
JJrock | Joined since 2015-12-04

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2018-08-23 18:03 | Report Abuse

hmmm....... 40 sen ? Quoting reference by fellow Forum member Vincenbravo Jul 12, 2018 12:16 AM : "...Bahvest at 1.30 & free warrants at 44 sen. Total price if you are buying is RM1.74 !!! Why are U chasing at such a high price? This counter is bleeding losses for years & gives 0 dividends !! Gold price is at this year's lowest at less than 1250. Dont be another victim. So many people kena already from this counter. Buy low sell high... Not the other way. Seriously i will only buy when this counter is less than RM1. Thats a good buy..." .

Funny... One Million shares make SATU million Ringgit - How could someone still cursing the stock ? unless 1) in/0ut with own stock; 2) got shake-out early at lower prices esp the Warrants (smile)


2018-08-23 17:41 | Report Abuse

hero666: HEY, there is no ESOS, I am referring to Ordinary Resolution in the upcoming AGM to vote against 1) re-electing a Director Akinori Hotani who often sell his ESOS shares for quite a long while and, 2) agenda 5 which involve proposing in allotment of new shares up to 10% of Bahvest share capital i.e. 60.8 million to new investors (in simple term, it affects EPS by 10%). I read between the comments that you don’t read the annual report at all, to inter-relate what is important to us, so…. forget it.

On second thought, I would have no objection to go against the Ordinary Resolution (5) IF: The management can be specific and transparent by stating: The new shares only be issued to strategic local mid to long term investment local funds / investors such as Yayasan Sabah, LTAT, EPF, KWAP, Unit Trusts or EPF-Approved Malaysia equity unit trusts, Mutual Funds etc. IF the gold mine can prove its ore reserve. I always think local wealth should FIRST be shared among Malaysian. If not, the Management must then proved its worth first via good production figures before attempting any placement(s) at higher share price. The proposed new shares if sold (direct or via private placement, allotment) to any unidentified / unsteady placee(s)/investors could end up like a TOUGH NUT GREAT WALL to break to its share price at higher levels, esp @RM1.50.

If the placee is/are convincing, respectable local investment funds to go mid/long term, I would suggest the Company to hold an EGM again, but NOT this round with blurry information.

Goldfish: bought @40 sens ? Charting back to 2012, friend; you must had missed a few rounds of the highs, sold and eventually made some small monies. Because in "normal science of behavior and mind" you wont curse a Company if you had made good monies from it. I won't.



2018-08-19 18:54 | Report Abuse

BAHVEST Annual Report 2015~2018; where a few points that had grabbed my attention:-

1. The top 30 shareholder list seems clean to me, but I suspect the large selling occurred a week or two ago @1.30 (based on volume) may involve (or even wiping out) one of the top 15 shareholder listed in this 2018 corporate report top 30 listings. 

2. The 2018 BAHVEST annual report has published a gray-scale photo of the said gold mine location - looks great to me. 

3. A GOOD news is: we probably may have another NEW local fund other than Lembaga Tabung Haji invested into Bahvest. Amanah Raya Trustee for PMB Syariah Aggressive Fund <http://www.pmbinvest.com.my/products/funds/PMB-Shariah-Aggressive-Fund> who had bought 5,417,400-00 ranked as 26th largest shareholder and as their name wasn’t appeared in the top 30 list as in the 2017 Annual Report so, it means they came in this year (financial Year ended March). By the way, if the gold mine is a success, I think LTH w/its 51,870,000 shares (MINUS the questionable moves with some recent announced SMALL numbers sold as appeared in the latest update ) w/22,815,200 WA should end up as a BIG winner in this domestic investment but TO BE FAIR - LTH truly deserves it for being so patience holding on to their investment. Anyway, either a) they were very well informed what was going on or b) has trusted professional opinion from Australia (or both), as well as c) the attraction in Bahvest which may end up as the sole choice counter in the mining sector in The Bursa Malaysia. 

4. The AGM is on 29th August, 2018. I am not particularly happy to read the Ordinary Resolution 2 & 5 as appeared in the 2018 Annual Report proposed for the AGM <https://cdn1.i3investor.com/my/files/st88k/0098_BAHVEST/annual/2018-03-31/0098_BAHVEST_AnnualReport_2018-03-31_Bahvest-AR2018_-1376337471.pdf> it reads: 2. To re-elect the following Directors retiring in accordance with Article 93 of the Company’s Constitution: * Mr. Akinori hotani & * Mr. XXX 

Akinori seemingly sounded like a Japanese, who has been with Bahvest for a long time as I read his name even tracing back to the 2010 annual report. Personally, I have no issue with a guy whom I don’t know at all, but his role was a Director in a Company that I had bought some shares; on the negative side Mr. Akinori hotani was also an AGGRESSIVE SELLER of ESOS shares for the last few years. His current holding stands at 1.7m shares (he had stopped such act but I can read his names ALL OVER the back-dated announcements at Bursa Website). So, I can’t understand why would I agree to re-elect a Director who often sells his shares in the Company he works for. 

5. "The issuance of 10% new shares" As Special business to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution, with or without modifications: 

Ordinary Resolution - Authority to Allot Shares 

“That pursuant to Section 75 of the Companies Act 2016 and subject to the approvals of the 5 relevant authorities, the Directors be empowered to allot and issue shares in the Company from time to time at such price, upon such terms and conditions, for such purposes and to such person or persons whomsoever as the Directors may in their absolute discretion deem fit provided that the aggregate number shares issued pursuant to this Resolution does not exceed 10% of the total number of issued shares of the Company for the time being and that the Directors be also empowered to obtain the approval from bursa Malaysia Securities berhad for the listing of and quotation for the additional shares .............” 

WHY ? 

Firstly, if this is direct or indirectly approved by us in this AGM, the potential massive 60.8 million new shares shall create a massive over-hang 20-30 Sen above whatever allotment/placement price. As an investor, I have been waited for a good harvest seems coming SOON BUT issuance of new shares may potentially further delay Bahvest’s share price performance going to great new height IF GOLD are found / processed from here onwards. Frankly I guess It is also time for Bahvest to elevate itself from being a Mesdaq/ACE counter, start to leant to become a respectable PLC by smartly manage finances from their raw, rewarding new mining income from here.

As a minority shareholder, I CAN'T convince myself to vote against my own interest. So, I had submitted my proxy “AGAINST” to 2,5 to the Share Registrar i.e. as appeared in the A.Report:- Securities Services (holdings) Sdn bhd. level 7, Menara Milenium, Jalan Damanlela, Pusat bandar Damansara, Damansara heights, 50490 Kuala lumpur. Tel : 03-20849000 Fax : 03-20949940/03-20950292

(Last Date: 48 hours before AGM on 29th August 2018)

Yes. I am just a small small stakeholder, but I just can’t hide my discontent (smile)

You may ignore my remarks if it is non-significant to you.
Hope all can share a mutual thoughtful and inspiring trading days ahead.



2018-08-08 18:20 | Report Abuse

I had deleted earlier post as there were some mistakes in figures in calculating the estimate income. Strangely, no-one had corrected them.

Vital numbers:

One Ounce (1 oz) = 31.10gm (One ounce (troy) of gold converted to gram equals to 31.103 g) or 31 1/10 grams (g)
1 kilogram (1 Kg / 1000 grams ) = 32.1507466 ounces *

Gold trade Conversion: Gold is not measured in the typical (Imperial) Ounce. Precious metals, gold included, are measured in what is known as a “Troy Ounce”. Troy Ounce is used as a standard measurement that is shared among anyone that deals with the purchasing and manufacture of anything related to gold. The Troy Ounce is part of a larger measurement system for precious metals that is known as “Troy weights”.

It is important to understand: A regular Ounce is comprised of 28.35 grams. A Troy Ounce, however, is comprised of 31.1034807 grams. As you can see, there isn’t much of an overall difference between the two types of Ounces, but when it comes to gold weight, that extra 2 or 3 grams affects the size of the finished product. If you were to compare a piece of jewellery, like a ring, that weighed a standard Ounce and one that weighed a Troy Ounce the latter ring would be slightly bigger or thicker. ~Source: UK Gold Trader~ 

Note: The standard gold bar held as gold reserves by central banks and traded among bullion dealers is the 400-troy-ounce (12.4 kg or 438.9 ounces) Good Delivery gold bar. The kilobar, which is 1000 grams in mass (32.15 troy ounces), is the bar that is more manageable and is used extensively for trading and investment. The minimum purity required is 99.5% gold and be stamped with a unique serial number, the fineness, and the seal of the refiner.

Typically, Gold mines first produce rough gold, called a “dore bar”. These bars are typically about 80 percent pure gold. These dore-bars are sent to a refinery or even gold coins makes (eg. (Australia) https://www.ramint.gov.au; (Canadian) https://www.mint.ca/store/template/home.jsp) where they be refined into higher grade of gold of different forms and purity.

Gold Price: as at< 08.08.2018> Pure 24K gold with density: 19.282 g/cm3 calculated

@CURRENT USD$1,215.25 for a troy ounce OR USD38.99 per gram OR USD38,987.68 per KG

30KG=USD1,169,630.40xRM4.00=MYR4,678,521.60x12 months= MYR56,142,259.20 

50KG=USD1,949,384.00xRM4.00=MYR7,797,536.00x12 months= MYR93,570,432.00 

80 KG=USD3,119,014.40xRM4.00=MYR12,476,057.60x12 months=MYR149,712,691.20

Divided by 608,550,000 shares = EPS x PE10, PE12, PE 15 = rough indicative fair share price

IMPORTANT: a) ALL figures are GROSS, still subject to cost and other variable factors; b) if spot gold jumps @USD$1,300.00 adds 6.97%; @USD$1,400.00 adds 15.2%; 3) a new mine may provide 30% reserve to reach full production capacity from any initial announcement of gold yield.

* As I said earlier, we cannot expect all those buried gold flakes/nuggets in the soil would keep popping up from the ground like pop corn in an oven and just net them freely with no cost; so the “gross” here means it is still subjected to its unknown production cost in MYR, minus 5% loyalties, discount of 20% as its initial gold bars/brick/dore-bar may only be delivering 80-85% purity. If we use a foreign listed, domestic gold miner’s 2012~2015 annual report figures for rough cost indicator, the Company presented their cost per ounce @USD300-00 for initial 5 years but its latest corporate report saw an increase from USD500 to USD600-00 possibly due to resources begins running out and has to go down one km for mining operation. In this case, Bahvest practices surface open-pit mining as suggested by RPM, so at least for the initial 5 years, its cost could be low, in addition operating as a local Company.

I got the numbers I want for last two days for my month-end bet (says anything you like). Enough, running out of usable bullets (Smile.. .)My opinion: if there are deliverable numbers: 50 (hold... or may consider sell back 1/3 and observe for another month); BUT if it is 80KG onwards (smile) or 100KG (then we can laugh all the way to the bank, hehe ..). So approaching 3rd week August, its share price should provide some indicator, I do hope 0098 can break out to whole new ground from here.



For active spot gold prices in USD and MYR you may use the site below to find actual conversion:


2018-07-29 20:23 | Report Abuse

Goldfish: (Usually) Before I pick up a stock, I read and do a lot of research and must convince myself with enough resourceful conclusion. In Bahvest, frankly I trust engineers, geologists and qualified mining experts who prepared a JORC Mineral Reserve Report more than people who bark in a public forum (a warmth reminder: RPM, as provider of the Mining Plan appeared in the JORC Report is a ASX-listed PLC too, so no one has room for a joke!). Yes, if you have doubts with its content, you can openly challenge truthfulness in a JORC report, you may file in to JORC committee via official channel (by engaging a qualified Mining Consultant recognised by the committee). As for your complaints over the Company’s financial performance, my advice to you is: go and buy 1 share and attend next AGM - use your strong voice demands a satisfactory answers OR FxCK the directors on site for not fulfilling your/our wish as a shareholder(s) (Well, I should be equally angry if next AGM (July/August 2019 ?) IF the Company still has no good results to show us (unconditionally I shall offer you my Proxy if you are too shy attending with only One Share to register at AGM) (Smile no. 5)

Yes, I agree. You can do and say anything within permissible range which is acceptable to most but you CAN’T blame anyone if you have NOT MADE ENOUGH monies when investing. NOTHING in the stock market is risk-free - I was in, I was out and I am in again - but keep calculating and reducing my cost and now I manage to lower my overall stop-loss defence-line @ sub 0.90 Sen (excluding WA), so I can sleep very well every night. While other’s sleep quality good or bad, it is none of my business. Dear Sir, I often use public forum to identify stupidity and often alert of what I post. There is no investors or speculators - only diffenciate by level of dump such as those who had dumped the WA @0.30, citing 75% premium. My posts shall be remained here, regardless if I am wrong or not with Bahvest because I provide positive thoughts for consideration in an investment - however BUT if just incase you are wrong, then potentially may face a problem either to change your identity and/or delete all your posts in the future as you may lose all credibilities, even if you present other opinion for another stock.


Have a good trading week ahead.


2018-07-21 17:19 | Report Abuse

Dear fakegoldfish: Either 1) you'd really hated this counter bahvest as your first post May 24, 2018 10:41 AM to the latest on Jul 20, 2018 04:08 PM - ALL were pointing negatively against Bahvest; 2) I guess you don't have any other stock holding other than Bahvest as all your comments are Bahvest-specific, so can I assume if (earlier assumption no 1) is not true then you must had bitten by bahvest somewhere along the consolidation stages but strangely I doubt any investors lose any significant money EVEN if he/she had bought at RM1.45 previously - UNLESS he contra only but not investing; 3: your post on Jun 1, 2018 10:15 also quoting: "Market cap at RM730 million, as if the gold mine belongs to Musa Aman grandfather... " Q: a) are you only against previous government or b) only specifically with an EX-head of state personally OR c) supposedly this gold mine be given to you (or your Company) instead ? It is a PLC and so far, I have not been told it is a politician-linked *please help to provide fellow shareholders here with some guides and evidence) but again aren’t we wasting too much time on politic for the last few months ? Please revert back to real economic activities, thanks; 4: on Jun 1, 2018 you also mentioned "Market cap at RM730 million", but your latest comment Jul 20, 2018 stating "with a market cap near RM850 million!" - it means in a month's time - bahvest has added RM120M in its market cap; so can i also read it as all investors are making monies from it, isn't it ? so..... what is the problem ? I read your concern and friendly alert by guiding all of us Bahvest is heading for “strings of problems ahead with authorities like MACC etc”, but dear friend, it must be doing it in rightful, positive manner. Besides, the “operator” issue that you raised: what on earth an operator is operating a counter with daily volume traded between a small volume of 600K~3m shares ? 

NOTE: on Friday 20th July 2018 1) MYEG volume was 159,106,600 shares 2) IWCITY 145,425,100 shares 3) NOVA 87,920,400 shares … while BAHVEST was 2,239,800 shares (0.00368% against its share capital) ; BAHVEST-WA was 338,700 (338.7K / 0.00111%) … 

I guess this operator you mentioned IS REALLY HOPELESS ! you should recommend a more capable cowboy into market who can help to turbo-charge bahvest daily volume to 50 million shares, haha

dear gold fish: I am still holding on with my shares and warrants. Until the day I sell mine, then you can write anything you want here BUT not now (smile).


Have a good weekend.


2018-07-19 21:34 | Report Abuse

i guess we don't need to waste time figuring the few sens up and down anymore, as some of these negative predictions appeared herein the forum since it was traded between rm0.60-80 sens range, luckily i kept my cheaper holdings and was rewarded with an additional free WA. I read one external alert and saw the scary triangular formation too and has sold all my shares (minus the WA) @1.1X; but later I listened to my bro analysis: he said bahvest has withstood the days-after (elections effect) of -200 pts of CI, and start gaining slight strength @1.30+ again and with all time high price at shooting distance, so given the scenario IF (1) the production begins and IF (2) the gold bars/bricks begin rolling out from the mills in the coming days/weeks/months (?) hence, would be be unfair for the stock to gain ANOTHER RM1.20 since the glittering gold bricks may help to wipe out the two common worries of there is NO GOLD + NO CAPABILITIES BEING A MOSQUITOE MESDEQ COMPANY ? .... I thought his analysis makes perfect SENSE, so I bought back all shares sold PLUS step up another 30% @1.26~1.28 /... peace


2018-07-06 18:00 | Report Abuse

It certainly looks interesting on Bahvest for coming weeks if it breaks up from there (which seemingly it did now, where Bursa downed 26.79 points but it went up 3.2%): http://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/MplusOnline/163936.jsp


2015-12-05 23:18 | Report Abuse

hmmmmmm 。。。" BAHVESTRM5 " boss we all need morale booster


2015-12-05 17:40 | Report Abuse

now fish has swim up stream. so requires 12 lots to get one at 1.20 (pain) but chart suggest CSL may have a chance to go slightly higher too, most ideal is hopefully be able to reduce back to original 8.8 lots of stock-change ratio, because i sense fish's potential is far far greater than selling stationeries.haha sly fox can hound n go eating grouper too huh ? .....


2015-12-05 17:20 | Report Abuse

tks sunzzhe, did checked, too complicated on the hibiscus, i don;'t like high volume stock, I only have 3 in my portfolio, but had been buying the fish but required to sell CSL roughly 8.8 lots to get one and shall dump it out. haha but decision is rewarding; the other, i am holding on to Halex ( if u want to know what i have). this link has been recommended via wechat by a friend on the fish.


2015-12-04 18:22 | Report Abuse

Open Forum is the best place to verify stupidity among the crowd. Bahvest is trading at 1.21 now , 9 sen from its 52 week high, if someone didn't took the quick ride and hope for a quick intra-day trading cash return, who has lost big $$ ? ?? but at least, now I know who had chased on the announcement day and got shit all over the pants, cut lost & sold at rm1.04 on that session. ps/ the remarks also revealed someone have recently got bitten not once but twice, one by a fish and another....sounds very funny, what ???? by a flower ??????

now that you have introduced us, I must look at the counter, hibiscus huh >? what business are they in ?? canned food ? sounds good.