the best avoid whatever stock where he is involved


2018-08-26 21:17 | Report Abuse


What you say?

Seem quite true woh....

probability: Calvin is good at linking an unrelated cause for an outcome we may see.
26/08/2018 20:


2018-08-26 20:53 | Report Abuse

Wait for uncle next article why it is wrong to use csc and ssteel to judge the performance of lionind

He already instructed his advisor to gather fact and data

Be patient

It is my responsibility to protect uncle before you call him Canon behind the horse when he publish his article later. Result is to be released next week.


2018-08-26 18:50 | Report Abuse


I love to answer your question but I can't do it now
I have a lot of followers here
Do you not agree
It is better for me to answer your question after the QR for good


2018-08-26 18:35 | Report Abuse


Don't take it is seriously

I just play play with you

Like all of you play play with uncle and otb

But they are serious type

Don't ever play play with them

If not they will delete, not going to share with us their valuable view



2018-08-26 18:28 | Report Abuse

If you have no shame
How the lanjio turns into lang
If you are not lang
How can you read my wisdom
My wisdom is for lang not lanjiao


2018-08-26 18:21 | Report Abuse

Ask yourself honestly

Do you have anything new to say about uncle other than describing he is a crook to cheat the money from your pocket

Are you thinking the readers here are stupid or you are stupid.

Think seriously

What I said right not right?


2018-08-26 18:16 | Report Abuse

Do you feel shameful now or no shame?


2018-08-26 18:07 | Report Abuse

Scold people is not for fun

There is lesson to learn so as to improve

Just using PLP or pukimah or any crude word only tell you are low class

Worse still, invite bad karma


2018-08-26 18:03 | Report Abuse


You are the only one here can read my frequency

qqq3 I think Halite has his points and opinion too.....
26/08/2018 17:59


2018-08-26 18:02 | Report Abuse


You still have a lot to learn to be a lang


2018-08-26 18:01 | Report Abuse

Scold people really a big fun

No wonder so many like to scold people


2018-08-26 17:59 | Report Abuse

Whether you win or lose you must be grateful to those who are willing to share

Do you want like people like you, if you pay me I share with you with a disclaimer, if you do not why should I? did I owe you anything

Is this you mentality

Is it here for you to exercise your lan-si-lan-yong?


2018-08-26 17:56 | Report Abuse

You mean uncle and otb must guarantee it must go up can not come down

Which school teacher teaches you such logic

lanjiolang :if lionind continue go lower, the excuse is because the market condition have changed. hahaha...


2018-08-26 17:48 | Report Abuse

You all don't know head and tail

Simply attack uncle just for the fun of attack

I have warned you BO-LIONG-SIM but you behave even worse

How to have good

Calvin still safe because he can go to church to repent

How about you

Who can grant you forgiveness


Think serious

Do not simply hentam

You got to pay for whatever you say or do

If you still have good karma, you may escape this but definaye not next life

Be wise.


2018-08-26 17:41 | Report Abuse

I told him to write more

I told him we need him to guide us to make money in share market for many year more

I also told him not to blame you because those who believe like me are many thousand times more than those who opposed him

He is so happy

Can't wait till tomorrow to share another with us right away

Understand now

Do not blame uncle

He is an old man with heart problem hoping to help you to success in you investment in Bursa Malaysia.


2018-08-26 17:34 | Report Abuse

Why uncle write so many article


He is not desperate to sell to you as you said, that is for sure

He is too anxious to tell you


he just what to share with you he trust OTB report

Lion still has room to show better performance if new Malaysia is not worse than the old one


2018-08-26 17:28 | Report Abuse

Very soon he is going to write another article, the title is why it is wrong to use ssteel or csc to predict lionind performance.


2018-08-26 17:26 | Report Abuse

One thing for sure he is not going to dump this year, his tp is still far away. I have just talk to him. Ask yourself a simple question. You know him better or I know him better?


2018-08-26 15:16 | Report Abuse

OTB sifu ask us not to run with reasons

You ask us to run wlth a grandfather story

Who to believe

The choice is obvious


2018-08-26 15:11 | Report Abuse


You ask us to run but you owe us a reason

We can't just run because you ask us to do so


2018-08-26 14:48 | Report Abuse


Why you are so clever this time

These guys only know how to fight don't know how to make money


2018-08-26 14:37 | Report Abuse

This is what i read from otb, future eye and probability writing


2018-08-26 14:35 | Report Abuse

What i believe?

Lionind is difference from ssteel
Lion produce HBI for local and export
Ssteel consume HBI


2018-08-26 14:30 | Report Abuse

What market says?



2018-08-26 14:24 | Report Abuse

This comment is harmless but can be better if you drop the word macai and replace it with follower.


Apabagus Kyy macai halite.Prepare to work overtime tomorrow.
26/08/2018 13:21


2018-08-26 11:30 | Report Abuse

With such comment Aseng sifu will scold you are worse than the 2 crocs you said.

alex With the 2 crocs otb and kyy inside, lion at least can go up 400-500%


2018-08-26 11:28 | Report Abuse



100%will do

500% is super investor game not our game

alex With the 2 crocs otb and kyy inside, lion at least can go up 400-500%


2018-08-26 11:19 | Report Abuse

I do see the reason you scold uncle who is willing to share how to become great in bursa

I see the reason you dislike otb who is not willing to share with you unless you pay


2018-08-26 11:16 | Report Abuse

Do not behave that stupid to chase the choy-san away unless you do not know the aim of the game we play is MAKE MONEY

Not scolding people


2018-08-26 11:14 | Report Abuse

Uncle will throw or not throw nobody know

I know you gain nothing if you attack uncle
I know you will be rich if you follow uncle with a 50% MOS
Current fair value as shared by uncle : RM2. 25


2018-08-26 10:38 | Report Abuse

Do you know what is the difference between stuck in Petron and stuck in Sapnrg?

I doubt you know!

You still have a lot to learn before you teach me what is wrong

caltrix Halite, you are good talker who stuck big time in petronm. Don't make the same mistake in Lion


2018-08-26 10:36 | Report Abuse


This comment will invite bad karma
Worse than you scold people "puji ah"

Apabagus Uncle is a philantropist on one hand.On the other hand uncle is a super gambler.Well,humans are not perfect.Lol.
25/08/2018 20:


2018-08-26 10:08 | Report Abuse

Sun-tze: known your enemy, known your ownself, you won't fail in the game you are playing


2018-08-26 09:57 | Report Abuse

I believe otb analysis
2.25 is achievable within this year
Unfortunate he had deleted his post
That is unwise because that is exactly what his opponent want him to not his supporters
His opponents do not need his analysis, we need
Now we can only rely on the kind D man to share with us

Mr otb, you are turning you supporters away. You still have a lot to learn from uncle


2018-08-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

We wish everybody happy today

Do not use harsh words on uncle
Share with your logical reasoning, fact and data
to help make a right
Do not attack uncle
He is just like you and me free to voice his view
What are trying to show us attacking him
Bully an old man with heart problem
Tell me you pandai scold people
That I believe I am more skillful than you


2018-08-26 09:17 | Report Abuse

Night is always dark and helpless. if you see an old man bringing a torch to lead you the way to brightness, most of us will think he is a ghost. Because your ghost stories always telling you so.
Who will know, he can be your grandfather

Do not show me you lack wisdom early in the morning if you do not see the great wisdom in between the line


2018-08-25 19:06 | Report Abuse

OTB sifu,

Thank you very much to share with us your analysis.
Your analysis though simple but very logical and enough to clear our doubt whether the coming Q is good or bad. Now I am more confident to hold tight tight and wait until QR is released, may be will add more on Monday. I believe many readers here agree and feel the same

Others sifu please learn. If have nothing good to share or you can't help us please do not mislead us.

Please learn from OTB sifu how he had presented his points. Do not keep on harping no good, no good and we don't see how it is no good.

I know many of you hope to become the advisor of uncle koon. I can tell you frankly, uncle will not choose you. You do not have the value he wants. If there is nobody for him to choose and uncle still want to choose, then most probably uncle will choose me. Because, at least uncle see my power to keep his critic silent and disappear.

Uncle koon,

Right or not right?


Once again,

Thank you very much OTB sifu.

(quietly tell you, when I was small, I also attack uncle. So don't worry, I am not you competitor. My name already black listed. So, don't waste the time to tiow me like Apabagus)