
Megaway | Joined since 2018-01-19

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2018-05-21 17:03 | Report Abuse

Where got limit down. Keep waiting ,see see, talk talk and nothing in hand. The fire is over the rats will come next season only birds got their pickings.


2018-05-21 15:03 | Report Abuse

A lot of rumours, they expect you to sell.
Just because of fear you let got or you do not buy. Get your facts right and do your homework.
They said limit down today and till now no limit down. It is their limit is down no money to buy.


2018-05-21 12:22 | Report Abuse

All counters that were down last week are now moving up.
Some like to see fireworks and keep looking for more fireworks.
When a field is on fire all rats will run away but the birds will come to get the best that is left behind. The rats will have wait for the next season. So birds get your best pickings now.


2018-05-21 11:26 | Report Abuse

Who want to sell cheap, go limit down i will sapu all. Thank you to all those who sold cheap as i will walk to the bank. All the talk and talk keep waiting at 1 sen.
Fear kills.


2018-05-20 22:25 | Report Abuse

Politicians : Talk and talk
Businnessman : Walk the talk
Invester : Walk to the bank.

Here too many politicians. Keep harping on MYEG will go limit down.
If you are a smart invester you should know when to buy. I bought Pmetal, Hibicus and Sapura. Everytime i walk to the bank.
Now i am into MYEG and l will walk to the bank.
All politicians stay away and dont buy when MYEG goes up keep looking : the talk and talk and say limit down and limit down.
Your hope to buy lower also got limit.
Wait till 1 sen.


2018-05-19 20:20 | Report Abuse

All the way to the bank.


2018-05-19 19:50 | Report Abuse

When Sapura was going south alot said it will hit 20 sen. Never did but i went on to buy and i laughed all the to the bank.


2018-05-19 19:47 | Report Abuse

This comming week TM berbuka puasa with MYEG group. What say you.


2018-05-19 18:54 | Report Abuse

Everybody is free to make judgement on MYEG as they like.
If you think it is a no good stock so dont buy and just leave others alone.
If you think there is alot upside movement then buy and if it goes up good for you.
MYEG has only 20% bussines with the goverment and 80% with the private sector. MYEG have agreements for all the works they carry out and you cannot cancell the agreements as you like. This is because the agreement is with the goverment of the day.
Just like the debt of Malaysia the goverment of the day will have to pay.


2018-05-18 08:14 | Report Abuse

Just like Sapura, they said will drop to 10 sen and you see today what happened.


2018-05-18 06:53 | Report Abuse

I dont seen Rosmah or Najib or their proxy in the 30 largest list.


2018-05-18 06:50 | Report Abuse

Alot of talk that MYEG is BN stock is all goreng news. Next week Tun Mahathir is attending some MYEG function. Soon they will say Tun Mahathir endosed MYEG.


2018-05-16 17:20 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow no freeze on limit down.


2018-05-16 17:13 | Report Abuse

They have put on queuing sure limit down. They dont want to wait.


2018-05-16 17:02 | Report Abuse

MoneyUp888 What's going on with C30
16/05/2018 14:50

The trap has been set for todays buyers.
Tomorrow all ikan bilis kena makan.


2018-05-16 16:55 | Report Abuse

C30 x in 2 months.????????


2018-05-16 16:53 | Report Abuse

Still so many sellers, so MYEG might go limit down again. Those who bought warrants today are caught in a death pool, warrants will be hit hard. Some of the call warrants are due soon in 2 months, as the mother share will not recover above Rm 2.5 in 2 months the warrants will be worthless. There will be no point to convert the warrants.


2018-05-16 12:33 | Report Abuse

From what i see many do not know the rules set by SC.


2018-05-16 12:29 | Report Abuse

Please note after 2 limit down 3rd day price will stay. 4th day and 5th can go limit down again before price will stay again. This is the rule set by SC to control steep falls. Tomorrow the limit down can start again so be a smart buyer. So if limit down then call warrents will drop to 1/2 sen all warrents holders will shit bricks.Exdate is round the corner.
There are many new players who will buy buta buta who will die standing.


2018-05-15 18:56 | Report Abuse

When limit down only sellers no buyers quote. Buyers will pick up what is on offer. That is how it is. Call warrents got the worse beating today (%) and the support for the warrents has started so it looks like Myeg is coming to rebound after tomorrow morning fall, might hit limit down before the rebound. The rebound will be fast, many will be left looking. So get ready your guns.


2018-05-15 18:10 | Report Abuse

Expected sapura to fall to about 80 sen today but support was strong so had to buy at 82 sen.
Tomorrow i think sapura will fall but not below 78 sen. Hope to buy at that price. Cannot expect sapura to keep going up, must digest the rise in price first.
Rise in oil price could help next.


2018-05-15 07:34 | Report Abuse

Mega profit all the way to the bank for those who had faith in Sapura. Hahahaha
Many rounds of beers to enjoy relax.
Wonder where are all the doom masters, maybe their luck ran out with our great najib.


2018-05-15 07:28 | Report Abuse

Some small correction expected today morning. Yesterday peak 32% up then down to 26% so many will take profit in the morning. Price can go down to 75 sen before going up again. Very good price to buy if it comes to around 75 sen for those who sold yesterday. Many contra kaki are in for a quick kill so expect the correction. To all friends take profit along the way. We waited for this for sometime so make good.


2018-05-02 23:10 | Report Abuse

Win or lose PRU 14 stock market will have small knee jeerk then it will move up. Pro BN will say bad if pakatan wins. Pro pakatan will say the other way around. Who ever wins i will make money.


2018-05-02 17:04 | Report Abuse

Sapura has now close up gap with Hibicus. Very soon it will take over Hibicus.
I was holding Pmetal > Hibicus > Sapura.
Rm 2 is my TP. For Sapura.


2018-05-02 16:37 | Report Abuse

There we go again. They dumped it down and all weak holders paniced and sold. Sapura has alot of up movement so hold on for long term investment.


2018-05-02 13:33 | Report Abuse

Sapura and other O&G got a bad beating down and it was good that i picked up 50k today.
Good add up to 300k for long term investment.
2 trading days before PRU 14 will shoot up and no more cheap sale after this.


2018-04-27 07:50 | Report Abuse

I hope we dont get into small fights. There some who will become nuts with their comments just to make the fear factor in the mind of others. Some negative comments are ok but some nuts will make negative comments all the time and make others look stupid.
Sapura now has come to a level after all bad fundmentals accounted for and the price discounted for, the price rebound will not be as fast as after the lowest. Many of us are expecting to get good gain everyday which is impossible. The price movement will now depend on alot of factors but i can say crude oil is now on the way up and so is sapura. If those who bought 50 sen range and below have nothing to worry as long term investment gives the best gains. I bought 250 K at 52.5 sen and have not sold any. I will buy more if the price comes down.
Also EPF will keep on selling until they clear their holdings.EPF will sellout in any counter that has got losses, that is how their manage their holdings. We cannot blame them for doing that. It will take EPF 2 months to sell out at this rate as they will not dump all at 1 go. So plan what you want to do next.


2018-04-19 16:10 | Report Abuse

Full speed ahead. Crude high ..... petrol kasi tekan kuat kuat baru laju.


2018-04-19 13:09 | Report Abuse

huatzaiah The TP rm1 guy whr r u???? Tp rm1 can, after split and bonus lol.
18/04/2018 18:46

Yes what happened to the TP RM 1 guy, may be got boiled in the aluminium pot.


2018-04-19 10:34 | Report Abuse

Bye bye Doom Masters, sell off and buzzzz off.
Everyday give negative info.
Yes eat your sour grapes.


2018-04-19 06:11 | Report Abuse

Brent USD 73.83 move so much. Dont tell me that is fake news.
Dow Jones up or down no problem. Sapura will be up.


2018-04-18 22:43 | Report Abuse

If you bought cheap , Hold for long term investment.


2018-04-18 22:41 | Report Abuse

Oil spike up up up.


2018-04-18 20:38 | Report Abuse

What shit are the DOOM MASTERS asking for, may be toilet paper in their mouth. If no faith in sapura just buzzzz of pest. What is 4 sen down, if that is a big deal then dont buy shares and keep your money in the bank.


2018-04-18 06:22 | Report Abuse

Those who think Sapura is no good just sell off and walk away if you are still holding. Every time playing the negative game, i think this are all losers and sour grapes. Also some who missed the boat and hoping that their comments will make sapura fall again so they can buy cheap. Dont dream, the one super dip is over and the brave got their pot of gold.
Born losers will always give negative comments every time.
Some still talk about impairment loss without understanding what is. I agree with Tradeshare that :balik balik cerita debt. Siapa tak hutang
Game over for the losers. Take a walk.


2018-04-17 11:54 | Report Abuse

Dont sell hold on with your life.
More up movement.
Yes Tradeshare lets we make big big money or Megamoney.
Dare to hold you make more.


2018-04-17 07:10 | Report Abuse

Where are all the DOOM MASTERS of TP RM 1 gone to, now they can eat shit . TP 6 is round the conner . Aluminium price just reached USD 2381per ton.
Good management of company is what keeps profits growing and PM is one of them. Today PM will shoot up.


2018-04-16 22:56 | Report Abuse

Funny we have some jockers who think 40 sen will come back. When the price was 40 - 50 sen dare not buy but want the price to drop to 40 sen. If the price drop to 40 sen then they will wait for 20 sen. A case of fishing in their own urine for fish.


2018-04-16 18:07 | Report Abuse

Callmeadoctor, it is good that some people panic. The reason is that they are gamblers they dont have good holding power. They dont do their homework, EPF was selling because it is their policy to exit any counter that is not making a good profit or having losses.
The gamblers try to cover their loss at any negative news. Sapura fell like hell because of people like these, their loss is our gain. If we dont have this type of jockers we will never be able to buy cheap. They offer cheap sale to us so we say thank you.


2018-04-16 17:47 | Report Abuse

250K average @ 53sen. Still holding, now can put under pillow and sleep well. When i will 'wake up' it will be RM 2.00 hehehe. I have a dream we will all be rich.


2018-04-16 16:36 | Report Abuse

Now Sapura is the new KING.


2018-04-16 15:30 | Report Abuse

There was an attempt to cause panic selling. They suddenly threw down at 70 sen but it did not work. Dont fall for such tricks.


2018-04-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

Those who sold will biat their finggers blue hopping it was a bad dream only.


2018-04-15 21:31 | Report Abuse

Hold dont sell low, up trend very strong. Every thing looks good for O&G and Sapura is still very cheap.


2018-04-13 18:17 | Report Abuse

All those who sold to get quick profit will be bitting their fingers as they expected sapura to go down. From now on big players will eat up all the sellers. Hold long term as sapura has a long way up, the worse is over. Dont play snake and ladder as you will be eaten by the snakes.


2018-04-13 06:19 | Report Abuse

When you trade in shares, every time you buy and somebody sell the cost of brokage, stamp duty ect. Is about 1.5 % of the value of the share. So if you trade the share 72 times the value the share goes to the trading house and goverment.
In the long run the very active shares will all lose its value. Somebody will pay the price.
Also note that the directors are not answerable for the movement of the shares.
Who makes the shares to go up or down are the uncles, aunties, contra kaki, you and me. We all like to goreng and goreng. We all think we can beat the game, some will win some will lose. It is a fact that you gain more if you hold long term of a good counter than to play contra. If you pick the right cherry it will be sweet but if you pick the sour grape then you know what you will get.


2018-04-12 06:51 | Report Abuse

There are some who will say sell and take profit but why do it when you got it cheap. This type season dont come every day. If durian runtoh you have to eat fast the rest give away where else if you got labu runtoh then you can eat as you like. The labu you keep gets better over time.
So becareful of sour grapes. Cashew nut has got the seed outside the fruit which does not think and plan well.


2018-04-09 15:29 | Report Abuse

Where are all the doom masters? You can wait for RM1.00 SAMPAI TUA. All talk shit and put fear. If PM drop to RM 3.5 i will sapu all and bet my last Ringgit.