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2017-09-10 09:32 | Report Abuse

Rest assured that it was just sudden knee jerk reaction in market sentiment, while bankers presence in the stock is still very strong. Price will move back to optimum at any time, just like what it has happened in the last 6 months.


2017-09-08 08:39 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed that this stock is in consolidation mode despite high bankers presence. It tends to explain that bankers are accumulating and any weakness in price now presents good buying opportunity. It is just a matter of time before it rebounds. Will hv to wait how it performs today and next week. Until the dust is clearer, we can see a better picture when it the next buy Point will appear.


2017-09-08 08:04 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed gradual inflow funds into the stock and if the momentum sustains from today onwards, there is a possibility of gradual rise in price given strong buying support of bankers.


2017-09-07 08:36 | Report Abuse

Banker presence is at all time high, consistently hovering well above high percentile of 75%, although there has been outflow funds building up, meaning to say bankers are accumulating shares. When it is over, it is just a matter of time before the next rally is on soon. Keep on a close watch!


2017-09-07 08:06 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis yesterday showed strong inflow funds into the stock, although bankers ratio is still around 50%. Given the strong uptrend, buy point should be forthcoming soon, probably from today onwards if the momentum continues. Watch out!


2017-08-31 10:05 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed continued outflow of funds from the stock, so can expect price to sustain around 0.60 cents. Bankers ratio still hovering slightly below 50%, so there is still possibility of another rally once there is a rebound. For now, any weakness is a good entry point to accumulate. Happy Investing!


2017-08-30 07:56 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed that bankers ratio have been at all time high, hitting near 95%. Although the prices have somewhat retreated due to bad market sentiment, any weakness is a good entry point to accumulate before rebound.


2017-08-18 21:43 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis indicated buy point, meaning to say there is a possible rebound on the cards with plenty of inflow funds into the stock. Retailers seel-off may have reduced, but bankers presence still remain at a very low ratio, so uptrend may be gradual or shortlived, depending on next week's market performance.


2017-08-17 08:02 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's trends showed positive inflow funds into the stock although there are plenty retailers selling off. Bankers still at low ratio, making any rebound harder, but not impossible given market volatility nowadays. Trends wise is on the downward spiral.


2017-08-12 08:59 | Report Abuse

This stock continue to impress with strong buying support from bankers although it has dropped to just below 75%. With strong bankers presence, any weakness should be a good entry point.


2017-08-12 08:55 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed sudden outflow funds from the stock due to major sell down yesterday, but bankers ratio only dropped slightly down below 75%. It confirmed strong buying support from bankers, so any weakness represent a good entry point for accumulation. Long term wise, this stock is still on the uptrend.


2017-08-12 08:50 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's trends analysis showed that bankers presence is still strong hovering around 75%, although gradual outflow funds is building up. Nonetheless, the price should hold well due to strong buying support from bankers, unless there is another sell off.


2017-08-12 08:45 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed sudden outflow funds from the stock with bankers continue dropping to around 15%, while retailers sell off increasing to over 25%. Sell point had appeared and downtrend may persist. If price hold well next week, it may have a chance for a rebound.


2017-08-09 20:54 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis confirmed buy point, signaling the beginning of uptrend with inflow funds into the stock and increasing bankers ratio. There may be more upside to the price moving forward, unless there is sudden negative knee jerk reaction from the market. Just ride on the momentum for now.


2017-08-08 07:38 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's trends analysis showed strong outflow funds with high sell off from retailers, while bankers ratio dropped to below 50%. It looked the selling may persist, given the volatile nature of the price shift. But then, such opportunity does not come often. My take is that since it is still well supported by bankers, it may be a good entry point.


2017-08-07 20:39 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed continuous inflow of funds into the stock for the past 2 days. Sell-off from retailers have shrink, while there are still buying support from bankers with just below ratio of 25%. Seemed that momentum have shifted to buy point and we can expect gradual uptrend.


2017-08-02 08:18 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's trends analysis showed minor retailers selling-off, which explained the slight drop in price. There have been some outflows funds from the stock, but with ongoing strong buying support from bankers hovering just below 75%, prices may end up in sideways for the time being.


2017-08-02 07:43 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's trends chart analysis showed strong bankers presence with ratio well over 75% and coupled with ongoing inflow funds into the stock, I believe there is still momentum to move up this few days although there may be some bumpy ride in price movement. This stock is flushed with bankers, can expect strong upward trend moving forward.


2017-08-02 07:34 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed ongoing high ratio sell-off by retailers, while bankers ratio maintained at lowly 25%. I believe bankers managed to spook the retailer into sell-off, whilst collecting at lower prices. If the prices do hold well in this few days, I hope there will be a rebound soon.


2017-08-01 07:57 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's trends analysis seemed to suggest that the stock is in oversold territory. There may be a rebound on the horizon once there are inflows funds into the stock in this couple of days. Let's revisit the trends after end of today's market.


2017-07-30 10:50 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed steady inflows funds into the stock with stronger bankers presence, making a very bullish signal. Price has been on steady upward trend and seemed to be on a slight pullback last Friday, but I do foresee any major concern. If the inflow funds can be sustained into next week, it will stage another rally, otherwise do expect some sideways movement.


2017-07-28 07:47 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's trends analysis showed that there isn't much change of bankers ratio, which is still below 50%, while outflow funds still ongoing, which was much attributed to heavy sell-off by retailers for last 2 days. The short rebound in price yesterday was due to the presence of buying support from bankers within the stock. I think going by this trends, outflow funds may still last until next week, so do expect some bumpy ride of price movement.


2017-07-26 08:21 | Report Abuse

Yesterday trends anslysis showed continued outflows fund from the stock, although there are still bankers presence, which was below 50%. Seemed that selling is still ongoing in these few days and there may be pressure on its price. This may present more entry opportunity to accumulate, but do stay away from trading if you feel uncomfortable. As long as its fundamental is intact, every downtrend is a golden opportunity, just like Penta.


2017-07-26 07:52 | Report Abuse

Yes, my analysis does not tell who are the buyers/sellers. But my sharing gives investors a different perspective based on past trends of bankers movement in a stock. If there is strong bankers presence, there is more likelihood of price uptrend than those stocks without bankers. Sometimes, a low volume stock with strong bankers presence could be explained that big funds are in collection mode. But then again, I might be wrong. What I m very sure of is that there are plenty of bankers support in this stock.


2017-07-25 21:13 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis showed increase of bankers ration of over 75% following strong renewed inflow of funds into the stock. From the trends, my take is that there will be another rally on the cards considering the strong momentum of inflow funds building up nicely for the next charge. Hold on to your seat!


2017-07-25 07:52 | Report Abuse

Strong bankers presence in the stock would mean that there are high ratio of big funds still circling within. Lack of price movement could be attributed to bankers still accumulating shares at low average prices. With plenty of bankers buying support, price will be sustained and will not drop much, unless there is major sell-down. Once collection is done, bankers will push up the price at the right time. Stocks with low or without any bankers presence will hv a high probability of long-term downtrend. So, no worry about prices going sideways as there are still strong bankers in the stock. Happy Investing!


2017-07-24 21:37 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis showed that the price is well supported by bankers with inflow funds building up. Let's see tomorrow whether the fund gets stronger buying support from bankers. If so, the price will start to move north, otherwise it will go sideways or down.


2017-07-22 08:37 | Report Abuse

@Alex Foo, I use Homily Software to track the movement of bankers, institution or retail monies. The software shows the trends of funds movement and inflows/outflows funds. If bankers hit 75% coupled with strong inflow funds into the stock, there is high probability the price will move higher. It also track the buy and sell point based on the above funds movement. This is generally what it does, although there are more other useful features available. This software also can track potential buy point of the stocks.


2017-07-21 23:10 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis continued to show strong bankers presence, although inflow funds into the stock still weak, which could have caused the price to go sideways. Nevertheless, with strong bankers, it is just a matter of time before the price will move north.


2017-07-21 21:11 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis confirmed buy signal with strong bankers support with ratio reaching 75%. There is, however, still some outflow funds from the stock, hence we can expect ups and downs along the way before the price can move north.


2017-07-21 08:43 | Report Abuse

Yesterday trends analysis still indicated strong bankers presence around 70%, although there was ongoing sell off by big funds for profits, with some retailers also following suit. With strong bankers still in the stock, there is still possibility of a strong rebound in due time.


2017-07-19 20:47 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis showed sudden outflow funds from the stock, resulting in drastic drop in price, although it is still well supported by strong bankers presence, hovering under 75%. Let's wait for tomorrow and see the trends first.


2017-07-18 21:28 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis confirmed buy point signal, meaning to say the stock price will start its uptrend movement as more inflow funds building up coupled with strong buying support from bankers. Watch out!


2017-07-17 08:21 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis last Friday showed a very strong bankers presence, which shot up from 50% to well over 75%. Inflow funds to the stock has built up and we can expect continuous uptrend of price this week. Hold on to your seat!


2017-07-17 08:15 | Report Abuse

Bankers are currently hovering around high percentile of 70-75%, with outflow funds almost finishing.


2017-07-14 22:21 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis showed that it is well oversold and due for a rebound next week. Hold on to your seat!


2017-07-13 20:02 | Report Abuse

Today's analysis showed a buy point following strong buying support from increasing bankers presence, meaning to say there is a high probability of more inflow funds coming into the stock from either tomorrow or next week onwards. Hold on to your seat!


2017-07-13 11:55 | Report Abuse

Seemed to be in consolidation stage as there is lack of strong inflow funds, although trends showed plenty support of bankers in the stock. Meaning, price should hold up well. These few days should be a good entry point to collect shares until the next buy point appears before price can move. Happy Investing!


2017-07-12 21:54 | Report Abuse

joetay, Homily software is a program, not a regulator. It does not tell you who are the buyers or sellers, but it will tell you the trends of bankers chips and flow of funds after the end of the trading.


2017-07-12 07:31 | Report Abuse

Lee0525, I use the Homily software to track the % of bankers, institutions and retailers chips within a stock on a daily basis. It can also tell the trends of outflow and inflow funds into the stock. So, if a stock has over 75% bankers chips and continuous strong inflow funds, there is very high probability the stock price will move up. On the other hand, if a stock has higher % of retailers chips than bankers & coupled with ongoing outflow funds, the stock price is either going south or sideways.


2017-07-11 20:03 | Report Abuse

There is ongoing sell-off from the stocks, but is still very well supported by strong bankers presence, which should keep the price in check. Any weakness should present good entry. Rebound could be just around the corner, which is either from tomorrow onwards or in the next few day's time. Until a buy point appears, rebound is confirmed.


2017-07-11 19:58 | Report Abuse

Plenty outflow funds from the stock for the longest stretch of days, but there is still strong bankers presence in the stock. It is just a matter of time before a rebound, but may have to wait a little longer until a buy point appears.


2017-06-29 22:56 | Report Abuse

With over 75% of bankers presence and outflow funds diminishing, this stock ii well oversold and due for rebound anytime.


2017-06-29 22:02 | Report Abuse

Very strong Bankers presence with well over 75%, busy accumulating the stocks and waiting for the right time. Watch out for any sharp upward movement of price within these couple of days.


2017-06-29 21:36 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis confirmed Buy Point, with more inflow funds into the stock due to stronger buying power of bankers. We can expect price to trend higher from tomorrow or next week onwards.


2017-06-29 21:30 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis confirmed Buy Point, with outflow funds almost over, paving the way for more inflow funds into the stock. So, we can expect the price to trend higher either tomorrow or from next week onwards. Do keep a close watch!


2017-06-28 21:19 | Report Abuse

Today's trends analysis confirmed Buy Point, signaling the start of more inflow funds into the stock. We can expect the price to trend higher, potentially testing the resistance level of 1.28 soon. Hold on to your seat!


2017-06-24 20:53 | Report Abuse

Trends tell me that outflow funds from the stock is almost done and can expect inflow funds into the stock sometime next week. Once inflow funds start to build up, the price will move north soon. With strong bankers presence circling around the stock, there may be another rally on the cards.


2017-06-22 21:38 | Report Abuse

There is still some outflow funds from the stock in a slow pace and I predict it may last for a couple of days before inflow funds coming into the stock. Good support from bankers and it will not be long before a buy point appear for the next rally to happen.


2017-06-22 21:33 | Report Abuse

Trends analysis showed that outflow funds is slowing down and can expect inflow funds into the stock at any time. Let's wait for a buy point, which is expected to appear in a couple of days time, and we will have a good chance of the price moving north soon. Hold on to your horses!