
Smilday | Joined since 2019-11-28

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2020-06-05 19:38 | Report Abuse

Yes, i think so, new CEO has made the company alive again. Agree with solar panel as well, understand one of the big customer in Kulim is in good business. While Greatech is their supplier too for some machinery as i understand. Greatech has flourished, for a new company and not PA.

I believe if the management has no intention to show/promote PA's true value, nobody can. We are shy to promote PA to our investment communities, for them PA is a "beautiful girl who never wakes up".

Furthermore, no news from the management team since Jan '20 this year.

2 billion shares is a lot but the share price is also not much. Just increased 20%, cannot blame on others but current management team, to gather funds for development.


2020-06-05 17:53 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the reply.

I totally agree with you on the profit record for the past 7 quarters, consider very very good for a turnaround company. The problem is the stock price is not moving per performance.

Since the stock price is not moving, I need to move since investment is without returns. Made some switches to other stocks, so far so good.

Hope to see PA flies soon.


2020-06-05 16:47 | Report Abuse

Rodneychin, any insight/news to share with us? Thanks
0.20 is a big dream, 300%. It happened in 2011 and never come back even once.


2020-05-30 17:31 | Report Abuse

Hi Richardteh_9813,

Good comment no value/use - still under water.


2020-05-30 12:50 | Report Abuse

spent 10mil for increase their factory machineries to improve their productions.

The management has mentioned they need to increase their output. I believe related to the RM 600 mil agreement. And, ready for future businesses (although no news until today, quiet as usual, only guessing games to external people like us).


2020-05-30 12:47 | Report Abuse

i)Aluminium price drop in the month of Apr & May - drop by close to 7.5% to 10% VS AVERAGE JAN TO MAR- margin win will increase due to 70 to 80% of Raw mat cost is AL ~2.6M SAVING/PROFIT

How can people forecast about future? Maybe Aluminum price will down further. PA is doing "hedging" if per what Limyauc mentioned.

Per my understanding, most companies will based on raw material (Aluminum) market price to adjust the selling price to their customers. Which means when Aluminum price is up, the will sell with higher price to their customers, as agreed in the agreement. Why I say so is because PA profit margin is low, any price hike for aluminum will wipe out all the hard work.

Just sharing.


2020-05-28 21:51 | Report Abuse

The the Board of Directors need to work more to promote the company. During the last Private Placement,they managed to get Tan Sri to buy some...

Dividend, cannot lah, better keeps the fund for rainy days...uncertainty ahead...


2020-05-28 15:09 | Report Abuse

To Peter2357,

"at this price of 5.5 can hardly find any stock in Bursa with financial as good as p.a.resources...colkect".

This what i did long ago... and continuously buy in like investing in Unit Trust... with the same thinking "Cheap and good company", where to find???

The problem is never move.

Very very "Pek Chek" in Hokkien


2020-05-28 15:01 | Report Abuse

Hi Limyauc, thanks for your reply.

1. Turnaround a company is not easy & continue to perform is even tougher - I totally agree with you, super tough job.
2. Performance & downside risk is LOW - Personally, i follow PA not a month or two. The problem is "Stagnant stock price". If during turnaround period, business was bad / uncertain, is understandable. But, continuous with positive results for 7 quarters still stays at the same stock price, something is not right. For quarterly positive results, good job.
3. Furthermore coming Q should b gd due to AL price drop by 7.5 to 10%, RM weaken & diesel price drop - Although expecting better profit in coming quarter, based on past 7 qtr experience, the chances for stock price to move up is slim. my worry.
4. Long time to harvest - this triggers me to look at this portfolio again. 3 years gone... what is next, wait again 6 months?... haha, this is the question to me...



2020-05-27 21:03 | Report Abuse

Hi richardteh_9813,

Already 7 quarters, not 6.


2020-05-27 20:42 | Report Abuse

Limyauc, thanks for sharing the info. I have few comments on them.

1. Expand customer base is day-to-day Sales roles.
2. On output, believe the PA teams have done a good job.
3. There should have been contracts signed as of today. "Providing samples of our products for several potential clients" is kind of late when early 600 mil contract is going to end soon.
4. Agree that trade tension has benefited PA. The extra output is useful now.
5. [“While we have already managed to pull off a turnaround of the company, the work is far from done. This is a new beginning for PA Resources, and there is much more that we hope to achieve in the years ahead,” he says] - Is a good turnaround. But, not sure how many of the stakeholders still can wait. I see richardteh_9813 already patiently waited/invested for 3 years; don’t know how long he can still wait (including me). Hope he is not an elderly investor, so that he still have the time to enjoy his investment return.

Just personal's opinion.


2020-05-27 20:19 | Report Abuse

Today shows a baby step, with much higher volume but too bad, price remains the same (as expected). Anyway, happy to see 0.06 again, not to mention 0.065.


2020-05-26 17:07 | Report Abuse

万事俱备只欠东风。No东风but COVID-19风and Trade war风.

This is what I see till today, Hard fact. Whether has东风or not also not sure. I believe the management should let the stakeholders update on the latest status.

沉默是金? Silence is not gold nowadays. 有时不是沉默,只是无力诉说。

My 2 cents comment. Good luck to all.


2020-05-26 16:55 | Report Abuse

And the 600 mil contract announced on Jan 2018 almost done, no other new contracts secured? NO news means good news???


2020-05-26 16:51 | Report Abuse

Will all the good news and results for many quarters. Based on last Thu and Fri situation. Expecting nothing going to happen tomorrow, 27 May '20.


2019-11-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

Banyak tahun sudah rugi mah, that’s why takut.


2019-11-28 11:24 | Report Abuse

Capacity increase but revenue decrease. Story line not tie.