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2015-10-08 10:32 | Report Abuse

Luckily Berjaya has a local partner in this joint venture project, JDC, an affiliated organization of the Ministry of Transportation. The Korean government is also involved.


2015-10-07 21:34 | Report Abuse

Orson, I dont know inside news. My guess is there is some news which has not been announced yet. The share price cannot be doubled because of bonus issue, right? The news if there is should be soon or else we are being conned again.


2015-10-07 15:38 | Report Abuse

I agree with you, CaoCao. This issue will be resolved. Big sum of money involved. VT is a business man. Worse case scenario is for the project to be delayed.


2015-10-07 14:22 | Report Abuse

Thank you CaoCao.


2015-10-07 13:53 | Report Abuse

Good for everyone who has this shares. Instaco has to announce soon why the share price move up so fast with high volume. Hope they have won the tower project.


2015-10-06 18:38 | Report Abuse

Yes, there will be free warrants. Otherwise the conversion price will be adjusted accordingly.


2015-10-06 18:34 | Report Abuse

Why is wrong with Jeju project? Market condition or environment issue? Anyone please?


2015-10-06 10:46 | Report Abuse

supernova, don't look for all these cheap stuff. In previous AGM, I see people more interested in the Kenny Roger Chicken than the AGM meeting. I am so sorry for the more mature shareholders. No wonder some has been selling.


2015-10-04 16:32 | Report Abuse

BJcorp make a profit of more than 800mil or 20sen EPS but gives you 1 sen dividend. What do you think? Do you think they care about investors return. In FY15, BJcorp received dividend of 250mil from its subs and associate companies but passed down to its shareholders nothing. BJcorp keeps all the dividend they received.


2015-10-04 16:23 | Report Abuse

buffet88, Instacom is in. I think they got it.


2015-10-01 08:53 | Report Abuse

BJcorp received their fruits ( dividends ) from their investments but their shareholders only see BJcorps profits and fruits. Mouth watering only.


2015-10-01 08:50 | Report Abuse

cyphua, Berjaya Corp saw its net profit for the 1QFY16 surge almost sevenfold year-on-year to RM56.1m, from RM8.3m previously. What for if without giving out dividends. But remember BJcorp is receiving dividends from their subsidiaries and associates companies. BJcorp is not passing down the dividends to their shareholders or inbvestors ( that's us ).


2015-10-01 08:46 | Report Abuse

Buying and selling of furniture and making money is good. But BJcorp received rm250mil dividend for 2015 but pay out only RM50mil to its share holders. So why are they not paying out all the dividends they received from their subs and associates companies. BJcorps investment bear fruits (dividends) but our investments in BJcorp bear only small fruits. This is not a good practice. Thats why the share price keep falling year after year even when BJcorp making hefty profits.


2015-09-30 17:53 | Report Abuse

Stock active for a few days and the normal downtrend continues after that.


2015-09-30 13:31 | Report Abuse

kuah, bulls eye.


2015-09-30 08:58 | Report Abuse

kikk, you are the first person here who is interested to question BJcorp board of directors. That is the way to go. When things we see are not right we ask them. They don't really care if the share price fall to 10 sen. More people projected the share price to come down than to go up. Why? Because that is how they see it and they are right.


2015-09-29 22:29 | Report Abuse

1 sen dividend means BJcorp payout 45mil. For FY2015, BJcorp received about 250mil dividend from its subsidiaries and associates. Why BJcorp is not passing the dividends it received to its shareholders?


2015-09-29 16:30 | Report Abuse

I already said earlier, its a matter of time. Finally.


2015-09-29 16:28 | Report Abuse

BJcorp price continue to slide. Why? Investors will continue to sell because of poor investment return. BJcorp do not have a dividend payout policy which means they will pay dividend only when they feel like paying.


2015-09-27 10:03 | Report Abuse

New management very active. Good sign.


2015-09-25 12:13 | Report Abuse

They talk about the Vietnam lottery since the last AGM. Now is about one year later.
I am not surprise the foreign investors are selling because they are smart investors. Price keep coming down and small 1sen dividend. The foreign investors also got shareholders to question them if return is no good.


2015-09-24 11:31 | Report Abuse

sayakamijuki, BJcorp profit rm1.0bil in FY2015, but the price continue to come down. What made you think that the price will be rm1.00 in 2016?


2015-09-24 10:50 | Report Abuse

This stock is reaching the junk status.


2015-09-23 15:23 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing tt101.


2015-09-22 19:00 | Report Abuse

tt101, the directors are well paid to make good business decision.
BJcorp is an investment company. They did receive rm230mil dividend as an investor. What about our dividend as an investor? If BJcorp make losses or did not receive any dividend from their subs and associates, then it is not right to demand dividend.


2015-09-21 19:33 | Report Abuse

Thank you cyphua. BJcorp should report a profit. But so what? The share price will be stagnant or continue to fall. Why is BJcorp share price keep falling? Its all about demand and supply. For FY2015, BJcorp collected from their subsidiaries and associates companies estimated rm230 mil. These dividends received by BJcorp were never passed down to their shareholders except the 1sen (rm44mil). RM230mil is equal to 5 sen if BJcorp were to pay out. Why are they not returning the dividends to their shareholders? Who wants to buy BJcorp shares if there is no return of investment and the share price keep falling? BJcorp has 1bil or 10bil or 100bil. So what?


2015-09-20 22:45 | Report Abuse

Cyphua, is good or bad news?


2015-09-19 00:12 | Report Abuse

Price downtrend since April 2010. Why? Klse index up and up except 2015. Bjcorp profit was 900 mil. Answer is very simple. There is no dividend policy. The management do not take care of investors. Bjcorp received dividends from their subsidiaries and associated companies but the money is not passed down to their shareholders. Well the Bjcorp investors also never ask for it.


2015-09-11 17:38 | Report Abuse

For FYE2015, how much dividend did BJcorp received from its subsidiary and associate companies like Toto, Auto, Food, etc...... Convert to absolute ringgit received by BJcorp. 200 mil?


2015-09-11 17:35 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Lewis Lee. Good result also wont affect the share price lah !!


2015-09-02 22:32 | Report Abuse

Instaco is in the tender. Neata guarantee profit 1.5 m per qtr. to Instaco


2015-08-26 08:43 | Report Abuse

Agreed Eddysurge. In investment, it is about returns. In shares, return can be in the form of dividends or capital/price gain. We invest in company that makes profit and give dividend ( payout policy ). In good company, the dividend pay out policy is 40% - 55%. BJcorp also receive dividend from their investment. They invest in BJland, BJtoto, BJauto etc. BJcorp also receive dividends from these companies. Then why BJcorp is not paying out those dividends they have received? Something is definitely not right.No wonder the share price keeps going down even declaring huge profits and during the good times. Now bad times for stock narket. So don't expect BJcorp to go up. With this type of management, there is only one direction, that is down. I don't think the management of BJcorp is more stupid than the investors. What I don't unserstand is why institutional investors in BJcorp are not demanding for dividends? Those fund manager also have to pay dividends to their investors.yearly.


2015-08-25 22:34 | Report Abuse

Before we buy at low price, give one reason why the price will not go lower?


2015-08-24 22:21 | Report Abuse

Better stay out like Datuk. If during good times and making profits, the share price cannot go up, what do you think BJcorp price will be when global market is going down? BJcorp should reinvest more with the profits made in FY2015 since the shareholders don't want dividend.


2015-08-11 14:53 | Report Abuse

The stong man has been manipulating the price to stay low so that he can buy more. Now no need to manipulate the price due to the negative political situation which will keep the price lower.


2015-08-11 00:22 | Report Abuse

Profit of 900 mil. Apology.


2015-07-20 09:49 | Report Abuse

For FY15, BJcorp made a profit of 90mil or 22 sen per share. What will happen to the price if BJcorp declare a 4sen dividend. With Eps of 22sen, can pay 4 sen dividend for the next 5 years.


2015-08-10 23:01 | Report Abuse

Tradesman, actually Calvin got a point but not 10 stock. But if Bjcorp don't give appropriate dividends when making profits, which investor want to invest. 35sen also don't want. Put money in FD, I get 3% interest and get principle back. You put your money in bjcorp, you get 1 sen dividend if there is profit but will not get your same amount of principle back.


2015-08-09 18:18 | Report Abuse

When the price dropped to 25 sen, the current price of 38sen is also very high.


2015-08-20 10:05 | Report Abuse

Thank you Calvin. Even before 1MDB comes into the picture, the price has been sliding. The 1MBD gives it the more reason to do so. So for now,. just put our money in FD first to earn some interest. Opportunity to buy cheaper will come. Do you notice we don't have positive reasons for the price to stay or move up even when the company made a profit of 1 bil in FY2015? Nothing positive about this company except for its valuation at 1.60 and unadjusted assets value. and "hope". he he...


2015-08-09 14:52 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin. Thank you. Missed your comment though. BJcorp is good investment. Good valuation but price keeps sliding down. Why is that so. What should the management do to stop the price erosion?


2015-08-09 13:26 | Report Abuse

For long term investment, I will put my money in the FD and earn 3% interest per year and come back 10 years later and invest in BJcorp. Maybe at that time the price may be 25 sen? So hopefully BJcorp will continue to pay 1 sen dividend or none is ok.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Hi Eddysurge, whether share price goes up or down is based on simple economics of demand and supply. Why investors are not interested in Bjcorp or selling Bjcorp? Is it because the price is too high? Loss making company? Poorly manage company? Bad governance? Poor return on investment or no dividend policy? Or manipulated share price? Hope we do not have to teach the well fed directors how to manage the company and take care of the stake holders including the minority shareholders.


2015-08-07 12:36 | Report Abuse

I think there is no battle. VT can continue to collect. No one is pushing him. Traders continue to make money. Sorry for the long term investors, They can just stay behind BJcorp prison bars. No need to do anything After all it is long term.


2015-08-07 10:01 | Report Abuse

tt101, I am not surprise with your target price with the current BJcorp management direction. They still get their fat fat directors fee. Well we have investors who are happy with 41m profit and 1 sen dividend. So this is the share price they get. But good for the directors. Easy job and fees will increase again. I guess it is ok since we don't need much dividend.


2015-08-07 09:50 | Report Abuse

cyphua, if good result is making around 41m, equal to 1 sen per share. What about making 1bil? Equal to 24 per share? What was the dividend announced? 1 sen. So what happened to the share price? Down and down. Which investor is interested? None. Attact only traders. Buy 38 sen and sell 40 sen.


2015-08-07 09:43 | Report Abuse

If company no good, why the largest shareholder keep buying? Must be good but currently it is good for him only. He is not taking care of the minority shareholders. With the share price keep falling, even with huge profit announcement, who wants to buy? Buy and become prisoners like us?


2015-08-07 09:38 | Report Abuse

cyphua, we all invest is to make money or have return of investment. I also want to see you and everybody here make money. Firstly, don't ever touch BJcorp call warrant . Previously, they have plenty CM, CN, CO, CP, CQ, CR. Just tell me which one make money or in money. Answer is NONE. How to make money from call warrant when BJCorp price keep coming down? So don't touch. The price has been manipulated. High risk to make money.


2015-08-06 23:05 | Report Abuse

Any profit guarantee?


2015-08-21 08:00 | Report Abuse

Of course VT is telling the truth because it is so stupid of the writer to say that VT donated to oppositions. He should be donating to Mahathir.