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2020-06-16 11:09 | Report Abuse
Yes, do not be afraid, continue to highlight and defend the vulnerable. The Perikatan Nasional (PN) government cannot accept their own weaknesses and wrongdoings.
As Malaysians, we have failed to uphold the rights of all, regardless whether they are citizens or non-citizens.
Lately, racial sentiments have increased, all due to these irresponsible politicians who seem to institutionalise these actions.
Remember Malaysia, this is a multiracial and multireligious country. We are equal in the eyes of God, regardless of religion. We either swim together or sink together.
To those immigration officers who are so inhumane, remember what goes around comes around, you may one day face such a situation.
2020-06-15 12:27 | Report Abuse
Halo pintu belakang mari lah. What do you expect.
2020-06-12 18:05 | Report Abuse
Using criminal means to raise political funds is criminal. Harun Idris went to prison for that. How did Gani Patail become a lawyer? Amer Hamzah Arshad pathetically misled the Judge. How did the Judge allow all this? Was the Judge qualified in the International Islamic University where they learn law half and quarter? With so many ‘respectable‘ persons who are criminals, does Malaysia have any future?
2020-06-12 17:29 | Report Abuse
I am fearful political donations will forever be used as disguise in Malaysian politics. Even the good guys might start calling it political donations sooner or later. Then, everything will be lost. Best Parliament set some legal guidelines what can or cannot be done. It is obviously challenging considering the circumstances asking our corrupt politicians to police themselves. Maybe a separate independent entity free from the government and opposition to oversee it might be better. Sad sad day for Malaysia when after so long, we are still dealing with a lot of corruption in our country.
2020-06-11 11:29 | Report Abuse
Yes ! China expects the world to bow to its demands. You know communism didn't work in China's past and wont work in its future.
2020-06-09 12:00 | Report Abuse
Ivanka Trump USA, The best part is when those fake investors bash till Ageson price drops, then we will make a move into sapu all Ageson discounted shares, by then polo specialist trading murka, its jail time for those fake investors! 黑猫偷吃,白猫当灾 cantek!
2020-06-05 12:02 | Report Abuse
The US, a country permanently at war with somebody, had its last victory 75 years ago. And even that war was won by the Russians who took Berlin.
2020-06-04 13:54 | Report Abuse
Must be tired of scaring investors with the pandemic. Now stoking fears about World War III. Bravo. Quality write happy people....
2020-06-03 13:41 | Report Abuse
Beijing is starting to regret as the US calls their bluff
2020-06-02 16:57 | Report Abuse
我听到内幕消息有两个SUPER VVVIP联合炒高AGESON最少到5块,
2020-06-01 17:31 | Report Abuse
“61 per cent of those polled regarded China’s economic expansion as a bad thing for Delhi.”
This tucked away at the last sentence sums up pretty nicely the twisted and sick Indian mentality. Anyone of their neighbors doing better than themselves is viewed with jealousy and hatred. This is pretty much the default Indian way of thinking and this permeates throughout Indian society all the way to deepest castes.
2020-05-29 16:53 | Report Abuse
Yeah,,, the MOST STUPID THING that PH did was that. ... shows you what kind of "strategist" they have ....
ps: you forgot the charted bus
2020-06-17 13:24 | Report Abuse