
Richmond168 | Joined since 2014-01-08

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2014-03-12 23:22 | Report Abuse

Bro mikekong55. Now balik kampung holiday. The line here very slow, so seldom online also. Yea, no more holding inari. Switch my fund to MISC today and waiting Luster to shot so that to come out and holding some cash at the moment. Waiting ur nice call lo. Hehe. :)


2014-03-12 23:15 | Report Abuse

Bro mikekong. If u are seaweed then we are habuk ady lo. Still got a lot of things need to learn from u ma. :)

Sis gd2bkind. U very kaya lo. MISC, KSENG and CARLSBERG. All expensive le. Lol. Btw, u got buy AEON also or not? Hihi.. :)


2014-03-12 17:06 | Report Abuse

Bro psd57. U are welcome. Just my view again. If no profit, take back ur capital also good enough le. Because Thheavy and Scomies both not really performing yet, so is still quite danger for Scomi. But see situation also, if got profit come together then just ride, hehe.. I think Scomi should be able to hit 0.475 on tmr. :)

Okay, got to go ady. My line here is really slow. Nice day all. :)


2014-03-12 16:59 | Report Abuse

Bro zu1967. Oh, haha. Then hope u can make some profit there to cover the previous daya losses ya. Hehe. :)


2014-03-12 16:49 | Report Abuse

Bro zu1967. Congratulation. Hope u can faster recover ur losses on daya. Hehe. :)


2014-03-12 16:44 | Report Abuse

Bro psd57. Scomi don't need wait tmr. Now rebound liao. Lol

Bro hepitrade. For MISC to hit tp at 7.50 quoted by bro mikekong, its PE will be only at about 16 times. For index link counter to have a PE of 16 is acceptable. Even PETRONAS counters have 20-30 times PE. On top of that, today KLCI fall significantly and it doesn't bring much impact to MISC. Once KLCI is stabilize, I think MISC should be able to perform. :)


2014-03-12 16:23 | Report Abuse

MISC. Got u at 6.98. MISC holders here all Huat together la. :)

Guys, daya got rebound symptoms. Can slowly top up then once see profit can faster come out, since its fundamental is not convincing at the moment. Can buy back again when the coming qr is convincing enough. Just my view only lo. :)

Bro psd57. U into scomi ah? Just my view har.. If u not yet enter, scomi better don't touch now le. Thheavy and scomies both also cannot perform well, so is can't really expect scomi to perform well at the moment. But if u have entered, can try hold until tmr. Maybe there will be a slight technical rebound on tmr. :)


2014-03-12 09:14 | Report Abuse

Hi good morning all. Wow, ytd night so many comments here. Will read all the comments now. Hehe.. :)


2014-03-11 12:29 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. Yea, thank you. U too, keep some cash and wait for bro mikekong's buy call. Hehe.. And looks like a lot of people here making good profits from inari. Good to hear that. Cheers all. :)


2014-03-11 12:15 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. Yalo, a bit busy actually. Now balik kampung, spend some time with family lo. And the line here also not very good, so seldom online also. Lol. :)


2014-03-11 12:09 | Report Abuse

Bro menna. Okay, then maybe I will try some, not sure yet. See situation. But will still hold cash and wait for bro mikekong next buy call. :)


2014-03-11 12:00 | Report Abuse

Aiya.. Miss the misc boat. Didn't refresh the page. Okay, bro mikekong. Will wait for ur another buy call. :)


2014-03-11 08:25 | Report Abuse

Hi, good morning all. Happy trading again. :)

Bro mikekong, thanks for ur info. :)


2014-03-10 10:16 | Report Abuse

Bro 31153115 and changlk03. Really sad to hear that, my condolences. The survival percentage is getting slimmer and slimmer after the searching hours getting longer and longer. Hope there will be some miracle happen then. :)


2014-03-10 08:53 | Report Abuse

Hi morning all. Really sad that after long hours of searching still couldn't find the missing plane. Pray hard for all the passengers and crews inside the MH370.
Anyway, happy trading to all. :)


2014-03-07 00:16 | Report Abuse

Bro zu1967. Sorry, really busy actually. Now baru turn on my computer, hehe.. Seem like so many news I have missed. Lol.

Anyway, good to hear that the people here are making profits. :)

Want to sleep ady, very tire. Good night everyone. :)


2014-03-05 16:06 | Report Abuse

Bro mikekong. Okay, noted. Thanks, bro. Will take profit first before I go off. Hehe. :)


2014-03-05 16:03 | Report Abuse

Bro zu1967. Yea, u can buy back later also. Now better hold with the cash first. Wait for bro mikekong's stock call. :)

Bro sunlight. Market is really uncertain for temporary. No choice lo. The Europe side so many issue. Haih..

I got to go liao. See u all again ya. :)


2014-03-05 15:46 | Report Abuse

Bro sunlight. U really have to think carefully lo. If today close at 0.68 or below, is really not healthy ady. Chances to be in red zone for tmr is high, though is not 100% confirm in red zone la. U have to monitor closely as in I don't know how much risk u can absorb actually. All the best to u okay. :)

Bro zu1967. U got buy knm also ah.. Since u have sold, hold the cash now better. Like what bro mikekong said.

Bro changlk03. But today no goring le. Aduiii..


2014-03-05 15:30 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. What news ur received on Luster? U make me so gang jiong now. Haha. :)

Bro zu1967. What correction? U meant daya?


2014-03-05 15:28 | Report Abuse

Bro sunlight. U not yet sell ur knm de ah? Ady mentioned just now, trailing stop at 0.70 le. Why now drop to 0.68 (2 cents) liao still not yet sell? Now is depend ur willingness on risk taking ady le. If u are high risk taker, can wait further and see got people come in to support or not. If today close at 0.68 or below, is consider quite danger. Chances to be in red zone for tmr is high. U really have to think carefully now lo. Next time, once trailing stop hits, just sell first. Don't think so much.


2014-03-05 13:49 | Report Abuse

Bro AyamTua. This is scomi 7158 or scomies 7045? The title there mention is Scomi Energy le. Hehe.. :)


2014-03-05 13:38 | Report Abuse

Bro mikekong. Really thanks for the info le. Now I will wait and see first. :)


2014-03-05 13:34 | Report Abuse

Bro menna. If iris cannot cross 0.63, then is really dangerous. Lol.

Bro AyamTua. Apa lubang u received from scomi? If ur lubang is betul betul punya, I want to whack le. Hihi. :)

Bro sunlight. U are welcome. Hope u can make good profit there. :)

Bro zu1967. Don't shot all ur bullets lo. Just in case if drop then u can average down again. Just my view ya. Hope daya can give u good return then. Hehe. :)


2014-03-05 13:14 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. Cannot say is confirm. Maybe will stuck there for awhile. Then have to analyse again on knm for the direction moving. :)


2014-03-05 13:12 | Report Abuse

Bro zu1967. If can cross 0.37, I think should be quite safe la. I'm still waiting to buy back daya actually. Like what bro mikekong said, don't know where is the bottom for daya. Lol. :)

Bro sunlight. Okay, good luck to u then. :)


2014-03-05 13:07 | Report Abuse

Bro zu1967. Haha. Then wish u have a good profit from knm then. :)


2014-03-05 13:03 | Report Abuse

Bro butter_will_fly/doodles/sunlight. Trailing stop is based on ur reward and risk appetite or sometime have to base on charting analysis, difficult to explain here. So, u must know where is ur risk profile. For me, I will just let the price float and see how much it can bound as long as is above my trailing stop and sell once it hits the price. For knm case, ytd ady closed at green zone. The Russia/Ukraine issue seem like over. So, for knm to cross 0.70 today shouldn't be a problem I think. If today morning the performance is strong, it may challenge 0.74/0.75 either on later afternoon or tmr, the chances is high. But if fail to cross over 0.75 on tmr, I will just sell for safety. The game looks like is finish played. :)

Bro hepitrade. Is okay, as long as u have taken back ur capital or minimise ur losses lo. Hehe. :)


2014-03-05 11:15 | Report Abuse

Hey guys.. My view on knm. Don't have to sell now. Should be able to go higher. Just input trailing stop at 0.70 will do. The rest, let the profit run. My view only lo. Good luck to u all. :)

Have another appointment, got to go now liao. See u. :)


2014-03-05 09:39 | Report Abuse

Bro mikekong. Okay, thanks for the inform. I will also queue then. Hehe. :)

Okay, got to go ady. See u all again later. :)


2014-03-05 08:57 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. Oh, okay. Now I understand liao. Thank u. Hehe.. Will study the cases when I'm free ya. :)


2014-03-05 08:53 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. What is the negative percentage mean? The total price movement for the past 3 days?


2014-03-05 08:49 | Report Abuse

Bro swingtrader. U are most welcome. :)

Guys, daya seem like today will rebound. Should be able to gap up for open. :)


2014-03-04 23:04 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. Still hold on Luster, not yet throw. Chart and TA got improving symptoms liao. Hope the price can faster fly. :)

Okay, wanna go sleep ady, very tire. Good night everyone. :)


2014-03-04 22:46 | Report Abuse

Bro psd57. U are right. Daya has to look into their coming quarters performance. Once their Q1'14 start improving, the price should be able to move well ady. :)


2014-03-04 22:30 | Report Abuse

Bro mikekong. Okay, thanks for the inari-wa update. :)


2014-03-04 22:29 | Report Abuse

Bro tuck2. U are most welcome. I think should be able to go up tmr. But just in case mother fall to 0.60, then it is not healthy. :)


2014-03-04 22:26 | Report Abuse

Bro mikekong. Oh, I see. That's very good for u, sure will be able to learn a lot from all the experts. Okay, thanks for ur info. Will monitor on klci closely as a benchmark then. Yea, bought some inari-wa today, but no mkh. Really run out of bullets liao. Still got stuck in some penny actually. Lol.. Anyway, Luster still can hold right? A bit scare of Luster, got average down, because my emotional has put into it ady. :(


2014-03-04 22:02 | Report Abuse

Bro butter_will_fly. Oh, hide kat sana ah. Haha. Now only I know. Lol. Anyway, really thanks a lot for ur info ya. Hehe. :)

Bro mikekong. U come back so late de? I thought u can always balik rumah quite early. Hehe. :)


2014-03-04 21:56 | Report Abuse

Bro tuck2. If I'm in ur case, I will sell when is traded at below 0.60. Just for safety and buy back later, as in I always play safe. Personally, I think bright should be able going up tmr. My view only lo. Can try ask others for further opinion. :)


2014-03-04 21:49 | Report Abuse

Bro swingtrader. One thing forgot to mention. The recent sell off could be also due to the uncertainty on the issue from Russia/Ukraine. The rebounding for daya tmr would also have to see the western market performance first ya. :)


2014-03-04 21:44 | Report Abuse

Bro swingtrader. Sorry for keep waiting, reached home a bit late. TA shows that daya is about 50:50 indication on tmr. Today it has touched and closed at 0.355, which is the basic support level 0.355/0.365 has touched. If tmr no rebound, the next support should be at 0.33. If at 0.33 still no rebound, consider gone case. Have to try again on next support at 0.275. I did plan to buy back daya on last Friday at 0.40, but failed to get it from buy queue. Thought want to queue again on Monday. But the thing is, after the reading the qr on last Friday, it really disappoint me. PE today is at 121.26, which has failed my requirement on the stock pick at 0.40 which planning to buy again on Monday. So, buy daya now is exactly buying for its future. Hope the projects granted to them will enable to generate better profits for the coming quarters. I got no idea about the director is buying at a high price, don't know what is happening also. Personally on my view, the shooting star may act as a further down as in the pe is too high for temporary, along with there is a strong gap down (2 cents) on ytd (Monday) that need to take into consideration. I may only buy back daya on tmr only if cross 0.37 and with an input trailing loss at 0.34 (max), also depend on condition. From the above points, I would not recommend for swing play for daya as in no further confirmation is intact, is quite risky. If compare knm with daya, I think knm would have a better swing play for tmr. Just my view only lo. :)


2014-03-04 20:01 | Report Abuse

Bro swingtrader. Okay, will get back to u later. Will post here around 9pm or before 9pm okay. :)


2014-03-04 19:59 | Report Abuse

Bro butter_will_fly. At which category? Cannot find the fibo function also. Don't know where it hide. Lol

Bro rooney2u. That time ngam ngam I also need fund, so I sell lo. Can also always buy back ma. I did queue buy on last Friday at 0.40, but cannot get. So thought want to try on Monday. But after read the qr, is still cannot convince me yet. So I will wait and see first. :)


2014-03-04 19:48 | Report Abuse

Bro swingtrader. Yea, seldom come across this type of case. Really need to further study based on combination of both TA and charting. U still holding ur daya? I had sold mine last week at 0.445. Now I also a bit scare to buy daya actually.


2014-03-04 19:44 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. Meaning u do the calculation on yourself? After that only draw the line based on ur calculation?


2014-03-04 19:36 | Report Abuse

Bro swingtrader. Yea, I agreed with u that is a bit weird. I get back to u again later at night okay. Have to check on my system for further analysis on TA and charting first. :)

Bro changlk03. Chart nexus can support fibo application? U are using a paid one is it?


2014-03-04 10:22 | Report Abuse

Bro calvintaneng. This is a democratic investing and trading world. Everyone has the choice or preference where to put their money in. Don't need to say such insulting words to people ma. Chill la bro. :)


2014-03-04 09:57 | Report Abuse

Bro changlk03. Really hope no war lo. Once firing start, really feel sad for the soldiers, sure got people scarify de lo..

Anyone bought into knm? The swing is really swinging fast. Lol. :)


2014-03-03 22:51 | Report Abuse

Bro kukuman. Cannot talk so loud le. Later ah jib gor come find u to have kangkung supper. Haha. :)