
Stockexpert001 | Joined since 2021-05-09 14:22:40

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2022-02-08 17:43 | Report Abuse

Looking forward to 0.88 tmr


2022-01-13 20:22 | Report Abuse

Jerichomy... Fake la... He very poor, poor person, poor thinking, poor attitude.. If he rich, he will help airasia, help ppl, donation and give foods to those flood affected... Not daily at this counter keep on negative keep on attack like a life time loser.. Haha


2022-01-13 20:09 | Report Abuse

It look like 1 person used 4 account to trigger here.. Now I know sslee, dickymee, psai3alert, i3lurker these 4 account the same person.


2022-01-13 20:08 | Report Abuse

PsaI3alert, you are quite funny and joker to us ~ I buy already around 80 cents, I cannot buy again tomorrow? 0.75 cents to 0.825 cents is 10% profit.. Why not? This very fast can achieve.. Poor little psai3alert.... We have many cash.. Still can buy alot.. Don't show joke comment here and make us laugh =


2022-01-13 19:21 | Report Abuse

I will buy tomorrow around 0.75.. Then you guys see me take profit, and buy again, take profit and buy again.. ^


2022-01-13 19:20 | Report Abuse

3 account the same person replying.. 6:54pm, 6:56pm to 7:06pm, and 7:07pm.. Wohhh.. Well play.. Get a life..


2022-01-13 19:16 | Report Abuse

Seem likes these ppl don't know total over 500 counter is pressed down by RSS... Em.. Cute comments anyway.. Figure at totally no. Operation and figure with operation start next qr the same? airasia Indonesia share price fly 90% in 1 week.. As positive figure, next qr and another qr at end of may released then we only talk on figure..


2022-01-13 17:59 | Report Abuse

The funny thing is these joker. 2 years never buy and keep critical none stop, appear here and commented over 800 comnets, average at least 1 comments daily.. Wander what a life making them keep on post here none stop which never related to them


2022-01-13 14:31 | Report Abuse

Takut apa ni, 100% confirm will hit at least rm3 this year.. Cash cow with great earning company


2022-01-13 12:05 | Report Abuse

Wow, airasia Indonesia share price increased 87% last this week... This counter coming soon


2022-01-12 10:24 | Report Abuse

Sure, airasia financial start stable


2022-01-11 20:26 | Report Abuse

Already fifo many time.


2022-01-11 20:26 | Report Abuse

0.77 to 0.83 up up down down, down down up up up , tmr up to around 80cents again..


2022-01-08 17:26 | Report Abuse

Sslee you short sell at what price? =


2022-01-08 00:49 | Report Abuse

Next qr still won't see any sputnik profit for sure..


2022-01-08 00:48 | Report Abuse

If bad qr again then can see 0.13 to 0.15 next


2022-01-07 20:19 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, joker sslee, then why over 1000 counters, why not all you advise.. You advise here since March 2021, 300 days , advised over 200 times.. Hahaha we all know you are mas keybaord warroir la.. Tony's action already tell, it is his own money 250millions.. Invest in.. And they already have disccusion with those.. You don't need to worry.. So funny this sslee hahaha


2022-01-07 17:16 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, that is why don't listen to those sslee or stockraider.. They tell don't buy, buy their are the one buying later. If not why they keep on staying this counter and comments for over 6 months.


2022-01-07 12:50 | Report Abuse

Maxsuper, those are credit not tickets.. They need to use it to buy more expensive ticket. Than before.. If 1 billions.. Mean extra net profit rm500m at least within 1~2 year for guarantee. And airasia 10 years ago offer very cheap ticket price, no one will belive it can make profit.. But it does.. And make billions of profit these years... So we don't think Tony without cost and profit calculation to invest own 250millions in ri.


2022-01-07 02:32 | Report Abuse

Kfbusjd, La share will be buy back 25% yearly a start year 4 and giving 8% dividend, each year, diluted or not no one care, all of us only want it to survive.. Then next 1~3 years.. Start making billions profit back


2022-01-06 15:10 | Report Abuse

Airasia la will be above 80cents very soon


2022-01-06 14:12 | Report Abuse

need to enter us market.. Asia name néed to change.


2022-01-03 23:02 | Report Abuse

haha you keep up... If you think below 60cents possible.. Then your mind have problem.. If not possible then why you here to talk like this.. Hahah anyway, it show your mind set having issue.


2022-01-03 22:44 | Report Abuse

That is why sslee you trading today, still keep on critical 1 single counter for? If it don't suit you, then why you here keep waiting and barking? There is still many counter.. You should warn those fintech related counter may be.. =, Tony is very honest and hard and keep fighting for business, and giving up dividend to investor before and flood during this hard time, airasia helping those too, and it provide super low price, budget airline for us to everyone can fly.. Don't you think your action very shameful?


2022-01-03 22:40 | Report Abuse

Sure they will. Know.. Haha, why you think they don't know?? And this is stock market, which stock dont have risk? Smtrack have risk? But share price rise 300%, ataim safe? But 1 Dyson termination contact share price dropped 70% ... And now airasia at super low price.. You tell others this is risk..?? Risk is buy at high, but buy at low dude... It seem you are not a successful investor.. Haha


2022-01-03 22:33 | Report Abuse

It is not a doubt, they get 4 award at 2019, give 30% dividend at 2019, and carried 52millions passeager at 2018 which 2017 only 40millions, total employees expanded to 21,500 from years 2017 12,000, 2019 they want to promote and get profit at 2020 which is malaysia tourism year, but who expected this would happen?? Pls talk with clear and think with better mind sslee


2022-01-03 22:23 | Report Abuse

Sslee, why so serius to attack? Hahaha, get a life bro.. If you already many years at stock trading. You should not behave this way. =


2022-01-03 22:02 | Report Abuse

Sslee do you know 2020 is year of Malaysian tourism? That is why 2019 they promote flight which break seat record at 2019.. You can check total seated sold at 2019.. Tq


2022-01-03 21:49 | Report Abuse

Change name because they plan to go to us listing its super apps, no Asia region but the world


2022-01-03 19:02 | Report Abuse

Yes, it need to go out beyond Asia.. To reach the world


2021-12-31 17:22 | Report Abuse

Will you feel proud or will you feel shame on your behave?


2021-12-31 17:21 | Report Abuse

Dickymee, yes, we can expect you will mention the samething again in next few weeks for sure.. Even my own self less visit here, already see it at least 4 times within 1 to 2 months.. What a person.. When others need your help, you help. Not other helped you many years, then side belt the other need your help, you throw rock.. You see even airasia financial unstable, they will finance to help flooded area ppl, it is totally differnce begin a success person or other way round =


2021-12-31 13:14 | Report Abuse

Airasia even do donation for those flood affected.. What a person this dickymee..


2021-12-31 13:03 | Report Abuse

Dickymee, you think superapps is a magic, just started few months ago.. R&D, apps development cost and so on.. Grab nothing relate or only few % related.. Maybe only 5% of its superapps income of the future. It is travel, hotel, themepark ticket, travel agency and services, not only ride or food.. =. And dickymee, you keep saying this over 30 times.. So hardworking for? Haha


2021-12-31 11:22 | Report Abuse

Should 5~10%


2021-12-31 11:22 | Report Abuse

Bish bish, superapps may can help airasia gain Rm100~150millions profit each year in next 3~5 years.. Don't look down on Asia population and commision gain even it is only 3~6%,


2021-12-31 11:19 | Report Abuse

Hoot9e996, you are wrong, with omicron exist, human may no need vacinnned anymore, omicron can help us built nature immune system if omicron very very mild to us. Kena 3~5 time then human body should OK.. More over medicine now released.. We can take medicine to cure it very soon.. Currently the fear, is because it is new today. But 1 months passed , time will tell.. Another 2 months, all country will open border if omicron still remain very mild to human..


2021-12-31 10:47 | Report Abuse

Charles T, the right issue date annouced on end of Nov, which starting Oct 1 all local state travel allowed, I think Tony see improvement, only date to subscribe 350~400millions in ri


2021-12-31 10:39 | Report Abuse

That is why many loss money at market.. They can sell at much higher price for guarantee but they panic. Haha


2021-12-31 10:39 | Report Abuse

Malaysian many panic seller... That is why.. I wander 0.75 LR I cannot find any reason why sell below 0.85?? As super easy to go up 0.90..


2021-12-30 22:18 | Report Abuse

Good news, no more any private placement need by airasia, extra private placement closed by airaisa, private placement now completed.. Price can fly..Next few months

News & Blogs

2021-12-30 22:16 | Report Abuse

Year 2015, year 2016 and 2017 it still earning over 1 billions each year.. Years 2018 over 2 billions, you have missed the 30% of the cash of 2019 give away 90cents dividend to the shareholder at year 2019, sslee..


2021-12-28 21:11 | Report Abuse

After Chinese New years, everything will ba to normal


2021-12-15 22:26 | Report Abuse

Let see this is smart operator smart shark or. Stu pd shark tomorrow, see shark want own loss money. To help you guys take profit or shark own take profit and set trap for you guys? Tmr have answer


2021-12-15 22:07 | Report Abuse

We knew what happening.. Can check my previous comment above then think of it.. You will understand what is going on and going to happen.. Sharp won't push up to loss money, they push up to take profit, so those chase high and trapped money all sharp makan.. Over 30% of employee resigned, and Dyson stopped contact, until June 2022 will terminate all, I don't see any reason it can go up beyond 70 cents, or max can go may be 80cents, but reasonable price should be 40cents to 70 cents fifo these few months.. Than after march 2022 will be 35cents to 60cents fifo, invest with full knowledge why the price movement like this and that, like glove counter, all we already expected will down back.. As over supply, less demand, over competition.. Everything must make sense and logic.. If not your money once trapped then will be forever trapped.. Invest need to decide when to in and when to out, wether in future price will still come around for you to run once trapped.. Good luck


2021-12-15 20:17 | Report Abuse

All based on data, let witness how it happen.. Tomorrow and Friday


2021-12-15 19:48 | Report Abuse

Rumor and wisterblower is those who already buy in to create, it is not real or reality.. You guys can see how huge those major holder buy in.. And they cannot trade if have insider news. As unlawful . So good luck..


2021-12-15 19:41 | Report Abuse

Let see how it happen then