
LeiJun | Joined since 2014-09-14

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2015-04-03 14:26 | Report Abuse

Hi Shacks, i c...when should I come back to buy? 0.18 a good buy? My remisier asks me to check out this counter.


2015-04-03 14:14 | Report Abuse

Hi everyone! Greetings!
When report out? Got dividen? TP?
I am considering investing here.


2015-01-24 18:59 | Report Abuse

Better not advise people what to buy. When it goes down, losers, gamblers and punters will curse and blast you. When these people make big bucks, they don't share their profit with you nor thank you.

Better keep real news to ourselves. I'm already zipping my mouth. Thanks to people like zaidsmadi.

Just pin latest news here will do.


2014-12-14 00:24 | Report Abuse

I am leaving this forum for good since zaidsmadi still hangs around.

A good forum is a place where a fan of a particular stock gather for a good discussion and support each other during trying time. So much sabotage and negativity from a madcap like zaidsmadi is truly nauseating. Read what he has been writing everyday. Yes, he writes everyday. Very apparently, he just wants the stock to die. Since he joins the stock keep coming down.

Continue your good work, zaidsmadi. I'm sure this stock may even go lower than your target price.

Sorry, everybody. I'm not going to waste time reading the rubbish he posts here everyday. Good bye.


2014-12-14 00:05 | Report Abuse

You ask people to run, why are you staying? And say will buy more when it goes down????

bbc123 is correct, you are a gangster zaidsmadi. And someone hires you to hang around to do continuous sabotage. Your heart is truly black.


2014-12-13 20:23 | Report Abuse

Depends on individual's strategy. No need sell also can. Can still hold. Gst on 1 April 2015. Will sure uptrend one. Anyway, this is only applicable for all GST/TRS counters like this one, censof, IRIS etc.


2014-12-13 20:12 | Report Abuse

This counter fantastic - anti gravity! Hahaha!


2014-12-13 20:08 | Report Abuse

Individual counters, no matter how good, will have to flow with the general market sentiment (which is not good these days). Nothing anyone can do. :(


2014-12-13 20:05 | Report Abuse

DJIA quite funny one. Can drop a couple of hundred points one day, and recover the points lost next couple of days. Big fish playing field. Nothing small fish can do. But I think US market won't crash. My worry is if klse ( small fish) is strong enough to survive all the nonsensical macro economics issues.


2014-12-13 19:31 | Report Abuse

Sue, sue, sue! This case sure win one!


2014-12-12 18:20 | Report Abuse

Cheer up, guys. Go holiday. Don't look at stock market everyday. What goes down, must go up. Oil will soon rebound. Market will recover soon. ;)

From the Star:
KUALA LUMPUR: Crude oil prices, which have plunged more than 40% since June, may see the decline coming to an end, says The Wall Street Journal survey.

It reported on Friday that its survey of forecasters think the long tumble in crude prices is coming to an end.

“The average forecast in the latest survey of economists expects oil to trade at US$64.73 a barrel at the end of December 2014 (from US$60.94 on Dec 10).

“Prices will then edge up to US$69.32 by mid-2015 and US$72.10 by the end of next year, they say,” according to report.


2014-12-11 21:48 | Report Abuse

Why the oil men don't do something about it? Bad for everyone.


2014-12-11 21:34 | Report Abuse

Shouldn't affect non oil n gas industries or industries that heavily dependent on oil n gas for fuel etc... Rightfully, only oil & gas industry should nose dive.


2014-12-11 21:26 | Report Abuse

So many contracts and projects on hand. Else I won't even buy! I know it's good.

Look forward to Early Xmas rally! Keep my fingers crossed.


2014-12-11 21:20 | Report Abuse

Why down - people don't buy, when up - people chase???

I also noted: Almost as low as before rally beginning of this year. Where it was .20 --> and rally to.60 ! 3 times as high- without warning!


2014-12-11 21:12 | Report Abuse

Actually, I check - there are quite a few very good news. But, Each time got good news, sure got bad macro issue to press it down. Unbelievable 2014! However, I know deep inside, when it start engine, it will go a few Ringgits. When down, sure everybody kick & criticize. When it goes up, everyone will praise. People are like that.

Buy for mid/long term investment - very good.


2014-12-11 20:24 | Report Abuse

Hope tomorrow can rally with such good news! :) imagine the amount $$$$$ can be collected ! Certainly not 0.35 stock! Wow! ( I wish iris would rally independent of KLCI / DJIA.)

Then everybody will be happy. :)
N/B: ( Please, please God. Help! Please make IRIS rally! IRIS deserves to go up! Amen.)


2014-12-11 19:30 | Report Abuse

If Iris sue, will get windfall luck. Good for long term investment.

Like vinvin always say, trade at own risk. "You can consider everyone's opinions but please be adult enough to make your own decision as a smart investors." My uncle always tells me.


2014-12-11 19:23 | Report Abuse

KLCI , One day down a lot, usually next day up a lot too. Yeah, must be steady. Like me, don't look la. Just go holiday. Come back next year.


2014-12-11 19:21 | Report Abuse

So what do u guys think will happen. Condition likely to Uturn or not?


2014-12-11 13:05 | Report Abuse

Bbc123 & star7, not bad huh your trading skills. Congrats! Yes, for traders no such thing as bad market day.


2014-12-06 16:32 | Report Abuse

UNLESS you need the money to use now, I rather buy Iris than put money in the bank. Temporary drop only. When everyone is "tricked" to sell all, it will go up. I'm seeing so many pattern like this in other stocks. Those who want to sell better,sell now. So that the uptrend,will come sooner. zaidsmadi, please please sell. :) With you here, this stock won't go up.


2014-11-26 05:26 | Report Abuse

No, we are not happy. And I'm very sick and tired of you keep calling everyone here mafia everyday! And you are???

Be self aware you are not the only investor here! We feel as bad as you.

Forum is for discussion and you are turning this thread into your personal groaning channel. (As if all other shares in klse are not falling, only this one is. )

If you are so unhappy about this one, just SELL. Period. And don't come back.


2014-11-12 17:21 | Report Abuse

Zaidsmadi, I was speaking to my remisier a moment ago. He says, even foreigners can open a CDS. What is important is $$$$$$$$ in the bank / good financial standing. If it's cash upfront - usually no problem. But different securities firm, different policy ( influenced by frequency of frauds the firm experienced - as such some firms are very conservative, some quite liberal ... ).

When I first opened a CDS account, I used this list to compare rates and pick my brokers. See if it is helpful to you and your wife. http://klse.i3investor.com/jsp/hti/brokers.jsp You can call these people up to check out the latest rates before confirming an appointment to open a CDs account with them. Save you plenty of waiting time. ;)

Good luck.


2014-11-12 16:33 | Report Abuse

Zaidsmadi, a lot of kids playing in this forum. Don't have to listen and believe everything people say here. Make your own decisions. Stay cool. ;) I'm iris investor too. I too believe it will soon go up.

Have a nice day.


2014-11-12 16:30 | Report Abuse

Zaidsmadi, sorry, I don't know why iris directors do this or that. I'm just a small retail investor. Anyway, TA is just another securities firm. It wouldn't affect IRIS business. So, just ignore it.

But for sure any Malaysian can open a CDS account. Just ask your wife to personally apply. She must have a bank account though.


2014-11-12 16:19 | Report Abuse

Zaidsmadi, I asked about your IRIS shares is because with that existing CDS account, you can buy other shares, not necessarily just IRIS shares.


2014-11-12 16:16 | Report Abuse

zaidsmadi, there are many other securities firms around town other than TA Securities. As long as you have cash and bank account to support a CDS account opening, your wife shouldn't have problem opening a CDS account. Try other firms.


2014-11-12 16:09 | Report Abuse

Zaidsmadi, calm down. May I ask, the IRIS shares you bought are under whose CDS account?


2014-11-05 13:35 | Report Abuse

Today, overall market dropped.

Anyway, the longer a share consolidates, the higher it will rebound. ( example Ifca, only rebounded after many long months from the date being awarded gst contract. ) Statistics had it, 90% who have no holding power, no patience will lose in stock market.

Just buy ( when it's at its bottom now) n keep & wait for $$$ to fall onto our lap. Go about our daily routine. No need to keep track of a stock every minute of a day. :)

Bye- bye! Got to go now.


2014-10-25 20:15 | Report Abuse

During dinner, i mentioned to my uncle about you, zaidsmadi. He says, if mentally u r not ready for volatility its better to just cut loss and never to play stock market again. Some people r simply not cut out to play shares. Mental health is so much more precious than daily agony. No one can promise u what tomorrow will bring.

This weekend, think this over. Make your own decision and stand by it like a real man. Dont listen to what i say, what my uncle says or what the forum says... for once decide for yourself. Next week onwards, no blame, no regrets,ok?

Good luck.


2014-10-25 18:09 | Report Abuse

Zaidsmadi, who doesn't want our shares to go up right after we bought it. But can we fight external circumstances? (I.e. Msian planes tragedies, DJIA, Ebola, ISIS, oil prices, troubles in some European countries etc etc? All these affect the global stock market, not just klse or iris.) Look at the klse volume these days. Your real 'mafia' ( foreign funds ) have recently exited bursa & many ASEAN countries, that's why many counters fall... do u know? Leaving, local institutions and directors supporting klse, do u know? Shouldn't we investors be more steady n supportive while waiting for market to recover? DJIA is recovering last week ...if they succeed, our market will too.... When we invest in shares, we should be prepared to some volatility not just win big, zaidsmadi .

To me, IRIS is still OK with so many projects in hand. I promised my dad not to punt but invest long term. No issue of waiting for me. Besides, next year is just 2 months away!

Anyway, mind sharing what you are scare of? How many shares you are holding?


2014-10-24 22:41 | Report Abuse

Forum is created for discussions. It's up to individual to be influenced or otherwise by the discussions. No one should blame anyone for their purchases or losses. Likewise, you don't share with us your profits when you bet on a timely horse. Chill it guys. esp zaidsmadi. This is stock market, not wet market.


2014-10-23 19:34 | Report Abuse

Hi patrickbeh
Iris has been awarded the TRS ( tourist refund scheme) project and it will kick off in April 2015. Please read up here: http://www.iris.com.my/media_20140922_gst.html

As for the future, please read up its website and judge for yourself: http://www.iris.com.my/index.html

No one knows for certain if DOW Jones had bottomed out and rebounded, so can't recommend best entry price. All I can say is, iris is already in deep discount and is a very good investment for the future. Some say 2015 will be IRIS year. Trade at your own risk, as Vinvin always say.

Happy investing.


2014-10-23 19:27 | Report Abuse

Iris also got chance to get fuel subsidy project ( now open tender) . So many projects lined up to kick off in 2015, no need to worry. I'm happy I bought IRIS. I have confidence in myself and all my decisions.

“The fuel subsidy management contract, supposed to go to Fuelsubs, is delayed until year’s end and govern­ment had to call for an open tender,” reveals a source.
- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Article.aspx?ArticleId=17088#sthash.cc3


2014-10-23 19:08 | Report Abuse

It's not just one stock unstable, we are in a situation where global market is unstable. Everyone is trading cautiously. Look at the low volume. Anyway, I have confidence iris will totally recover by next year.

And if DJIA green green today, iris will continue to go up tomorrow.


2014-10-23 18:44 | Report Abuse

scy55309, it means compensation la! It means $$$$$$$ la! :)


2014-10-23 18:42 | Report Abuse

Final single tier dividend of 0.3 sen per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 31 May 2014.

Kindly be advised of the following :

1) The above Company's securities will be traded and quoted [ "Ex - Dividend" ]
as from : [ 24 October 2014 ]

2) The last date of lodgement : [ 28 October 2014 ]

3) Date Payable : [ 12 November 2014 ]


2014-10-23 00:22 | Report Abuse

Djia is nose diving. Red, red now.


2014-10-22 22:42 | Report Abuse

Wait a minute guys! Read properly what Cweed posted. It can mean windfall money for iris in form of compensation from JAL ! Hurray!


2014-10-22 14:49 | Report Abuse

My dad always tell me not to gamble in stock market. His telinga ringan friend gambled his millions away, now a declared bankrupt. Good investors must act responsibly and maturely, as we are dealing with money. No use curse or blame.


2014-10-22 12:55 | Report Abuse

Hi Vinvin, all Asian Market up today! :) And if DJIA up tonight, wow! Another green green day for bursa tomorrow.


2014-10-22 12:53 | Report Abuse

Iris got TRS. 2015 will be Iris year. :)

MyFEST 2015 targets 29.4 million visitors


2014-10-21 01:44 | Report Abuse

DJIA rebounded very well. -21 pts now. Moving up. Tomorrow should be a good day.


2014-10-21 01:42 | Report Abuse

Ya, morning up, then ppl profit take . Investors still jittery. If everyone believe in fact everything is fine, market will recover fr last wk's shocks faster.


2014-10-21 01:38 | Report Abuse

Hmmm, thanks cannot tahan. Hahaha! Seriously, U really cannot tahan ady huh? I think the worst is over. But investors still abit nervous due to recent instability.


2014-10-21 01:32 | Report Abuse

U guys r expecting listed co bosses to contact u here? Or r u inviting retail investors to partner u in a RTO. Any specific counters ( market cap. / industry) that you plan to acquire?


2014-10-21 00:49 | Report Abuse

Is 16.5 a fair entry price ? Or should I wait for it to go lower?


2014-10-21 00:48 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468, What become 10% ? Can u also tell me why asiabio is interested in vsolar n focus. How can these 2 companies add value to asiabio? And why these companies prices didn't go up when asiabio collected their shares fr the open market?


2014-10-21 00:31 | Report Abuse

Meaning just buy asiabio if we also wanna buy focus n vsolar. Hahah! Betul tak?