
Ozil88 | Joined since 2020-10-06

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2020-11-19 14:47 | Report Abuse

Reply to azrinj

Yeah, 0.050 at least


2020-11-19 14:46 | Report Abuse

Reply to YahKoboi,

Haha, iya, tepek sini nama dan alamat kita masing2 boh


2020-11-19 14:45 | Report Abuse

Reply to Newbytrader

Ya, pegi ke AGM bro, take care ea, saya xdapat datang


2020-11-19 14:44 | Report Abuse

Reply to Seiran

Ya, sure close 0.050 atau lebih hari ni


2020-11-19 14:32 | Report Abuse

Reply to YahKoboi, xde la, saya dengan newbytrader ok je, tak lawan pun, rilek je boh


2020-11-19 14:30 | Report Abuse

Reply to Seiran,

Kan.. pening aku, ok jela , ko la owner, tak pun aku, hahaha


2020-11-19 14:21 | Report Abuse

Reply to Newbytrader

You are WRONG bosku, when you said 'asiabio own some of Vsolar shares' I can consider you right

Own the shares, and own the company different bossku, never mind, I think you are just simple minded person, ok, haha


2020-11-19 14:18 | Report Abuse

Reply to Avalon88

Owner, and shareholder is different

But never mind let's go with we all own Vsolar


2020-11-19 14:06 | Report Abuse

Reply to Newbytrader,

When you know it public listed, you shouldn't say it's owned by asiabio bosku, just admit your mistake bosku, noboby will scold you for your mistake.

Next time don't mislead investor by saying it owned by asiabio, nonsense bosku.


2020-11-19 14:01 | Report Abuse

Reply to scenery

When someone buy some shares of the company, let's say I bought Petronas shares, I cannot simply claimed I owned Petronas ... You understand or not?

Same like asiabio, just because asiabio bought some Vsolar shares, you should not simply said Vsolar is owned by asiabio, fintec, or whatever company's there, it's wrong bro,you know what I mean?

Maybe Asiabio buy a lot, since it's an institution, but still, Asiabio is not any better than Vsolar company bro...


2020-11-19 13:59 | Report Abuse

Reply to scenery

When someone buy some shares of the company, let's say I bought Petronas shares, I cannot simply claimed I owned Petronas ... You understand or not?

Same like asiabio, just because Asiabio bought some Vsolar shares, you should not simply said Vsolar is owned by Asiabio group, it's wrong bro,you know what I mean?

Maybe Asiabio buy a lot, since it's an institution, but still, Asiabio is not any better than Vsolar company bro...


2020-11-19 13:54 | Report Abuse

Reply to Newbytrader,

Don't simply said this company owned by that, that company owned by this... You must not know we have our own legal team right? You want to be sued for false accusation? It's easy to find you bro


2020-11-19 12:53 | Report Abuse

Reply to azrinj

Tidak akan bawah dari 0.04, sebab dekat 0.04 ada 184,307,200 saham beratur nak beli, mustahil da tu nak beli harga tu, kena beli harga semasa bro

Ya, besok 'last day' perbahasan bajet 2021 d parlimen, harapnya minggu depan ada berita baik ;)


2020-11-19 12:49 | Report Abuse

Reply to kylexy



2020-11-19 12:49 | Report Abuse

Reply to stonecold

Ya harga diskaun berabis sekarang, beli sementara masih murah

Happy investing AOR all ;)


2020-11-19 12:48 | Report Abuse

Reply to Zahra2016

Iya dear, buy sebelum fly ;)


2020-11-19 12:47 | Report Abuse

Reply to gghaha,

sekarang dekat 0.04 pun 184 million tengah beratur, hampir mustahil nak dapat kalau baru nak beli harga tu, harga bawah dari tu lagi la mustahil, seperti mengharap bulan jatuh ke riba, hahaha

Buy harga semasa je bro


2020-11-19 12:44 | Report Abuse

Reply to dosn

Cut loss means you will LOSS ;)


2020-11-19 12:44 | Report Abuse

Reply to Newbytrader,

Benar tuan, normal up and down tu, yang penting kita lihat grafnya, uptrending or not, so dalam Vsolar graf ni, dia tengah uptrending sejak 3 minggu ni, so itu yg penting


2020-11-19 11:44 | Report Abuse

Harga akan turun naik, yang penting lihat grafnya guys, turun naik tapi dalam keadaan uptrending, itu yang penting

Tambah lagi kita tengah menunggu pengumuman dari kerajaan, sampai saat ini pun masih lagi berjalan perbahasan tentang bajet 2021 di parlimen, sebab tu belum ada pengumuman tender projek dibuat. In Sha Allah besok hari last perbahasan bajet 2021, lepas tu minggu depan mudah2an pengumumannya diberi, Aamin


2020-11-19 11:40 | Report Abuse

Reply to Thetruthut

It's normal for people to buy and sell bro, when you see the graph it up and down like a heart beat right ;-)

What the most important thing is it's uptrending for the past 2 weeks and I believe we will close high tomorrow to make it 3 weeks uptrending ;-)


2020-11-19 11:34 | Report Abuse

Reply to areef67

Oh ok, harap2 brader yg guna username tradersampah tadi bertabah sebab tak dapat ubah nama...


2020-11-19 11:14 | Report Abuse

Reply to tradersampah

Aku rasa berat nak tulis namamu ni tradersampah, rasa bersalah dengan ibubapamu yg dah bagi nama baik tapi mu ubah jadi sampah...

Baik, berkenaan pendapat mu yg penjualan saham melalui PP ni merosakkan market, SALAH tu, mana ada merosakkan market, penjualan saham ni menyelamatkanmu dari Jerung2 yang suka beli dan jual awal macam epf tu... :-) kalau epf dah beli melalui PP, xde la diorang nak jual awal, hehe

Pendek kata, PP baik untuk menaikkan harga saham, sebab dah kurang jerung yg nak jual saham awal.. cuma kena bersabar bhai


2020-11-19 11:03 | Report Abuse

Reply to tradersampah

1. Sila ubah username mu, ibubapa mu akan merasa sangat menyesal dan malu melihat mu menggunakan nama sampah. Nama dah elok mereka bagi, mu pula pegi ubah nama sendiri jadi sampah, xpa ubah secepat mungkin namamu bhai.

2. Tentang ESOS, itu ada scheme untuk kakitangan/staff dalam Vsolar company untuk memudahkan mereka membeli saham tanpa perlu membeli dari open market. ESOS ni adalah merupakan hadiah/ganjaran bagi staf, agar mereka rasa dihargai. Kelebihannya ESOS adalah para staff boleh beli direct, cepat n mudah. Kekurangannya, staff ni tak boleh jual saham tu bila2 masa yg depa nak, sebab pembelian saham melalui ESOS ni ada tempoh simpanan dia, maksudnya beli dan simpanan sampai tempoh tertentu (biasanya setahun, bergantung kepada t&c dalam agreement). So basically ESOS ni memudahkan staff untuk jadi pemegang saham syarikat.

3. Private Placement (PP) ni pun lebih kurang, cuma PP ni untuk Banks/ Institutions. Memudahkan pembelian, cepat dan murah. Kekurangannya banks/institutions tadi tak boleh jual saham yg depa beli through PP tu, melainkan selepas beberapa tahun (ada yang setahun, bergantung kepada T&C dalam agreement).

Sebab tu EPF biasa beli kat open market ja, supaya depa boleh jual secepat mungkin, epf ni macam jerung yg suka jual awal, kadang dia beli pagi dia jual petang, hahaha

So bagi mengelakkan jerung yg suka jual awal macam epf tu, Vsolar jual saham kepada jerung melalui PP, supaya depa ni, jerung2 xboleh jual awal


2020-11-19 10:50 | Report Abuse

Reply to joejoseph

When the price is low, it's time to collect more shares


2020-11-19 10:49 | Report Abuse

Reply to KiyoshiParadise

PP = Private Placement

Bank atau institusi membeli saham secara terus (Direct buying) daripada syarikat Vsolar, pada harga rendah untuk disimpan sekurang2nya setahun, atau lebih, bergantung kepada terma & syarat dalam perjanjian.


2020-11-19 10:46 | Report Abuse

Reply to shareshareonly

Ya, you can buy it, buying Vsolar shares is the same as you contribute to greener environment, better environment for our next generations


2020-11-19 10:44 | Report Abuse

Reply to abangcha

Congratulations bro, you bought at low price :-)


2020-11-19 10:44 | Report Abuse

Reply to azrinj

Regarding your question about ESOS, not true, nobody in the company sell their shares, since we all knew that BIG Project coming.

If you refer to the latest ESOS, then you should know it cannot be sold in near future, it has it's maturity time. Cannot buy today sell tomorrow, that's not how it works bossku.


2020-11-19 10:40 | Report Abuse

Reply to Ogong13

Ya, have maturity date before they can sell it.


2020-11-19 10:40 | Report Abuse

Reply to azrinj

Shares bought through private placement (PP) cannot be sold right away, after the banks/institutions bought shares through private palcement, the earliestthey can sell it is after 1 year, depends on the terms in the agreement. In some cases shares from PP can only be sold after 3 years or more


2020-11-18 16:32 | Report Abuse

Reply to dosn,

Maturity for PP is at least 1 year, might be more, subject to the agreement between both parties


2020-11-18 16:23 | Report Abuse


Yes, not many companies in Malaysia doing Solar business


2020-11-18 16:22 | Report Abuse

Reply to Brocuba,

Ya, investor only,

Btw, what do u mean by EP?


2020-11-18 15:17 | Report Abuse

Reply to spammerx,

Yea, slowly and steadily bruh ;)


2020-11-18 15:16 | Report Abuse

Reply to Zehra2016

Betul. Thanks Zehra ;)


2020-11-18 15:15 | Report Abuse

Reply to nmsfqi

Price is lower than yesterday, time to collect more shares. For investors like me who already all in.. all I do is waiting for my TP, watching movies, reading books, and some other things.. hihi


2020-11-18 15:12 | Report Abuse

Reply to Babyace



2020-11-18 15:09 | Report Abuse

Reply to sadinpedas

PP = Private Placement


2020-11-18 15:06 | Report Abuse

One more thing tradersampah,

Macam mana orang tahu ko malas membaca, sebabnya adalah ko simply cakap LSS4 dari 2017, wth sam.. ni link tunjuk project ni baru je bukak tender Jun 2020, tahun ni sam.. Lain kali cuba rajin sikit membaca tu


Jangan koyak kalau orang bagi kita nasihat sam, bersyukurlah ada lagi orang nak bagi nasihat dekat ko. pesanan: Rajin la membaca, n rajin la dalam semua hal2 yang baik


2020-11-18 15:02 | Report Abuse

Reply to trader sampah,

1. Change your username, if your parents see your username here, they will very very ashamed of you

2. Don't be lazy to read, if you are lazy, you will fail miserably in your life.. Read about Private Placement sam, PP is not something daily trader can buy, it can't be buy today and sell today.. read more sam

3. PP have it's maturity time, can't simply buy today sell today, haiyooo


2020-11-18 14:58 | Report Abuse

Reply to dosn

Now u claim u have insider news?! Haha, you caught lying 2 times sister, now you want to lie again? If I'm an insider, I will not disclosed anything like that in public

Liar always lie, u dosn


2020-11-18 13:07 | Report Abuse

Or maybe just work from home bruh, so much time


2020-11-18 13:06 | Report Abuse

Reply to thetruthut,

Full time investor maybe


2020-11-18 13:05 | Report Abuse

Reply to cooljay

From your comment I know you don't know about LSS4.. Read first bruh, thoroughly I mean


2020-11-18 11:52 | Report Abuse

Reply to dosn,

Our nation choose to go green, slowly but surely will replace classic energy.

Better pay a bit expensive for our next generation's well-being. Money can be earned, but your health is priceless, cannot be bought bruh..

You need to choose:
Save some money but you are sick body n mind


Pay a little bit extra, and you're healthy and kicking well ;-)

We need to choose for our next generation bruh, go green, buy SOLAR


2020-11-18 11:07 | Report Abuse

Reply to tradersampah,

PP must lower than market price, otherwise they better just buy the shares from open market

Lagi satu, bank dan institutions ni depa beli banyak, x macam kita ni, kita biasa beli dalam 10K lot je, atau kurang/lebih sikit. Depa beli 500K lot ke atas bruh

500K lot = 50 million shares


2020-11-18 10:50 | Report Abuse

Reply to imnoobonly,

Ya, daily trader will always koyak no matter which counter they go.. That's why I encourage many newbies to be investors, choose a company with a very good project ahead, buy the shares and wait until your TP

Anyway, invest at our own risk guys