
Pinnacle88 | Joined since 2014-04-11 22:14:09

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2014-08-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

All name start with "eco" reflect great potential.

First counter- eco world,
2nd counter- eco nbhd

3rd counter now is eco first

Ha...ha... believe it or not.


2014-08-22 15:53 | Report Abuse

Great . Under Dato' Tiong Kwing Hee's leading team as Group CEO n ED.


2014-08-22 00:27 | Report Abuse

High court approval for capital reduction and outstanding matters now shall be the announcement of warrant bonus entitlement and ex-date.

Next target 40 sen soon and then gradually reach 50 sen with holding power ...

If both prime projects approval obtain and good sales respond, believe one day this counter can be similar par price with medainc as well. " kumpulan emas" boleh!

Note: invest at your own risk.


2014-08-15 23:37 | Report Abuse

Rumor cited Great quarterly result should be announced soon by this month with Nta likely in the range btw rm 9 to Rm 10

By applying 35% margin of safety as discounted factor rate n this counter likely can easily reach at min. RM 5.85

believe that potential price upward still remain unchanged.........


Note: invest at your own risk.


2014-08-11 18:29 | Report Abuse

Awesome 5253

Being one of the largest and most advance arrays of piling equipment in Malaysia in which own branded mechanical rigs and hydraulic brand from Germany.

Workshop alone approx. 5.3 acre lot in Bukit Beruntung, Rawang to cater for machine rise, operation, modification, repair, maintenance work, etc.

Believe they are Capable to handle and constructing piles size up to 3200mm in diameter and up to 100 m in depth.

Be calm and more projects to be awarded soon based on their capacities, expertise, etc. in Geotechnical and foundation works comprises of CBP, diaphragm wall, strutting system, jack in piles, ground improvement, top-down construction, slope protection etc....

Likely dividend to announce for the forthcoming quarter result equivalent to 1 to 2 sen.... And price can reach RM 1.25 by end of this month.....

Note: invest at your own risk.


2014-06-18 21:57 | Report Abuse

My 3rd target price at 70 sen hit today.

Looking forward at 80 sen before agm.

oil n gas contribute positively n likely book value more than rm 700m...

note: invest at yr own risk.


2014-06-11 14:17 | Report Abuse

Read the company prospectus thru bursa ipo section this late afternoon.


2014-06-11 11:34 | Report Abuse

Econpile ipo price 54 sen.

Prospectus out today.

Closing date : 18/6

Listing date : 30/6


2014-06-10 21:13 | Report Abuse

Destini- more to come despite placement share price keep rising. Agm soon. Latest news to acquire remaining portion of vanguard equity.

Ecofirst- bonus warrant approved. Awaiting agm n egm this month. Price now highest since new CEO on board.

Silk- bye bye despite potential upward.

Econpile- new ipo.
Rumour cited prospectus out middle of this week,closing middle of next week n listg end of this month.
Likely ipo price at 54 sen.
Private placement portion more than 16x oversubscribed.
Only approx. 25% share float for listing.

Note: invest at your own risk.


2014-05-11 19:28 | Report Abuse

Portfolio in my list comprises of:-

1. Silk- recent big jump despite private placement announcement. Toll and oil & gas business.

2. Sona- good potential and gradually price upward while awaiting for QA if compare cliq.

3. Ecofirst- consolidate now despite their key mgmt bought from open market at 28 sen. awaiting for bonus warrant approval despite good result announced. Likely to hit 38 sen....

4. Destini- stabile at 60 sen. Likely to climb for an another new record high despite rumor cited RM1 after completion their acquisition of kejuruteraan samudra oil and gas, min. > @00M business, vanguard, plus mindef award, etc.private placement soon plus attract a lot of fund manager cum institution attention now.

5. Suiwah- stable and good dividend. Price gradually upward ....

Note: Invest at your own risk.


2014-04-24 22:42 | Report Abuse

My opt is to avoid this counter even price drop to VERY ATTRACTIVE price, believe it or not?

Imagine that price was from initial IPO at 95 sen on 24/2/2012, price gradually move up to rm 1.7+ then follow by dividend announcement, free bonus warrant, acquire and swap share to purchase another listed company, accident, factory, etc...

today close at 19 sen. Huge deficit as compare to the IPO n peak price stage.

How many investors suffered and become 'victim' just for this counter????

FYI- I reminded my friend and told him to pass the same message to his invited Singapore housewife friends that don't touch this counter. Even they bought it and I immediate sound to them to cut lost in order to avoid further price decline but they still persisted to obey good 'uncle'/ yb's rumor 'news' and aggressively level down until no more bullet ......

Too late and regret now.

Hope to be a good lesson for new investor. Always do your home work before action.



2014-04-23 00:45 | Report Abuse

Diam diam naik ....

Should hit a new record high ( under Ecofirst )

Awaiting bonus approval since submission to bursa more than 2 month ago...

New size able projects in various state to be kick off soon with and including >50 plus acres in ulu kelang.


2014-04-23 00:33 | Report Abuse

Agree n Be prepared. One of the last few property counter has yet to push. Some events/ activities in the pipeline as abstracted from bursa cum rumor as follows:-

1) 2 sen single tier dividend- paid last year 3rd quarter.

2) Another final 1 sen dividend- awaiting AGM to convey very soon.

3) more New projects -such as commercial development at kota damansara ( bought from signature kitchen's existing showroom cum offices), Melaka property, one prima (rumor) etc.

4) Company buy back - very active.

5) Bonus- free 1 WC for 10 extg share held. Exercise price indicate at 80 sen.

6) Existing WB- exercise price confirm stepped up to 70 sen effective today. As such WB exercise to add 70 sen in order to covert to mother share.

7) Treasury shares- more than 6,655,000. Company to reward to share holder? ( rumor )

As such, based on new WC and WB exercise price, believe the mother share should be at least 84 sen onward...


2014-04-22 23:32 | Report Abuse

Believe this counter likely to consolidate soon based on their recent huge transaction volume and price acceleration.

Consider to focus on Sona and wa now while awaiting for Destini to climb to another new chapter .

Note: My friend and I bought Sona during IPO placement period and also accumulate/ top up Sona's mother share during their price transaction drop between 39 to 40.5 sen. Strong margin of safety that company will guarantee refund you at 45 sen cost plus interest if no QA declare ......

Be patient. Fruitful will come.



2014-04-22 15:15 | Report Abuse

Hit 69.5 sen now. All time high.

Quantum of the awarded sum shall be the issue based on their continuous projects awarded by....

Note: invest at your own risk.


2014-04-20 23:20 | Report Abuse

1) Destini- next week likely hit another new record prior to consolidate.

2) Econfirst - likely to hit a new record high despite consolidation now.
Note: price oledi upward from 19 sen to 28 sen now.

3) Asiapac - no more holding. bought at 19 sen......

4) XXXXXX- to share by end of next month based on rumor....

Note: Invest at yr own risk.


2014-04-18 23:10 | Report Abuse

Samundra dispose thru placement at same price of 35 sen to designate parties ( refer to their earlier proposal announcement plus recent company share transaction announcement by both parties). As such, any price movement of destini will no impact their disposal transaction.

Destini still will be the best. With Vanguard, Samundra Oil n gas, mindef award, etc...enough keep them busy with positive earning.

For Samundra, believe no more core business and likely classify under PN 17 soon......

Note: Invest at yr own risk.


2014-04-18 10:00 | Report Abuse

60sen passed. Dont look back. Off deal transaction as announced recently. Dont worry.

MY 3rd target of 80 sen likely to achieve.

Note: invest at yr own risk.

For those purchase before the ex bonus at 40 sen.

Now their profit incl. Free warrant more than 110% less than 6 mths

I.e. 40 sen x 3= 1200 cost.

Now 64 sen mother n warrant 30 sen, 3 mother = 1920 + 600 (warrrant)
= 2,520


2014-04-11 23:01 | Report Abuse

Believe minor correction may be happened in view of the heavy transaction volume recently.

My cost around 20 sen and worth to keep it and monitor it for few more days before next course of action.



2014-04-11 22:52 | Report Abuse


Refer to my earlier posting :-
1st target : 50 sen . Passed
2nd target: 60 sen. Hit recently and consolidate now.
3rd target : 80 sen.- hope for better financial result announcement after incorporating acquisiion of Samundra oil and gas and contribution from mindef and vanguard.
4th target- likely hit rm 1.

Note: invest at your own risk.
Purchased during free warrant announcement and keep it until now.

Pinnacle = Pinnacle 88 = brother.

Earlier post- Ecofirst from 19 sen and now 28 sen. Likely Consolidate now and awaiting their quarterly result and proposal free bonus warrant.











2013年1月,公司以1千萬令吉代價,收購總部設於新加坡的救生艇與救生艇配備製造公司Vanguard的51%股權。同年10月8日,以3千900萬令吉全購TECHNO FIBRE集團,以便涉海事維修、維護與大修(MRO)業務、救生艇檢測、培訓活動等。

在收購上述兩大公司股權後,其中Vanguard公司去年貢獻15萬3千令吉、TECHNO FIBRE集團則貢獻483萬5千令吉。






2014-04-11 22:24 | Report Abuse

Never invest this counter in material of "attractive" price.

Refer to their price since ipo until now.

Note: My own experience view and invest at yr own risk.

Pinnacle =Pinnacle 88 = brother