Blog Posts
2022-01-20 18:16 | Report Abuse
Yes... more to come for recovery stocks!
Test & Go quarantine-free to resume from 1 Feb
Green... green moving forward!
2022-01-20 12:39 | Report Abuse
Interesting.... where are all the naysayer today.
2022-01-20 08:35 | Report Abuse
Why worry about GenHK bankruptcy..??
GenB holds about 52.7% of GenS....ah Lim's family got money la...last year wanted to invest in Japan to build casino worry la.
2022-01-19 21:26 | Report Abuse
Genting Hong Kong to continue operations of Dream Cruises subsidiary
Dream Cruises to continue operating in S'pore, even as parent company files to be wound up
2022-01-19 19:27 | Report Abuse
What omicron?? Take a look at Trump rally in Arizona..
2022-01-19 19:23 | Report Abuse
Omicron might mark the end of Covid-19's pandemic phase -- unless a certain scenario happens, Fauci says
2022-01-19 19:20 | Report Abuse
Good news for recovery stocks..
International travel to return as countries start to lift restrictions and open its borders...
2022-01-19 12:21 | Report Abuse
Truly cash is king....pepare to load at
- minor support: 4.5
- major support: 4.4
It could be the last chance to load cheap..Ho..ho.ho
2022-01-19 09:27 | Report Abuse
Wah! My CIMB..
More worry about banking stocks..haha
2022-01-19 09:03 | Report Abuse
Genting Singapore up.. Steady! Pom...Pi..Pi
2022-01-18 19:25 | Report Abuse
Roaring good time..虎虎生威. Enjoy the festive mood!
No worry about Genting.. Cheers!
2022-01-18 06:05 | Report Abuse
German court rules against loan payment to Genting Hong Kong
Schwerin District Court did not agree Genting is in a distress situation without the loan.
Entitled to appeal,
The cruise operator is entitled to appeal today's decision. Genting HK hasn't issued a statement yet.
2022-01-17 12:47 | Report Abuse
So quiet..
Both the Bull and Bear are resting.. for tomorrow big action ??
2022-01-16 20:57 | Report Abuse
Let's be optimistic..pandemic ending soon!
2022-01-16 14:10 | Report Abuse
Expect another piece of good news next week,
Singapore-Malaysia announce further easing of border restrictions
2022-01-16 11:39 | Report Abuse
Relevant counterparties’ failure to perform.. their binding contractual obligations were perceived as unjust /unfair and ended up in 'Wall Street' protest
2022-01-15 16:45 | Report Abuse
Let the Bull and Bear fight on Monday
Genting HK drama to end on Tuesday.
2022-01-15 11:47 | Report Abuse
Next week will be a busy week for shorties...covering their short
2022-01-15 11:46 | Report Abuse
Genting is also in Oil and gas business.. Good news for GenB.
摩 根 大 通 : 预 计 2022年 OPEC产 能 闲 置 减 少 油 价 将 升 至 125美 元
经 济 撰 写 : 伍 玥 2022-01-13 10:34:02 最 后 更 新 日 期 : 2022-01-13 10:34
美 国 投 资 银 行 摩 根 大 通 ( JP Morgan) 当 地 时 间 周 三 ( 1月 12日 ) 表 示 , 预 计 2022年 石 油 输 出 国 组 织 ( OPEC) 的 产 能 闲 置 将 减 少 , 预 测 油 价 将 升 至 每 桶 125美 元 , 2023年 将 升 至 每 桶 150美 元 。 英 国 媒 体 路 透 社 1月 13日 报 道 , 1月 12日 , 由 于 供 应 紧 张 , 石 油 价 格 触 及 两 个 月 高 点 , 世 界 最 大 消 费 国 美 国 的 原 油 库 存 跌 至 2018年 以 来 的 最 低 水 平 。 美 元 走 软 和 对 奥 密 克 戎 ( Omicron) 变 种 的 担 忧 缓 解 也 是 推 高 油 价 的 原 因 。 摩 根 大 通 在 一 份 报 告 中 还 表 示 , 假 设 按 现 行 配 额 计 算 产 量 , 到 2022年 第 四 季 度 , OPEC的 闲 置 产 能 将 从 2021年 第 三 季 度 的 13%降 至 总 产 能 的 4%。
2022-01-15 08:15 | Report Abuse
Casino stocks sentiment has changed dramatically on the last trading day of the week
2022-01-14 09:31 | Report Abuse
Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful
Warren Buffett 的至理名言
2022-01-14 09:30 | Report Abuse
After it is technology stocks. GenT and GenM are still the best bet... 最好的避風港
2022-01-13 21:20 | Report Abuse
Sifu said 捞底 buy the dig...(不是搏反彈) must has patience..need to have the horizon of 6 - 12 months
2022-01-13 07:20 | Report Abuse
I also make money trading Genting...better than so far. This is the 3rd round picking up at 4.48. As economy is recovering I will not be selling...cheers!
2022-01-12 17:27 | Report Abuse
wow! Green...Maybank is today
2022-01-21 12:28 | Report Abuse
Very good! Genting
Sedikit sedikit lama lama jadi bukit....more to come