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2 months ago | Report Abuse
Newbie, they are related. Same with Classita. But the boss decide to left this stock behind. Maybe they dont want it and hope someone buy the stock. Classita already goreng, and MMAG fly high. Sell my warrant and mother already. Loss a bit. Better than waiting until the price drop to 3sen. Maybe can enter back if price drop to 3sen. Hopefully can do like Classita to 6sen and recover the loss.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
MMAG got goreng, Classita goreng, but this stock the owner dont want to goreng.
2024-10-30 11:12 | Report Abuse
Limch, I follow this kaunter from last year. Their shareholder, mdm chan and mr chin bought many share at price 14sen and above early this year. If by logic, they would not allow the price drop, but the price keep on dropping. So, this month they buy again at 5sen, i dont think they would push the price up. They just dont care the price. They already issue free warrant to replace dividend. So dont put too much hope. I sangkut at top. Buy at 10sen and got free warrant half from my share. But with current price, even with the warrant I still lost. Better cutloss before the price go to 2 or 3 sen. I smell consolidation is on the way just like what they did with their other stock
2024-10-29 17:09 | Report Abuse
Tomorrow gonna drop again
2024-10-29 09:28 | Report Abuse
Game over already. They goreng till 0.065sen only. Now they will push the price down to 0.005 before apply for change name. Then they will do share consolidation 10:1, push the price down again before issuing right issue and the cycle repeat depend on the owner. They got the money from right issue from us. Better cutloss now or loss money and loss share after consolidation later
2024-10-25 09:47 | Report Abuse
Run by sca**er. All line up at 5sen yesterday, line up at 4.5sen today. later they will line up at 0.005sen. run before loss all mony. Already cutloss. Stpid counter. Loss in here and warrant too
2024-10-24 10:02 | Report Abuse
Got scammed. No goreng2. Haiyaaa... Have to wait again. Still loss even got free warrant
2024-10-23 08:25 | Report Abuse
Got contract but no power. Hoping there would be 1 more round for goreng2 take place. Einvoice theme kaput already, now people talk about cyber security and data centre. Please shark, 1 more push. Stuck at top right now hoping for a miracle
2024-10-16 12:48 | Report Abuse
Look very2 good already. Hopefully on the uptrend already. This qr probably start profit
2024-10-14 15:21 | Report Abuse
Back to 28sen again. Most probably will drop back to 20sen.
Nobodyisland, i feel pity on you. Average down or wait next year or next 2 year before it reach 40sen again. Hopefully big shark want to goreng this kaunter
2024-10-11 16:34 | Report Abuse
Zikir95, 1month to announce result. Insider already know what happen, they do the report
2024-10-11 14:58 | Report Abuse
Semput already. Seem like nobody believe this stock can thrive to 30sen and above. Whoever stuck at top can sit with me here. Wait for it to go above 30sen can escape already. Got many project but no use, the price stagnant.
2024-10-11 14:53 | Report Abuse
They dump to 29sen meaning this quarter report red again. Insider already sell. Waiting at 20sen end of this month
2024-10-08 11:13 | Report Abuse
higHChloride, remain strong? Already 28sen. Going downtrend again. Classic pump n dump.
2024-10-03 11:27 | Report Abuse
Another shareholder might dump his share. They play warrant today for the shareholder to dump his warrant share.
2024-10-01 16:17 | Report Abuse
Incoming.... Something brewing. Fasten your seatbelt.
2024-10-01 11:18 | Report Abuse
Nobodyisland, for those who bought at 42sen, should buy again when the price drop at 25sen last 2 week. Most probably the price will never reach 42sen again. Average down is the answer. Or else, keep praying the shark wanna push the price above 42sen. If not, then u got trapped at penthouse la and forever stuck
2024-10-01 11:13 | Report Abuse
Dato disposed again. If shareholder dump their stock, what is the meaning? It mean the stock are not good and they sell to bail out their company financially. Look at widad, from 60sen and now 5sen. What the similarity between this 2 stock? Both given too much hope n praise. Both loss making company and both stock, their shareholder keep on dumping their share. Dont put too much hope. If Widad was hyped for their Langkasuka, this stock was hyped because of cybersecurity.
2024-09-30 15:17 | Report Abuse
Ptptulh, 2 years ago the price was pushed down to 15sen and 0.06sen 4years ago. I do think they will push down to 25sen. But let see either true or not. Loss making company in bursa, the stock price always up
2024-09-30 11:25 | Report Abuse
Rumours this evening the price will be pushed to 25sen and by end of the week 20sen. Hopefully not true but heard it was purposely push down for buying back share.
Can anyone in here confirm the rumours? Or it just rumours
2024-09-30 11:19 | Report Abuse
This company can have 100 to 1000 contract but the price are stagnant or drop. True meaning of controlled by syndicate. Just hope they want to push the price again to 40sen in this few months or else have to wait 3 to 4 years for the price to move up
2024-09-27 11:21 | Report Abuse
Will drop below 20sen. This is just the beginning. PN17 in the making
2024-09-27 08:21 | Report Abuse
Highchloride, wait. Dont enter yet. The graph still strong downtrend. Selling spree everyday. Most probably will drop to 25sen or worst 21 sen. No project what so ever, qr red. Think they will push to the ground. I expect below 20sen like previously before they push the price up.
2024-09-26 15:40 | Report Abuse
RGBeric, the price drop again. Dont ask people to accumulate. Still on downtrend. Tomorrow profit taking session, the price will drop below 30sen. Prepare for next week, will touch 275sen
2024-09-24 12:04 | Report Abuse
Already topup a bit for last time in minetec. Tomorrow, no more minetec. It will be history. The graph look very interesting. Change name, PP then fly. Later if got modal topup again in Aizo
2024-09-23 11:27 | Report Abuse
So, many of here keep on dreaming the price will up. Yes, absolutely price will up only after the price drop to 20sen 1st. It might take 2 3 years to go up. It a warning if many people say price will up in forum, it will reflect the opposite. Graph show downtrend again. The macd not even cross the 0 bar and it drop again. This time, the drop will be even lower than before. It will touch 0.275 soon, then drop again. If it break 25sen most likely it will go to last 2years support price of 15sen. Shareholder keep on selling. Chart are on downtrend pattern on day, week and monthly chart already.
2024-09-20 09:07 | Report Abuse
You guys still here? Dato already disposed his share. And guess what, he will get more share from ESS and dump it again later. They way I see it, it will drop to 10sen and warrant will be 0.005sen worth. Chart still on the downtrend and also, eagle are coming here, dont have to see the graph if u all saw eagle comment. It is a strong indicator for downtrend. If there any increase in price that only death cat. Monthly graph saw strong downtrnd pattern
2024-09-11 17:00 | Report Abuse
Crash..... Drop to 20sen soon. PN17 in the making. When drop to PN17, it will fall below 10sen like Reneuco.
2024-09-11 10:19 | Report Abuse
Nobodyisland, ya ya, purposely by syndicate. Lets hope they push it to below 20sen. Strong downtrend pattern. It just a matter of time for them to break 25sen support
2024-09-10 19:19 | Report Abuse
Xienry, that only to comfort yourself la. If that is big news, the price would go up. Our market already controlled by syndicate and too many retailers. If the shark want to push, the retailer join the ride. At the end of day, the price go up 1-2 sen and the retailer start to dump. Just follow the ride. Got profit, sell. If no profit, cutloss or sell at buy price. Live like a rider. Rempit the wave. The stock will not take care of you. You have to be clever to ride it
2024-09-10 16:20 | Report Abuse
No hope la this stock. Always red QR. The shareholder also already sell their share
2024-09-10 16:18 | Report Abuse
Trigger my stoplost. Strong downtrend pattern in chart. Not recommended to enter yet. Wait at bottom. Seem like everyday the price keep on dropping.
2024-09-05 08:34 | Report Abuse
Will drop below 20sen later. For the last 16 QR, only 1 green. Will drop to PN17 status. Dont give too much hope in this stock. Their shareholder also already sell their share and run from this stock
2024-08-26 08:39 | Report Abuse
No worries la ryacob. If this stock not attractive to you, there are lot other stock in market. You can follow kswp buying stock. If you have buy this stock better sell now and put in asb, or in bank. Simple as that.
2024-08-24 13:40 | Report Abuse
Ryacob, onve the company change it name, it will attract investor. Dont be surprise if many Swakian fund manager buy it. 1st change name, then PP. After that it start to rise. Maybe for mean time it will sideway. But do remember, it give us chance to get extra money to top up while it still cheap. I will slowly add my share in here. It will take time. Maybe 1 or 2 years
2024-08-23 09:11 | Report Abuse
Just as what I tought. Opening 29sen. Good QR mean nothing in bursa. Hahahaha. Now below my buy price already. Hopefully not triggered my stoploss. Now time to off PC and rest my mind. All red. Msian market are very unpredictable. Full of syndicate. The price up when they say they say so. See you all next few month. Some say, Msian market these few month will not be good based on previous previous year. Good luck all
2024-08-23 08:39 | Report Abuse
Red Alert!!! US market yesterday was bloody red. Expect this stock to drop further down as today is profit taking session. If confident with the stock, can average down. Prepare for cutloss or take any profit you have and wait at bottom.
2024-08-23 08:35 | Report Abuse
Thank god eagle already left to other forum. That was fast enough. Next week AGM, who would like to attend? I hope got spare time just to hear what are the direction of this company from Abang itself and what they are planning to do
2024-08-22 22:35 | Report Abuse
PJ2021, Bursa logic, if QR profit, the stock price will drop. If QR loss, the price will going up. So the QR today green, you can expect what will happen tomorrow
2024-08-22 17:07 | Report Abuse
Got contract also not going up. US market green this week but ours mostly red. Not good time to enter i guess
2024-08-22 17:06 | Report Abuse
Seeresearch, cut la. Still downtrend. Already reach my buy price today. If drop again n activate my stoploss then wait at 20sen la
2024-08-21 11:14 | Report Abuse
Youarewelcome, epf disposed, many will follow later. Becareful catching the falling knife
2024-08-19 09:49 | Report Abuse
Censof Holdings Bhd group managing director Ameer Shaik Mydin.
Censof Holdings Bhd is believed to be up for sale, drawing keen interest from several parties, according to sources.
A source, who is eyeing a controlling stake in Censof, is primarily interested in its strength in providing financial management software solutions to the government.
Seeresearch, sell all your share and cutloss before too late. 😝😝😝
2024-08-15 11:07 | Report Abuse
Ken1008, you are too generous la. It will be back to 0.005 and put to PN17 for stock manipulation. Next month will be delist. Should sell right now before too late
2024-08-14 16:37 | Report Abuse
Everytime burung come, the stock will stagnate and do the u turn. Same at other stock. He promote hubline, hubline make uturn. Then promote smtrack. Also smtrack go further down to 2.5sen. am expecting minetec to go back to 13sen this friday
2024-08-14 16:29 | Report Abuse
Sell on news. News come out, it time to sell. Tomorrow and Friday expected more people will sell their share especially who bought at 27sen last week
2024-08-14 15:54 | Report Abuse
What you all expect from bursa. All was manipulate. Green QR also can make stock red. But negative qr can make stock green. All was manipulate. If got profit, just take it. Or else, if you think it can go higher, just hold. But after few month no sign can go even higher, just sell if got profit. Hopefully it can go back to 40sen but most likely it will take month if we are lucky
2024-08-14 10:27 | Report Abuse
It so peaceful and quiet in here this few weeks and suddenly here come an eagle. Duhhh.... Dont bomb the forum like this la. Share news once a day is enough
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Nasrulfahmi, the highest it goes was 42sen on july last year. Just hope it can get or atleast almost 40sen. But very doubtly as the graph was on the downtrend. Most likely will go below 20sen.