
SaturnReturns | Joined since 2014-08-26

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2014-11-25 16:54 | Report Abuse

I have said many times earlier, that the financial Instituitions will be saddled very soon. Reason I gave was, loans were very stringent & scarce and their loan base were shrinking. The only thing holding the banks together in my opinion was Zeti from the broad perspective. Here we are trying to say that the banks are trying to avoid NPL while on the other hand they needed to grow. Most like Cimb and Maybank has been hit by their foreign investment then.

We have recently seen both Cimb and RHB results reflecting exactly just that and today HLFG also show similar trend. The saying goes that if you cannot grow your business in your own country whilst your foreign investment is showing weakness, the only way is merge. When you merge, the probability of resizing your workforce and improving efficiency is greater.

If you cannot make more business in revenue, does not mean you cannot improve your profitability. Because profitability is a measure of efficiency when growth is not abound. Like Steve Job always said...." It's not about making it faster or better than your competitor but it's about making it different.
Hence in a way, it meant if your competitor has 10 people to get the job done, it does not mean you need 11 to make the job faster and more efficient. Because then, you will be growing a fixed cost in staffing.
I remember recently when Public Bank offered Red Carpet to me ( I believe was last year ) they called me up and said that they were offering me, to service me better. I told them that even as is, their service was very good and the queue is so short every time I m there that I don't even have time to fill the form before my number was called. Well they convince me that all forms etc will be taken care and any banking can be service up to my hse. You see previously I only used this service with HSBC as I conduct more overseas banking services than local and now my local bank wants to take this portfolio too.

Not bad considering that now I spend more time back in Malaysia since my LA endeavor that has ended. However when I was there to complete some documents, the coordinating manager told me I had to pay RM10 to activate the bloody red carpet account and they gave me a photo frame. Now is that efficiency and profitability at its best. Of course I was angry at being invited for a supposedly prestigious service but still have to pay rm10. But then again, I paid the rm10 which was unlike me really! I paid because it had the very essence and reason why I moved a lot of my money there two years ago. It wa because of the prudent management and efficiency which ensure my money was safe. I paid and treated it as charity for a good and excellent managed bank.

So moving forward, with all this ibex ng mention, loan base shrinking, loans are hard to come by, etc how will the property sector kick off? I write a bit later and let you have a thought abt it first!


2014-11-25 16:02 | Report Abuse

Finally I have to say this, pls don't buy EnO if you cannot the booster being utilize soon. Believe to buy, don't buy to believe.


2014-11-25 15:41 | Report Abuse

How do you know when a collector or investor is collecting? If they sizable player, they (collector) may buy up most of the seller's volume. If the seller's volume is also sizable, the price won't move much however if the volume of seller is small, the price will take up to the highest price the seller may offer. The catch is this, once all seller are taken up,what is left may not suffice to sustain the price, hence the price will drop.
What normally would be nice is a catalyst that come in timely which create further volume.
I like to use this analogy
A utility based service is always better and more efficient. You pay as you use. Much like the analogy of a continental car where turbo is fitted as oppose to Japanese 2.4 or 3 litre cc cars, which you carry around when most of the time you don't need the power. In Turbo, the power kicks in when the rev demands it to do so. This creates a continuous powertrain. This turbo fitted even on 1.8cc has much better torque than a 2.4 or 3 litre Japanese car as it is design for this purpose.

So in understanding that analogy, the stock you choose, you have to understand whether there is a turbo fitted to ensure that the price continues to move up north. If otherwise, you have chosen a stock without a supplement turbo or catalyst to power it to the next level.

Another utility is nitrogen fitted into the gas chamber, however when these nitrogen is used, it gives a temporary short boost.

So here I have shared
1. A non utility base ie the analogy of a high cc japanese cars which cars power 24 by 7 even when not required
2. A utility base power ie the analogy of a turbo which when need base on the rev, they kick in
3. A utility base booster ie the nitrogen into gas chamber which is finite and is used only for a good finishing

So have a thought what type of stock you hold.
I hear some asking what about EnO?
EnO 's case is this, because it carries a PE of 27 , I would akin this to .....EnO not having no 1 or no 2 at this point but it carries no 3. This no 3 can very quickly change the race when all the car fuel is low now in an endurance race in the property sector. So once the STP 2 is in, the booster kicks in as a multi year revenue generator. What is good is focus on a large piece of valuable product considered done deal while they can continue with their other endevour in London and Iskandar

Hope it makes good sense for you as it is for me.! cheers


2014-11-25 11:13 | Report Abuse

Today I am inspired to write a piece on resistance and support. This area is very much a TA area of term usage as resistance and support has got to do with the number of overall buyers and and seller volume at a particular price. You can easily obtain that in the stock info summary of the day. I won't talk about the TA part per say as many are already familiar.

To understand this volume, there are three types of player
1. Those who follow when the price starts to breakaway hence contributing to the volume
2. Those premeditated, where they collect at every level, usually an investor
3. Those who use TA to ensure the price is above the resistance convincingly, normally traders before indulging in a buy

However what you do not know is that, there is a fourth type.
4. The fourth type is a party of interest. They create an enviroment for a specific exercise.
How does it work? Normally this works with an specific interest. Example. Your normal term used here I read is "someone is creating a roadblock..." A roadblock could mean many sellers buying at a specific price hence the price cannot move up until the sellers are cleared. Right?
Yes, and seller sells because they are either in a hurry to sell for what ever reason OR a premeditated selling
A premeditated selling is normally by a party of interest to ensure the volume of selling in The QUEUE in so high that it deter buyers especially when the buyer volume is very small.
This usually happen with an intent to ensure that buyers postpone their buying to a later date for the reason that they need consolidated buyers later to create volume and price. If you understand exactly what I am saying, you should also understand that there are only so many buyers And so much of money that will be transacted in a week or a mth.

Players already know the range by which volume of transaction and money exchanging hands that can be achieve. More so they know what volume during a bull, a bear or a stagnant situation. Volume is almost contained.

So understand that if there is 48Million to 50Million in volume (this is just an example) to be transacted within this week, and only 40 Million is trasacted at this point, they want to postpone as much as possible the 10 million to next week for a specific reason. GOT it?

Good Luck and happy reading


2014-11-24 19:56 | Report Abuse

His numbers only he knows. inflated? If he talk and contradict like he does, the numbers are just his imaginary.


2014-11-24 16:44 | Report Abuse

Anyway my points are very clear for all to read. It is better those who want to subscribe do it and not talk. This will lessen and alleviate the impending trouble for those who don't because he will not stop even when he promise. When the tap runs dry he has to find water.

Malaysia is facing the highest inflation when referenced to per capita income and we don't need more of this type of greed to make things worst.
This is indeed a free forum, and it should be also free of oppotunist


2014-11-24 16:26 | Report Abuse

Talk is cheap but your actions are consistently dubious.


2014-11-24 16:01 | Report Abuse

Recently I saw a post which curse his family (created a forum) which sounded like a threat.. If I were him, I would make a police report and take i3 to task. Then again , it is as though he wanted sympathy when nothing was done.
This ppl who wrote this are obsessed and again why with him? The answer again comes back with the fact that they are really unhappy with what he has done and willing to commit their time and anger this way.


2014-11-24 15:50 | Report Abuse

Ppl think of all ways to benefit their pocket. Money cannot appreciate exchanging from right hand to left. It requires a culprit and victims. The more victims the better as it churns the wheel of fortune faster.
How do you know? Anything from Geneva Gold to Ponzi scams to multilevel marketing require ppl. More ppl means more investment! More investment is where they can rotate the paid interest to bring in more new investors. As long as the wheel slows down, money gets depleted, this is when you will know.
Here I am NOT saying it's Ponzi, but it needs your money to continue the wheel rolling.

Ask yourself this super pertinent question, if you pay 960 and he produces .this report, and two person they pay 1920 and so on. Is it the same report? If his cost is 1920 why does he want 4 k or 5 k does he justify his own claim that he want to give back to i3? By making money?
It's his right to make money I hear you argue!? Obviously it is and many make money without anyone complaining, but why him with so many enemies? Answer is he contradicts himself all the time. Ihave give the real example.

So what if he contradicts himself?.. Answer is Nothing as long as he doesn't harm others. Here I see a lot who are burn by his one way selling a buy call vending their anger. Even so he and his henchman just douse the fire by dismissing them. Really? He thinks he can ? If I were him and this hasn't stop for so long I would really look at myself and see where the mistake is. I doubt it's the same person. The writing is all different. While Optimus writing can easily be detected a lot are not.


2014-11-24 15:26 | Report Abuse

This is the kind of person you have, while issues are not resolve he brings up his achievement. Was KSL-WA in the list of paid service since Mar 2014. ? Was KHSB In the same context of argument? Again bringing in A when we are talking B.

The answer is you didn't want the non subscriber (since Mar) to benefit from your sell call but to benefit from your buy call. Why? Because the buy helps push up the price. This game is played by those desperately and amateur. Though you don't sound and write like amateur I won't discount it as desperate or competitively malicious.

You all decide!. I have shared those pertinent point which he doesn't want to answer point in case.


2014-11-24 12:35 | Report Abuse

I did not remove anything from my comment. It is rubbish when it's worthless. It is worthless when it does not do anything to help anybody. So what if the stock goes up 1.22 and falls to 60cents at one point if you do not warn those you recomended?
Not unless you tell me you only mission is to sell for free but help only those who pay. If your answer is yes, i won't argue.

For those who are reading get the right info, when a share is recommended, and it inclines to fill the seller position, the price goes up right? Obviously when warned of impending drop, the first batch warned will sell and if critical, will sell at buyers position and create a drastic drop. This is what He has done and left those who were not informed to face the consequences


2014-11-24 12:21 | Report Abuse

Again pls read carefully my statement. I DID NOT DENY YOUR CALL BELOW. DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT. Read again i said you ask ppl to buy but you were NOT responsible enough to warn others (non subscribers) of the high impending loss due to the high gearing. PJdev-wc is not the only one. I gave an example of high gearing.
This is exactly what I m talking abt, contradicting yourself. I said A and he answer B. I m clear what I oppose and I m focus on what I oppose. On the other hand, you sound like you are repeating a non question again and again.

Ooi Teik Bee I call buy at 0.34, 0.46, 0.68 and 0.78. The high of PJDev-WC is 1.22.

Please check your fact and back up your claim. I stop here.
24/11/2014 11:29


2014-11-24 10:04 | Report Abuse

Dear All,

Pls ask yourself all this basic questions and understand them fr technical and intent. No salesman will try to sell you something while highlighting the negative side of their product. If they do, this are market analyst and you can read many of them and decide which one has the most concluding facts.
Don't take salesman talk because half are with intent. Only if you know that intent, it may not be favourable to you


2014-11-24 09:58 | Report Abuse

This guy must ask why ppl target him so much and not others. KYY a get atTack but not continuous like what ppl here is doing to him. That is because KYY has facts to back him up while he gives a balance view. Don't you think ppl should be more jealous of KYY than a selfish trader whose achievement is only what he tells others.


2014-11-24 09:38 | Report Abuse

Spare me! Read your own statement carefully. It was late 2013 that you said you wanted to give back to i3. If you were giving free all this while why do you charge when you want to give back to i3 in 2014?
It's your prerogative to share here, but you statement & intent is all wrong & misleading. You want to pay back to i3, but you started charging after you made the statement.

Remember guys, Some political manifesto during the run up to GE also claim they will not increase fuel price, or take away subsidies.....then what happen?

My problem is not abt free or not. It's abt his statement made each and every time which contradicts, fr the point that he wanted to leave i3, to the statement of giving back to i3 to charging for information and then to giving half information.

Even the "Ah Long" claims they are helping those who cannot get loan right? Their end intent is still wrong though their argument sound right.

Ppl judge for themselves when information is presented correctly and not when it is skewered towards a "buy" call. Yet he says he is not responsible when he makes a buy call or convince ppl that he has bought a million shr in that counter. What he has done is he made the service into a scheme and tagline.
Remember guys, the "Ah Long" also claim they give low interest rate but they just didn't mention its a daily rate no difference from the convincing buy call of having bought 1 million shrs in a counter but end the note with a disclaimer of buy at your own risk.

Though this is NOT a Ponzi scheme, the idea is the same. The idea is to fill up the void spaces and in this case the gap in the prices when the call is made. Imagine when buyers keep meeting sellers price, the price will be inclining because the buyer is confident that it will move to a much higher price. It is true that the gearing is high but learn what is really means by gearing

* If you take gearing = mother/son = high, this potential basically mean high probability however you need to measure the runaway against the price on listing
Example if the price on listing has gearing = 2 and 6mths later the gearing is 4. This high gearing means high gearing of the mother while if the gearing is 1 means high gearing of the son. When high gearing of the son is consistent like here, it is both high potential gain and also high potential lost. I believe someone mention this earlier but did not elaborate.
This is what happens when a son has high potential gain/loss it can move up very fast and down very quickly while the mother stay consistent with much smaller change

Think again before diving in, defending an individual, etc as the truth stretches much further


2014-11-23 23:44 | Report Abuse

Pls read what I have written and judge if I m fair. I m not here to critisize but some ppl don't know when to quit while they are ahead.


2014-11-23 23:42 | Report Abuse

I hope ppl see the point for it is and not the other way around.


2014-11-23 23:29 | Report Abuse

The so called philantropist giving flag like a coward he is.


2014-11-23 23:25 | Report Abuse

Enough is enough...don't use terms that r innuendos to their rightful meaning. Give back means give back for free. Not charge. If you english is weak or cannot comprehend the meaning, don't use the word. Innuendos can kill.


2014-11-23 23:21 | Report Abuse

Ever heard of the term philantropist? One can be a philantropist at many levels n not necessary donating cash. Normally ppl use the word as a form n gesture of giving back to society for what they earn through the same mean. Example if they make recurring money from their investment, they give to a charity or third world community.
Nobody and I mean nobody talks abt giving back to the society or something by charging for his service. That's selling.
Heard this line before? "I want to give back to i3 because they have help me earlier He charge 960 and in his own term he is giving back..


2014-11-23 23:14 | Report Abuse

Always ask and soon the answer will be apparent. We know these ppl contradict themselves, even threatening leaving a forum many times n coming back already show their character while stock pick n not owning up for failure is a clear sign of denial.


2014-11-23 23:10 | Report Abuse

Ask yourself a simple question, if someone is so good at trading, why is he not a full time trader? Why does he need supplement income?


2014-11-23 23:05 | Report Abuse

If brave, any opinion constructive don't put a flag. You r in denial.


2014-11-23 22:59 | Report Abuse

We have seen recently how some so call SIFU making and leaving ordious mark of their legacy. These ppl have no morals, lack ability except self selling. They are stuck at that level and require additional tuition fee to subsidize their trading game. Has it come to that level? How else do you explain integrity when a person threatens to leave a forum only to come back time and time again. Do these ppl not feel embarrassed?
The answer as many have describe him as greedy, is not an extreme statement.
Even coming back time and time again, he has managed to give an excuse....
Even failure in his stock pick, he has found an excuse
And the reasons go on n on
Simple, these ppl leave in a denial world where lost is computed as holding cost while gain is seen as opportunity to market. I hv seen in my experience this type of ppl who don't serve the society for what is right but their own insatiable appetite for their onn consumption.
Still think I m far fetch? Watch him defend himself tooth n nail as he so called reputation however he is not able to directly defend himself and depend on hench man to sell him. On top of that, his only backup statement is all are the same person w new Id. I'm here because my id is as old as dinarsour here and I wish to refute that.
This is what that is happening to malaysia when the BN Govt treat all complain as the same person ie the opposition n they continue with the ruckus. OTB is no different, this is called divide n conquer as old fart are normally accustom to.


2014-10-29 14:42 | Report Abuse

Ok, we understand what I m trying to impart here, however the point I m really getting at is what defines Malaysia at this point of our life, at this century, at this era, that is bigger than the everything else? If you have the answer, and you have the facts, the MONEY is already your pocket.


2014-10-29 14:37 | Report Abuse

Remember when we were young and we watched Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee ? What was your impressioned after the show? Of course this question goes to the 70s and 80s baby.
All we could remember was Bruce Lee right? All we could remember was how he whipped the bad ass with his snazzy moves like the hands and legs resembling the dragon's movement. But the jezz of it is that we remember Bruce Lee more than the show itself and the ......
Sometimes and somewhere, there always is a person larger than life, or larger than the things that propel him into stardom and Bruce Lee was one of them and there are many more examples. Having said that, what we are saying is we identify him as the movie rather than vice versa. Similarly the Internet maybe the epitome of the early 21st Century where in future ppl may refer to this as a evolution of the modern world where information is at their finger tip while tomorrow they may even be able to link our thoughts and question to our brain by just thinking and all the information will be there.


2014-10-24 00:28 | Report Abuse

The story today is more of affordability, quality, branding and reliability. A developer needs to have all these quality because the majority of citizen especially in Malaysia that is made up of youth, and affordability is key for earnings. However in an informed society, the buyers want to match quality with their hard earned money while some will go for the extend of the brand which maybe synonymous with lifestyle. Example a yuppie lifestyle, or a mix development, or a certain location etc

If all are in place, (having money, quality matches,.....) then reliability comes into play. This is because, it no point buying a property if the unreliable developer runs off mid way. There is no guarantee but the reputable ones are better bet. After all who knows what will happen in this challenged inflationary world we live in today


2014-10-24 00:19 | Report Abuse

Do we want to sell ice to the Eskimo" ? of course the answer is no. Here is where Huayang is making the kill in the supply and demand engagement. All developers as I mention earlier needed to know what is their niche development, base on Landbanks they have. Are they holding a good balance of premium landbanks or maybe a moderate mixed Landbank.
Hence at one point I mention that a good take over bid would be for L&G having own less premium landbanks Anyway, that is a story for another day.


2014-10-21 07:33 | Report Abuse

Operating ownership charges in Malaysia is cheap esp for foreign buyer. This operating ownership include maintainence charged, assessment, quit rent, rental tax and so on. While ringgit is easily suppressed at will, this makes Malaysia a real investors haven. This is because, foreign property investors only need to worry about inflation in Malaysia (which is happening all around the world anyway) and they can compensate it with their stronger foreign currency.
As Hse or property are ongoing, and foreign property investment for outsider must top RM2 Mil, more and more developer with premium land will engage luxury category while those others which hold less premium land banks will opt for volume sales against a more affordable housing backdrop.
In short, judging from the difficulty to secure loans locally, 2015 will be marred by high purchases by foreign property buyers vs volume buyers for outskirt property of lower cost. This may play in handy for developers who wants both end of the pie to start acquisition to ensure expedited growth


2014-10-20 21:46 | Report Abuse

Buy LA if u still insist to go in. The difference use to buy another penny stock


2014-10-20 21:44 | Report Abuse

US top producer of OIL already. Say bye bye to Russia and suppressing ISIS income temporarily.
On the other end, this means controlling stake taking place. The damage will come from US before they are overtaken again. For now many many backend handshake and partners sleeping with brotherhood.
Don't understand? The message is not for you.


2014-10-16 10:49 | Report Abuse

If there is anyone who would play that stupid trick again and again it will be OLH.


2014-10-16 10:47 | Report Abuse

Good work OTB!!...times like this it will be stupid to go for privatisation unless the counter is in ICU like MAS or can get sweetheart loans from banks. Property is not an area where you want to play loan as they are asset heavy, heavy on turnaround


2014-10-14 22:12 | Report Abuse

Country Gardens too sits on Danga Bay with other developers like Tropicana.

What I m trying to share here today is this, if prices of thing have gone up and demands are selective, and base on economic of scale, it's more worthwhile to build luxury condos than just a highly price ones. The difference being a luxury condo must sit on a premium land with a landscape and integrated development of a certain premium quality. This is so because buyers at this category do not really have issue securing loans while banker are also happy to entertain them as the deal is more secure apart from the buyer changing their minds.

Hence we need to be clear why and where we are intending to place our bets. My other option are counters with the best take over value. Remember these company merging have no intention to take the secondary company private. Why? This is because securing loans are hard to come by and market capital are their best bet. Hence company that have the most value and secure projects r the best bet


2014-10-14 22:00 | Report Abuse

ADR residency Danga Bay snapped up 80% in 2 days, I&P merger with SP Setia, No further tightening of property sector in budget 2015, Euro into property, OSK poise to be a major property player with the merge with PJDev, E&O STP2 poise to be the largest single GDV, 20,000 affordable housing announce for budget 2015....

A little while ago, to be exact moons ago I wrote a comment on property being a tangible asset that can appreciate. This makes property highly hedgeble during these difficult times. The ones who will take helm are the Property developers with the largest scale of marketing in various countries. Note that ADR in Danga Bay is a luxury condominium and not just an inflated priced property. These buyers are not your typical buyers that go for pricing of a million or two. Today's foreign buyer must buy property above rm2M and no longer rm1M. This means that a very selected property will have high take up rate which is premium. However this may not go well with ALL developers in Iskandar. Country garden took weeks from launch date to cover 65% take up.


2014-10-13 10:17 | Report Abuse

If Sime Prop was a possible take over bid and SP Setia and EnO similarly into I&P?
My personal opinion is, do away with either one of the old name. If they use EnO's name, there is EGO factor, and I&P name is not glamorous while SP Setia is always tied to LKS and Sime name is too much CPO.
They should do like Ecoworld....take over a listed vehicle and rebrand. In essence, they did two actions which are fast tracked
1. Using the name Eco which many associated to Setia ECO....
2. Got a listed vehicle ready and rebrand straight away


2014-10-13 10:10 | Report Abuse

Now how to consolidate developers. The runway is short. Once the bank merger is completed, the banks will be stronger and hungrier and one new main product (like Islamic banking) may not suffice then. This is when big bigger larger projects are needed and can only be achieve by bigger hungrier developers. Remember, a lot of our bank investment abroad fell short and took severe hit before they got going and some could not take off.
I think it is best they do the ICBC way whereby the bank exist to support the countryman's business in foreign land. If they do this, there is more economics of scale compared to their earlier endeavor of going in alone. Example if AA in Indonesia tied up with MBB or Cimb there would be better than MBB or CIMB, going there to compete with Indonesia banks alone

Have a thought!


2014-10-13 10:03 | Report Abuse

For those who remember, I predicted RHB-Cimb merger moons ago when MBB was in talks with RHB. I gave my reasons base on services which RHB had gotten rightfully should have been given to Cimb. The rest with MBB was a sandiwara. After all Tajuddin Atan who was then the CEO of RHB and Tan Sri Zainol EPF head was sitting in the board. Now we have Tajuddin sitting in Bursa as the CEO. The connections are clear and the intent are obvious.
And then there was the policy to restrict, to limit Epf funds from being withdrawn for Mutual fund investment, I did tell you, it was monies which Epf wanted to use to mitigate foreign outflow. This is a two way to balance the outflow and second to ensure Bursa transactions don't fall to an alarming level. Again look at the ppl running the show.
Then, I did say the only equation that didn't add up was Securities Commission. It used to be Zarinah, however she stepped down due to the "scandal" EnO where her husband Azizan was the chairman and taken over by Ranjit. The rest you can read up .....

Ok ok now coming back to EnO, what has the above to do with this? In a similar fashion, EnO supposedly taken private by Sime when it was at 32% holdings were suddenly relinquish their holding to 22%. It did surprise me !! The change came because of SP Setia. In the Eye of PNB, they were thought to be the King Investor in property holding every string to every major developer from then SPSetia helmed by LKS and indirectly ENO with Terry Tham, and then there was I&P losely hung in direction. Suddenly SP Setia also became a lose piece with no head when LKS resign and their whole jig saw fell apart.
Remember one of PNB pillar is development in UK, with Sime-SP Setia and EnO each having their own there. This was the same pillar recently announce by EnO as a growth pillar ie UK, Penang, KV and Iskandar. In Iskandar, they develop on a piece with PIV a Khazanah-Temasek venture. So it's obvious that connection.

For those who want to read more, pls read my old comments.

I said I was surprise earlier when Sime relinquish their holding however I followed that in my earlier writing of two possibilities.
1. Sime Property themselves maybe a target in the consolidation hence they need to prop up their value by selling EnO to show a higher number in performance.
2. To avoid a similar happening of LKS in SP Setia since Terry was suppose to retire. The 10% offering back to Terry was to appease Terry and key Mgmt esp Eric Chan and etc. while they work their new proposition.

Now we know banks and developer and major construction companies are closely connected . For one, no development means no progress and no progress means no loan base growth. If there are no loan base growth whether upstream or down stream, the banks will be in very big trouble. So while they buy time, (they here refer to banks and developers and contractors) because they need to consolidate, the do it by marketing and selling a new product ie Islamic, financing,....while they consolidate. Thus the next cycle MUST developers to consolidate.


2014-10-13 09:11 | Report Abuse

If China hedge German currency with base in Frankfurt and now ECB mulling to buy yuan for foreign reserve. The first is like placing a bet on Europes best horse while the latter is like the bookie betting on the better.
What does the above sound to you? Taking position?


2014-10-12 21:49 | Report Abuse

Be very clear, job creation must depend on sustainence. Example, if you produce hardware or IC chips to be supplied to region, the chip makers also have factories in other parts of the world and maybe a another in the same region to avg their production cost and have redundancy.
However in theme parks creating jobs...:) if no tourist, can they sustain? Singaporeans are one of the biggest tourist to this region Iskandar flagship B, & Melaka while Indonesian are also amongst the larger group of tourist to Johor. Singaporeans have drop significantly and in general malaysian tourism also drop in 1st half and what is worst is the effect is due to self failure in policy.
In this case, as long as Singapore boycott Johor, we are at their mercy. This is no water deal where Singapore use to depend on Malaysia, this is Iskandar where we depend on them. We need them for growth until we can sustain on our own. Only then, when Malaysia can show that, Iskandar will be in cold water and even Temasek influence will not be able to help.


2014-10-12 21:18 | Report Abuse

Until then, if really US and cronies crash before they have all in place, Asia maybe the next prevailing leader however we will lead ourselves individually. Our billionaires are already buying outside Malaysia and in particular UK. Because UK is not part of EU, they will wait for EU to collapse and start buying in. But for now, it UK first.

So for those who think market crash, better think of another angle as u maybe late for the next course of buying if you are late


2014-10-12 21:12 | Report Abuse

Why else is US spending other ppls money first and be in trillion debt while they & their cronies will hold every edge and hedge in GOLD. We know oils will dry up soon and they have to hold back CPO and development of use as long as possible to come up with an accepted alternative. As long as nett commodity flow out from US is allowed to grow even if it's production, US will not be able to control. Does China follow Intellectual Property? Similarly use of CPO if allowed to grow, will start to stunt their growth. US will survive amongst their cronies which include themselves with Feds as their accountant, IMF, World Banks, however in Asia we are still competing individually without any rules. US has waited for free market and now they need to control the region with policies. This is where TPPA and other sub policies will do their job to ensure the rules of the games is adhered


2014-10-12 20:52 | Report Abuse

Which one comes first Fed QE or market reaction? Is market reacting to QE & FED policy or FED using market performance to develop policy or FED using their market indicators such as unemployment, Manufacturing index, sales, gauge?
If the answer is already obvious, the market also factor in Ukraine, sanction vis a vis against Russia, ECB and Asian sentiment.
The way the market works is, it takes the first right to mitigate the risk by factoring each scenario. Let me tell you if the market crash, Fed, ECB and World Bank will be the biggest loser. If they lose, ask yourself what will be left of the system? If they lose, they will take every loan back right?
The way the games goes, the hold a trump card of liability vs asset. Liability being the loans and asset being the GOLD. Every other commodity is transparent example oil is controlled, CPO, Steel production, .....
So now you know why they hedge gold so quietly is because if all fails, the GOLD maybe the bargaining chip to buy back cheaper assets to control the system again.


2014-10-12 20:04 | Report Abuse

Leaders like Jamaludin is almost a dinarsour breed. We are very lucky that he was not asked to do national service. Thank you thank god......


2014-10-12 19:56 | Report Abuse

I believe Penang will be in better position than Iskandar. For one, they are run by more competent Goverment. The rest are the development already committed, the likes of IKEA, HP, Infrastructure, theme park...balance with property development. This is the correct demand and supply compared to Iskandar. The demand being property in large and the supply being jobs creation. In Iskandar is more supply than demand. Billions poured in yearly for development,....theme parks and more theme parks and studios,....these are holiday attraction. That means, Iskandar attracts holiday makers and tourist...not house buyers, especially not Singaporean now given the stupidity of toll hikes with less incentives for foreigners apart from the special taxation.
Any of you ever rent your property in Ampang or areas adjacent ESP to expats vs those who rent out outside the area. I once rented my property out with a 8% yield and paid 6 mths ahead by a Korean, then an American. The demand and supply is never wrong. You cannot build homes to holiday makers as those % buying will be very small as in the case in Iskandar. And those in Iskandar development tink tank better start appreciating the Singaporeans as they are the real beef in this equation.
Now looking at pissed off Singaporean who are fed up of Malaysia Govt's ever changing policy and screwing up policy on toll with Singapore and the single largest reclaim off Johor intended to be done without DEIA earlier, one is left baffled and confuse if they are thinking of development and investment or they are thinking of pride and ad hoc numbers which do not add up.
On the other hand, Singaporeans better wake up to deals like that, after all we have seen it in the water deal sign during LKY's time which forced them to develop their own water filtration technology. I personally wanted Iskandar to work and have taken numerous trips there to convince myself. However now I m convince it will be a flop without the Singaporeans simply because they are more dependable being our border neighbours compared to the likes of Spainish or Japanese.
On that same note, Penang is better balance with business accommodation and policies, holiday makers, investment, historical heritage, and all that jazz I mentioned earlier compared to those one sided.

Place your bets now....Good luck!!


2014-10-12 18:20 | Report Abuse

I see more upside than downside for this moment.
1. There will be window dressing soon for year end
2. The budget announced MUST show positive reaction
3. Foreign outflow may reverse from the recent message by Feds


2014-10-12 15:53 | Report Abuse

Timing is right again for round 6 coming up
1. DIVIDEN over
2. Conversion over
3. Budget over
4. Fed Decision weighted to no changed to more help given
5. Foreign outflow
6. Coming!!! Tomorrow???? Get ready!!


2014-10-03 10:08 | Report Abuse

Fuel price will have a domino effect soon! Public transport (esp Taxis), logistics, school busses, and every other businesses where is heavy on field work will and sales will be again in the spotlight. Once that increase, food prices will hike further. As is consumables esp those fast moving are already increasing periodically towards GST 2015. This is to mitigate the withholding tax esp those std and exept rated.
Towards next week's budget will be interesting to see how the market will react starting 7 Oct since the govt promise it will be a friendly budget to help ease the hike and inflation. Expectation, anticipation and hike will always drive the market and fuel it further.


2014-10-02 13:14 | Report Abuse

I have asked everyone what 1cent In this counter means to them. Base on all the answers, 1cent is relative to everybody. If you hold 100k units 1cent is rm1k if you hold say 3M units, you can treat RM1k as you pay day per day. If anything drop below that 1cents and RM1k per day, you should bail out and wait again. Same example for those who can make rm100 a day and so on. But question is would you sell?

I have been in situation many moons ago where rm100 meant a lot to me and I find that I make money being a poor investor faster in short term than long then because I don't have the holding power and large capital to pour in. Soon rm100 became rm 200 and it went on and on until today. So always think of storage cost and in this case, the money you keep in the investment whether it can work in your best interest. Once you have the sufficient funds with some extras, this is when you can begin to play the characteristics of shares. Example here, it does not take a genius to figure out that this counter is slow however with good FA. Here the good FA constitutes financial growth over the last 5 years, very low gearing, good & prudent Managment, some great pipeline and best of all my usual multi year generator.

Can you think of anything more that this counter can do? More landbanks? bonus? DIVIDEN?.....well they have said it all in their plans and DIVIDEN was also executed. If you can think of anything more pls add on because I cant. My only concern here is whether Low Gay Teck is the man for the job with everything else being peach and rosy. I know he is THE MAN to deliver numbers and projects to Bill! But is he DE MAN to market the company to next height? We know most products are 70% hype and 30% fact. Take for example Apple 6 plus where Apple created hype in the social media only to fall short of expectation in IOS 8 with the worst bug experience. This however may mean very minute problem for the fantastic platform they have created over the year and ICloud to me a a very binding service for Apple user. So in May ways the bug may be big problem and bend gate maybe infamous marketing but for IPhone users, this may not be as big a proble maybe only a temporary hassle compared to new iPhone users who may start comparing the problems because it has been highlighted.
I hold both a Samsung and an IPhone and I find even with all the problems in IPhone recently, the use experience still top Samsung which threw in every other feature to attract different gen users.

Now coming back to L&G, the above analogy would apply similar because like Apple in the tech sector, L&G too have shown an amazing growth over the last few years. They have also build a reputation to deliver. And finally like Apple they too will be building a binding factor with the multi years generator and are cash rich to perform consolidation and buying landbanks when the market is weak and loans are difficult to comeby. By virtue of their ability to deliver projects which in turn is translated to turnover at Topline and profit, they will continue to give confidence to potential investors like private placement partner who believe and are willing to invest in a proven company with low debts ( very low debts and high reserve)

All the above is good provided they don't screw up and they don't play the market and focus on their delivery and marketing