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2023-09-12 15:31 | Report Abuse
Yes MZM. RM0.44 is the NTA based on the latest QR report.
RM0.50 is based on FY2022 audit report.
2023-09-12 12:32 | Report Abuse
nine coffee, beware of caffeinism. Jaga jaga badan ohhhh
2023-09-11 12:25 | Report Abuse
Strange also because the existing business is not moving but the price move already. Maybe something big coming.
2023-09-08 12:45 | Report Abuse
Price move before news released. MZM, can take profit now.
2023-09-06 17:14 | Report Abuse
Now you are repeating the same sentences again. What is wrong with this forum
2023-09-06 15:41 | Report Abuse
Will it be still Sung Master xx? Or collaborate with other?
2023-09-06 15:39 | Report Abuse
Please brainstorm a new name for Kanger here.
Not same lah, rainman keep laughing, rr1688 keep repeating something that nobody understands
2023-09-06 14:20 | Report Abuse
Change of name to Sung Master Consolidated tak jadi, how does it relates to increase of share price folks???
Mau tukar nama apa? Tolong brainstorm sini
2023-09-02 13:21 | Report Abuse
Nobody cares.. tutup kilang
2023-08-04 18:31 | Report Abuse
All these dramas seems already preset. My popcorn is ready, it cost me around 250 shares lol
2023-08-04 18:04 | Report Abuse
All tapao bungkus balik kampung already. Many potential counters out there.
2023-07-28 16:27 | Report Abuse
Bilis, i miss the man wehhh.
2023-07-27 07:54 | Report Abuse
FBMKLCI is rebounding despite the upcoming election. Mzm2511, many opportunities out there bro. The business of investment properties and residential construction project management are not that attractive at the moment. Unless there are big changes in fundamental, this is going to be stagnant
2023-07-21 17:41 | Report Abuse
In every trade, investors should set strategy, target and stick with it. Trading with decision influenced by emotion is not encouraged.
There are many corporate exercise from 2019 to 2022.
Let's take a look on the acquisition of Sung Master in 2021. We analyse carefully what happened and how the major investors reacted.
Referring to the Circular in July 2021
"The purchase consideration of RM94,789,436 was arrived at, on a willing- buyer basis, based on the PE multiple of approximately 15.0 times to the 51.0% of the latest audited PAT of Sung Master as at 17-month FPE 30 June 2020 of approximately RM12,390,776."
15 times PE using 17-month result. Let's do simple calculation adjustment, 15times x 17 months / 12 months => 21.25
Before we move further, few thoughts on this:
1) Does Sung Master worth valuation of PE 21.25?
2) What would be the usual range of PE in construction segment, considering the size and future growth?
3) Does the relatively high PE subsequently supported by profit growing performance?
4) Does investors know or had investors being highlighted the performance of Sung Master after acquisition?
(will discuss further at the bottom part)
5) Does it make sense to pay the purchase consideration partly by cash and share issuance? What will be the implication to the market with payment via share issuance?
Leave those answers to yourself as an investor. Link your answers to the share price downtrend after acquisition of Sung Master & share issuance, all the way from adjusted RI price RM0.60 to current price RM0.035 (94 loss in value)
Are the major investors being bearish on the future performance?
My 2 cents on Sung Master, which should be main revenue stream of the group:
1) Sung Master indeed performed poorly in FY2022 after acquisition. It made losses in FY2022.
Annual Report FY2022 Page 116 "From the date of acquisition, the subsidiary’s contributed revenue RM9 million and loss net of tax RM73,000."
2) Quarterly Report Q4 2023 Page 1. Cummulative PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Non-controlling interest RM2.89 million. This should be PAT attributing 49% NCI stake held in Sung Master.
Rough estimation if re-gross to 100%, Sung Master generated PAT of RM5.9 million for period of 12 months from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It may not accurate, just a rough estimation.
3) FY2023 Q4 profit RM1.6 million mainly contributed by Sung Master. If not Sung Master, the Group quarterly result will be loss making. (Investors already get used to it)
4) Sung Master's estimated PAT RM 5.9m for 12 months did not meet RM20 million net profit estimated by the management. (
Although Sung Master's current result does not meet the performance expectation but it is growing. But the next question would be whether it will grow steadily and achieve profit target. We have limited information. By reading QR report, it looks volatile from my personal view.
Do you think the management will push for it?
** What are the main reasons that you think resulting price drop 94% over 2 years? Please share your opinion 😁
2023-07-21 17:36 | Report Abuse
Must first analyse before concluding whether this is a scrap ma.
I present the facts so other investors should be aware of also. Still I dont understand why there is people buying this stock. I dont see sign of U-turn yet.
Unless they know something that we dont know???
All I know are that businesses not attractive, share price drop more than 90% in 2 years, no turnaround plan yet, mention restructuring but diam diam, foresee further fundraising. Why still want to buy???
2023-07-21 07:50 | Report Abuse
@patience99 I would say lack of clarification and lack of update on the LOI.
Investors should attend AGM and raise question to BOD for clarification.
2023-07-20 17:05 | Report Abuse
@ JJPTR. And the daughter Chai does not sit on the board too. She had never been appointed to the board. She was a substantial shareholder after RI, then ceased to be a substantial shareholder.
Please don't spread wrong facts, it confuse others.
Investors please read Annual Report, Circular carefully and make independent assessment.
Please understand the management, business model, future prospect and most importantly whether it fits your risk profile, then only you can know if the company can realise long-term shareholder value.
2023-07-20 16:56 | Report Abuse
Investors please read Annual Report, Circular carefully and make independent assessment.
Please understand the management, business model, future prospect and most importantly whether it fits your risk profile, then only you can know if the company can realise long-term shareholder value.
Unless you invest for goreng, then gonna take the risk lor.
2023-07-20 16:54 | Report Abuse
@JJPTR, please refer to AR2022 page 138, there is "CAPITAL COMMITMENTS" RM71,435,000 for Investment properties under construction. It refers to the Group are committed but haven't paid.
Then refer to latest QR CASH FLOWS FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES, no significant amount paid for Purchase of property, plant and equipment and investment properties till Q3.
Therefore, belum fully paid.
2023-07-20 16:38 | Report Abuse
@JJPTR. Bro don't confuse others leh. The RI raised RM102 million only not RM142 million.
Total valid acceptances and excess applications = 1,700,011,579 @ RM0.06 = RM 102,000,694.
It was mentioned in AR2022 page 19 as well.
Don't simply say raise this much money already pay that. The condos are not fully paid yet!
Investor please read Annual Report carefully.
2023-07-20 16:13 | Report Abuse
@JJPTR, for clarification, the condos are not fully paid yet. We can anticipate future fund raising, can be RI, PP, bank borrowing. But raising fund via bank borrowing macam not Kanger's style.
2023-07-20 16:10 | Report Abuse
@Patience99, ya I understood the two buildings were under Ganzhou Kanger Industrial Co. Ltd. But Kanger already sold Ganzhou Kanger Industrial Co. Ltd in FY2022.
Please refer to AR2022 page 117, "On 28 March 2022, the Company disposed of 174,075,019 ordinary shares representing 100% equity interest in Ganzhou Kanger Industrial Co. Ltd. (“Ganzhou Kanger”) for a total consideration of RMB30,220,610 (equivalent to RM20,000,000)."
Correct, there was LOI in Sept 2021 stating selling price of these buildings at RM400 million. LOI, MOU, even contract can be terminated, you know I know, right?
What I am trying to tell is to accept the fact and realise what Kanger current has. Now Kanger's CGU are Sung Master & Genting condos. Both are not attractive at the moment.
2023-07-20 14:56 | Report Abuse
OKU_2020, you reminded me rr1688....
Anyway, I don't find Kanger's investment in Genting Condo attractive. Neither the company or the management had proven record in managing investment properties. The only way to make profit is capital appreciation upon selling when market is good. Not to forget the capital commitment of RM 71,435,000 reported in AR2022, what's the funding plan? I think the funding part would be interesting as the amount probably due soon and Kanger's cash level is low and has very low bank borrowing. We will find it out very soon.
I saw patient99's comment on China properties. Bro, everything in China sold already.
Now Kanger's CGU are Sung Master & Genting condos. Both are not attractive at the moment.
2023-07-15 10:31 | Report Abuse
In every trade, investors should set strategy, target and stick with it. Trading with decision influenced by emotion is not encouraged.
There are many corporate exercise from 2019 to 2022.
Let's take a look on the acquisition of Sung Master in 2021. We analyse carefully what happened and how the major investors reacted.
Referring to the Circular in July 2021
"The purchase consideration of RM94,789,436 was arrived at, on a willing- buyer basis, based on the PE multiple of approximately 15.0 times to the 51.0% of the latest audited PAT of Sung Master as at 17-month FPE 30 June 2020 of approximately RM12,390,776."
15 times PE using 17-month result. Let's do simple calculation adjustment, 15times x 17 months / 12 months => 21.25
Before we move further, few thoughts on this:
1) Does Sung Master worth valuation of PE 21.25?
2) What would be the usual range of PE in construction segment, considering the size and future growth?
3) Does the relatively high PE subsequently supported by profit growing performance?
4) Does investors know or had investors being highlighted the performance of Sung Master after acquisition?
(will discuss further at the bottom part)
5) Does it make sense to pay the purchase consideration partly by cash and share issuance? What will be the implication to the market with payment via share issuance?
Leave those answers to yourself as an investor. Link your answers to the share price downtrend after acquisition of Sung Master & share issuance, all the way from adjusted RI price RM0.60 to current price RM0.035 (94 loss in value)
Are the major investors being bearish on the future performance?
My 2 cents on Sung Master, which should be main revenue stream of the group:
1) Sung Master indeed performed poorly in FY2022 after acquisition. It made losses in FY2022.
Annual Report FY2022 Page 116 "From the date of acquisition, the subsidiary’s contributed revenue RM9 million and loss net of tax RM73,000."
2) Quarterly Report Q4 2023 Page 1. Cummulative PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Non-controlling interest RM2.89 million. This should be PAT attributing 49% NCI stake held in Sung Master.
Rough estimation if re-gross to 100%, Sung Master generated PAT of RM5.9 million for period of 12 months from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. It may not accurate, just a rough estimation.
3) FY2023 Q4 profit RM1.6 million mainly contributed by Sung Master. If not Sung Master, the Group quarterly result will be loss making. (Investors already get used to it)
4) Sung Master's estimated PAT RM 5.9m for 12 months did not meet RM20 million net profit estimated by the management. (
Although Sung Master's current result does not meet the performance expectation but it is growing. But the next question would be whether it will grow steadily and achieve profit target. We have limited information. By reading QR report, it looks volatile from my personal view.
Do you think the management will push for it?
** What are the main reasons that you think resulting price drop 94% over 2 years? Please share your opinion 😁
2023-07-14 21:29 | Report Abuse
Although I miss the man rr1688, finally we are able to enjoy the peacefulness in this forum.
Patience99, MZM, do you agree?
2023-07-12 15:52 | Report Abuse
🤣🤣🤣 like you said, ppl never wake up
2023-07-12 12:31 | Report Abuse
rr1688 sudah lari wei
Siapa boleh volenteer tolong kanger buat circular?
2023-07-12 07:46 | Report Abuse
close shop dy.
I think the management forgot to issue Circular to Shareholders with details of the Proposed Change of Name. Can someone remind them or they believe shareholder will forget too?
2023-07-03 12:37 | Report Abuse
rr1688 will come back stronger tomorrow
2023-06-28 15:39 | Report Abuse
Im gonna wait my bro rr1688 to come back. He is the man although I dont know him.
2023-06-27 17:25 | Report Abuse
Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 2023-07-03. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use or Community Standards of this portal.
rr1688 will be missed for a week.
2023-06-26 19:23 | Report Abuse
-Original right issue on 27 Sept 2021 @ 6 cents.
-Consolidation of share 10:1 on 9 Feb 2022.
==> Therefore, ADJUSTED RIGHT ISSUE PRICE = 60 cents
- Sept 2021, you subscribed RI for 1,000,000 shares @ 6 cents = RM60,000
- Feb 2022, your 1,000,000 shares on hand consolidated to 100,000 shares.
- Now your 100,000 shares value @ 3 cents = RM 3,000
==> LOSS RM57,000 (95%)
Whoever subscribed RI in Sept 2021, NOW ALREADY RUGI 95%!
HAHAHAHAHA, underwear also gone.
Apa lagi lu mau uptrend.
BMW lah, McDonald lah... All these you suppose can afford BUT you RUGI it all to KANGER
Day dreaming..zzz
2023-06-25 11:01 | Report Abuse
-Original right issue on 27 Sept 2021 @ 6 cents.
-Consolidation of share 10:1 on 9 Feb 2022.
==> Therefore, ADJUSTED RIGHT ISSUE PRICE = 60 cents
- Sept 2021, you subscribed RI for 1,000,000 shares @ 6 cents = RM60,000
- Feb 2022, your 1,000,000 shares on hand consolidated to 100,000 shares.
- Now your 100,000 shares value @ 3 cents = RM 3,000
==> LOSS RM57,000 (95%)
Whoever subscribed RI in Sept 2021, NOW ALREADY RUGI 95%!
HAHAHAHAHA, underwear also gone.
Apa lagi lu mau uptrend.
BMW lah, McDonald lah... All these you suppose can afford BUT you RUGI it all to KANGER
Day dreaming..zzz
2023-06-24 17:13 | Report Abuse
-Original right issue on 27 Sept 2021 @ 6 cents.
-Consolidation of share 10:1 on 9 Feb 2022.
==> Therefore, ADJUSTED RIGHT ISSUE PRICE = 60 cents
- Sept 2021, you subscribed RI for 1,000,000 shares @ 6 cents = RM60,000
- Feb 2022, your 1,000,000 shares on hand consolidated to 100,000 shares.
- Now your 100,000 shares value @ 3 cents = RM 3,000
==> LOSS RM57,000 (95%)
Whoever subscribed RI in Sept 2021, NOW ALREADY RUGI 95%!
HAHAHAHAHA, underwear also gone.
Apa lagi lu mau uptrend.
BMW lah, McDonald lah... All these you suppose can afford BUT you RUGI it all to KANGER
Day dreaming..zzz
2023-06-23 07:55 | Report Abuse
Good luck r1688
Get your Airbus ready to the moon, to the sun, to the star, to the heaven. Wherever you like. Sayonara
Mau spike pergi mana....
2023-06-21 22:55 | Report Abuse
-Original right issue on 27 Sept 2021 @ 6 cents.
-Consolidation of share 10:1 on 9 Feb 2022.
==> Therefore, ADJUSTED RIGHT ISSUE PRICE = 60 cents
- Sept 2021, you subscribed RI for 1,000,000 shares @ 6 cents = RM60,000
- Feb 2022, your 1,000,000 shares on hand consolidated to 100,000 shares.
- Now your 100,000 shares value @ 3 cents = RM 3,000
==> LOSS RM57,000 (95%)
Whoever subscribed RI in Sept 2021, NOW ALREADY RUGI 95%!
HAHAHAHAHA, underwear also gone.
Apa lagi lu mau uptrend.
BMW lah, McDonald lah... All these you suppose can effort BUT you RUGI it all to KANGER
Day dreaming..zzz
2023-06-21 11:25 | Report Abuse
Good luck r1688
Get your Airbus ready to the moon, to the sun, to the star, to the heaven. Wherever you like. Sayonara
BE_GREEEEEDY, fl888, Peace99, koyokui, dessmond1 ,neonstrife, curiousq, Michael Kwok and the other gang semua sudah lari woiiiii
Mau spike pergi mana....
2023-06-21 09:29 | Report Abuse
RIGHT ISSUE PRICE = 60 cents bro.
-Original right issue on 27 Sept 2021 @ 6 cents.
-Consolidation of share 10:1 on 9 Feb 2022.
==> Therefore, ADJUSTED RIGHT ISSUE PRICE = 60 cents
- Sept 2021, you subscribed RI for 1,000,000 shares @ 6 cents = RM60,000
- Feb 2022, your 1,000,000 shares on hand consolidated to 100,000 shares.
- Now your 100,000 shares value @ 3 cents = RM 3,000
==> LOSS RM57,000 (95%)
Whoever subscribed RI in Sept 2021, NOW ALREADY RUGI 95%!
HAHAHAHAHA, underwear also gone.
Apa lagi lu mau uptrend.
BMW lah, McDonald lah... All these you suppose can effort BUT you RUGI it all to KANGER
Day dreaming..zzz
2023-09-12 16:27 | Report Abuse
Well I dont hold any share in Kanger, but I agree with MZM’s point of view that the company still have lot equity. It is a advantage depends on how you view it.