
KP8888KP | Joined since 2014-07-11

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2014-09-09 14:49 | Report Abuse

Sumati, you must have lost a lot on this sympathy..


2014-09-09 14:40 | Report Abuse

Capt looiks....becuz HS wanted to collect more? dont know...


2014-09-04 20:35 | Report Abuse

wakaka, macam macam komen ada, ada point punya ada, tak da point pun ade, tak masuk akal pun ada, cincai cakap punya pun ada....betul betul pening tengok semua tapi sangatentertaining, at least ada hiburan sikit bila gua punya nenek suma rehat sikit yer....teruskan teruskan...gua tengok aje....


2014-09-03 14:34 | Report Abuse

CYP buy back share at 0.452??


2014-09-03 09:19 | Report Abuse

WOA...roller coaster ride man..hahaha


2014-09-02 15:29 | Report Abuse

holding tight...


2014-09-02 14:14 | Report Abuse

sureboh..who else? the guy above you is one of it lah wei...kiki


2014-09-02 13:56 | Report Abuse

sureboh...wat time? where you got it? thx


2014-08-31 10:41 | Report Abuse

Guys, still remember that capt looiks did mentioned and hinted about..."TSHS to increase share..still remember?" kind of statement...i wonder when that going to happen...


2014-08-31 10:34 | Report Abuse



2014-08-31 10:34 | Report Abuse

Good Morning and Selamat Hari Merdeka to all Malaysia!!....

Quite interesting and curious to see those punters are willing to waste their precious time even throughout the weekend trying to condemn and criticize this counter ... it probably can only mean 3 things ...

1) something is brewing and they are just too afraid to miss the train on Tuesday.

2) To speak truth and become a saviour. (Well, no offence but ... it certainly doesn't seems like one to me as they are really enjoying themselves while praying others fell and die immediately.)

3) They do not have better things to do but only to generate hatred.

4) If none of above is related, seriously, get a life!!...

p/s : not even a 2Cent opinion... i'm just an idiot anyway, why bother...


2014-08-31 00:12 | Report Abuse seriously know how to predict future...anyhow i respect you opinion even though it doesnt make sense at all...


2014-08-30 15:42 | Report Abuse

laugh, surewin, fatdatlo, i think i hv started to admire you all cuz you guys own certain level of itellegency which none of us here nor HS CD hv...all that so called ceo work shit out of them all for nothing but to cone money from other people, only you guys hv a pairs of bright eyes to tear off their scandal...i salute you all...we all loser..happy?


2014-08-30 09:09 | Report Abuse

Everything is well planned, announcement of earning cant but over projection n RI in end of thursday, market bloody red sea the next day....suddenly uplift announcement right after end of friday, so wat next?...current management is truely well prepare with all the necessary strategy and resources, from here you can see how confident they are when playing their the question is whether you can keep with their gameplay or not...they are working so why do you hv to worry....just my 2c


2014-08-30 01:03 | Report Abuse

Well, wat to do....anyway, before i rest after a struggling day, good night to all warriors, ur loyalty ll be paid....thumbs up and like wat HHAKIM said last night...I LIKE!


2014-08-30 00:57 | Report Abuse

eric used to be one of the strong n high supporter come?B6B B7B B8B B10B..


2014-08-30 00:40 | Report Abuse

bravo to all who stood still and believed in what you think is right to do, for not making this ship sink further, even not much...but still ....well done all suma lover....


2014-08-30 00:23 | Report Abuse

wao....very shocked noticed it was uplifted just few minutes ago (i m a bit too slow), after one whole year of anticipation, it finally came true...right or wrong, up or down, i doesnt matter anymore, it is already a reality....TSHS, U are the MAN with ball n guts, salute you....


2014-08-29 00:23 | Report Abuse

Surewinone....told you already i m a fool, a genius like you seriously still want to respond to my posting is it??? is my pleasure though.....thank you very much and hope to hear from you again tomorrow....your highnessss


2014-08-29 00:15 | Report Abuse

Let me help you again oily...

By Oily.....28/08/2014 23:57

Last RI was announced on 30 May 2013. Closing Price on this day=19sen
31.May.2013 price slightly higher and closed at 19.5sen.
June'13 not much change.Range trading at average of 20sen
July'13 traded between 20 sen to 36.5sen
Aug'13 traded between 38.5sen to 79sen
Sept'13 traded at average price of 60 sen
17 Oct'13 - Ex date traded between 5 sen to 60 sen and on 17.10.2013 closed at 32.5sen.
21 Oct 2013 entitlement date closed at 33sen.
Nov'13 went high up to 52 sen
Dec'13 to May 14 range trading between 28 sen to 30 sen

From the above analysis, I dont think there is going to be a big drop tomorrow. Price might spike in Oct'14 & Nov'14 before settling at a diluted value at the Ex Date and Entitlement Date.

Good night and to all Suma passengers, dont lose what you deserved to those group of MAGGOTS who suddenly came out from no where!!!!!!...

And to those group of Maggot...oppssss, i am so so so so so so sorry and how stupid i am, and to those who wish to create panic and grap at low before ex date, good luck to you all, may god bless you too... ...


2014-08-29 00:05 | Report Abuse

WHOAAA..speculate putting them all together, now it starting to make sense to me my sifu.....CEO cheating and CFO and CFO dumped him due to his unloyalty....good one...can translated into one hell of a drama series already!!...just joking, jangan so much also no use, we ll see how tomorrow market react to the news, just simply talk nonsense in this forum wont take you or me to any where especially those who only intended to take advantages on the existing holder, MAGGOTS!!... ok, need to sleep liao...gud night to all punters and supporters......


2014-08-28 23:51 | Report Abuse

4u2c...i believe the report came after market close......that why, anticipating gap up tomorrow rather listening to those doom doctor professor who only know how to spread diseases and viruses....


2014-08-28 23:47 | Report Abuse

Speculative, pls assume me as the stupidest man in the whole galaxy and pls enlighten me on this one.....If CFO is clever enough to dump her share since she has foreseen today's outcome, then why would a CEO CD who is dumb enough to buy back the share back after that???does CFO know something that a CEO dont know??? any idea??.....


2014-08-28 18:32 | Report Abuse

who care the profit can catch up with the 69mil, the most important thing is that the company profit is growing month by month and thats the value of the going to ex pn17 company...stop blind your eyes anymore, here's the fact...simple and clear.....


2014-08-28 17:28 | Report Abuse

not yet last minutes dah keluar bising semua hantus hantus, tak sabar ke nak pijak kami ni yang duduk kat suma train...boleh punya, masih ada peluang lagi, tunggu QR keluar baru lah pijak, baru syiok...sekarang cakap begitu banyak buat ape...ish ish ish...


2014-08-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

like last time suma, release the report during off-market..wonder this time will be the same as well...


2014-08-28 14:51 | Report Abuse

capt looiks...i know report is cominnggg soonn, but... soon?


2014-08-28 14:41 | Report Abuse are you report....let uncle inspect your body first......


2014-08-28 12:45 | Report Abuse

fatdatlo.....why you keep pursuit others to SELL so desperately? wanted to buy back is it?


2014-08-28 11:01 | Report Abuse too aggresive lah, itu suruh orang lain duduk tepi bukannya suruh ENGKAU duduk tepi... lagi pun you kena tuang lebih banyak wang lagi kat counter ni, mana boleh duduk tepi.......btw, really "good manner" to tease on others people name ah....well done


2014-08-28 10:56 | Report Abuse

moneycashrich....i dont quite agree with you cuz attack or no attack is up to whether you buy it or not....but i respect his spirit and persistent as no matter up or down, he is always there to say thing.. ..


2014-08-28 10:50 | Report Abuse

Natukong....belum last minutes belum tau punya, semua org yang invest kat sini sememangnya sudah tau betapa riskynya counter ini, kalau risau boleh duduk aje kat tepi n watch the show.

Lim....becuz most of them are scared, this creates opportunity, "majority will lose while minority will win", thats the fact....take or leave it thingy...dare or no dare....kikiki


2014-08-28 10:33 | Report Abuse

Again??!! 07/09 is too long lah, DH, if you are watching, better create another account and join us before the big feast get started


2014-08-28 10:07 | Report Abuse

Tua Tua Ki....50unit can get ah? i thought min 100unit?????


2014-08-28 09:52 | Report Abuse

Tua Tua Ki.... you can buy sell 50 unit ah???...i thought min 100unit??...kikiki


2014-08-28 09:34 | Report Abuse

MercuryRX... didnt you heard captain looiks..steady..........


2014-08-28 09:04 | Report Abuse really make me laugh....but nice try though


2014-08-27 18:54 | Report Abuse

Wooooo!!!....banyaknya hantus-hantus dan prophet-prophet yang hebat-hebat handal-handal.....besok lucky Number APA?? nak beli Magnum Jackport lah...tak payah lah main share....Sekali Menang seumur hidup tak yah Kerja Oooohh!!


2014-08-27 17:53 | Report Abuse

leslieroycarter.. if you going to market you first egg in order to attract more potential prospect, are you going to sell it cheap or sell it in sky high price?...i dont know woh...


2014-08-27 17:43 | Report Abuse

SumuaOK...jangan main-main ye


2014-08-26 17:02 | Report Abuse

Damn it...try to buy at 51cent last 3 minutes but failed..whyyyyy!!


2014-08-26 08:28 | Report Abuse

the more it drop, the steadier we must be, let it drop, accumulation time...slow n is cruel so wat?patience and brave heart is the key...


2014-08-22 15:54 | Report Abuse

jenggo...correction..since this suma train, i would prefer more if you say "sumatec up pdz also up"....kikiki


2014-08-22 15:50 | Report Abuse

Ronaldo, kalau ini macam pun sigh ah....dulu i punya suma RED kau kau hampir satu tahun tak naik pun tak ade sigh juga woh, sebab satu perkataan saja... "percaya", itu An Mo panggil "faith"....... kalau betul gua sigh hari-hari ah...sudah lama i mati sakit jantung oh...cheer up mah!!


2014-08-22 09:50 | Report Abuse

slm.....WE SHOULD RUNNNN AWAY...HAHAHA...just kidding...


2014-08-22 09:27 | Report Abuse

steady guys, ripple coming, up then nothing to say, but if down again, im gonna buy more cuz i dont want to miss the boat again.....DOWN DOWN DOWN!!!!!!


2014-08-21 17:39 | Report Abuse

Then at least we can see who is the right person to be on this train wat...Suma can pass the test but...can you?? ....


2014-08-21 17:35 | Report Abuse

then i hope that sumatec should drop like Lao Sai again tomorrow to test whether we are like what we said we...nak??


2014-08-21 17:14 | Report Abuse

Followme1955 brusted his balls few times already, so i dont think he got any ball left to squeeze this time...kikiki


2014-08-21 17:08 | Report Abuse

mymosmi..well said...we do hv a great group of Die Hard suma fans here...not bad wat...