
Mabel | Joined since 2019-02-11

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

Disclaimers :- All Mabel comments in i3 forum are based on my investment experience across the Globe by applying the Pareto principle. No buy or sell call on any stocks in i3 forum on all my comments. You are advised to consult license banker or Remisier for any investment.





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2022-12-22 17:40 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 Where is gibberish ConMabel

Give speech le
22/12/2022 5:00 PM

Told you oledi..Huang got a crush with Mabel..

If only he is nice, Mabel could use a good driver with Mabel's collection of Mercedes..hihihi


2022-12-22 17:38 | Report Abuse

Hahaha Jack

Jangan mare, nanti kena jual macam Amaama..hihihi


2022-12-22 17:37 | Report Abuse

Hahaha Huang...

Jangan mare, nanti kena jual macam corpses..


2022-12-22 17:33 | Report Abuse

Haha so funny Blondi now wang to be singer. Huang wang to be fisherman, Smelly wang to be a Producer, Sotong wang to be auditor, Complaining Wong wang to be teacher..

Ya lor change in career is always good after loosing so much is stock market..

Mabel as usual relax aje..

Purse always full...thanks for not freezing like Monks during the previous rally..


2022-12-22 17:33 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang Huang Huang you wang more lesson ke?

Later Mabel will give you more..Mabel very generous Wang..

Now Mabel getting ready for dinner..

Tonight Mabel will go for Norwegian Salmon and Lobster Yum yum Yum for fantastic winning early this week..(Bought SD at 1 sen sell at 1.5 sen)

Just let Mabel know if you need some fund to finance your Salmon Farm.

Hopefully next time Mabel will get unlimited supply of Salmon..

Yum Yum Yum


2022-12-22 17:14 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang wang to challenge Mabel

Dec 2020 - Mabel won 1-0
July 2021 - Mabel won 2-0
Nov 2022 - Mabel won 3-0
Dec 2021 - Mabel won 4-0

So sad today cannot complete Home Run 5-0...

All Mabel's Baits at 0.005 are unmatched unlike earlier Wang Sen..

No issues Mabel will make the Home Run 5-0 later..

Mabel is not in a hurry..oledi in 8th Gear Mah..

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-22 17:06 | Report Abuse

Final volume for daughter share is 6.1 million with 100% Buying Rates.

I think Sharks also sapu banyak today..


2022-12-22 17:05 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 Where is gibberish ConMabel

Give speech le
22/12/2022 5:00 PM

ken2004 So? Once delisted, if you are not controlling power in the company, either waste paper or shares unit that worth zero amount?
22/12/2022 4:47 PM

This is what Mabel think.

Let's hope DK and Team will submit the AR today..

If No AR, as announced it will be suspended.

Than we wait lor like last year for DK and Team to comply to all the Bursa requirement for relisting..


How can you lose when your 2019 Bonus Issues Free Virgin and Untouched Warrant is FREE.

Even Blondi Cap Ayam also cannot make it negative..


2022-12-22 17:02 | Report Abuse volume 83.8 million..nice number...


2022-12-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

pmcorpes 200K still selling


2022-12-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

...mother oledi breaches 83 million...


2022-12-22 16:55 | Report Abuse

pmcorpes 200K still selling


2022-12-22 16:54 | Report Abuse

...mother oledi breaches 82 million...


2022-12-22 16:43 | Report Abuse

pmcorpes 200K still selling...


2022-12-22 16:42 | Report Abuse

...mother oledi breaches 70 million...


2022-12-22 16:41 | Report Abuse

Just accept the fact that you’ve been lied by Blondi Cap Ayam Software Technical Analysis. It will NOT make you a profitable trader and can even mislead you to make the wrong decisions (like buying when you’re supposed to be selling).


Because what you’ve been taught by your Cap Ayam Software Technical Analysis is totally WRONG.

For example:

You “blindly” trade the patterns and strategies

You think Technical Analysis is a “crystal ball” that can predict the future

You buy just because an indicator shows “oversold”

Technical Analysis used past prices (or volume) to make your trading decisions. However since Jack and Huang past track record is no so good (Jack sink in Titanic and Huang lose 60% in pmcorp), Blondi Cap Ayam Software Technical Analysis capture this data and make lose consistently...

Fortunately, Mabel was smart enough not to fall into this trap as Mabel buy based on value. Now you know why Mabel has oledi locked profits in SD in July2021 and Dec 2020..

Mabel, the Smart Trader


2022-12-22 16:40 | Report Abuse

Mabel #BobAxelrod Longkang cat Mabel...

22/12/2022 2:28 PM

Haha Blondi also kena in Sap...poor singer..

Mabel, the Dancer..


Jul 7, 2022 9:16 PM | Report Abuse

SinGor BoB No Hope...Why you worry? You are senior citizen with NO shares...Just Lepak here
07/07/2022 6:39 PM

Bob No Hope not only senior citizen, he is also a chicken in the Animal Farms...

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..



May 27, 2022 5:51 PM | Report Abuse

Understand Miau scad already. Every counter people who got conned by her miau miau skill now calling her Con Mabel.
27/05/2022 12:26 PM

Understand I think Bob also got Conned by Mabel. He see got leng lui. Leng lui say buy and miau say meow meow meow tq, so he follow. Then after that Leng Lui say no money leng chai, buy la. Bob think again, uhh leng lui call buy again, whoh...sweat.... Ok buy. After a few time got conned, BOB got no more money. He ask Leng Lui, no money dy how ahh.
Miau say , no money. Hmmmm. What's your name again.
And there after, BOB follow Mabel where ever she goes and then start calling Mabel all sort of name. To name Con Mabel, Akua...

.. buy at you own risk..
27/05/2022 12:53 PM


2022-12-22 16:39 | Report Abuse

#BobAxelrod Longkang cat Mabel...

22/12/2022 2:28 PM

Haha Blondi is back after hanging at Hibi like monkey singing Hibibi..

Wow Mabel is so impressed many fans love your song..hibibi..

Mabel, the dancer..

TanDavid88 BobAxelrod, come out if you are a man with 2 balls.
Let us fight it out here.
13/12/2022 8:16 PM

TanDavid88 BobAxelrod can bankrupt 100 times, we still are multi millionaires.
Talk cock you are very good, invest in share market, no record to show except telling lies after lies in I3.
Shameless liar BobAxelrod, come out if you have balls.
13/12/2022 8:18 PM

TanDavid88 So shameful.
What do you expect from a low class pariah like BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod will not feel shameful one, his face is thicker than the wall of the toilet.
A disgrace for his family.
13/12/2022 8:41 PM

TanDavid88 So shameful.
What do you expect from a low class pariah like BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod will not feel shameful one, his face is thicker than the wall of the toilet.
A disgrace for his family.

I never see a person with such low class character.
BobAxelrod is worse than any animal.
Let people curse him all the times, how to make profit from shares ?

Of course he is very good in telling lies after lies.
He has no dignity at all.
You throw shit at him, he also does not feel shameful.
13/12/2022 8:59 PM

OTB BobAxelrod,
A ruthless person like you is very dangerous here.
I will run far far away from you.
I will not be interested to be associated, say what you like.

For sure, BobAxelrod can bankrupt 100 times, I am still a multi millionaire.
If I am not, I go out to the road, the car will knock me down and I will die on the spot.

I lost in Hengyuan, I do not lose my honesty in this forum.
13/12/2022 6:56 PM

TanDavid88 Who is this person BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod is a shameless liar in this forum.
No record or zero record to show his good performance except many records of telling lies after lies in this forum.
BobAxelrod is also good to gossip from behind worse than an old woman without facts and figures. Of course he gossips with bullshit and many lies.
BobAxelrod is also very good in personal attack in ungentlemanly way. He is worst than a crook in town.
BobAxelrod will fcuk you anytime during a discussion because his ego is very high. He is right all the time.
BobAxelrod thinks that he is the smartest person on earth, in actual facts, he has no investment skill. No winning records at all to show in I3, but a lot of telling lies records.
BobAxelrod has no friend in I3 because he cannot get along well with anyone. He will condemn you as if he is the only capable man but actually he is the crook beyond repair and he has mental problem.
You can see in all his postings, he quarrels with almost everyone in any forum. He is very rude and fcuk anyone without any good reason.
BobAxelrod is a mad man in this forum, please run far ... far away from this crook and he is a parasite to anyone here.
Whatever he said, 100% are lies and he cannot be trusted.
BobAxelrod has no code of ethics in I3, he is worse than a prostitute.
13/12/2022 8:34 PM

Mikecyc Hahahaha you did not denied your aka id in SD .. Trevor777 , 888 n Dr Michael but is denied here … n the X Cap Ayam Sdn Bhd here …
13/12/2022 10:06 PM


2022-12-22 16:39 | Report Abuse

Huang Huang unpatriotic..

Haha Huang, Blondi and Smelly the evil heart.

So happy to see many people lose money..

So unpatriotic to bash an upcuming Malaysian company


Dec 22, 2022 3:26 PM | Report Abuse

明 张 Thank you very much for your selfless sharing, let me earn back the previous losses, teacher’s Telegram: @Investment_Line
22/12/2022 1:23 PM

You are welcome 明 张

Positive promoter vs Negative promoter.

Positive promoters > Negative promoters, price goes up
Negative promoters > Positive promoters, price goes down

Trading 101..

Formula untuk Mengira Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB)

Formula nilai aset bersih terutamanya digunakan oleh dana bersama untuk mengetahui harga seunit dana tertentu pada waktu tertentu dan mengikut formula nilai aset bersih dikira dengan mengurangkan jumlah nilai liabiliti dari jumlah nilai aset entiti dan hasilnya dibahagi dengan jumlah keseluruhan saham tertunggak.

SD NAB is 0.49 sen..

Haha whether is Bear Market, Bull Market, or even Kangaroo Market, you still can generate consistent CashFlow & Multiply Your Returns!

Mabel is unstoppable, courageous, joyous, bold, valuable, visible, moving with intension, serene, magnetic, She's free, Unshakable, Grateful, feminine, beautiful, badass, smarts, fantastic, courageous, bold intention, shinning, winners, confident, competence..

Totally the opposite of the 3 Barbaric Mongols..

Princess Himari Ichimuku Meow


Dec 21, 2022 10:26 PM | Report Abuse

zoizai Those bising here are losers Serbadk dinamik shareholder. Hahahaha
13/12/2022 9:32 AM

Haha they are all lonely senior citizen, insecure chicken with massive unlimiting believes, totally blocked and lonely, anxiety, angry, losers, defensive, depressed, over thinking, victim, lonely, rejected..Total Losers!

Money already kena control by their home ministers.

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

what scam?

Just because you lose money does not means everyone has to lose too...



2022-12-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

Wahh mother shares got people still buying at 1.5 sen..


2022-12-22 16:28 | Report Abuse

pmcorpes 200K still selling...


2022-12-22 16:27 | Report Abuse

Wahh mother shares oledi breaches 62 million...


2022-12-22 16:27 | Report Abuse

Wahh non stop buying of Daughter shares...


2022-12-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

Haha you are talking about you ke the 4-0 Losers..

Haha you want to see quality posting scroll up all Mabel posting from 2019 to 2020 in this Forum..

Mabel start fighting back when Mongols like you start attacking SD..

Even a dead counter like pmcorpes all lose 60% what a joke!

Mabel, the Wise Gal


Dec 22, 2022 3:41 PM | Report Abuse

Haha Huang wang to challenge Mabel

Dec 2020 - Mabel won 1-0
July 2021 - Mabel won 2-0
Nov 2022 - Mabel won 3-0
Dec 2021 - Mabel won 4-0

Let see if today Mabel can make 5-0...

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-22 16:19 | Report Abuse

Haha you are talking about you ke?

Haha so funny Blondi now wang to be singer. Huang wang to be fisherman, Smelly wang to be a Producer, Sotong wang to be auditor, Complaining Wong wang to be teacher..

Ya lor change in career is always good after loosing so much is stock market..

Mabel as usual relax aje..

Purse always full...thanks for not freezing like Monks during the previous rally..


2022-12-22 16:15 | Report Abuse

Buying Rates is 100%...selling like hot cakes


2022-12-22 16:14 | Report Abuse

Looks like Sharks are buying in bulk the daughter shares..

Now you know why Mabel is not selling my 2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrants Virgin and Untouched Warrant..

It's a gift from DK..

Mabel attended and voted for this 2019 Bonus Issues when the 3 Stooges were still wearing diapers..


2022-12-22 16:09 | Report Abuse

...oledi breaches 59 million..


2022-12-22 16:06 | Report Abuse

Ownership Breakdown

Private Companies 0.8% 30,000,000 shares
State or Government 4.9% 180,500,000 shares
Institutions 12.6% 467,432,508 shares
General Public 31.3% 1,159,587,900 shares
Individual Insiders 50.5% 1,872,103,670 shares


2022-12-22 16:00 | Report Abuse

Despite no Margin call..SD so power today..


2022-12-22 15:59 | Report Abuse

Now Mabel understand why Huang and Smelly lose so much..

Here is the recap from the Grapevine..This should be a good lesson to all Newbies and Oldbies.

1. After working for so many years, Huang decided to play with stock market after hearing Mabel well known success stories.

2. After talking to his Sifu Blondi, Huang bought pmcorp share using Blondi's Cap Ayam Software.

3. Something happen in pmcorp and she got so excited when pmcorp shares started moving. He was so confident about pmcorp that he decided to go to GH mountain to sharpen his KungFu Monkey Technique.

4. Unfortunately, upon reaching the mountain, pmcorp share price took a nose dive when the news broke that the Owner, Jack Smelly was announce to have perished together with the Titanic.

5. This news caught Huang by surprise. Instead of taking price action like any F1 driver, Huang freeze like a Monk by over relying on Blondi Cap Ayam Trading Platform.

6. So Huang end up like Blondi swinging here and swing there following the Monkey Techniques..

7. Jack was finally found on a coconut tree totally naked. He survived by eating and drinking coconut.

Haha what does all these Mongs have in common. They love nuts.

So that's how this Femes Phrase all started..." You Pay Peanut You get Monkeys...

Keep Swinging Uncles...remember 0.005 sen OK?..Not 1.5 sen..

Mabel the Smart Investor


2022-12-22 15:58 | Report Abuse

Told you all oledi..never trust Blondi's Cap Ayam Software..

Always gives wrong information. That's why all 3 Stooges lose money...


2022-12-22 15:56 | Report Abuse

pmcorpes more than 200K are selling..


2022-12-22 15:54 | Report Abuse

Haha Sotong you cannot see ke?

So many are buying mah...

..more than 6 million oledi sold..

Buying rate is 100%

Much better than your boss pmcorpes..hahaha


2022-12-22 15:52 | Report Abuse

Ya ker?

Let Mabel check...

Mabel is not's a gift from DK...


2022-12-22 15:44 | Report Abuse

Mabel is the best! I knew it..
15/07/2022 12:40 PM

Haha of course Mabel is the best..

Now you know why the 3 Stooges always loves to follow Mabel across i3 and walk 3 steps behind Mabel..

Keep pumping..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

Sigh ...still people are buying at 1.5 sen..again and again


2022-12-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

Cum Mabel to collect 0.005 sen like what you did earlier at wang sen..

That day Mabel so apy make more than 33% profit..


2022-12-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

How cum today no more scary movies stories?


2022-12-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

Where are the 3 stooges?


2022-12-22 15:42 | Report Abuse

Wow..people are still buying at 1.5 sen... sad...Mabel cannot collect 0.005 sen today..


2022-12-22 15:42 | Report Abuse

Wahhhhhhhhh Volume oledi breaches 56 million at 1.5 sen..


2022-12-22 15:41 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang wang to challenge Mabel

Dec 2020 - Mabel won 1-0
July 2021 - Mabel won 2-0
Nov 2022 - Mabel won 3-0
Dec 2021 - Mabel won 4-0

Let see if today Mabel can make 5-0...

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-22 15:40 | Report Abuse

gbt_9428 haha queue 0.015 to sell, if sold then can have 50% profit lo, if cant let see have chance sell some at 0.01 to return some and not gamble a little
betting game afternoon session
22/12/2022 2:34 PM

Congrats gbt_9428!

Well Done. You are one of the few smart and brave one in i3...

Happy for you,

Many other smart investors decided to keep quiet since they fear to be batch by the many losers here..



2022-12-22 15:26 | Report Abuse

明 张 Thank you very much for your selfless sharing, let me earn back the previous losses, teacher’s Telegram: @Investment_Line
22/12/2022 1:23 PM

You are welcome 明 张

Positive promoter vs Negative promoter.

Positive promoters > Negative promoters, price goes up
Negative promoters > Positive promoters, price goes down

Trading 101..

Formula untuk Mengira Nilai Aset Bersih (NAB)

Formula nilai aset bersih terutamanya digunakan oleh dana bersama untuk mengetahui harga seunit dana tertentu pada waktu tertentu dan mengikut formula nilai aset bersih dikira dengan mengurangkan jumlah nilai liabiliti dari jumlah nilai aset entiti dan hasilnya dibahagi dengan jumlah keseluruhan saham tertunggak.

SD NAB is 0.49 sen..

Haha whether is Bear Market, Bull Market, or even Kangaroo Market, you still can generate consistent CashFlow & Multiply Your Returns!

Mabel is unstoppable, courageous, joyous, bold, valuable, visible, moving with intension, serene, magnetic, She's free, Unshakable, Grateful, feminine, beautiful, badass, smarts, fantastic, courageous, bold intention, shinning, winners, confident, competence..

Totally the opposite of the 3 Barbaric Mongols..

Princess Himari Ichimuku Meow


Dec 21, 2022 10:26 PM | Report Abuse

zoizai Those bising here are losers Serbadk dinamik shareholder. Hahahaha
13/12/2022 9:32 AM

Haha they are all lonely senior citizen, insecure chicken with massive unlimiting believes, totally blocked and lonely, anxiety, angry, losers, defensive, depressed, over thinking, victim, lonely, rejected..Total Losers!

Money already kena control by their home ministers.

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-22 15:22 | Report Abuse

Serba Dinamik Shares Set to Be Suspended on Failure to Submit Annual Report

Trading of Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad shares will be suspended with effect from 9 am on Dec 23, 2022 until further notice if the engineering services company is unable to submit the outstanding Annual Report 2022 before Dec 22, 2022.

Wang day to go...

Let see if Mabel can collect 0.005 sen today..


2022-12-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Let Mabel help the 3 Stooges since all of them freezing like a Monk today..


2022-12-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Sigh ...still people are buying at 1.5 sen..again


2022-12-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Cum Mabel to collect 0.005 sen like what you did earlier at wang sen..

That day Mabel so apy make more than 33% profit..