The One •

TheOne | Joined since 2011-01-12 23:34:49

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2017-11-23 19:59 | Report Abuse

No wonder KPF buy back.. nice results with dividend. If the confidence level go higher.. then we may expect the price to breach 2.00 soon.. :)


2017-11-06 16:53 | Report Abuse

1.89.. up 6 sen.. nice Monday start.. :)


2017-10-31 15:46 | Report Abuse

Now hit 1.92 (up 3 sen). Very persistent blockage at 1.92 tho. May it be absorbed soon !!


2017-10-30 15:29 | Report Abuse

1.90 (up 7 sen).. nice :)


2017-07-25 14:28 | Report Abuse

Just my opinion..

All FGV warrants are toilet papers now thanks to AhJeeb. I dont think he and the gangs give a damn on the FGV shareholders and its price.. hence now you can see their mentality.. and many wrongdoings by them on FGV had been made and the culpirits bailed out. AhJeeb n BN just want to win the GE.. so that these corrupted gang can continue to siphone money from rakyat. Its about time for rakyat to put a stop on this and lets work together to give a chance for a new government. Goodbye FGV and gudluck to yer all.


2017-07-21 16:55 | Report Abuse

Lets hope its a good announcement and FGV will surpass 2.0 at the least next week !!


2017-07-21 15:51 | Report Abuse

The are not blocking at the frontlines. They will also add and pull out at the right moment. Notice how the price got stucked now? Buyers also decided not to push but just accumulate. Hmm


2017-07-21 15:39 | Report Abuse

Yes.. but what if the price go up way beyond 1.85 (CV) next week? RHB/MCQ not really selling their mom's holdings but only to put up big blocks so that others will sell.. especially when the uptrend is not that strong. Thats what I mean by playing with human mentality. Very simple e.g. when you see a huge sell queues.. what will you think? When you see a huge buy queues.. ?


2017-07-21 15:25 | Report Abuse

But RHB and the notorious MCQ will most likely do their best together to cap the price when there is an uptrend. Notice the very persistent resistances? They prefer laa not to pay a cent for the 2 warrants. They are expert on playing with human mentality. They put up huge blocks and people will start disposing their holdings. Very smart indeed. Lets hope these culpirits fail miserably.. and hope buyers dont quit.. hmm


2017-07-20 16:48 | Report Abuse

My boss was an ex investment banker specialist. He told me stories that banks make tons of money by manipulating on the loopholes on cash warrants. He also said Bursa and SC knew this a long time edy.. but till now still keep a "mum" attitude towards it. Hmm.. why??


2017-07-20 16:41 | Report Abuse

Agreed bro.. Bursa just want to make money. They dont care all these unethical tactics. The more the merrier for Bursa. Do you think Bursa care about us.. haha. Oh well.. "Malaysia Boleh", right?


2017-07-20 16:18 | Report Abuse

Many anchovies incl. me.. rely on warrants to make a bit of money. But when facing brutal tactics by warrant issuers especially both hand in hand in this case.. many of us lose all our money. Bursa should look into this whereby maybe prohibit warrant issuers to trade in mother shares of the relevant warrants perhaps 3 months before the expiry. I have noticed this kind of tactics for years in many counters. But still no action from Bursa.. hmm


2017-07-20 14:16 | Report Abuse

Hmm.. looks like FGV may be able to go up further only after the C23/C24 expired. RHB and the notorious MCQ will do their best to cap the price as low as possible.. thats reality folks. Hmm..


2017-07-19 18:37 | Report Abuse

AdCool.. me concur.. :D


2017-07-19 17:16 | Report Abuse

Yesterday up 4 sen (1.62).. today up 6 sen (1.68). May tomorrow up 8 sen (1.76) and Friday up 10 sen (1.86).. hmm.. before the Felda day??


2017-07-18 16:29 | Report Abuse

How in the world Isa can escape? He should be remanded.. and his hand severed for stealing.. make it a public execution too. Instead.. he was made head of SPAD.. hmm??


2017-07-13 16:20 | Report Abuse

Bye bye C23/C24 and pity the holders. Tons of hard-earned cash gone in the wind. Lesson learned.


2017-07-12 18:35 | Report Abuse

Yes.. agreed !!


2017-07-12 16:49 | Report Abuse

If someone else.. why press down the price? Whats the purpose.. Hmm??


2017-07-12 15:45 | Report Abuse

Possible.. even 2.50 but only after C23/24 expired bcoz RHB/MCQ are obviously capping the price since the support is weak. Not ethical but profitable.


2017-07-12 15:28 | Report Abuse

RHB and MCQ are laughing making huge profit on their warrants which are worthless toilet tissues now.


2017-07-11 16:46 | Report Abuse

Sale.. sale.. sale!! C23/C24 at half sen only. Hurry.. while stock lasts!!

PS: Liang.. its obvious, right?


2017-07-10 18:56 | Report Abuse

C23/24 looks too risky.. go for C28 instead. Anyway.. best of luck ya..


2017-07-10 15:08 | Report Abuse

Looks like FGV.. may only able to go up.. after 31st July.. hmm


2017-07-06 20:01 | Report Abuse

Andy.. go with C28.. safer bet me opine. Btw.. gudluck ya..


2017-07-06 10:38 | Report Abuse

Liang Edmund: The One, don't talk rubbish politic issue at here!
06/07/2017 10:08

Hi Liang. Sorry.. but me and my friends are feeling very frustrated with Ah Jeeb for not doing anything "concrete" other than just "words" and saving his own crony.. hmm..

(removed my earlier comment)


2017-07-06 09:26 | Report Abuse

People are very dissapointed on FGV's current price and you are doing nothing and "tin kosong". So bye bye Ah Jeeb.. here comes Dr M..


2017-07-05 15:36 | Report Abuse

Many confident 1.70 is a strong support which now has turned into a strong and persistent resistance. C23/24 used to hover around 13 to 18 sen.. now worth 1.5 sen only and may turn into toilet papers soon. Many of my friends lose hundred of thousands of hard-earned cash already. Thankful to both the issuers. Very sad indeed.


2017-07-05 14:52 | Report Abuse

How in the world contract terminated just after 5 days of announcement? Hmm..??


2017-07-05 14:26 | Report Abuse

Andy88: Anyway fgv going 1.95 by end of july, when all think it drop then it rise, easy theory good morning all let watch show today
05/07/2017 08:18

Do you think RHB & MQC will allow the price to surpass 1.85? Think again ya.. especially when local funds are not supporting or pushing up the price due to weak words/intervention from Ah Jeeb..


2017-07-04 16:01 | Report Abuse

Me think Ah Jeeb no more power already. Thats why his words are pretty useless and the local funds (net SOLD) have not following his promises or trust his credibility anymore.. hmm. Oppositions have also used this opportunity to shake hands and gain more foot with the settlers.


2017-07-04 15:38 | Report Abuse

1.70 breached. Since there is no apparent strong support for FGV.. the C23 & C24 issuers will be holding hands to do their best to ensure FGV's price be capped and will not see the 1.85 (CV) light. C23 & C24 will be useless than toilet paper. Feel sad to the holders. Pity indeed.. Malaysia Boleh !!


2017-06-22 16:54 | Report Abuse

Thanks.. and you too. :)


2017-06-22 16:32 | Report Abuse

Sorry linges. I've decided to cut loss and moved on to other counters to recover back the losses. Too much stress. Goodluck and all the best ya.


2017-06-20 15:15 | Report Abuse

Normal lah people. Whenever FGV down.. these FGV haters will start singing with joy and barking here and there bcoz they missed the ealier boat and love to see others make less profit. Not sure why they dont understand that FGV is "crucial" for the soon to be announced GE. I believe these haters are the oppositions. But note laa.. today is not only FGV.. the whole KLSE is not in good mood since yesterday in which at least FGV was high green.


2017-06-19 19:53 | Report Abuse

Whatever it is.. FGV must go up. Thats why Ah Jeeb intervene.. bcoz its "crucial" for the coming GE. Everyone knows this. But of course.. oppositions are against this.. hence the FGV haters.


2017-06-19 17:27 | Report Abuse

Exactly !!!


2017-06-19 16:57 | Report Abuse

FGV close at 1.84 up 8 sen with a positive Buy Rate of 63% despite 714 counters in red. Also in the end.. the big sell queue at 1.84 all eaten. Well done indeed. Tomorrow.. SUNNY. Goodluck all.

Err.. Astro also up 7 sen.. :)


2017-06-19 16:51 | Report Abuse

Heavy trading and good support/accumulation at 2.69/2.70 despite almost 70% counters in red today. In the end.. Astro closed up 7 sen at 2.72 nice indeed. :)


2017-06-19 16:15 | Report Abuse

FGV holding well despite 750 counters in blood.. yess!


2017-06-19 15:50 | Report Abuse

Wow.. 70% counters in red.. wholly schmolly!! Come on FGV.. Astro.. plz hold ya..


2017-06-19 15:24 | Report Abuse

When price went up so fast.. profit takings will be severe and some also will follow selling especially when KLSE is also red. Neeway.. Buy Rate is still positive at 62%.


2017-06-19 14:52 | Report Abuse

If above 3? Hmm.. 20 votes from me and my siblings and families.. hehe


2017-06-19 14:45 | Report Abuse

Neeway C23/24 holders.. plz monitor and exercise care ya. The issuers will try their best to cap the price not to exceed 1.85 bcoz both CV is 1.85 and expiring next month.. hmm


2017-06-19 14:41 | Report Abuse

trumpco.. yes I'm shivering.. not sure can get that Accord or not bcoz now managed Civic only.. before was City. Shivering.. lol.. sheesh..


2017-06-19 14:34 | Report Abuse

Suddenly 1.87 hit.. wow!! :D


2017-06-19 14:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by trumpco > Jun 19, 2017 02:11 PM | Report Abuse the fine letter too...he is ACTING chairman....more nonsense to come...

Why still the hatred. Belum give up ka? Maybe you have some followers who had missed to make duit raya by now.. pity them are you not?


2017-06-19 13:47 | Report Abuse

EPF may come in again bcoz after the tussles/problems solved and now with the new chairman.. FGV has the potential to shine (one of EPF's investment criterias). Gudluck all.


2017-06-19 12:49 | Report Abuse

Up 9 sen.. Honda Civic (white color) on the way. Eh wait.. better aim for Accord now.. :D

PS: Love to see the FGV haters faces now.. hahahaha