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2021-10-04 18:22 | Report Abuse

Based on actual value now is 0.19 cts. Next qrt report if reported loss money again probably will adjust to 0.05 cts later it will be delisted.


2020-07-26 17:19 | Report Abuse

Confirmed red this Monday those who bought at 0.36 - 0.47 level all mee rebus, this conman counter Aco will throw down until you sell it back to them the more you buy the lower the price they will push down. They just want back the share at the lower price you bought. After collecting enough they roll up again. People who bought 0.33- 0.35 thought is low enough conman Aco push it further down to 0.305 frustrate you that is going to break below 0.30 the previous time. This round is going to be a repeat like the previous time how Aco conman fxxk you up.


2019-03-01 21:19 | Report Abuse

IPO price 0.66 very likely to fall below IPO price owner not interested to maintain share price just dump to get cash. This type of Cina man counter just manipulate investors playing & buying their stocks. You buy what level also die. Just leave them alone.


2019-03-01 18:47 | Report Abuse

is a con stock, pariah con stock


2019-01-29 21:16 | Report Abuse

Fxxking Motak push down till 0.45 want to take Angpow from everybody.


2017-11-20 19:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-11-17 22:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-11-06 19:05 | Report Abuse

This is. not the ocean Dolphins la is those water theme park Dolphins entertain show listen to the circus owner la haha


2017-05-04 11:53 | Report Abuse

Dolly_chai2 is putting buyer 0.895 to support Evergrn haha


2017-05-02 18:30 | Report Abuse

Dolly_chai2 talk a lot of shits pls la I kneel down to beg you not to proclaim your facts & figures in this Evergrn forum.


2017-04-26 22:17 | Report Abuse

Dolly_chai2 you must be a new bee in the stock market stop showing your facts & figures and how fundamentally strong in Evergrn, pls la I don't need all your bear shits about how good is Evergrn, all stocks in KLSE comprised fund manager, institutions, directors nominees, operators, trader, retailers and lastly you a so called self proclaimed brilliant investor. Only one thing I trust is the Bob Marley screen red, yellow & green. The screen don't lied just play according to Bob color. Thank God Bob Marley already passed away if today he see your comment Dolly I think he will be a pastor la. Anyway Dolly stockperformer send his regards to you.


2017-04-18 22:39 | Report Abuse

Zhm540 better sell ooh 300 lots just chop it while still got big buffer. Conman all in the company their modus operandi to make pocket money from the stock while maintain the company operation only. They can't be bother to add value to their stock price. The recent news came out just to goreng a bit and catch people who rush into buying same family tree with Anzo.


2017-04-18 22:31 | Report Abuse

Sorry to say small cap share easily calculated based on volume buying & selling likely to push down again to collect their scripts back between 0.245 - 0.275 same instances 3 days ago when it went as high as 0.29 cts. All calculated already by operator and conman owner that"s why it push down to 0.235 to collect back for a trap babe! Even you pick it will put you in jail for a long time until you're fed up eventually will sell it back to them economicly not worth your investment.


2017-03-30 00:07 | Report Abuse

Starperformer open bottle to celebrate la seeing Evergrn price today 0.835, thank god Dolly he asked me to inform you luckily like you mentioned he is banned from this Evergrn forum or else you will get his humiliation to the max. Long term short term near term investment = Evergrn Dust2dust Ashes2ashes.


2017-03-28 00:02 | Report Abuse

Whether is short term long term that's not the right way to convince others to wait like a dumb fxxk like you knowing Evergrn going from bad to worst causing others to lose opportunity on other counter. You are having illusion don't lead others into your illusion. In stock market whether investing or speculate short term long term is still voice down to 2 side of a coin. Either you follow the winner or you go with the losers. In this case Dolly you should follow Starperformer. You can say Starperformer is a kiasu idiot cause a lot of havoc in Evergn forum but as the saying goes whether a black cat or white cat whichever cat catches the mouse is a Good Cat. Indeed Starperformer is a Black cat bur he catches the mouse weh. Starperformer you are a good cat in Bursa.


2017-03-22 15:27 | Report Abuse

Evergrn got no facts to show la Starperformer, don't waste time arguing with the deaf & dumb, could be blind also. Don't bring your level down to their level.


2017-03-17 19:43 | Report Abuse

Hahaha how far Evergrn can go, is dormant already look at all other stocks all fly Robin fly. I give Evergrn next TP 0.78 cts. If you still believe the engine will start soon you re penny wise pound foolish, is already a junk car the share are selling down treated like besi buruk la. Cut lost while you can before is too late.


2017-03-14 17:12 | Report Abuse

Evergrn is EverRed so pathetic everyday got period so looks like Dolly got to keep replenish her Kotex New freedom la


2017-03-14 12:48 | Report Abuse

I suggest Dolly you should cut loss on Evergrn shift all to Hevea. See what Starperformer posted as mentioned that's all facts don't be too emo on Evergrn. As for me I admit I cut loss but for sure I'm not holding to that shit stock. Just be humble Dolly if you need to cut loss just do. Pity them la, Starperformer, they still believe in that conman company no dividend, hutang keep increasing but promise them 3 yrs break even after break even only will fly Robin fly. But I only scare Dolly is the one will fly Robin fly from stock exchange building la.


2017-03-13 19:44 | Report Abuse

This issue on borrowing to expand business need Dolly advise la like what Starperformer mentioned how far a company can continue making whilst the debt keep ballooning. You think Evergrn like MAS meh or GLC Ah Jib Kor can bail out when no money and business is down as I say this is a Cina man company not rock solid as Top Glove. By then call for AGM meeting Dolly will go there arm with AK 47 and her Bazooka la.


2017-03-13 13:26 | Report Abuse

Starperformer let Dolly & gang masuk jail la they probably pick up and accumulated want to be rich overnight like you say that shit stock only break even 11.5 quarter time meaning to say their investment being lockup for at least 3 years minimum can't sell also cos is a corner stock. When they sell the probability is sell down cos no volume so sure rugi therefore they rather served their jail term until Evergrn start to fly which in their fictitious dream this will ever happened. If free go buy a basket of fruits go visit them la


2017-03-10 18:44 | Report Abuse

Wtf closing 0.875, thank god is Friday today if 2moro got trading Dolly, Stockraider & Evergrn need to wear extra parachute to slow down the sink of that rubbish stock. Mags is not stockperformer mags is mags. This company the management no eye see already they can't be bother about the business & perception of their shares to shareholders. You can tell the way the stock moves from the high of 0.92 cts - 0.875 the very first day when it closed at 0.905 2 days ago created a volume of 805000 shares changed hand. The management has placed a chunk of shares to their operator to manipulate the upside & downside the moment you buy they will push it down so you return them the script that's how they operate. And if pick up you die standing they will push it down further until cannot tahan you sell it back to them. This type of stock damn f'xxk pariah only want to make small money won't push the value higher. Look at today suddenly closing top so many sohai queing to buy at 0.875 literally the operator wants back the scripts. Monday will be T3 just watch those who play contra desperate to give them back even lower than 0.875. Honestly I cut loss at 0.89 after looking at the screen the way it behave is full of shits manipulate by a bunch of cheapo operator & pariah owner who is damn f'xxk stingy probably collaborated with his appointed operator. F'xxk the fundamentals report and all the nice shits on their earnings is totally a con counter. No dividend given sum more force you to sell lower at the price you bought. Pls wake up don't hope it will rebound to 1.20 cts it won't happen.


2017-03-10 14:28 | Report Abuse

Hello for those who pick up EverGreen it will become EverRed, there's no fundamental in this stock amidst worse still the stock is been corner by operator or company dealer. Come on la we are not new in the game II play according to the screen green yellow red as simple as that. The only thing you need to know is the point of entry which is the last high of that stock once it break the last high history then it will inch higher. But when it slide down that is when you need to chop at your decisive price. Nonetheless if you pick up the stock the price will dip further cos all operater want back their script. So prepare Evergrn now is parachuting down thank God still on a parachute slowly but surely on a soft landing. Later we will see after lunch if that piece of toilet paper not collect enough by the operator they probably dump all to buyer side then you see the price inching down from bad to worse. So those who still holding on to Evergrn your all wil be the first person enjoy the soft landing at the moon.Now still can hang on to your parachute. This is a f'xxk counter. I treat this as a bogey stock.


2017-03-10 11:37 | Report Abuse

You are rite Starperformer everyone lose their pants la on Evergrn, better change company name to EverRed hahah


2017-03-10 03:14 | Report Abuse

Starperformer pls advise day before yesterday I bought at 0.90 then yesterday it rammed up to .0.92, hoping to go up to 0.935 then only I sell suddenly end of the day it slide down to the price I bought 0.90 now trembling la. Pls advice, this forum full of die hard Evergrn fans. I'm an outsider just need some assurance.


2016-10-06 22:59 | Report Abuse

Long time ago I already warned you guys, see all my previous comments as I say all conman inside BHS


2016-04-22 00:11 | Report Abuse

No banks want to give their rating semua con man inside the management.


2016-04-22 00:09 | Report Abuse

Sudah mati la Bhs next resistance level 0.38 cts, if drop below 0.38 cts next level 0.18 cts this company actually sudah bankrap hutang more than income


2016-01-28 12:23 | Report Abuse

ini semua kena conned la dump, ddmp, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump, dump.


2016-01-27 10:55 | Report Abuse

kelvin1 collecting balls la


2016-01-26 16:32 | Report Abuse

bhs mati already, likely going to be nose dived rather than going up.


2016-01-21 11:58 | Report Abuse

is true la those people bought and snatch at 0.54 cts if pick up by now kena jail la, if want come out early from jail must sell back to the Bhs crooks at a loss hahahahahahaha really Chinaman corner stocks.


2016-01-13 16:10 | Report Abuse

kelvin1 you re back lose 2nd round got la


2016-01-12 16:27 | Report Abuse

is a trap is a trap BHS will roll down to 0.48 cts dump dump dump stop buying wait till 0.54 cts T4 is over.


2016-01-06 12:36 | Report Abuse

kelvin1 Soh hai what's your story on Bhs now touch 0.53 then slide to 0.51cts did Eagle88 advise you what's the next step to take chop or keep buying? Just sailang everything la Kelvin1 even your underwear you need to sell just sell and dump all into Bhs.


2016-01-05 14:52 | Report Abuse

Eagle88 just Hisap la


2016-01-04 11:38 | Report Abuse

lol Bhs 0.54 cts already T3 one more day to go how ah Soh hai Kelvin1?


2015-12-31 12:09 | Report Abuse

I bet you those who grab the big chunk of Bhs shares at 0.54 cts, please return it back to them or else the price they will keep suppress it down until you cannot tahan with the losses. The Bhs owner claimed you are a day light robber came and grab his shares that's why he punished you by selling it down and inflict you in losing money. Trust me there are bunch of crooks inside BHS
purely not doing business.


2015-12-31 11:58 | Report Abuse

hahhaahahaha you see my prediction so far so good those who bought at 0.525-0.54 definately losing its pants off to BHS. I told you from day one this is a pariah owner.


2015-12-28 16:43 | Report Abuse

I cut my cock only if it touches 0.50 on the 22/12/15 that's why I specificly put the date there. I still say is a trap is a trap.


2015-12-22 16:01 | Report Abuse

i cut my cock la if Bhs can cross 0.50cts today 22/12/15.


2015-12-22 10:40 | Report Abuse

Bhs wow buterrfly if you got some profit in Bhs you better throw la is a trap, is a trap, is a trap very sure not many people hold their shares already they probably accumulated the numbers of shares in possession therefore they decided to push it up along the way anyone go in and buy a huge block, the conmen in Bhs will pull the handbrake and start selling down in order to recoup back the huge block shares the Sohai bought. So don't be happy until you sold their shares and realize the profit. If got profit now don't be greedy to think that it will still go up further. I give you max 15-20% gain you better dump the shares back to their buttholes or cuntholes.


2015-12-11 15:01 | Report Abuse

eagle88 Ok la I apologized for my remarks, like u mentioned I'm not discussing stock then name me a stock I can fan san and see my returns in the near future.


2015-12-10 11:13 | Report Abuse

Eagle88 mati la if talk like this. I think for you the best is buy Piu Sook counter la PUBLIC BANK that's the safest bet la. Save enough money 1 year buy 2 lot just accumulate only la and collect dividend when comes to old age need the money to retire just back to Pui Sook then sit down quietly enjoy your retirement la no need to discuss stock just yam cha talk cock la


2015-12-08 00:59 | Report Abuse

How to fang sang when one pick up IFCAMS during its Peak from Rm 1.88 - 2.00. Now barely 1.00 la hahahaha when bought 1.88 cts, fell 0.2 cts @ bought 100 lots ( rm 188, 700 include Sui $$ ) so you just cut losses if sell lose 2 thousand only but if you pick up and reflect to the price today at 1.00, you pay for 188k but sell the 100 lot at today current price you get back 100k meaning to say you lose 88k. OMG damn Sohai lose 2k don't want but want to lose 88k.


2015-12-08 00:42 | Report Abuse

Balls la Calvin Tan he is not San Sin he probably lose like shits and want everyone to die together la do your own research let your wisdom guide you from the bitter experience in past on your buying & selling in the stocks market. Don't follow the analyst opinion all of them talk cock & none is accurate. Just position yourself identify the stock where potential for upside then prepared to pick up come T4. Speculative stocks that hit new high is worth to try if it doesn't ram up hanging at the borderline price you bought just wait if stock being thrown to buyerside anything beyond 0.02 cts down from the price you bought be prepared to cut loss simply becos it's a speculative stocks. Example of speculative stocks BioHoldings, Wintoni, Systech, Priva, IFCAMS a lot of people who bought during its peak so emotional like Sohai when it fell 0.2-0.6 cts not willing to sell and not prepared to lose instead prefer to pick up. After pick up the stocks, their losses even more straight going downhill. Buying is simple but selling is an Art Of War. Picking up stocks will make you lose more.


2015-12-04 16:52 | Report Abuse

everybody got loh chin by BHS


2015-12-02 11:48 | Report Abuse

There's no demand & supply in stock trading. the Chinaman owner usually wants control in their share holdings. They are the one acquired most shares. Play up & play down is up to them. Like BHS indefinitely he is a loh chin la. When he need money he raise rights issue so get some Sohai give him money to buy some machinery for pulp production. You very happy make money from the free Warrants but the rights issue price 0.42cts you lose money. Then they push it down until everybody sell down to them.. It's a game for them la don't fall into it. if the buying stop the loh chin in them will also pause let them buy up higher & higher so that they will long in their position and they can't afford to sell down then ONLY I will BANG HARD SOLID ( BHS ) ngan ngan on BHS until BHS keep continue with its orgasm. Get ready for your orgasms BHS.


2015-12-01 11:19 | Report Abuse

dump dump dump BHS, AGM cakap mau beli balik share ooh, wooi push it down to 0.10cts then shareholders only sell back to you Sohai. Bhs mau shareholders rugi ia sendiri untung la. Wanna die die together make money make together la like that only people say BHS is steady and is good stock to invest. Don't la make investors lose money buying your shares only you win, you are damn Sohai BHS. I don't know how you do your business la more like a conman.


2015-11-27 16:50 | Report Abuse

hahahahahahahaha now you belief rite is a trap is a trap is a trap whoever bought at 0.42 & above sure lose money how can you believe this company. is a bunch of crooks inside there.