
OpporturnityHunter | Joined since 2021-03-22

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2021-10-14 12:43 | Report Abuse

I read from here if i am not mistaken, someone said TP price from Public Bank on SD is 0.410 leh. Reach TP, so PB sell leh, ehehehehe if PB really sell all


2021-10-14 12:40 | Report Abuse

Public Bank Mutual Fund = Interfund ?? hehehehe


2021-10-14 12:40 | Report Abuse

I just wonder if Interfund from public bank if it is a true case, ehehehehe


2021-10-14 12:37 | Report Abuse

@FSX123, thank you. I will sell if price up to around 0.80, reduce loss in loss loss, cry cry .


2021-10-14 12:31 | Report Abuse

stand at high floor can see the scenery better leh. if stay at tingkat 3 or 4, height is alang alang, see this kena block di depan, see sana, also cannot see well well leh


2021-10-14 12:29 | Report Abuse

@taco89, I am at tingkat more than 10 floor leh. up, can reduce my loss leh, down, also increase my loss. Seem that up and down, i still loss loss leh, cry cry


2021-10-14 12:24 | Report Abuse

lah lah lah, dont worry and will raise back one this afternoon, cheers


2021-10-14 12:23 | Report Abuse

where is Uncle Lim, I think Uncle Lim oledi cabut diam diam together with Interfund liao, hehehe


2021-10-14 12:21 | Report Abuse

Aiyo, why like that one you guy, price naik pasti good loh, harga drop, where good leh


2021-10-14 12:17 | Report Abuse

@FSX123, now your time and show time to scold ppl loh, I better keep diam diam liao


2021-10-14 12:16 | Report Abuse

No mood to talk no leh, Kopi O punya cannot afford to buy liao, just drink water puip, sad


2021-10-14 12:06 | Report Abuse

hehehehe, first I thought shark will become ikan masin, now it is SD soon become dead fish, sad sad loh


2021-10-14 12:05 | Report Abuse

as i said this morning. Dont sit there goyang kaki, if Karem cannot fight back and let shark win, then what o do loh


2021-10-14 12:04 | Report Abuse

I think SIR is not really good. Insider start to throw liao, sad sad sad loh. Cry with no tear. I can see Karem future, all SD, SCIB and Kpower drop drop liao . alamak.


2021-10-14 11:34 | Report Abuse

It is a boring day, better go to sleep leh


2021-10-14 09:24 | Report Abuse

lah lah lah, up up up , lah lah lah, up up up, lah lah lah, up up up. But must first break 0.435 loh


2021-10-14 09:09 | Report Abuse

oh. masih tak faham. Tak apa lah, let see long term term leh. If the first prority is running a company then still good loh loh


2021-10-14 09:04 | Report Abuse

@peralwhite, after reading your posting, your opinion is good or not leh, i langsung tak faham leh


2021-10-14 09:01 | Report Abuse

menakutkan leh, but, Encik Karem already prepare fishing net, later he will tangkap all sharks sharks and then process it become ikan masin, sedapnya


2021-10-14 08:55 | Report Abuse

Encik Karem, remember yeah, dont sit there goyang kaki, buy more today we trust you have money to buy and make the price raise, cheers


2021-10-14 08:49 | Report Abuse

hehehehe, many companies no money but Boss got a lot of money leh, hehehehe. Have you ever heard your boss said this year didnt earn money,so No BONUS this year . But, he bought lambogini, change big house leh, ehehehe. Company no money very normal lah, all money go to Boss wallet leh. hehehehe


2021-10-14 08:31 | Report Abuse

@Muhfiq, I dont have good feeling today leh just my feeling leh


2021-10-14 08:31 | Report Abuse

Encik Karem, if 0.435 like Mount Himalaya , that difficult for SD to climb and then break, what hope we have on SD leh. so, do something to break leh, 10s a lot lot yeah


2021-10-14 08:26 | Report Abuse

Encik Karem, dont sit there goyang kaki thinking that price will continue to raise even raise for past one week loh. You need to do more more loh. Buy back more loh so your followers can letak hati and tidur sedap loh


2021-10-14 08:20 | Report Abuse

Lai Lai Lai, we always read read 2 opinions here. One is will raise, one is will drop. We need NEUTRAL voices too which is always from me leh, ehehehehe. I only see price to judge loh. This week and next week really important. If today price still drop, I think tomorrow will drop too loh. If tomorrow drop next week most probably will drop too loh. So, today is important, apa jua explanation, it must raise loh. if raise , and tomorrow also raise leh, then I think sir is good log. If starting from today on, drop drop drop, I do not think SIR is that good loh. May be just pass loh. so , see see today price trend loh. no one can quaranttee when raise when drop loh. All here only wish price up loh loh. Important point is today loh. Encik Karem, wake up please. Buy more today to raise the price loh , hehehehe


2021-10-13 21:39 | Report Abuse

yes, I trust SD can. cheers, must reach 0.60 before SIR out leh. then hao sei liao loh


2021-10-13 21:32 | Report Abuse

luckily loh, support at 0.41 quite strong loh, so tomorrow will up and down from 0.41 to 0.425 loh. If can break 0.435 terus shoot kao kao loh


2021-10-13 21:30 | Report Abuse

what to do, 0.435 still strong resistance loh. Hope can break tomorrow



2021-10-13 16:53 | Report Abuse

oh oh, close REd, sad sad loh. see tomorrow how how loh


2021-10-13 16:52 | Report Abuse

have been jobless for past one year, sad sad loh


2021-10-13 16:51 | Report Abuse

@iamismail, thank you for sharing. Just that I got no money to buy liao. Banyak miskin for the past one year. jobless leh plus no income, how to buy buy leh. Next time, when i earn from Sd, I will buy a little Alcom loh


2021-10-13 16:47 | Report Abuse

@FSX123, I understand your point. Nothing wrong your comments as just that different ppl have different thought and opinions leh. You may correct and we may wrong. We may correct and you may wrong. Let time tell everything leh. You have done your part to give ppl advice which I also appreciate too. cheers


2021-10-13 16:46 | Report Abuse

@firehawk, have to support support a little to SD leh, otherwise how can i buy viva second hand leh


2021-10-13 15:19 | Report Abuse

I think someone sell at 0.415 in big volume hope to make the price down, hehehe. But, Karem not allow, must maintain and later or tomorrow shoot up, heheheheh


2021-10-13 15:14 | Report Abuse

If today can maintain Green, very encouraging liao. If can up, better, cheers


2021-10-13 14:10 | Report Abuse

hehehehe, mungkin jua


2021-10-13 13:57 | Report Abuse

Perpatah Cina kata :kalau naik gunung terlalu banyak kali, pasti akan temu harimau leh. saya pasti, you main macam tu, kelak, you jual 0.445, terus naik ke 0.50, you nangis pun terlalu lewat leh, hehehe


2021-10-13 13:53 | Report Abuse

kalau main short term leh, SCIB , pasti boleh ambil untung yang lebih banyak, heheheh


2021-10-13 13:50 | Report Abuse

yaloh, aku pun langsung tak faham jua. Kalau harga tak naik, semua nak harga naik. harga naik sikit, ambil untung pulak. alamak, bagaimana terus naik macam tu. No wonder resistance at 0.435 leh m hehehe


2021-10-13 13:39 | Report Abuse

kalau tak ambil untung, sudah terbang ke langit dah lah. oleh kerana terlalu banyak orang ambil untung, price tak dapat naik yeah, kalau semua ambil untung dulu, harga terus turun lah


2021-10-13 13:31 | Report Abuse

later this afternoon, raise to 0.445, no more shark and left only ikan masin shark lah , hehehe


2021-10-13 13:28 | Report Abuse

you do whole morning price still maintain at 0.415, kesian you busy for whole this morning


2021-10-13 13:27 | Report Abuse

@hisaishi, aiyoyo, dont like that , i am not afraid of shark, you may do whatever you want, I only takut JAW only lah, hehehehe.


hisaishi who are u to ask what i have to do

Posted by OpporturnityHunter > Oct 13, 2021 10:31 AM | Report Abuse


2021-10-13 13:23 | Report Abuse

@No father teach guy, anything wanna to share share with us


2021-10-13 13:23 | Report Abuse

next time I will not you armadatuah, I will call you no father teach guy leh , you see this nick, you know is you leh , hehehehe


2021-10-13 13:22 | Report Abuse

Kesian myself, teach you whole last night, you still act like barbarian , eheheeehehehe


2021-10-13 13:21 | Report Abuse

aiyo, why you open your mouth, ppl already know you got no father to teach you leh, hehehe. But, I can always teach you loh. The below is what a no father teach person will say one. Those who got father to teach , will not talk like you leh, hehehehehe

armadatuah2017 opportunity, go to screw yourself la
13/10/2021 12:02 PM

armadatuah2017 go to some other noob or beggars forum...
13/10/2021 12:03 PM


2021-10-13 13:18 | Report Abuse

@got father but no father teach Armadatuah, you come again, hehehehe. It is ok, we all can teach you here


2021-10-13 11:15 | Report Abuse

Encik Karem, where is your bullet leh, shoot these sharks and make them jadi ikan masin leh, Isedap dimakan with nasi lemak and kacang leh


2021-10-13 11:12 | Report Abuse

I thought shark who come here have big influences leh. wanna to repeat 0.305 - 0.405 and repeat and repeat the same pattern, tapi, this shark group doesnt know their own real color loh. come come, show show me your true color, hehehe. If dont have such powers, go aways leh, hehehehe