
SocioTrash | Joined since 2016-03-09

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2016-03-18 08:01 | Report Abuse

Kenny chong tiu hai again. Open up his dad criminal record breaking laws of cheating investors, bribery, money siphoning.


2016-03-16 19:08 | Report Abuse

What is this kenny chong talking about wantanmi nothing to do here. Real sick. Everyone here clueless kid talking clueless rubbish.


2016-03-16 11:59 | Report Abuse

Why cannot remember? Here is clean clean compared to elephant bribery in protasco. Nothing to see why you so worry? The 10m and 100m was siphon by chong ket pen in protasco to chong own company remember? You day dream mix up your father's account? Lol


2016-03-16 11:50 | Report Abuse

Chong default and breaks contract is his MO. He paid some 10m or 100m to his own company while there were people watching. No nobody watching he robs at will. How to go up share price if he still there? Better sell back to his former boss before 2 stupid investors set chong free. Then only got hope. 张吉平非法毁约已经不是第一次,私吞公款,在没有监督下消耗公司资源公款私用,一日赖在protasco公司迟早倒闭,不如回归前老板保投资者利益。掩盖张父子罪行供认不讳为民除害替天行道,谁能担当还是未知数。还是回避为上。


2016-03-15 10:25 | Report Abuse

Well said. Pays money get court. Pay money also gets kill. Got brain or not, criminals will pay to do so. Hero ckp, everyone knows, jail he goes. 张吉平英雄?笑屎街坊!贿赂犯罪英雄。当之无愧!


2016-03-15 10:15 | Report Abuse

Well done nexgram. Careful move, don't bother reckless ways like ckp. Sure bang wall again like he always does.


2016-03-15 10:13 | Report Abuse

Well said:

PukiChong Sot plug. Typical kenny chong, son of chong ket pen. People being careful slowly run project and find suitable fittings. Like chong ket pen meh, except being a good dog takea care of his his x boss road concessions, he is reckless in ALL his projects. Fails 100%. In Syria, Lybia, Tanya, Banana, Ham Lum, Holland and then Indonesia. Lol lol lol
15/03/2016 09:23



2016-03-14 14:24 | Report Abuse

Kenny chong ar opening up his father crime again ar? Why hold back federal road contract? Insider trading until cannot announce afraid gets macc query? Big contract wor, so big bribery cannot tell meh? 张吉平贪污贿赂犯罪分子利用职权官商勾结,猖狂到无视王法,物极必反,下显示时日不多了。


2016-03-14 11:21 | Report Abuse

Another one i love.

SocioTrash Forgot banana chong ther nen fails his mother language. 吊,香蕉仔张无忌,犯人张吉平脑残儿子不懂中文,名族败类,怪不得没人性。孔子叫他妈的confusing. 咯咯咯。


2016-03-14 11:21 | Report Abuse

Tricks doesn't move focus. Let me help.

SocioTrash Morning fans. Let me help put justice at work. X
Here is goes.

chong tiu mo, the son of cheater chong ket pen, every time he open mouth, he dug his father bribery hole surface, and dug his grave yard deeper. Real so hai. 二世祖张条毛,张吉平的白痴儿子口出狂言,一再翻开它老爸的滔天大罪,百亿贿赂贪污腐败恶行,表露无遗。以为诬告别人就能掩盖恶魔般犯罪活动,天在看。张的天数已尽。等着天收吧。


2016-03-14 10:58 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha. Nexgram already answered any questions by investment bank advises. Shareholders are so happy they sold lost making business and now making good profit. It takes a no brain to ask no brain question. Don't eat the chess so hai.


2016-03-14 08:57 | Report Abuse

Forgot banana chong ther nen fails his mother language. 吊,香蕉仔张无忌,犯人张吉平脑残儿子不懂中文,名族败类,怪不得没人性。孔子叫他妈的confusing. 咯咯咯。


2016-03-14 08:47 | Report Abuse

Morning fans. Let me help put justice at work. X
Here is goes.

chong tiu mo, the son of cheater chong ket pen, every time he open mouth, he dug his father bribery hole surface, and dug his grave yard deeper. Real so hai. 二世祖张条毛,张吉平的白痴儿子口出狂言,一再翻开它老爸的滔天大罪,百亿贿赂贪污腐败恶行,表露无遗。以为诬告别人就能掩盖恶魔般犯罪活动,天在看。张的天数已尽。等着天收吧。


2016-03-12 18:27 | Report Abuse

The kenny chong tiu mo remind of his father MO - cheat people and pit blame. Cheat public and illegal possess of protasco. The more his son talks, the more he expose his father crime. 张家欺骗贿赂贪污腐败,人人皆知。死期不远了。


2016-03-12 18:24 | Report Abuse

chong tiu mo, the son of cheater chong ket pen, every time he open mouth, he dug his father bribery hole surface, and dug his grave yard deeper. Real so hai. 二世祖张条毛,张吉平的白痴儿子口出狂言,一再翻开它老爸的滔天大罪,百亿贿赂贪污腐败恶行,表露无遗。以为诬告别人就能掩盖恶魔般犯罪活动,天在看。张的天数已尽。等着天收吧。


2016-03-12 18:14 | Report Abuse

Kenny chong so hai, son of criminal chong ket pen again pretend to be expert. What he meant was his grand father chong lou hai land register under 2 dollar company, so only worth 2 dollar. Sell lor to charity for 2 dollar your house. A joker theory clown laughing others as clown. 张吉平笨儿子张大春强词夺理,把天下人当白痴。猪粪图祖坟,当代阿斗。死期不远了。


2016-03-12 17:31 | Report Abuse

Chong ket pen son kenny Chong so hai again? His LV under wear used he wants to sell premium. His father paid 30mil for Libyia hore and ask the ma ma san pay 30mil for his sperm so he doesn't look lost. Oh forgot, his girl friend in Hai Lam Island also lost tens of millions, he sweep under carpet. Real crock. 张吉平脑残儿子张无忌以为它老千父亲多伟大干净,自己贿赂犯罪几百亿给protasco蒙骗股东,以为诬告别人的生意就能“掩盖”自己的大罪,简直小巫见大巫。香蕉儿子恐怕不明白何谓”小巫见大巫”吧。不然不会老唱别人其实“不断提高”它老爸的天大罪行。可悲。


2016-03-11 18:28 | Report Abuse

Chong ket pen the robber once siphon enough money and buy over other investors shares, officially a robber turns protasco his own lolipop fun fair. Good luck to the fools who being used and fooled. 张吉平欺骗投资者私吞公司,从员工摇身变成大股东,拐骗贿赂非法公物私用,终究物极必反,贪心惹来杀身之祸,指日可待。


2016-03-10 21:36 | Report Abuse

Chong ket pen the criminal son chong ther nen again? Really both hands send his father to his own grave. 张吉平儿子张大春,父子俩狼狈为奸欺骗投资者,忘恩负义,恩将仇报,嫁祸于人。事实隐瞒不了。罪该万死,再诬告也隐瞒不了贪污贿赂腐败恶行。以为滥用protasco公款就可以欺人太甚,隐瞒自己贿赂犯罪真相,人在做天在看。笨儿子一手把张骗子断送后路。天收了。


2016-03-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

Now his son becomes lawyer also. Lawyer for pirates? 笑屎街坊。正傻嗨。


2016-03-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

Ckp again that banana father and son, betrayal to Chinese? Boring old stories. Banana son chinese humiliation, typical son of robber. Shame. 张大谎儿子张大春父子俩欺骗大众,忘恩负义,恩将仇报,罪该万死。张大春香蕉仔识条春嚒。父亲盗用公款,儿子还到处宣扬,末期到了。等着瞧。


2016-03-09 21:51 | Report Abuse

Ckp again? Boring old stories. Banana son chinese humiliation. Shame. 张大谎儿子张大春父子俩欺骗大众,忘恩负义,恩将仇报,罪该万死。张大春香蕉仔识条春嚒。父亲盗用公款,儿子还到处宣扬,末期到了。等着瞧。