OMIGHTHY | Joined since 2020-05-29

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2020-07-30 13:53 | Report Abuse

see you next season!


2020-07-30 13:52 | Report Abuse

God o mighty


2020-07-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

Nampak problem kasi selesai bukan nya buat alasan. Penyelesaiannya yg di buat tu langsung tidak berkesan. Kalu tidak dpt hantar kasi tau la. Suruh datang pgi ofis sana ambil. Susah sangat ka tu?!


2020-07-14 10:10 | Report Abuse

Business move first


2020-07-14 10:10 | Report Abuse

RMCO KA MCO KA, cancel it!


2020-07-10 10:39 | Report Abuse

OKOK no problemo!


2020-07-08 12:14 | Report Abuse

Patience is gold!


2020-07-08 12:13 | Report Abuse

Wait guys


2020-07-07 10:18 | Report Abuse

贪污的人都没有事 没有拿到钱 就說贪污 大马完蛋了 跟本没王法 丁丁你在做什么 没事找事做


2020-07-07 10:18 | Report Abuse



2020-06-30 10:10 | Report Abuse

Yesterday I top up PA also


2020-06-29 10:43 | Report Abuse

GoodTrade,你可以马上回去中国捡猪屎了,bye bye


2020-06-25 12:28 | Report Abuse



2020-06-24 09:23 | Report Abuse

O'Brian! The live matrix has a direct feed to market making system, showing investors exactly where the market maker’s current bid and offer price in the warrant will be, for various levels in the stock.

The live matrix is a very useful tool for two reasons. Firstly, it allows investors to see how the warrant price will move in line with movements in the underlying stock or index, providing transparency and also better understanding. Secondly, it allows investors to see whether it is maintaining a tight spread in our bid and offer quotes.

There are a few instances where a market maker may widen their spread for a warrant, such as when the delta of the warrant becomes very high or low, or when the issuer sells out of inventory. Investors should take great caution when buying warrants that are on a wide spread, however this is not always visible as other investors’ orders can make the warrant appear as if it is on a tight spread. Now with the live matrix, investors can see exactly where bids and offer prices are and whether we are keeping tight spreads.


2020-06-23 13:22 | Report Abuse

靓女PHOONPHOON ! 分享或吹水因人而异,有些人可以在文章中学到东西,有些人又有不同看法。


2020-06-23 13:20 | Report Abuse



1. 听tips

2. 想赚快钱 (贪婪)

3. 不愿学习,只会埋怨

每个人都会犯错,你并不是永远都是对的。当你做了错误的投资决定时,你是否愿意承认自己的错误呢(cut loss)。做错事要会说对不起,做错投资决定难道不用认错吗?你不认错你永远不能继续进步。

5. 骄傲自大
赚了钱要会守,如果你不能守住你的盈利那你赚钱就没意义了。很多人赚了钱就自以为是,心态变骄傲了早晚你还是需要吐回你的盈利。股市投资是没尽头的,今天你是net profit并不代表你永远是。

6. 没策略的投资决定



2020-06-22 09:13 | Report Abuse

Yeah guys, at that time my name will be God O'mighty!


2020-06-19 08:46 | Report Abuse

He pledged his support to Muhyiddin (above) and said the latter should continue leading the government.

Muhyiddin is the most popular choice and had shown to be capable in his first 100 days in office, he said.

The Harapan-led federal government fell in February following a political coup, dubbed the Sheraton Move, which saw the defections of MPs from Bersatu and PKR.

Harapan also lost power in Johor, Perak, Malacca, and Kedah. Warisan-led Sabah had been speculated as the next to fall.

Snap polls appeared to not be in favour of Harapan as the combined support among Malays for Umno and PAS exceeded those won by Harapan back in the 2018 general election.

Nazri noted there were lots of uncertainties at the state level, especially in Sabah after former chief minister Musa Aman was cleared of all 46 corruption and money laundering charges.

“He is probably stronger (now after the court cases). He is the rightful chief minister in the first place,” he added.

It was reported yesterday that two Upko lawmakers – Kuala Penyu state assemblyperson Limus Jury and Sugut state assemblyperson James Ratib – left their party to become independents supporting PN.

Warisan vice-president Junz Wong said the Sabah government was still solid with a two-thirds majority despite the two Upko lawmakers leaving the coalition.

The Star quoted Wong as saying that the Sabah government commanded 41 out of 60 state seats while PN only controlled 19.


2020-06-19 08:45 | Report Abuse

Nazri calls for snap polls, says time to end PN-Harapan ‘ping-pong’ game
Former de facto law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz has urged the ruling Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition to call for snap polls to end the political uncertainty.

This came after speculation that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was gearing up for snap elections by the year’s end after tabling an election budget.

The snap polls should be conducted at the parliamentary and state levels once the Covid-19 pandemic is under control, Nazri (above) was quoted as saying by Free Malaysia Today (FMT).

The “ping-pong game” of PN and Pakatan Harapan, where both sides claimed to have the majority support of MPs, has to stop as the people were uneasy with the political uncertainty, he said.

“One day it (the majority) is in my court and the next day, it is in your (Harapan) court then it is in my (PN) court. Let’s stop this uncertainty and have the general election.”
The Padang Rengas MP believed that Harapan does not command the numbers because if it did, it would have called for a press conference to announce it.

He hoped that Bersatu, Umno, and PAS will arrive at an agreement on the seat distribution for the polls as the three parties are Malay-based and could eye the same seats.

“Let’s make sure PN has a good majority and then we can stop this ping-pong game once and for all,” he said.

Citing the collapse of the Harapan government in less than two years, Nazri said the Malay parties in PN must champion the interests of the Malays.


2020-06-19 08:45 | Report Abuse

Pakatan Harapan should work to resolve its Prime Minister candidate issue quickly, which is like “a bone stuck in the throat”, said Amanah vice-president Mujahid Yusof Rawa.

Mujahid used the northern Malay analogy to describe the issue and said Harapan leaders had been reluctant to resolve the sticky situation ever since the coalition was formed before the 14th General Elections.

“This bone stuck in our throats is slowing us down and constantly threatening the path ahead of us. Unfortunately, some ‘friends’ do not help but keep blocking the path,” he said.

“Whether today the bones can be taken out or not, our voters are hoping for the best,” added the Parit Buntar MP.

He further said former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had to come to terms that no one should become PM for the third time, adding that PKR president Anwar Ibrahim is the natural choice for the top office as agreed to by the Harapan coalition partners.
“Both leaders need to see the larger truth, which is to save the rakyat from Perikatan Nasional, who toppled a legitimate government after brokering for positions and power,” Mujahid said.

“The post-Covid-19 situation needs a strong and trustable government who has strong national resilience where PN has failed. Let’s hope for the best decision today,” he added.

Mujahid was responding to Harapan and its allies possibly reaching a consensus on their candidate for PM today, paving the way for a countercoup.

He explained that Mahathir (below) could reposition himself politically but could still be around to help the new PM candidate gain acceptance.

There had been various proposals for the PM candidate to be Anwar Ibrahim or Warisan president Mohd Shafie Apdal, while Mahathir may be seeking to make a comeback, even if briefly, to set the stage for an ‘honourable exit’ from the political arena.

Meanwhile, Mujahid said whatever the decision is today, the people’s mandate needs to be restored as soon as possible, adding that the country’s political situation had reached a point of anti-climax with the establishment of a government without the people’s mandate.

“There needs to be a ‘next step’ because the intention of the ruling party today under PN is unclear – in the context of the country’s recovery plan,” he said.

“What is clear is that (the PN coalition) is simply in power as a means to (benefit) each other and not (fulfil) a manifesto they are trying to implement,” he added.

Mujahid stressed that if PN continued to rule, the country would suffer after spending prolonged time and energy dealing with political implications.

“Despite Harapan’s weaknesses, the intention among our coalition parties is clear in that we wish to restore the country. Our vision of cooperation and our fight against corruption and abuses of power is clear and obvious,” he added.


2020-06-19 08:44 | Report Abuse



2020-06-18 10:20 | Report Abuse

All the Republican Senators knew what Bolton knew. Yet only Mitt Romney had the courage to do the right thing.


2020-06-17 13:39 | Report Abuse

Pengiktirafan Taraf Kewarganegaran kepada pemain bolasepak .

Topik utama dalam media sosial adalah pemberian kewarganeragaan kepada pemain bola sepak. Persatuan Jaringan Pembangunan Manusia Luar Bandar Malaysia (DHRRA Malaysia) telah menerima banyak panggilan daripada pemohon atau ibubapa, yang tidak berpuas hati dengan Kementerian Dalam Negeri dalam pemberian taraf kewarganegaraan kepada pemain bola sepak.

DHRRA Malaysia ingin memberi penjelasan bahawa Kementerian Dalam Negeri pernah memberi taraf kewarganegaraan kepada pemani bo;asepak , seperti; Brendan Gan pada tahun 2014 , Matthew Davies (2015) , Stuart Work (2016), Darren Lok (2016), Kiko Insa (2017), Natyo Insa (2017), Mohamadou Sumareh (2018) , La’vere Corbin Ong (2018), Junior Eldstal (2017), Liridon Krasniqi (2019).(Sumber wikipedia)

Kewarganegaraan melalui Penaturalisasian Perkara 19 (PERLEMBANGAN PERSEKUTUAN MALAYSIA).

(1) Tertakluk kepada Fasal (9), apabila permohonan dibuat oleh mana-mana orang yang berumur dua puluh satu tahun atau lebih yang bukan warganegara, maka Kerajaan Persekutuan boleh memberi orang itu suatu perakuan naturalisasi jika Kerajaan Persekutuan berpuas hati--

(a) bahawa--
(i) dia telah bermastautin di Persekutuan selama tempoh yang dikehendaki dan berniat hendak berbuat demikian secara tetap jika diberi perakuan itu;
(ii) (dimansuhkan);
(b) bahawa dia berkelakuan baik; dan
(c) bahawa dia mempunyai pengetahuan yang memadai dalam bahasa Melayu.

(2) Tertakluk kepada Fasal (9), apabila permohonan dibuat oleh mana-mana orang yang berumur dua puluh satu tahun atau lebih yang bukan warganegara, maka Kerajaan Persekutuan boleh, dalam apa-apa hal keadaan khas yang difikirkannya patut, memberi orang itu suatu perakuan naturalisasi jika Kerajaan Persekutuan berpuas hati—

(a) bahawa dia telah bermastautin di Persekutuan selama tempoh yang dikehendaki dan berniat hendak berbuat demikian secara tetap jika diberi perakuan itu;
(b) bahawa dia berkelakuan baik; dan
(c) bahawa dia mempunyai pengetahuan yang memadai dalam bahasa Melayu.

(3) Tempoh pemastautinan di Persekutuan atau bahagiannya yang berkaitan yang dikehendaki bagi pemberian suatu perakuan naturalisasi ialah tempoh yang pada agregatnya berjumlah tidak kurang daripada sepuluh tahun dalam masa dua belas tahun sebaik sebelum tarikh permohonan bagi perakuan itu, dan tempoh itu termasuklah tempoh dua belas bulan sebaik sebelum tarikh itu.

DHRRA Malaysia percaya Kementerian Dalam Negeri telah memberi kelulusan khas dan mempercepatkan proses kewarganegaran pemain bola sepak tersebut.
Persoalannya: Apakah halangan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kerajaan Malaysia) untuk mempercepatkan, serta memberi kelonggaran yang sama kepada warga Malaysia yang menghadapi isu dokumentasi?

DHRRA Malaysia percaya mereka yang lahir di Malaysia dan masih memiliki Kad Pengenalan Merah (MYPR), Hijau (MYKAS) atau Sijil kelahiran Bukan Warganegara boleh diberi taraf kewarganegaraan melalui Perkara 14, Perkara 16, Perkara 19 atau menggunakan Perkara 15A permohonan dalam keadaan khas kepada kanak-kanak berumur 21 tahun kebawah.


2020-06-16 11:30 | Report Abuse

These cruelty should be given world wide publicity. Rogues.


2020-06-16 11:21 | Report Abuse

Errr, no they are not. George Floyd was a citizen of America. The illegals here are not citizens of Malaysia. There is a difference. But that said, the illegals deserve to be treated humanely.


2020-06-15 13:59 | Report Abuse

Come what the government be. But internal corruption is ever pervasive.


2020-06-12 17:48 | Report Abuse

Party money, like JLow party and Umno cash is king are untouchable. Sad affairs of the nation. No wonder there will be more ppl getting poorer. Its nothing with other races by the this extremists elites who use race and religion battling.


2020-06-12 17:47 | Report Abuse

sage8932 , totally agree with you!


2020-06-11 12:31 | Report Abuse

U might as well just open next year as by then only 1 1/2 months of the academic calendar is left. Students have lost so much time from studies what is NUTP plan to address this. They have so far offerred nothing


2020-06-05 12:10 | Report Abuse

GoodieTwoShoe,To be asking perfection from China’s history will be as unreasonable as expecting humans to be perfect
We should try to create fairytales on earth despite our humanly limitations
Your interpretations of the cultural revolution as “destruction”, and yet look what intellectual space that passage of history has freed up for China to progress to what is it today
It will be unreasonable to want to have your cake and eat it
History often rhymes even though it may not repeat itself exactly
Gentleness is a learned behaviour
Just as how your spontaneous observation of the cultural revolution was one of destruction


2020-06-04 14:19 | Report Abuse

Thucidies Trap?
Whoa! LOL! Obviously misapplied and fallacious sophomoric theory of historical determinism to induce the false perception of moral equivalence between the CCP and the USA in the present state of war.
The theory is misapplied as the USA can hardly be called a "rival" where the USA has been the principal underwriter of China's rise over the past three decades!
And the theory is fallacious as it fails to account for the German aggression of WWI or WWI or the Japanese aggression in the Pacific War.
But there is indeed a state of war existing between the CCP and the USA. This SinoAm war is Deng's stealth war launched 3 decades ago with the admonition "lie low" until the moment of overwhelming power had been realized. This tactic wholly fooled the USA and its presidents up to the present time, when the actions of Xi and the CCP have let the cat out of the bag.


2020-06-03 13:51 | Report Abuse

Of Course China and also India will be more powerful. But the CCP don't tell the truth. Between 80 to 100 million Chinese are unemployed, 300 million migrants workers are even difficult to maintain their jobs. Many are returning home. Just this year 9 million students will enter the market job!! Almost all the countries are in economic crisis because of the virus. If China don't have a high economic growth in the next year's, will face social/ economic problems, because for the first people will see their salaries reduced, will spend less, will affect all business.!!


2020-05-29 15:39 | Report Abuse

The King is not likely to accept any SDs now because he has as PM to advice him as per Article 40. Unless, I repeat Muhiyiddin resigns as PM. Then he could advice the king to dissolve the Dewan Rakyat and if the king declines, he must resign for another candidate to be appointed as PM.

If not have to wait until July 25 when Dewan Rakyat convenes. Vote of no confidence is the answer.